
Chapter 2

Christa was getting very excited as she thought about all the fun she was going to have teaching her little sister a lesson. But Christa knew she had to do this carefully. If she made even one mistake she could ultimately ruin Karen's view of the opposite sex forever. And more importantly, her trust in Christa. And if things destabilized to the point that Karen's other half was to escape again and wreck havoc. Well, she could get in big trouble with the royal council...again. Just thinking about what they would do when they got their grimy paws on her gave Christa severe goosebumps. Violently shaking those thoughts out of her head, Christa began to plan.


It was midnight in Nimata, and Karen was locked tight in her room again. Having finished her nightly duties an hour earlier, she was happily looking forward to reading a good book and playing catch up with her new gaming system. The two of which she liked to call her bestest of friends. Though as Karen proceeded to go through her prized gaming collection she couldn't help but think about someone she had met earlier that night. A young man who had helped her. What was his name again? Ryan? Yes, Ryan that's what the guard had said.

Normally, Karen didn't get caught up in such trivial things as boys and love. But to be honest this time something was different. This one intrigued Karen. The reason why was anyone's guess. And a tough one at that. Maybe Christa could help her figure it out if she wasn't too busy.

Speaking of which, there were some rather obnoxious sounds coming from the room next to Karen's. Karen sighed as she listened to the telltale familiar groaning of Christa's second bed. Yet again her sister was up to something. So who was it this time, Karen wondered. At that moment, someone suddenly screamed causing Karen to leap into the air.

"What did I tell you about screaming?" Christa hissed. "Are you trying to wake up my sister?"

"But princess-" A second voice started. That one is a young higher Nimatian-.

"But nothing! Be silent or I'm going to have your brother's head cut off first thing in the morning!"

Karen gasped.

"Now do as I say." Christa said. "Get on the floor. Yes like that. Now turn this way."

Karen heard a low moan from next door followed by a lot of air being displaced.

"There. Is that better? I'll bet it is."

For the next several minutes Karen listened to the continuous shrieking and moaning coming from her sister's room. While she didn't approve of Christa's actions of late, like this one for example, Karen still put up with them. Not because Christa had threatened her with more banishment. No, Christa wasn't even aware Karen knew of her bi-weekly explorations. What really kept Karen from getting involved in Christa's personal affairs was a small inclination in the back of Karen's mind to take part. An urge that Karen had tried her best to ignore but seemed to be slowly losing to.

Christa gave a loud moan. "Okay, that's enough. Go home. I'm done with you for now."

"Yes princess."

Karen listened as a door opened and closed quietly. This was immediately followed by someone walking down the hall and some heart-wrenching crying. The latest of her sister's victims. And most certainly not the last.

How many more would have to endure this before Christa was satisfied? How many more relationships torn apart? Innocent virgins made to…

Karen jumped up from the bed and quickly strolled to the door. She had enough of this nonsense. It was time she and her sister had a little talk.


It was early morning as the young maid silently made her way through the royal garden pushing a cart loaded with the finest Nimatian sweets and the richest tea. Chosen by Karen herself, the maid was entrusted with serving both princesses as they had their important meeting. An honor she would've enjoyed more if it weren't for the guards.

Sighing silently, the maid walked toward the second group of burly guards between her and the princesses. As usual at least one of them was caught eyeing her small flank as they checked the safety of everything on the cart. After a moment she was given the go ahead, along with a playful pat on the back from one of the older men.

Toward the center of the garden was a raised platform with a large gazebo resting upon it. Various whistling birds and small chattering animals played happily around the impressive structure. While bathed in bright sunlight, the kingdom's two rulers sat on personal lounge chairs and listened to an up-and-coming cellist playing soothing music in the background. Both sisters looked up as the maid approached with her cart of goodies.

"Um, your t-t-tea." The maid said as she nervously placed a tray upon the table between the princesses. "I hope it is to y-y-your liking."

Karen smiled at the maid and gave a nod. "Thank you Mirabelle. You did well."

Christa didn't say anything as she grabbed a cup. Taking a sip she continued to eye the maid, much to Mirabelle's discomfort. Then suddenly as she reached for a pastry, Christa threw the cup at the girl's head.

"Sister!" Karen gasped as she jumped to her feet.

Mirabelle screamed as shattered glass and scalding liquid made contact with her skin. Instantly, two guards appeared with a doctor and stretcher. Both guards struggled to keep her flailing limbs to her sides as the doctor took a look at the wounds.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Christa shouted. "You actually had the audacity to serve me tea?"

Mirabelle didn't answer. She had screaming to attend to.

"Everyone knows I only drink the strongest coffee in the morning. For this, I will hunt down your family and make them all my personal slaves!"

The maid gave a shriek as she was lifted onto the stretcher. Crying hysterically she was swiftly taken from the princesses' sight.

With a nod at Karen, Christa grabbed a pastry and began to eat.

There was an awkward silence as the sisters stared at each other. Karen with a cold glare and Christa happily enjoying her pastries.

As Christa started on her sixth tart Karen cleared her throat. "Dear sister, I'm waiting."

"Hm? For what?"

"I thought we talked about this. Did you really have to do that?"

"Why whatever do you mean? Do what Karen?"

"You know what. You made Mirabelle cry. Not to mention put her in the hospital."

"Did I? I don't recall." Glancing at Karen slyly, Christa started to work on the other treats. "Poor little thing. Really should've known I hated tea. Not my fault she's stupid."

Karen didn't say anything.

"Am I right? What kind of fool doesn't know what their princess likes and dislikes? A loser that's who."

Again Karen remained silent.

"Anyway past aside. Why did you call me here dear sister? Don't tell me this is about that stupid convention you keep trying to get me to go to?"

Karen shook her head. "It is not stupid sis. It happens to be the greatest collection of-"

"Nerds? Yeah, I can't argue with that. Maybe you should take your other friends. I'm sure you have plenty who would go in my stead."

Karen bit into her lower lip.

"Besides, I'd prefer to not be associated with degenerates if it can be helped. You know that."

"We are not degenerates." Karen replied, grabbing a biscuit. "We just don't get along well with the real world. It's totally normal to do what we do."

"Uh huh. Whatever you say Karen. Whatever you say." Christa smirked.

Karen mumbled and sipped her tea.

For a few moments neither princess said anything. Christa happily partook of the delicacies while humming to herself. While Karen silently thought about something. Occasionally, she would let out something like a cross between a whimper and a whine out of her pursed lips. Each time this happened Karen would hurriedly look over at Christa to make sure she hadn't heard. This went on for half an hour according to the big clock on the East Tower.

As she looked out at the garden before them, Christa spoke. "Sister its time we found you a boyfriend."

Instantly, Karen choked on the biscuit she had been nibbling happily on. An attendant briskly rushed over to help her as she pounded her chest repeatedly. After a couple moments of issuing the heimlich maneuver Karen eventually managed to expel the biscuit.

Once she had caught her breath, Karen turned back to Christa. "Excuse me?"

"Listen to me sister. You've been locked in your room for far too long. That is not the way someone as beautiful as yourself should live."

Karen scoffed. "Beautiful? Yeah right. Everypony knows you're the beautiful one sis."

"That may be true a little." Christa replied as she shook her head. "But have you not seen the way young men look at your body? Not to mention your butt..."

"M-My butt?"

"Yes such a small thing. But nice nonetheless."

"My butt?" Karen repeated.

"So many to choose from as well. But who says you have to stop at one? You're a princess. You can have as many as you want."

"No." Karen whispered.

"Your own harem. What fun!"

"No." Karen said.

"And if you're not into guys. Well don't fret. There are plenty women like that. We can make it work."

"That's enough!" Karen stated, her eyes full of a seriousness Christa had only seen once before. "We are not a lesbian dear sister!"

"Then why are you so against coming with me when I mingle with the common folk? Answer me that!"

"Because it is not right to do what thou does."

"Are you afraid, is that it? Poor wittle KayKay is afraid?"

"No! Nothing scares us"

"Then what is it? Tell me!"

"I-It's none of your business!" Karen shouted looking away.

Christa's face returned to a look of absolute business, her mouth beginning to form a slight smirk. Though Karen heard a sigh of contentment come from her, she did not speak. For a moment, Christa stared into Karen's downcast eyes as if reading her soul. Then, "So that's it."

"What?" Karen asked looking up.

Simply nodding her head Christa chuckled. "I can't believe it actually happened. And without my help too. Who would've thought?"

"What?" Karen repeated.

"No wonder she's been in her room more often. And the reason she's acting so hostile. He's making her...yes that's got to be it."

"He? What are you talking about?"

Suddenly Christa stood up and jumped on Karen.

"Sister!" gasped Karen.

"So who is he? What's his name? How did you two meet? Tell me everything!"

Karen pulled herself out from under her sister causing Christa to roll over and hit the ground. "What is thou speaking of? Hast thou sister lost her mind?"

"No, but you certainly lost yours."Christa answered getting up. "If not a few other things as well."

Karen glared. "Speak plainly sister. Now."

Christa shrugged. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Karen. I might be a little bit older than you but even I can still see through the blizzard. You might be in denial but I'm not. I can tell you're in love. Now who the heck is it?"

Karen slowly shook her head as she grabbed a biscuit. "You are crazy."

"So I am right huh? I thought so."

"You are insane dear sister. That is what you are."

"You're still going to deny it?"

"There is no denying something that is not true to begin with."

"Fine be that way." Christa raised a hand. "Nicolas!"

Immediately, a guard appeared. "Yes your highness?"

"What are you doing?" Karen asked

"What do you think? If you're not going to tell me who the luck person is. I just thought I'd take it upon myself to find out and...maybe speed things up." Christa turned back to the guard. "I want you to violently wake up the Night Guard Captain and Assistant Captain. I want to have a word with them."

"Yes your highness." The guard saluted before leaving the garden.

"You can't do that!" Karen cried. "What I do when I'm on my own is none of your concern!"

Christa smirked. "Oh, but it is dear sister of mine. Oh, but it is. Every juicy detail of your life is my concern. Have you not figured that out yet?"

"Oh yeah?" Karen shouted. "I'm leaving! You can't control that!" Grabbing more biscuits Karen rushed from the garden.

Celestia chuckled softly as she watched her go. "I know how shy you can be Karen. But not to worry, dear big sister Christa is here to help." Grinning widely, Christa grabbed a cup of tea and blew on it. Taking a sip she whispered, "To be honest. This isn't half bad. Probably the best I've tasted lately."