
Chapter 1

I shivered violently, more from not knowing where I was than from the actual cold. The light in the room is dim, the only source coming from a few candles spread around the room. Each candle gave off a sweet smell that for some reason seemed to be helping my nerves a bit. Under my soles was one of the softest carpets I've ever felt. And in the distance, a radio played some kind of soothing music. Classical maybe? Jazz? No, it had to be classical. There was a good amount of string instruments.

Overall, it seemed like I was on vacation. Well, if you ignored that the door was heavily locked down with various chains and locks to prevent me from escaping. Not that I would get close to the door while I was tied to my seat. Whoever did these knots deserved credit. They did a great job.

As if on cue, I heard the telltale low thuds of someone walking down the cobblestone stairs. After what felt like centuries, the door slowly creaked open just enough to allow someone to peek inside. Though I couldn't see the face, I made out a couple of small turquoise eyes studying me through the crack. They peered at me for a few moments, before disappearing behind the door again.

Heart ramming against my chest, I waited to see what would happen.

And then the door slid open fully, and there in the pale light of the candles I saw my captor. A small cloaked figure with turquoise eyes, and a flowing swirl of brown hair.

For a moment I just sat there dumbfounded, unable to do anything besides stare at the princess. My eyes locked with hers. And as I watched her slowly walking toward me I couldn't help but notice a slight glow emanating from them. Was this for real? Am I dreaming? What kind of sick joke was my mind playing on me?

"So you're awake?" She whispered pacing around me. I could feel her eyes drilling through my skull as she dissected me. "So, um. How are you feeling? Any sickness or anything?"

I slowly shook my head, the motion seeming to take the same amount of energy as climbing a steep incline.

She stopped pacing and grabbed my head between both of her palms. "Are you sure? Think really hard about this," She said. "The tranquilizers my sister likes to use can really pack a punch. Many of her chosen toys have been known to not make it through the ordeal."

Again, it's an arduous task as I slowly shook my head. Tranquilizers? What tranquilizers? Sister? Was she talking about the other princess?

She sighed heavily, allowing my head to drop again. "That's a relief. Usually when she kidnaps someone they end up getting severe brain damage or a broken rib cage. I'm glad she was at least cautious with you."

I didn't say anything. Grasping at straws, my brain tried its best to comprehend what was happening.

"So, um. Have you figured out why you're here?" She asked, continuing her examination down my arms.

I just stared silently. Having given up on headshakes for a while.

She sighed. "I guess not. Though I really should have expected as much. It's not like I knew everything at first either. I mean, imagine my surprise when I had learned! Why would she had done this to you? Let's just say we're not going to be talking to each other for a while."

Glancing at me shyly, she slid a hand through my short mop of hair. Standing there for a moment, her long eyelashes batting softly. Like a beautiful statue. So much like the princess I had always admired. The one I had dreamed of someday having for my own.

Wait a minute. Am I going crazy? I mean what kind of kidnapping is this? Plush room. Scented candles. Beautiful girl who seems to actually care about my well being. Am I on candid camera or something?

Suddenly the princess sat up. She grabbed the back of my head with her hands and swiftly kissed me on the mouth.

Hot breath passed over my face as I watched her pull away again. There was a small devious grin on her face as a small sigh of utter contentment passed from her mouth.

She walked back to the door shaking her hips suggestively, and giving me an excellent view of her body as she did so. From the way she walked, I found myself awarded with an excellent view of her rear as it swayed in a hypnotic manner. Though I tried my best not to enjoy it. Unfortunately, I could already feel parts of my body starting to respond accordingly.

When she got to the door she turned back toward me and closed her eyes. Her hands started to glow brightly. A beautiful shade of purple that gave way to a small vial of red liquid, followed by a syringe with a huge needle. She opened her eyes and smiled widely.

I swallowed hard, trying my best to sink through the floor. Unfortunately I didn't seem to have that ability, so all I was able to do was flip over onto my back and break the wooden chair. But that didn't stop me from still attempting to get to my feet so I could run. I might not exactly know what was going on but that did not mean I was going to stay for it.

"Oh, don't be scared." She purred, a seductive sway in her hips as she walked back to me still struggling on the floor. "I'm not going to hurt you. This is just something that needs to be done. And afterwards. Dear sister says you can be mine forever!"

I stopped struggling. Forever? What the heck was she talking about?

Suddenly the chair and my steel bonds were gone as she laid on my chest. Before I had a chance to react to my newfound freedom, her lips are on mine as she gently kissed me. She gave a low moan as she grabbed the back of my head and forced her tongue into my mouth.

This went on for a full minute. Then, as I started to relax. Something jabbed me in the neck!

Crying out, I flipped over on top of her.

"I'm sorry it hurts. But this is necessary for us to be able to live happily in the future. So don't fight it." She said, her voice faltering. "I promise everything will be fine when this is done."

For a moment, she actually sounded sincere. Like everything really would be alright. And then she stabbed me hard in the chest with another syringe.

I let out a small whimper as fear slowly took over my mind. Instantly I completely lose the ability to move my limbs. Then my vision flicked off. Next a searing hot bolt of energy shot through my body and into my mind. My every being was on fire as I screamed for her to stop the pain. For ten full minutes, I begged her with everything I had to let me go. To put me out of my misery.To do anything that could prevent this torture.

But she didn't.

"I'm sorry." She repeated from somewhere in the darkness. "It's for the best. You'll see that eventually."