

Jukora feng is a boy who was weak but with his determination became the strongest in the un of immortal taoist

Chukwudi_Ndekweme · SF
2 Chs

2)spirit monk

Feng ran deep into the forest, he kept on running till he was sure that no one was chasing him then sat down near a tree as he phants heavily then he could catch up his breath as he could breathe normally "heww" he said as he cleaned the sweat on his head with a swipe of an arm then he said to himself "that wo have been a close one" then he looked puzzled and asked himself "why didn't they follow me, they are afraid of the forest huh" he smiled "well am not," he looked around "What bizzar forest, I can hardly see here, o well I will spend the night under that tree there then tomorrow I will return back to the village" feng went to the tree and looked around to check for any danger, after five minutes of checking he finally lay down and slept off.

It was morning, feng woke up all tied up in a cave, he tried to free himself by shaking but did not work, then he looked front and saw a bald man on white dress meditating he looked like a monk, feng said "mister, please I am poor, I have no family, you wouldn't get a dime from me and my life would me nothing if you killed me, please let me go" the man didn't do or say anything. Feng was annoyed by this but he had no choice but to beg but the man didn't budge he kept on meditating, soon enough, feng knew he was talking on deaf ears so he kept quiet and cried. Soon, after three hours, the monk opened his eyes as he looked at the person he captured as he said "I would have killed you but you were innocent, so I decided to bring you here" feng slowly brought up his head and said" please, let me go" the monk smiled at him and said "as I want to kill you but my soul doesn't allow me" feng became sorrowful as tears ran down his cheeksas he said while sobbing" please let me go, it wouldn't pay if you kill me "the monk suddenly laughed at what he said" who said I wanted it to pay, I am killing for fun" then the monk disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of feng and placed his hand on feng neck about to snap his neck like a twig then he said with a wicked smile "tell me, why shouldn't I kill you" feng who was crying said "it was not my fault I came to your forest, the Prince and his guards chanced me into the forest. The monk looked at him knowing his innocence, stop strangling and snaped his fingers and the rope which tied feng disappeared as feng fell on the floor and the monk said "but you see allowed to go free, I will as sk you of two favours and you must agree"