
Academy of Chaos

“…… She’s a failure from birth” The words of her Grandmother echoed continuously in Yetunde’s head, as she aimlessly wandered the forest, with tears running down her pitiful eyes. Her attention and interest immediately got piqued, when she heard an eerie but peaceful song, alongside a cluster of weird but beautiful glowing particles, originating from a cave, deep within the treacherous ends of the forest. At the entrance of the cave, she felt a grotesque energy surge, which for some reason attracted her towards itself, thereby distorting her sense of reasoning. On entering the cave, Yetunde was immediately greeted by a group of infuriated witches. Originally wanting to kill her for intruding, Yetunde finds redemption and solace in the coven. The Queen of the Coven, Ella, surprisingly gifts Yetunde with a rare Arcane treasure, which she believed would help the young girl out of her present predicament. Shortly after the encounter with the witches, Yetunde was suddenly accepted to school at the most prestigious Academy of magic, known famously as “Solaris Arcane Academy”. Her acceptance was due to the sudden awakening of her innate Affinity. Not only gaining popularity, she gained superiority and soon found herself in an environment of both people who despise her and those who loves her. Making both friends and enemies in her new school, Yetunde and her peers wakes to find themselves on a rollercoaster of action, horror, drama, love, tragedy and other thrilling experiences. After going on countless quests and adventures, Yetunde soon discovered a shocking truth behind her existence. It dawned on her after a brief encounter with her previous incarnation. In her previous life, she was famously known as “The Witch of Chaos”, a human God, whose name got forgotten in time, right after her inglorious Battle with the dreaded Demon Lord, Jarzodon. Unlike other humans, she had an abstract affinity which allowed her to comprehend the seven basic Elemental forces of Nature and after further comprehension of these elements, she was able to awaken a far bizarre Affinity called “Chaos”. With her new profound Affinity, Yetunde soon rises through the ranks of her peers, becoming one of the most powerful Mage, the world as ever seen, as she prepared for her fated battle against The Demon Lord of Malevolence. Immediately after the defeat of the Demon Lord, a new foe rose with an Eldritch Affinity, far greater than that of The Witch of Chaos. Easily defeating Yetunde, The New Witch of Chaos, This new foe began to plunged the universe into a state of disorder and darkness. Yetunde, not willing to accept defeat, joined forces with her peers and family, and with this new power, she challenged her foe to another duel. After defeating this new threat, The Witch of Chaos returned the universe to it’s former state of serenity, restoring peace to the world. Shortly after her battle, Yetunde was forced to relinquish her humanity, in order to transcend into Godhood. What would she do? Will she abandon her humanity and became a God or will she forsake Godhood?

David_Volpir · ファンタジー
28 Chs

CHAPTER 18: Evolution

Suddenly, Principal Nelson and the other Head Instructors, excluding Clark walked into the Facility and was immediately greeted by the carnage inflicted by the students battle.

"Blake, what the hell did you do?" Nelson furiously exclaimed.

"I didn't do anything, only did my job and nothing else!" Blake awkwardly replied, caressing his hair .

"Then, would you care to explain this!" Nelson furiously commented, waving his hands at the carnage in front of him.

"Well, it's technically not my fault!" Blake said, shrugging his shoulder.

"Then who's fault is it?" Rosa the Head Instructor of the Abstract Faction responded, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"It was the students. I and Clark held a Combat Assessment Exercise to test the skill set of our students. Everything started good until he came, Jason Grey. FYI, that kid is extremely violent, he even sent of one of My Students to the hospital!" Blake angrily said.

"Hmm, I knew he was violent but I didn't know it was to that extent!" Nelson thought to himself, stroking this chin.

"Where is he?" Nelson curiously inquired, staring at Blake.

"He's in the hospital… Clark took him there!" Blake nonchalantly answered, waving his hand at his Boss.

"What do you mean, He's in the hospital?" Asami, Head Instructor of the Water Faction, confusedly exclaimed.

"Why is he in the hospital? Nelson inquired.

"Reynolds almost killed him!" Blake slowly whispered. Despite his whisper, the Head Instructors and Nelson heard what he said clearly.

"What the hell did you say!" Nelson furiously inquired.

"I said Reynolds almost killed him!" Blake said loudly, further shocking Nelson.

"But you've got to give Rey some credit, if not for him Jason would have actual killed a student!" Blake proudly boasted, giving himself a little pat on his back.

"That doesn't matter, both those brats are in serious trouble!" Nelson viciously exclaimed, shocking Blake.

"So, it was the clash between Reynolds and Jason that created this Carnage!" Lucas, Head of The Light Faction, curiously inquired.

"Not exactly!" Blake wryly commented.

"Really!" Lucas shockingly exclaimed.

"Well you see, Rey's battle did tear up the arena but it wasn't to this extent…. It was Yetunde's battle!" Blake promptly responded.

"Yetunde!" Asami confusedly asked, staring at Blake.

"Are you serious?" Lucas inquired.

"You're joking… She just newly awakened her Affinity, how can she be effective in using it, up to this extent!" Rosa commented.

"Believe me when I say this, that girl didn't just awaken her Affinity. She's skilled in both Arcane Based, Affinity Based and The Merged Form… It was like she was someone else when she fighting!" Blake furiously explained.

"Someone else you say!" Lupercio suddenly said, breaking the momentary silence.

"Yes… The point I'm trying to make is that, with the power she showed me today, I'm convinced that she isn't supposed to be a First Year student!" Blake promptly said.

"Hmm, Blake might be childish and irresponsible, but he is no doubt the strongest Instructor in the entire school and if he approves of a Students ability, that means Yetunde must be extremely strong" Nelson thought to himself, stroking his chin in curiosity.

"How strong is this girl?" Asami thought to herself, obviously shocked to hear Blake's testimony.

"Maybe Her Father wasn't being totally honest about the time she got awakened?" Thomas, Head of the Earth Faction, curiously inquired, staring at his colleagues.

"No… I spoke with her father right after the Induction ceremony and he was also shocked as the rest of us!" Nelson promptly commented still stroking his chin.

"That means, she hid her ability from her own father!" Rosa exclaimed.

"Hmm, I wonder what else she's hiding!" Lupercio slyly said, wearing a slight smirk.

"Also, her opponent, Vanessa Hart, was equally strong and the clash between those Titan's caused this massive carnage!" Blake furiously exclaimed, pointing his hand at the wrecked arena.

"What I'm trying to say is that, these students possess a frightening amount of power which is rather abnormal for their class" Blake added, colliding his fist into each other.

"Humans are evolving!" Lucas said.

"Yes… We humans are evolving and this evolution just destroyed our usual power rating.. This Next generation will be boiling immense power and if we aren't ready to contain this immense amount of power, it will definitely become a problem!" Blake exclaimed, wearing a furious frown.


In the Halls of Solaris Academy, three youths were seen waltzing through. One of them was actually a male while the Latter two were females. This group of students were obviously Reynolds, Vanessa and Yetunde.

"Nice to meet you Vanessa!" Reynolds brightly said.

"It's nice to meet you too Reynolds!" Vanessa immediately replied.

"Whoa, your fight was epic!" Vanessa promptly added.

"Thanks but it wasn't as awesome as yours!" Reynolds replied, waving his hand at Vanessa.

"You two are crazy strong… I can't wait to fight you!" Reynolds exclaimed, excitedly colliding his fist together.

Hearing what Rey said, Yetunde immediately released a hearty chuckle, giving him a slight pat on his back, "Why do you wanna fight us?".

"It's simple, if you fight strong people, you'll more stronger!" Reynolds said as he continued to pummel his fist together.

"And why do you want to get stronger?" Yetunde inquired, staring earnestly at Reynolds.

"It's because, being more stronger is just Cool!" Reynolds brightly exclaimed, grabbing the attention of other students who were in the hallway.

"Was I too loud?" Reynolds curiously inquired, noticing the glares the Other students have him.

"Yup!" Vanessa answered.

"Oops, my bad!" Reynolds calmly whispered.

"You can't be serious!" Yetunde inquired, staring at Reynolds.

"Is they another reason for someone to become stronger!" Both Vanessa and Reynolds curiously inquired.

"You too Vanessa?" Yetunde curiously inquired.

"Yeah, I too want to become stronger because it's cool!" Vanessa said.

"Well, I also want to become stronger, so I can destroy and vanquish all my enemies!" Vanessa sadistically exclaimed.

"Dark!" Yetunde and Reynolds simultaneously whispered.

"How about, helping the people you love, saving the world, that kind of stuff" Yetunde said.

"No thanks, I like my idea better, to vanquish my enemies!" Vanessa said, releasing a maniacal laugh.

"Dark!" Yetunde and Reynolds simultaneously whispered.

"How about you Yetunde, why do you want to be stronger?" Vanessa curiously inquired.

"I made a promise to someone!" Yetunde promptly answered.

"Is the person dead?" Reynolds inquired with his interest piqued to it's peak.

"No… No.. No, she isn't dead!" Yetunde replied frantically waving her hands in the air.

"Okay, so what's the promise?" Vanessa asked, staring at Yetunde for immediate answers.

"I promised her that I'd become stronger, so people will know that I'm not a failure" Yetunde said, obviously referring to Ella, the Queen Witch of the Coven.

"That's Deep!" Reynolds commented.

"Your resolve is fine but I still like mine better…. Vanquish my enemies, making them bow before me!" Vanessa said, releasing a sinister cackle.

"Dark!" Yetunde and Reynolds simultaneously whispered.

"So where are you guys heading to?" Yetunde asked.

"I'm heading over to see my Dad, with what I pulled off today, he's gonna be angry!" Reynolds replied, awkwardly caressed his crimson's hair.

"How about you Vanessa?" Yetunde inquired, shifting her attention to Crazy teenage girl beside her.

"I'm heading to the Cafeteria. After our fight, I am hungry!" Vanessa promptly answered, caressing her flat abdomen.

"Alright!" Yetunde brightly said.

"How about you Yetunde?" Reynolds curiously inquired.

"I'm heading towards the Library!" Yetunde immediately answered.

"Again!" Reynolds confusedly blurted.

"You are such a Nerd!" Vanessa commented wryly.

"No, I'm not!" Yetunde immediately replied.

"Yes you are!" Reynolds responded.

Whatever you say you two!" Yetunde said, leaving her friends behind.

"Have fun reading books!" Vanessa wryly exclaimed.

"I will!" Yetunde annoyingly replies, stomping her feet on the ground.

"Nerd!" Vanessa and Reynolds simultaneously whispered, hysterically laughing.

After this, both of them separated ways, with Reynolds heading to the Principal's Office, Vanessa to the Cafeteria and Yetunde to the Library.

In the Library,

Yetunde was seen at an Aisle, going through a set of books which were arranged on an exotic bookshelf which was obviously a product of Arcatech. As she browed through the aisle, you stumbled on a book which was apparently what she was looking for.

Without further hesitation, she reached for the book but was halted by another person who also wanted the book.

"Huh?" Both parties blurted, staring earnestly at each other.

The second party was none other than Chioma, the girl who was enrolled a Rare grade Affinity called Primordial Ice. Her short brown hair was luxurious as ever, her bright fair skin was lustrous and her white colored eyes were as cold as ever. She earnestly stared at Yetunde, as they slowly retracted their hand form the book.

"You can have the book if you want!" Yetunde whispered.

Before Yetunde could finish her sentence, Chioma immediately walked away, leaving Yetunde dumbstruck.

"What was that all about?" She said, sighing in relief.

Immediately, she reached out for the book and took it, heading towards the Librarians counter. On her way towards the counter, she was met by an eerie figure. The figure took the shape of a student, walking passed Yetunde.

Instinctively, Yetunde froze up as she could actually sense the grotesque energy oozing out of the weird student. The energy was deathly cold and immediately the figure walked out of the Library, Yetunde regained her self-consciousness, while she heavily panted for breath.

"What… hell…. was that?"

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