
Abyssal Phoenix - Multiverse

I just wrote this cuz I was bored. No romance. its gonna be fast paced. CURRENT WORLD IS WARHAMMER 40k MC is a crow who is reincarnated into the monsterverse and is born in the hollow earth. She gets stronk real fast and eats things to get stronger like Rimuru. She has a human form eventually, but doesn't use it all too often. She a big girl too. 1st - Legendary Monsterverse (Big Arc) 2nd - Pacific Rim (Short Arc) 3rd - Power Rangers (for half a chapter) 4th- Warhammer 40k (for less than half a chapter) 5th- Tensura (Big Arc) 6th- Solo Leveling (Short Arc) 7th - Warhammer 40k (Big Arc) 8th - Overlord (Big Arc)

Sorrest · アニメ·コミックス
119 Chs

Earth Gets a Goddess

Sera stands in front of a stunned group of students, having just killed the S-rank orc with ease. Killing it within seconds, when it defeated Jinah like she was nothing. Sera speaks up,

"Well, no use in taking more time than is necessary."

She lifts up her hand, where a small black orb appears. Exactly 162 bullets leave the orb and hunt down their prey. One bullet for each orc. The bullets hunt the orcs with impunity, not caring for what body part they hit. They tear through arms and legs as if they were paper, wreaking havoc through the body as they tear through them before ending in a miniature explosion in the skull. Within seconds, all orcs are dead.

Sera thinks to herself,

'Heh, I'd be a perfect character in a certain indie game!'


[Switch to Sera POV]

I walk over to Jinah, who's still reeling slightly from the attack. I kneel in front of her and hold her chin between my fingers. I get her to look up at me and speak,

"It was hard wasn't it?"

Tears begin falling from Jinah's eyes as her tough front she was putting on cracks. I feel a slight pang in my heart… which shocks me… I don't honestly care about anyone from these worlds… Only person that's not part of my family that I truly care about is Milim… it's weird. I dunno if I like it.

I wipe away her tears and open my arms,

"You're safe now, child. I'm here for you."

Jinah begins sobbing loudly and moves into my arms, putting her hands up on her cheeks and crying into my chest. I wrap my arms and wings around her protectively, warming her up. I rub the back of her head and hold her close.

This heartwarming moment however, is rudely interrupted. By the worried older brother.

The wall suddenly bursts open and I feel a dagger being swung down at me. I ignore it. Nothing on this planet could even begin to hope to scratch a single feather on my wings. Much less from a weak little C-rank. The dagger bounces off my wing with a clanging noise. Unfazed, Jinwoo proceeds to try punching me, breaking his wrist on my wing. Jinah, who can sense her brother, yells out,


Jinwoo, who was about to swing at me with his other arm, stops dead in his tracks. He asks,

"Why? Didn't she kill all your classmates?"

Jinah shakes her head no as I open my wings for her and continues,

"No! She saved me! Can't you tell through that thing you put in my shadow?!"

Jinwoo jumps as he hears this, then speaks up,

"How did you…"

Then, he senses it. He senses the traces of mana in his sister. He's stunned for a second, and asks a question,

"Y-you're an A-rank?!"

Jinah nods her head,

"Yeah! Now spill it!"

Jinwoo thinks for a second and sighs,

"While I did place some guards on you and mom, I can't see what they see. I can only feel what they feel. So, the high orcs I placed on you were feeling panicked because they couldn't get out of your shadow. But now, we need to talk about how you awakened. Why wasn't I told about this?"

Jinah shakes her head,

"No, oppa. We can talk about that later. When the goddess isn't around. Apologize to her!"

Jinah gets an annoyed look on her face as she points to me. I smile amicably, trying to hold back the rage I'm feeling right now. Man being a goddess definitely gives you a sense of pride. Even though I know he was just trying to protect his sister, it still pisses me off that he believed he could do anything if I truly wanted to kill her. I speak up,

"Don't worry, Jinah. I understand a brother's desire to protect his sister. I would rather have him get you out of here before the nasty work begins."

Jinah once again shakes her head,

"If I'm wanting to be a hunter, I need to get used to death."

Jinwoo is about to protest, but Jinah stops him,

"Brother, I'm not like regular hunters. That's all I'll say for now. Just know that I've thought this through many times."

Jinwoo closes his mouth and nods his head. Then, I speak up again,

"While you do need to get used to death, it doesn't need to happen using your schoolmates. Though, I won't force you to leave. I plan on performing a miracle soon too."

Jinah looks at me with confusion,


Instead of answering, I smile at her and teleport away. I teleport in front of the hunters who were about to enter the school and speak to them,

"Mortals, I am the Goddess of death, life, and fertility. I have graced this school with my presence due to the danger my apostle was facing. It is tragic. Children just barely taking a step into adulthood being mercilessly cut down by beings who do not belong. Thus, I shall resurrect them. Be sure to give them counseling, as death is not an easy state to return from. Lasting trauma may afflict their minds. If you wouldn't mind, I would ask of you a favor: bring their bodies outside and lay them in the grass. I would not wish for the children to awaken in a pool of their own blood."

The hunters of course take up battle positions. And they, of course, ignore my question. Haaaaah, humans are so predictable. I continue to speak,

"Very well, I shall do it myself."

I turn around and wave my hand at the school, casting a mass teleportation spell on every dead student and placing them in rows on the grass. Over 200 were killed in this attack, with the rest having escaped or been part of Jinah's classroom. I teleport Jinah, her classmates, and her brother to the other side of the walkway, to keep them away from the bodies, and begin my work.

I teleport down beside the body of the first student. A young woman with a cut straight through the collarbone and into the heart. I place her head on my lap and begin my work. I put my finger on the wound closest to the heart as a black mist leaves my hand and begins healing the cut. As I trace it up to the collarbone, the girl begins to stir. Her eyes open slowly as I give her a warm smile. I speak softly,

"Welcome back, child."

She begins tearing up and wraps her arms around my waist as the trauma from her death begins eating away at her already. I hear a voice come from the crowd as a woman runs up to her, I'm guessing it's her mother.


Right on the nose. The girl lets go of me and instead clings to her mother. The slightly aged woman speaks to me,

"Th-thank you so much! Hic. How can we ever repay you?!"

I put a hand on her shoulder and speak,

"Treat your daughter well. It may take some more effort now as opposed to before her death, but I only ask that you give her a happy life."

The mother begins crying some more as I say this, and several parents also begin crying as they manage to find their sons or daughters corpses among the rows.

Honestly, it feels nice being the good guy for once. I suppose I'll be a force for good this time. Though, the next world is definitely gonna feel my wrath that I've bottled up from this one.


AN: heads up, you can read chapters in advance on pat.reon! i think i got like 7 extra chapters or something? Cheng Fenfang is also currently being uploaded over there as well! the link is pat.reon.com/sorrestwriting (delete the .)

can you put yo stones in my jaw? stones in my jaw? can youuuuuu, can you? can youuuuuu, oh youuuu. can you put yo stones in my jaw? stones in my jaw?