
Abyssal Lord of the Magi World

I, Zatiel, Abyssal Lord, Ruler of Death and Destruction, Nightmare of Dys, have AWOKEN!!!!!. His life contains events that can shake the universe: -Fighting against Tiamat, Creator of Evil Dragonkind, in the first circle of hell, while billions of demons and devils butcher each other beneath them -Start a World War against the Heavenly Race, and transform himself into a Golden Sun while he slaughters their greatest warriors, the Archangel. -Enter the Final Gate and fight against the Outer Gods. -Tearing the nine levels of Baator during his battles against the Prince of Evil, Asmodeus. With his memories as a ruler of the Abyss and a Universal Existence, Zatiel will rise again. English is not my first language. Critics are well received. I don't own the cover image. If the author wants me to remove it, contact me. Discord link: https://discord.gg/DEscDar

Redsunworld · ファンタジー
1062 Chs

Regeneration against defense

Enveloped in golden flames, Zatiel began assessing his enhanced condition, utilizing the chip to detect even the most subtle changes.

'My body has significantly improved, particularly in speed and physique. These flames originate not from my abyss aura but from the small sun within my new heart. Controlling them seems to be linked with my third eye,' he mused.

These golden flames were extraordinary, even by Zatiel's standards.

He attempted to merge his abyss aura with the small sun in his heart, only to watch it get consumed without any loss of energy, a feat that astonished him. Typically, energy transformation involved some loss, but here, it was a perfect conversion.

Focusing his third eye, Zatiel found he could manipulate the golden flames more effectively. This eye enabled him to utilize the life energy within the flames and offered him insights into the flow of energies around him. Observing Ezequiel and Sophia, he could see the abyss aura coursing through them, concentrated in their hearts around their Chaotic Cores.

Turning his attention to his own abyss aura and core, he noted a significant increase in the quantity and quality of his aura. The core had grown larger, releasing fragments that fused with his heart.

As a newly advanced Rank 1 Neo-demon, Zatiel discovered he could now utilize Primal Chaos Consciousness. This ability allowed part of his consciousness to explore his surroundings, influence weaker minds, and create chaotic pressure on enemies. He anticipated more abilities would unlock as his power grew.

Satisfied with his exploration of his newfound abilities, Zatiel extinguished the golden flames and retracted his magnetic force field, alleviating the pressure he had been emitting.

Ezequiel and Sophia approached him, their faces lit with awe and anticipation. The gap in their powers had widened drastically since Zatiel's advancement, fueling their excitement about their own potential future growth.

"Zatiel, those flames are incredible. What was the origin of the bloodline you assimilated?" Sophia asked, recalling the fear the golden flames had instilled in her.

Zatiel explained that the bloodline would rank as a Law Bloodline, aiding him until he reached the stature of a Law Being, with potential for further evolution.

Ezequiel and Sophia were astounded by the revelation, recognizing the immense power of a Law Being from their knowledge of the Aetereum Empire's leader.

After some light-hearted teasing, Zatiel turned his focus to the broken door. Employing his Primal Chaos Consciousness, he probed the interior, detecting a faint presence.

Intrigued, Zatiel's third eye zeroed in on the energy channels of a 3-meter humanoid figure, marveling at its damaged state. He decided to test a new spell.

As a golden light enveloped Zatiel, he vanished with astonishing speed. Ezequiel and Sophia could only hear the ensuing explosions beyond the gates.

They witnessed Zatiel, glowing in golden light, clashing with a grey, armored figure. Each impact resulted in a massive boom. The automaton, although resilient, was vulnerable due to its missing pieces.

Despite the automaton's powerful attacks sending Zatiel flying with serious wounds, the golden flames consistently healed him, much to his amusement. The battle raged on, with Zatiel's strikes becoming increasingly effective against the damaged automaton.

Ezequiel and Sophia watched the intense fight, marveling at Zatiel's resilience and the incredible resistance of the creature. The golden flames that healed Zatiel time and again were a testament to the immense power he now wielded.

The battle continued for a while, but neither Zatiel nor the automaton could inflict decisive damage on the other. Zatiel's seemingly endless regeneration, fueled by the golden flames from the sun within his heart, was being depleted rapidly, making it unsustainable to continue fighting so fiercely.

"I have a good grasp of my current power, so I guess it's time to end this," Zatiel declared.

Behind him, a ring of black flames appeared, now more formidable than before, measuring 4 meters in diameter and 1 meter in width. Simultaneously, a sword materialized in his hand. The flames from the ring began funneling into the sword, and as they did, the ring vanished, leaving the sword with a dark, smoke-emitting appearance. The air around it rippled with intense heat.

Zatiel, radiating with golden light and wielding the dark flame sword, appeared almost deity-like. The automaton, not to be outdone, charged towards him, its power shattering the ground beneath it.

Concentrating his third eye on the automaton, Zatiel struck. Their collision resulted in a massive explosion that shook the entire cave. Zatiel was thrown back, landing harshly on the ground, his chest bleeding profusely. However, the golden flames quickly mended his wounds. The automaton, on the other hand, was critically damaged by the sword, which had pierced through its most vital energy channels, revealed by Zatiel's golden eye.

"Zatiel, are you alright?" Sophia asked, concerned about the serious wounds Zatiel sustained during the fight, despite the flames' healing.

"Don't worry. Though my energy is nearly depleted, I'm in perfect condition. Little EZ, I'm sorry, but I think the weapon you gave me was destroyed," Zatiel apologized.

The metamorph orb, despite its quality, couldn't withstand the immense power of his ring of fire.

"That's alright. I'll soon be able to create something even better. Master, what was that golden light, and your incredible speed? I could barely track you. If it's a spell, could you teach it to me?" Ezequiel inquired eagerly.

"It's an Innate Spell from my bloodline, called Sunlight Speed. Unfortunately, it's not teachable as it relies on the energy from my new heart. But don't worry, this place surely holds powerful bloodlines for both of you," Zatiel explained.

Sophia and Ezequiel's faces lit up with excitement at the mention of new bloodlines.

"Little EZ, keep that automaton. Although it's now at the peak of Rank 1 and relies solely on physical abilities, at its peak, it must have been a Rank 4 lifeform. If you can repair it, it will be invaluable," Zatiel suggested, recognizing the potential of the automaton from the materials it was constructed from.

Ezequiel quickly stored the automaton in his spatial sack, knowing that even if he couldn't repair it yet, studying it would aid his development as a Magic Creator.

"Let's enter and discover what the laboratory of an ancient magus has to offer," Zatiel proposed, ready to explore the secrets within.