
Abyssal Idiot

Do bear with me I’m no expert at this so if you have any advice please feel free to share. *** Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes. *** Don’t feel offended by my use of mythical, fictional and religious beings in this novel Btw not my cover art

TheAbyssalOne · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Eyeless infant

(Chapter may be disturbing to some,so tread carefully

Don't say I didn't warn you tho)

(Try listening to dark classical orchestra while reading this chapter)


1st person pov: Azathoth

Watching these lower lifeforms always fills me with a strange desire to end it all by all of course i mean everything including my siblings. This very urge led me to create the outergods to do my bidding while bringing about chaos and utter devastation upon my brothers creations ,but it's seems they aren't enough well it's not like I didn't foresee this but with the presence of my brothers I can barely do anything that amuses me.

Suddenly the music stops playing I look around only to see the humans I got to play music die,

I can feel a hint of joy from seeing them die but it's not enough, ITS NEVER ENOUGH I need more, something that can induce fear even in gods.

Hmm I can feel myself slipping again falling back into that blissful state of madness and mayhem

,["Aaaah... I can't hear the flutes anymore... my dream is gonna overflow... ahahahaha"].


3rd person pov:

As Azathoth fell into a state of insanity, The outer gods began to play music on behalf of the now dead humans to try soothe Azathoth. the outergods had strange looking bodies but they all had 2 things in common each of them looked like they came straight out of a horror and they looked like they were made of a dark gooey substance, one looked like a giant floating eyeball with multiple smaller eyes on it with tentacles while one looked like a giant skeleton fetus with hands so long they would be capable of hugging earth and still be able to go around it's body.

But despite them trying to sooth him reality was still affected as they could see creature even they would find difficult to forget, so terror inducing they almost forgot about the music.


Back on earth,

Balor who was sleeping suddenly woke up

With blood oozing from his nose, eyes and ears he suddenly started crying and yelling until the midwife entered the room but the strange thing was she didn't notice anything wrong with him.

While this was happening on earth the same thing was happening to an infant the same age as Balor but it seems to be on a much larger scale in a distant realm.


In the telos realm, 5 years have passed since xavius activated the system

Xavius was now 10 years old despite his age he was one of the strongest beings in his planet, which we will call the red planet, as it's name isn't all that important.

Xavius was currently in a certain kingdom under his fathers rule he was here to settle a dispute the kingdom had. While he was roaming around he suddenly felt a shiver in his spine the feeling he felt was similar to what a wild animal would knowing it's outclassed in everything, knowing that it's very existence was nothing but food for its predator.

Every organism on the red planet heard the sound of an infant crying but what scared them wasn't the crying it was the effect of it, for the very first time in the history of the red planet did it's natives realize how pathetic, insignificant and worthless they were in the grand scheme of things followed by the realization was an immense sense of insignificance and depression knowing full well that they might never amount to anything no matter how hard they worked.


In certain forest on the red planet,

A newborn baby was crying literal tears of blood,

This baby had no eyes ,the baby looked like there eyes were pulled out and in place of there eyes were two deep dark holes that looked like what seemed to be black holes , the infant had extremely pale skin, skin so white if the infant were to be placed on paper only 2 dark holes will be seen.