
Abyss Summoner in the Doomsday

Abyss This is the name of this land. Bottomless abyss of infinite level. This is an endless, suffocating place of terror. This is an endless, suffocating place of terror. This is a place where the environment is extremely harsh and life is extremely dangerous. This is a place where there is no moral ethics and non-stop killing. This is an evil place where there is no friendship, family, or love, only betrayal, killing, and destruction. Abyss. The demon homeland dedicated to death and destruction is also the greatest guarantee for Chen Feng’s survival during the doomsday. In doomsday, Chen Feng can communicate with the abyss. With his strength or some special sacrifices, he can summon demons from the abyss for his own use. he is…… Abyss Summoner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am just Translating this novel

AZRAEL · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Chapter 19

The stronghold that was finally found was ruined now, which made Chen Feng feel inexplicably annoyed. He lowered his head and looked towards the girl who brought disaster for the first time.

Despite the wind and dust and a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth, with her expression exhausted, her eyes were still as cool as the sweet springs in the desert.

She is like a proud plum blossom, standing in a quiet valley; the subtle and elegant path blooms no matter what happens around her, just like being alone in the empty field. Her eyes and brows are filled with remarkable calmness.

Chen Feng had to sigh. The Heavens are eccentric. The girl in front of him is no longer an ordinary professional. With her expertise, she has the title of hero template, and even her temperament is stronger than the average person's.

In this world, when the overwhelming majority are still in a daze and panic, the girl in front of me dares to fight desperately with Earth Dragon and even seizes the opportunity to hit the other party hard.

Hero template.

These people are the mainstay of human beings. They have super innate talents and abilities. Compared with other professionals, they are favoured by God.

Well-known figure.

These people are the focus no matter where they go; whether they are in sects, gangs, or even military camps, they are promoted quickly and will become managers in less time.

But with the Doom curse that follows people like her, even if she hides in a room, her ending will definitely be torn into pieces by Earth Dragon.

Now, because of his involvement, the girl's fate has changed.

What should I do with her?

The girl has great potential, but the arrow just now may make the other person have grudges, which may cause some trouble …

So, the best way is…

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, and a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes…


Xu Hongzhuang saw the Earth Dragon falling to the ground, gasping momentarily. A puzzled look filled her eyes.

Such a powerful creature has been slaughtered and killed on the side in such a horrible way, and Lesser Demon is entrenched in the side, like a loyal dog, waiting for Chen Feng's next instruction.

Xu Hongzhuang lifts her head and looks at Chen Feng in surprise. She wonders how a man can make such a terrible monster obey his orders.

The eyes of the two people collided for the first time. Seeing Chen Feng's cold eyes, Xu Hongzhuang's heart beat rapidly, and her face became slightly reddish.

Xu Hongzhuang has loved practicing with swords and getting knives since childhood. There are no male friends who can talk to her at all. Therefore, her feelings are like blank paper.

And now…

The emergence of Chen Feng undoubtedly made her heartbeat. This is different, an experience that has never felt before. After all, in the crisis situation just now, the other party rescued her. The other side fights and pulls her back from the edge of death.

Xu Hongzhuang stood up, struggling. She paused and said, "My name is Xu Hongzhuang; thank you for saving me…."

In a brief self-introduction, Xu Hongzhuang's face was pale, but she could stand up. If the average person had been so injured, he or she would have died.


Enviable expertise.

At this moment, Xu Hongzhuang seemed trembling with fear, and an expert conversation that could control the monster made her a little nervous.

In fact, she has long discovered that the Dark Elf standing next to Chen Feng is not a human being. It can be seen from her unusual skin colour and ears, which are different.

Being able to make 2 aliens willingly acknowledge allegiance, then it shows that Chen Feng's strength far exceeds her cognition. Looking at Chen Feng's silence, she paused and said: "The arrows were also shot by you. Isn't it too powerful? It can hit its eyes at such a long distance. The first time the shot was missed right. Even so, the next shot injured the beast.

Xu Hongzhuang tried to praise.

Chen Feng did not respond at all to Xu Hongzhuang's praise. He just stood there coldly.

Very funny...

Missed shot?

When the other person said that sentence, there was obviously no complaint. She had good strength, but she didn't seem to be that bright.

Chen Feng has some misjudgments. He has always stood in his place to think about the problem, but the reality is that the girl in front of him, although equipped with a hero template, has not changed her mind and has not experienced the baptism of darkness. She just took it With a hint of Pure heart.

The girl is a little stupid. It may be simple.

She is like a poppy that has never bloomed and can be cultivated in any way…


A word appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

Heavenly beloved.

This kind of person has great potential. In a certain sense, they have taken on the important task of the rise of humanity. If he can conquer such a person, she will definitely be a help in the future.

She is simple.

Having never experienced the baptism of death and the betrayal of human nature, it is easy to leave a mark in her mind, a mark that will accompany her all her life.

A short silence.

Chen Feng grinned a little at the corner of his mouth, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually dissipated, conquering a heavenly beloved, and it would be amazing to think about it.

Long time with the dark creature.

Chen Feng is unconsciously infected with the will of some abyss, dangerous, evil, and very strange.

But this is a good thing. A good-hearted person doesn't live long in this world.

Feeling the cold surroundings, Xu Hongzhuang laughed embarrassedly. She needed to find out which sentence she said was wrong or if the other party had no intention of talking to herself.

Suddenly, Dark Elf raised his hand, exuding the arrows of cold glow, and directly compared with Xu Hongzhuang's body.

"You mean... I almost killed you just now?"

Chen Feng's voice was not loud but filled with a cold chill and biting killing intent. Dark Elf's fingers swayed to show loyalty, and arrows were aimed at Xu Hongzhuang's head.

"How is it possible … Of course not; thank you for saving me … How could I have such an idea?"

Chen Feng turned her face suddenly, which surprised Xu Hongzhuang. She waved her hand to refute it, not because of the threat of death but because she didn't like being misunderstood by others. she was grateful to Chen Feng.

Looking at Xu Hongzhuang, who is arguing, Chen Feng looks at the head and says softly: "No, it doesn't matter if you think like that because the arrow that was shot first really was aiming for you."