
Chapter One "prologue"

each microatom of all possible omniscient worlds is individual, each atom is capable of perceiving an infinitely complex concept of form expressed in infinite variants and their additions. Each of the atoms contains an infinite, qualitative hierarchy of boundless, paradoxical microuniverses, and all this within the framework of only one infinitely complex structure of the universe of microatoms, which subsequently create and form an almost complete atom of tens of millions, hundreds of millions, which is transported and captured by the nature of this or that atom, from which it will later try to form a full-fledged atom. But an atom, so to speak, introduces almost full-fledged atoms and microatoms, but at the same time a full-fledged atom is not at the same level of "physical being and description of the term atoms".

The transport super-atom embeds an infinite number of sets of changing full-fledged atoms. If even micro atoms are an infinitely complex concept of structure, then this structure of complexity exceeds the limits of innac limits. Dual transport atoms generate and introduce into themselves an infinite number of ordinary transport atoms, and not at all in order to expand their scale, but so that when fighting with other dual transport atoms, they could fight like an army against an army. When two atoms collide, some die, others remain in place, this shows the beautiful genes of the creature within which the embedded atoms.

Genes introduce an infinite number of atoms into themselves, a structure is created, they appear in certain beings, but there were only two beings in which such genes were: Nova Kull, Lady Selena.

Infinite, contextual, narrative worlds are an infinitely complex infinitely dimensional structure, within which each law is an infinitely complex progressive law of physics or mathematics, not limited to their limits, prohibitions. The narrative worlds expand their hierarchy to such a level that it is literally infinitely hierarchical, but all this is only within the framework of the physical plane of being.

Universes under no circumstances belong to planets, universes are divided into 3 floors of the conceptual hierarchy.

The 1st floor is an endless hierarchy of paradoxical narratives, within which ordinary laws that increase, strengthen and make laws infinitely more complicated are only an insignificant thing that supposedly does not exist, because this is not an ordinary physical plane of being. There is an infinite hierarchy of spiritual narratives built here, each of which works on the "magical principle", that is, it is an infinite hierarchy of spiritual narratives, degenerated in the scale and volume of abilities, that is, all abilities within one spiritual narrative are already capable of causing total harm, as well as injuring a being that is clearly beyond the physical the plan of being. Each higher-standing spiritual narrative creates a scale of pain, as well as the power of the paradox is much stronger than the lower one.

The 2nd Floor is a kind of narrative of magical narratives, from the point of view of such a colossal hierarchical difference and strength between which, one ability is equivalent in strength to another. Let's say if there is some kind of fire that destroys 10 worlds, then the higher magical narrative is able to destroy 100 such worlds, and the subsequent one than the lower one is 1000 worlds. In addition, each ability adapts to the protection of the enemy. For example, an opponent has protection against spiritual attacks, but a stronger narrative in the hierarchy simply ignores protection against spiritual attacks, causing spiritual harm to an opponent who, from the point of view of ordinary attacks, would not be injured, since he has immunity/resistance/protection / susceptibility to this type of attack.

The 3rd floor is the final conceptual manifestation of all hierarchies, magical narratives, spiritual narratives. This is a conceptual narrative, but at the same time each attack takes the form of a paradoxical time, paradoxes and other things. With each higher hierarchy of narratives, the form of paradoxical attacks becomes stronger with scales and force.

The multi-universe is also divided into 3 floors, but already outside the conceptual hierarchy.

The 1st floor is infinitely further removed from each full-fledged universe, considering all floors, the universe for the multi-universe is not even close to an atom. Each non-conceptual narrative is capable of destroying the concepts of the personification of "emptiness" and when emptiness is destroyed, nothing should remain-emptiness. But here everything is not so, every narrative and description of the form of abilities is capable of destroying emptiness, even without the possibility of preserving the same emptiness, destroying emptiness - there will be no emptiness and all this is just one of the infinity of non-conceptual narratives of the hierarchy.

The 2nd floor is an infinite out-of-concept and vice versa hierarchy of built defenses, strengths, fights, that even if there are all kinds of abilities in a creature that has all kinds of abilities at the 1st floor level of the Multi-universe with all kinds of abilities with increasing strength immediately after 3 floors, then when trying to provide a wound, nothing will come out. And all this is just one narrative of the second floor of non-conceptual and vice versa hierarchies, with each higher-standing hierarchy, both strength and resistance will be much, much stronger, and its discharge will be higher.

The 3rd floor is a narrative that introduces other narratives of abilities, attacks, defenses, hierarchies, spiritual narratives, magical and other various narratives. Within the framework of this narrative, all narratives will increase, it becomes a super-narrative and creatures that are already even on the 2nd floor of the multi-universe - it will be impossible to injure creatures of the 3rd floor, and already creatures of the 3rd floor will be able to destroy them safely, given their protection.

Manifestation|Manifestation|The avatar of Nova Kull, Lady Silena ascend over all multi-universes, while they are outside the framework of "banal" multi-universes, but they are also able to safely use her attack functionality.

Nova Kull is able to create Reality Warping with such force that even one of the highest heights of the infinite hierarchy of super-narratives is unable to defend against it.

When using Reality Warping, the manifestation of Nova Kull creates endless paradoxical narratives that make his Reality Warping so strong that even an infinitely complex structure does not even enter into anything, his Reality Warping is able to destroy, break, break a conceptual structure that has clearly gone beyond the limits of mathematical numbers and science in complexity.

At the same time, simultaneously creating an infinite hierarchy of spiritual hierarchies, narratives of spiritual attacks that attack the souls of their opponents with the same scale, while ignoring any protection from spiritual attacks, increasing the strength, capabilities, and attack of spiritual narratives with each highest point of the hierarchy.

After that, creating a magical-narrative that will create magical-spiritual, ordinary spiritual attacks of all kinds, and when hitting an enemy, the damage scale will be so strong that he literally will not survive, because he does not have protection from such attacks, namely resistance | immunity | ignoring such attacks, while with each new narrative one the narration of all this will be equivalent to the other, while simultaneously ramping up this whole attack.

Also, "after" such a 1st attack, there is an infinite hierarchy of such an ordinary attack, a manifestation of Nova Kull. After that, the abilities take the final conceptual manifestation, creating abilities that cause the paradox of time, as well as other paradoxes, and completely destroying the enemy when hit, even ignoring the fact that he has "protection" from the 1st hierarchy of floors. After that, an infinite hierarchy of Reality Warping will be created with such great power that each out-of-concept narrative of the infinite out-of-concept hierarchy of the hierarchy of the 1st floor of the multi-universe will be able to destroy the void, this is impossible because it contradicts logic, so these possibilities break/contradict logic.

After that, there will be super-narratives of hierarchies that will be equivalent relative to each other, but at the same time introducing infinite non-conceptual, conceptual hierarchies of narratives, and the power will increase infinitely more, the scale and attack will be many times stronger, all abilities will be summed up in one total, but with each with another super-narrative, the whole force will be equivalent to the concept of "strength", "scale of attack", and other things. And after all this, an infinite hierarchy of Nova Kull's Reality Warping will be built.

In order to harm Nova Kull - his manifestation, you need to create exactly the same abilities, with exactly the same manifestations of hierarchies and their scales, that's when you can destroy 1 micro atom of Nova Kull manifestation.

Leda Selena can create any/any ability,creativity,delicateness,praxis


capacity talent,gift,vocation,title,




The beyond space is

defined within the framework of the work by such a symbol - ∑∑

The beyond space exists outside of physical and mathematical terms, and its nature is impossible for a complete description or perception of Anything.

It is beyond understanding and concepts.

In this space there is no -

< >, ⩽ ⩾, ≪ ≫,•,

It does not obey the usual laws of geometry, the physics of mathematics, metaphysics, quantum physics and pataphysics and does not have measurable dimensions or shapes.

Beyond space

Filled with abstract concepts that play the role of spirits.

Spirits are the spirits of demigods who, once in the beyond space, are modeled infinitely times.

⟨Tree—Logical⟩ - we'll talk about it later. The very essence is that the concept of spirits is to manage each branch/cell of Tree logic. And in general, they can model, change, change, re-practice, reshape, form any hierarchy and narrative within absolutely any hierarchy, the spirit absolutely does not care what level or what hierarchy, whether it is the lowest hierarchy of worms or frogs. That is, the Spirits will often be the ones who precede the "equivalent force" controlled by users of narrative hierarchies

The gods are on an exorbitantly-leveled, patascopic space that leads to the path to the tower of chaos.


Reinhard is the god of Gold, wealth.

Hajun is the god of Malice, thirst, enmity.

A Buddha is an enlightened person who has become a God.

Shiva is the god of destruction.

Hermes is the god of War.

Kainu is the god of the elements.

Ex is the Yin Yang god.

The weakest god is none other than the "Buddha" — a man who has become a God. His power is not so great, since the power of the Gods and their might. If the gods are capable of destroying entire continents, worlds, universes and multiverse, then the Buddha is capable of destroying only villages, kingdoms and cities.

Buddha is not able to control any narrative hierarchies, but as we know, he is more important and stands above moderators. The Buddha does not have any different abilities from the Gods, but besides the gods he is lucky. If the Gods do NOT want to DESTROY cities and worlds with just a drop of the power of the little finger, but they cannot because of the great power, then the Buddha is stably able to destroy cities and villages if he wants it.

Basically, the Buddha does not have any strong abilities, but he is able to fight with the help of manifestation at the level of almost enlightened people. I remember one battle of Buddha against May, one of the 12 brothers of the month. It was like this....

The Buddha was walking around and inspecting the area as usual, helping residents of all kinds of cities. May became an almost-enlightened man (almost a god), but since he decided to change and destroy everything, he did not become an enlightened god and did not become a god. Buddha saw May and decided to fight him, as they were almost of the same caliber and level.

As soon as Mai saw the Buddha, Mai immediately began to attack, he used his spear Maru. The spear of Maru is able to emit a flame from itself, a fiery flame in the form of blue, thereby this flame begins to incinerate a person or any other creature. In addition, this flame will completely become and paralyze the creature, while blocking its regeneration and any ligaments of nerves, as well as burning vessels and so on.... The Buddha did not care, since he was completely protected by one of his rings (one of 5) "Barrier-protective ring".

After the Buddha protected himself from May's attack, the Buddha took his Asura spear and instantly the Buddha accelerated to a speed reaching 148.975.321 meters per second and instantly breaking through May's armor (his armor is able to withstand any attacks) The Buddha began to beat him and make combos, after all this pushing him and simultaneously creating the law of "prohibition" thereby forbidding the opponent to attack, move, think and think while the Buddha uses this law.

Mai, of course, could not move, and after that, the Buddha used only a weak slash of the Asura spear, thereby warping space and time.

In any case, the Buddha is able to control any of his abilities, attacks, impacts and actions, which is why the Buddha did not destroy the next 4 cities.

The Buddha used his equipment, "bear's fang" with the help of this fang, the Buddha is able to ignore any attack, as well as vice versa to attack with any attacks by opponents.

The Buddha simply killed May, after that the Buddha became more enlightened and much stronger, the Buddha received resistance:

To poison, mental projections, spiritual attacks, mental attacks, dimensional attacks, physical attacks, magical attacks, energy attacks, tearing attacks. The Buddha received: Poison attacks, mental attacks, mental projections, Energy Attacks, Magic Attacks, Tearing Attacks, Spiritual Attacks, Dimensional Attacks and all this will work only on the Asura spear, it will be able to do all this with a wave or even with one blow.

Buddha received the strongest regeneration, he was able to regenerate even from scratch, without anything. The Buddha became eternal, and in order to kill him, it was necessary to destroy the Asura spear, inside which there are atoms and they need to be destroyed, within the same scale of the atom - the whole city is located, but this is an excessively large city, every 10 minutes the atom will expand, building new cities and so on indefinitely, until the Buddha is killed on time.

The Buddha has "Golden Energy", which is such a special thing that allows you to do certain things. The number of Buddhas reaches 5 gold units, which is the smallest amount of Gold Energy compared to the energy of one of the weakest gods, the same Hermes, who has 30 gold energy units.

The Buddha has 5 of them, the Buddha himself is capable of the following ... the 1st unit allows the creature to manipulate the fate of the enemy, the 2nd allows you to foresee / see the future, the 3rd allows you to absorb any attack, the 4th creates spatial teleports, and the 5th cancels any enemy ability, as well as endows the user intangible.

The Buddha has a companion, his name is "Ren". Ren walks with the Buddha, protects him, fights for him against his enemies. The Buddha's companion has very good passivities, for example, in order to kill him, you need to bring him to half-death, after which a statue called "forged" will be created that needs to be destroyed, and then Ren himself. But it is not so easy to bring Ren to a near-death state, because he has the most powerful regeneration, as well as he is eternal and able to live even without organs.

From Ren's abilities:

It is capable of creating 12 spiral spatial attacks, which, when hit, completely distort the fabric of space-time, tearing the creature's body and transferring part to some other dimension.

It is able to create lightning bolts that will become an enemy when hit, and then it is able to transfer the enemy directly into Ren, that is, Ren can safely absorb the enemy.

Ren is able to absorb any attack, move any opponent. If a fireball flies at the Buddha, which the Buddha did not notice, then the companion makes a distortion and transfers this fireball to another dimension.

If the companion was defeated, then the Buddha is able to summon him again. In addition, the Companion is able to summon the "spirit" not of the very moderators of the narratives, but ordinary Spirits within the ordinary world who will fight and protect the Buddha. To kill a Spirit, first you need to kill a Companion, to kill a Companion, you need to completely kill his statue, to kill a statue, you need to kill a Buddha, to kill a Buddha, you need to destroy trillions of Atoms of the Asura spear.

With all this, neither the Asura Spear, nor the Companion, nor the statue, nor the Spirit, nor the Buddha can be erased.

All gods have omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence in all types and variations, while being immortal, illogical.

Gods tend to have Golden Energy, any god is able to create vortexes, with the scale of reality warping much larger than the manifestation of Nova Kull and Lady Selena.

There is a "Tower of Chaos" that is boundlessly, impossibly distant tower from all other celestial bodies and cosmology. This Tower is infinitely higher than any other cosmo-point, there are so many floors in this tower that there is no end there, like infinity, but it is "equivalent" to infinity.

On the very first floor, within the framework of the most insignificant and lowest hierarchy, within which the lowest NON—RECURSIVE LAYER - sit the real, original Nova Kull and Lady Selena, who is literally at the threshold, watching the movements, actions of the Gods from above.

Each floor is endless. Within one floor there are infinite hierarchies, within each infinite hierarchy there are infinite-combined words, and in the same layers there is an infinite hierarchy. All this is gradually recursed, and the higher hierarchy is completely equivalent to the lower one. Nova Kull and Lady Selena are on the most insignificant hierarchy, an insignificant layer within which such insignificant, recursive layers.

Here, on this tower, an infinite hierarchy of "Absolute Infinite Chaos" or "Ω" is built.

Within the very first hierarchy, there is "Ω", but this is only a minor one. At another level of the hierarchy, there is also a "Ω", which is infinitely transcendent, equivalent to a low "Ω", and everything goes to infinity, and only within the infinite hierarchy of one layer, Ω(inf) is stronger than Ω(∞-1) is stronger than Ω(1). But apart from this, there is a 2nd level of hierarchy within the 1st floor, in this hierarchy "Ω" is stronger than the "Ω" preceding the infinite hierarchy within the meta-layers. Everything goes up to infinity, and each higher in the hierarchy "Ω" is equivalent and also transcendent to the lower. The "Ω" on the 2nd floor is already from the 1st layer, within which the most insignificant hierarchies of the "Ω" 2nd floor are stronger than the "Ω" 1st floor, in any infinite forms, combinations of hierarchies, transcendence and equivalence (an insignificant part, relative to the beggar, 1st layer, 1st hierarchy within the beggar layer). "Ω"(inf floor) is stronger than "Ω"(∞-1 floor) is stronger than "Ω"(1st layer, first hierarchies) the strongest, all-powerful "Ω" is expressed as "ABSOLUTELY INFINITY CHAOS" which is higher than Absolutely any "Ω".

The Presence of Absolute Infinite Chaos is felt by absolutely any

character, hero, type, amplification, protagonist, performer, yander,

actor, individual,

actor, object that carries and has a description, meaning or something of itself.

If they have felt the presence, and it is impossible not to feel it, then they completely annihilate,

disappear, are destroyed, mutually annihilate, pereteraform into "something", < >, ⩽ ⩾, ≪ ≫, also representing. And again turning into " ' ", " . ", " , ", " * ". Penetrating already into what will and will not be under the coverage of Chaos.

Void Ocarina - shortened to the formula - ∞ΩU+221E

∞ΩU+221E can control - described and not described creatures, enterprises, things, points, objects, targets, worlds, constructors, seids, pomerones, armored objects, varioobjects, special objects, promobjects,

bio-objects, energy objects, radio objects, mega-objects, macro-objects, micro-objects, objects, those who have personality, characteristics, effects, emotions and also those who do not have it, those who exist, live, live in the present, are, live in the present, are, act, contain, stay, those who exist, present, present, exist, stand, coexist, exist, live, are in place at the present time, current, captivate and not .

In addition to all his exploits, Infinite Absolute Chaos is able to use time stoppage, super time stoppage on a terrifying scale. Entities can stop time, even with the help of super time, which is stronger than stopping time itself. Only it's a pity that it does not work for beings who are outside the physical plane of existence, well, let's say the same beings of the universe. Stopping the Super Time of Absolute Infinite Chaos works for all beings, its stopping does not apply to the term of physical dimension and it is able to work even for the true body of Nova Kull and Lady Selena, as well as for the Gods. Covering in general everything that has been created, exists, will exist, will be created.



Absolute Infinite Chaos precedes any kind of description that should have taken place, will take place and will be written, even if everything is exactly the opposite, preceding any meta-abstract narrative, description and essence by deepening and becoming deeper than the being itself, narrative, description.

The Possibilities of Absolute Endless Chaos:Creation of any ability; Absolute Omnipotence; Absolute Omniscience; Absolute omnipresence and omniscience; any abilities related to paratext;manipulation of texts, changing the plot; introduction into the plot; plot creation; creation of books and comics

Absolute Infinite Chaos denies will; actions; thoughts; movements; attacks; impacts; aura; passive impacts; attacks from nowhere; attacks from other territorial dimensions.

Absolute Endless Chaos precedes any kind of description, in any kind of ink and paste, in any kind of letters, foreign letters, everything that was described by the opposite entity.