

NARRATOR: she was at Atlanta university sitting in the classroom listening to what Mr Larry the professor had to say about blackhole, and what response the other university students would give, she didn't have to be there because young alicia successfully got her degrees at this same university and is now working for (usp) universal space institution, however because of her brilliance and the first youngest person to ever get a degree at age 19 she was allowed and welcomed anytime by the board council of the university, she is loved by all the professors and lecturers, so that made her the famous girl in atlanta university.

MR LARRY: good morning class today we are going to discuss all about blackhole, and what makes them so dangerous. however before we get into this exciting topic I'll like you all to welcome miss Alicia Atkinson one of our very own pass graduate and the youngest to ever leave college with 3 degrees, one in electrical engineer another in mechanical engineer and aerospace.

NARRATOR: with everything said from professor Larry all the 15 students got up and clapped, welcoming the brilliant alicia Atkinson, who is amongst them, with that amazing welcome she replied with a thank you and a beautiful smile.

MR LARRY: okay everyone let's dive into today's topic shall we, now there are many things that people say about blackhole, some it's something that brings you further into the outer bands of space, others say it's something that brings you into a different realm, while the remainders say that it's something that just destroys everything in a galaxy leaving nothing when it appears. well today I want to ask my students what do you think is a blackhole?.

ANNESHA: well from my perspective a black hole is caused by a collision of two stars, when collided it gives off massive energy radiation, however because of their collision the energies then begins to spin in the form of a circle, trying to form a new star however instead of creating a new star it creates something worst which is what we now called blackhole.

MR LARRY: okay annesha well said. anyone else would like to share their thoughts.

ARLANDO: to my knowledge, in order to understand or know something you have to actually know what made it the way it is, I liked the way annesha state that it's the collision of two stars, however a blackhole to me can be caused by any collision as long as it has the same force speed, and energy equality, so for example if two cars are driving in opposite directions at same speed force, equal weight what is going to happen, is that both incoming vehicles when collided will create a massive damage none more serious than the other both have equal damage its the same thing with cosmos collision which creates and cause this natural phenomenon.

MR LARRY: thank you arlando for that wonderful statement. does anyone else would like to share what they think is a blackhole, anyone, Alicia do you have anything to share.

ALICIA: actually I did have something to say, nevertheless arlando due to his wonderful statement, stated the exact same thing that I was going to say, I like the way he put all of it together.

NARRATOR: Mr Larry was about to explain to the class his ideology on the topic, when he look on his watch and realize that Time was limited he gave them an assignment, to take to his class next week.

MR LARRY: alright everyone see you next week friday with your assignments.

ALICIA: I do miss these lectures she smiled.

MR LARRY: yeah you kids all grew up huh he smiled.

ALICIA: yeah we do.

MR LARRY: it's been a great pleasure having you here.

ALICIA: and it's a great pleasure listening to your lecture.

MR LARRY: thank you.

ALICIA: your welcome, (phone ringing), hello

TREVOR: hey Alicia, where are you.

ALICIA: I'm at my previous university.

TREVOR: well your needed at work.

ALICIA: alright I'll be there.

ALICIA: take care mr Larry.

MR LARRY: yeah you too Alicia.

NARRATOR: she left and headed straight to work, upon reaching she was approached by the boss herself,who knew she was coming. they both went

inside the facility.

AMELIA: glad your here in time.

ALICIA: in time for what?.

AMEILA: we think that we are able to prove that life as we know exists on other planets.

ALICIA: okay I understand that mam, but what does that got to do with me been on time.

AMEILA: well since your one of our most treasured asset I need you and some other members to go in outer space on Mars to find our ssr 69 space probe that was destroyed by something looking like a human foot.

ALICIA: a human foot are you sure.

AMEILA: yes, let me show you the footage that we saw right before the space probe got damaged, Johnson can you run back the footage.

NARRATOR: when they were watching the footage of what the space probe was showing, to Alicia surprise a foot looking like a human foot stepped on the space probe interrupting and destroyed their space probe.

ALICIA: you were right mam, but what the hell could that be.

JOHNSON: maybe it's big foot, laughing.

AMEILA: it's not the time to be joking johnson, we Need to know what that thing was, so I've lined up a crew for you Alicia.

ALICIA: who?

AMEILA: well let's say I won't tell you, until you meet them.

ALICIA: okay, so we're are they now.

AMEILA: they'll be here in about five minutes time.

KEVIN: hey there how are you all doing.

AMEILA: ah Kevin glad to see you I'd like you and the rest of the crew to meet Alicia.

JOHN: nice meeting you name's John.

ALICIA: nice to meet all of you.

AMEILA: okay everyone greeting and meeting is over its time to get down to business, you guys are heading to Mars, so get your gears and let's go.

KEVIN: space trip how awesome, this is going to be incredible.

SUSAN: Kevin shut up, it's not awesome, anything can happen out of space. now get your suit on okay.

NARRATOR: with that said they all got suited up and was ready for there journey, with no hesitation the launch button was pressed. And the countdown began. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and off they went on their first space experience.

AMEILA: how are looking guys is everyone alright so far.

TIFFANY: I don't feel so well, feel like I'm going to throw up.

AMEILA: Tiffany I want you to just relax okay just don't think about it, think about something like, when you first met your husband, or something that brings happy thoughts in your mind.

TIFFANY: okay I'll try.

AMEILA: anyone else feeling bad.

KEVIN: this is awesome!, I'm quite alright boss, just enjoying the flight. I can't wait to land on Mars.

AMEILA: okay then that means everyone else is okay glad to hear.

JOHNSON: look alive people you are closing in I respect you are closing in.

SUSAN: wow, so this is the red planet it's quite big from looking at it nearby.

JOHNNY: alright people I'm going to land this baby.

ALICIA: so this is it were here.

NARRATOR: Johnny landed the rocket on the planet and the shutter was opened, and right in front of them was a mysterious place, it was like no other the ground was red along with its stones and sand, but little did they know what was coming.