
Absolute Threshold

"I think I gave you enough time to escape." If I had run away then, wouldn't I have encountered this man? No, we would have met again, like an inevitable terrible affair. Neither for his will nor mine. "Do you want to play with fire?" Meeting him was somewhere between coincidence and maybe it was inevitable. So, when I think back on that day, it was cold because it was the beginning of winter. Maybe that's why it was one of those days when I wasn't in a good mood. "Did you do contraception?" "You asked me to cum inside, so I did whatever you wanted." Playing with fire with a man I never expected to meet. The impact was so big. Life took an unexpected turn. "You've been hanging out with someone else while I was gone?" He says his life has never gone the way he wanted, but isn't this too harsh? "I'm asking if this is my child." Even though she knows that he's the most dangerous man than anyone else in the world The story of a woman who had no choice but to step into his territory. P.S. This is a Korean Novel originally written by Bulma I will painstakingly translate it in English

Miss_Gracey · 都市
7 Chs


It was always crowded and noisy around me, but I always felt lonely.

It's like that awkward smile you make when you want to look good by pretending to be friendly towards the class president because he was from a wealthy family, even though you don't really feel that way. I always saw classmates with faces like that. They started a rumor that my dad is a gangster and because of that, if they give me a wrong look, they'll all be ruined. If they accidentally get involved with a kid like me, their life will be difficult. So most of them pretend to be friendly and offer me sometimes to eat with them but they talk behind my back and gossips about me. I smiled at them and pretended to be friendly and not hurt by their words but deep inside, I was suffering.

The cause of the problem was that a boy who had a small commotion with her during gym class showed up the next day with bruises. That one seemingly insignificant bruise caused a rumor that spread like a wildfire.

I knew at least that the hand my so-called friends at school were extending was a lie. I learned that the only things that won't betray a person are money and wealth. I didn't really feel the need for a sincere friend. It was also the result of this experience that I should not believe or rely on others. I was unhappy. It was sad that there was no one I could turn to when I wanted to cry. I have always thought that the wisest way to deal with my problem is to quietly resolve it on my own without informing anyone, rather than asking someone for help.

Jumi wanted a life just like everyone else had imagined at least once: falling in love naturally. It may be ordinary but she wanted it to be special.

Falling in love, getting married, and living happily with her husband and babies. That's her dream. It's not a life that everyone is fortunate enough to have, but it is the kind of future where she wanted to choose for herself.


"Good day, Tae-ju. I'm sorry I didn't call you before."

"Hello Jumi, I know you're busy, but you didn't come here because of me, right?"

As Jumi was standing alone facing the storm that had swept through since the night before, she received a phone call from a man with a friendly voice.

"It's not like that. I was also going to contact you. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"To be honest, it was my mother's recommendation that I went out to see you on a date, and although I said to her that I had no intention of getting married for the time being, she was relentless."

And to be more honest, there was no way my mother could beat my father. Then after a battle between them both, in the end, I know from many years of experience that my father's will will be done, so I thought it would be better to stop dating other men. Although I couldn't reveal the entire situation to anyone, I thought it was right to tell the truth to some extent.

Of course knowing my father, he already has a husbandly prospect for me. I know it would be nonsense and ridiculous to marry Jeong Yun-kyo even with my father's wishes, but apart from that, what was clear to me was that my relationship with Tae-ju will have to end soon.

"I understand your point of view. I understood it well, but I still think it would be better to end it face to face, even if it is over. Even if I was rejected by you, it doesn't seem like a wrong thing to say."

It was something I heard a lot from somewhere.

My migraine was spreading. These days, male relationships are unintentionally complicated, and unwanted encounters are becoming more frequent. It was obvious that her mother would jump for joy when she said it was over with Tae-ju, but now it doesn't matter what happens.

"I called to ask for a second date but I was rejected spectacularly." Tae-ju laughed, trying to make light of the awkward situation. As Tae-ju fiddled with his water cup with a gaunt face, he smiled and called the server.

As she feels bitter about not being able to explain her side properly, Tae-ju made a joke.

"They say that if a woman doesn't like a man, they pay for the meal first so they don't go into debt. Is that the case now?"

"Tae-ju, I-I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. I'll treat you to a meal today."

"Are you sympathising with me?

"That's not it. I'm not in a position to pity anyone... I came here because I didn't want my mom to set up another date for me without telling me. I don't want that situation to reoccur, so please don't think anything ill with it."

"To tell you the truth your mom called me."

"My mom?"

"It seems like she wanted to know what happened because you didn't tell her anything."

"Oh my mom is really... Tae-ju your family wants you to marry because it will be beneficial for both families. But how about you? Do you really want to get married?"

(Do you want to continue playing with fire, too?)

I can't believe I said something similar to what JeongYun-kyo said.

"No please forget I even mentioned that."

"I want to get married. You see, my father wanted me to join the medical school and be a doctor because they want me to take over the position as the hospital director. As the eldest son, my family wants me to be the successor."

"I see..."

"My intentions wasn't clear when I came to see you. To tell you the truth I felt like I was a coward. It can be quite suffocating at times when you're carrying the burden of the family."

The man in front of her was smiling, and his face showed that he understood her feelings to some extent.

The food came out. The steak was soft and tender, probably because a lot of care was put into it. The sauce wasn't bad either.

Tae-ju offered wine as a simple appetizer. She felt bad for turning him down. She took the glass, but didn't take a sip. She wanted to avoid any alcoholic drink, not after what happened two nights before.

"Maybe it's too soon to say but I think you're a good person Tae-ju."

"It's not like that. It's just nothing, but I'd appreciate it if you thought of it as a compliment."

Tae-ju smiled brightly and nodded as if it were an honor.

"It's better this way than breaking up crying, right? And who knows, maybe you will change your mind Jumi and we'll meet again seriously next time."

When Jumi put down the steak she was bringing up to her mouth, he held up his hands and told her he was joking and laughed.

"Hahaha. Ah, this is why I can't let go of Jumi anymore."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Not at all. You're too serious. Anyway, why aren't you drinking your wine? You haven't even touched it since we ordered it."

"I'm going to quit drinking for a while."

"Still, an appetizer would be good to whet your appetite."

"One drink becomes two drinks, two drinks become three drinks, and I don't want to make the same mistake again."

Taeju frowned, puzzled by what she said. This is only the second time they met to have a meal together, but he keeps smiling and laughing. No matter how Jumi looks at it, his smile seems so genuine.

After they finished their meal, they left the restaurant.

"I'll take you home Jumi."

"No, I'm all right. I have to stop by somewhere for a moment. Let's part ways here. Thank you so much for your time, Tae-ju."

Jumi felt uncomfortable for some reason as she continued to look at his regretful face, so she pointed to the taxi that was approaching them. Tae-just bows his head and said his goodbyes. Jumi, who seemed to have a lot of things to say with a sad expression on her face, was worried that if she received more favors, she would end up indebted to him. So, she hurriedly got into the other taxi behind his.


Woosung, the company her father works for and the organization where that man, Jeong Yun-kyo, reigns.

Jumi knew that they are an organized group and that they moved their headquarters a couple of times, but it was a company she had never visited.

Confirming that the stalker still lives was her purpose of coming here. However, there were other questions that she was meaning to ask of him. A matter of importance. Her memories of that fateful night were unclear. She was curious about what happened. She didn't know the extent of what had transpired in her home.

Jumi didn't even sip an alcohol, but she felt sick. The path to get to him was straight, but it felt like she was wandering through a maze. She gave her name to the receptionist and asked if she could see Director Jeong Yun-kyo.

"Do you have an appointment with the Director? Anyone whose identity is not clear is not allowed to enter the premises."

A man who recognizes her came to her and bows his head.

"Miss Choi Jumi, we didn't know you will be visiting us today. For what reason may I ask, are you here?"

"I'm here to see Director Jeong Yun-kyo. Can you show me where can I find him?"

"Please come this way."

The road to the Director's office felt like a journey of a thousand miles in a desert without taking a sip of water. Jumi was just staring at the elevator door, which was closed as tightly as an iron wall. She remembered vividly the bloody bruises of the man she saw inside the trunk.

The world my father lived in was such a place. A world where death is always close by, so I chose to live far away from that chaotic world. Even if death comes close to me now, I can throw it away without regret. My father gained power in that dangerous world and stood triumphant.

Her father's bodyguard standing next to her glances at her, perhaps because her hand that was holding her arm is visibly shaking.

"Miss Choi, are you okay?"

"No- ah yes... I'm okay."

The bodyguard's expression changed strangely at the answer that was neither positive nor negative.

"If you had told me in advance, I would have gone out to pick you up. I'm sorry."

"Please don't tell my father that I came by. I just wanted to talk to Director Jeong."

20th floor.

The man's office was as high up as the man himself. Jumi had a fear of heights, so she avoid hotels higher than the 10th floor, but the road to this man was long and difficult.

After waiting for a while, the bodyguard with her obtained permission and the Director's office door opened.

As she entered his office space, the bodyguard standing outside the door as his butler closed it, blocking any noise from outside. Now she was left alone with him.

Jeong Yun-kyo, who is reading a pile of papers in front of his desk, finishes the work he was doing without even glancing her way.

The man in front of me now doesn't look like the man I had randomly slept with two nights ago. Caressing his body, messing with his hair, and doing whatever he wanted me to do. His appearance was so neat that I was even afraid to get close and leave my fingerprints behind.

If you get a little closer to him, you will notice his white shirt that smells like strong man's perfume moves along the man's chest. The long fingers that meaninglessly brushes his chin represented the man's brief annoyance of her presence, but Jumi had no time to spare to wait for him to finish. In the quiet stillness, the clear sound of her high-heeled shoes resonated as she crossed the office towards his desk.

"Did you kill him?" Jumi asked, only then could she bring his focus, which was elsewhere, back to her.

The man signed the last page of the document, closes the file and looks over towards her direction at last. At that brief glance, Jumi took a step closer.

"No, right?"

He inserted the pen tip into the cap and leaned his upper body at an angle towards his upholstered office chair.

There were no words. Jumi really wanted to asked him what happened, but her memories from that night kept overlapping, so she secretly avoided eye contact with him. It's clear that it was alcohol that made her act that way, but she can remember their lips colliding as their intimate parts intertwined.

"Aren't you here to argue? So by all means, go ahead."

"The Director is right. I definitely expected that I would cross the line. I was afraid of what might happen afterwards, but I came to asked you. Yes it's true, I'm still scared for my safety but I don't want someone to lose their life because of me. Even if you call it a hypocrisy, I couldn't help it. Honestly, I couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't make the same choice even if I went back to that day. I was too scared."

Still silent, he finally nodded at her protest after a long time. Jumi doesn't know what it means, but she decided it must be a good thing because he accepted her wishes.

An inexplicable sigh of relief burst out from her lips. For someone who understood it, she still felt like it was a bloody battle she just won, but she was somewhat anxious.

"And ah... Director..."

Jumi was contemplating whether to tell him her thoughts and was about to start talking when two cups of tea came in with a knock on the door. His secretary, who was looking at her strangely as she stood in front of the desk instead of sitting on the leather sofa for entertaining guests, giving off a solemn atmosphere, hobbled around for a moment with the tea cups. Jun-kyo motioned for his secretary to put it down on the table.

Jumi, who had been waiting with bated breath for the brief moment when the teacups was placed on the glass table and the secretary left, opened her mouth without hesitation any longer as soon as the lady left the office.

"Did you use contraception?"

He was just staring at her face gauging her reaction, and his mouth, which was drawn in a subtle curve, did not open easily, so there was no answer. The day after having sex with him, the devastation at her home was indescribable, but unfortunately, her memories were broken into countless fragments. The complete memories of that night all belongs to him. So, in short, the only person who knew the truth of their intimate encounter was Jeong Yun-kyo.

Coincidentally, I was fortunate to be taking birth control pills for menstrual irregularity, but I would have felt more at ease if he had used condoms for double contraception.

"I looked through the trash can and couldn't find any condoms. Even if I didn't find them, I should have found five or six of them at least. Oh, of course, the sex happened out of the blue... but it was that long."

"You asked me to cum inside, so I did whatever you wanted."


"If you ask me, I do think Choi Jumi would have just stood up and checked her own pussy."

Jumi stood there dazed, like someone who had been hit in the back of the head with a hammer.

What is this man talking about now? Check... what?!

He looked at every single quivering eyelid of hers as if admiring her now pale pallor, and continued talking without even a slight smile.

"Ah, well. You asked me to suck your pussy hole repeatedly, so I did that all morning. After we fucked, I stuck my tongue into your tiny cunt all night long. No, you couldn't have known, you even squirted several times due to intense pleasure."

He calmly speaks loudly and reaches over to the desk and takes a cigarette.

Oh God! I have to ask again. Be calm, stay calm Jumi. With this man, if you are as calm as he is, you can say whatever you decide to say.

He took a cigarette and lit it at the same time tilting his chin. Afterwards, Jumi couldn't help but feel her eyes hurting from the smoke he was blowing out.

"If you're asking because you're afraid you might get pregnant, I'll take full responsibility."

"You don't have to. It doesn't seem like you're worried, but I'm taking birth control pills so I don't think that will happen, but just in case something happens, I'll be responsible for it by myself. And that day... it was just a one night stand. A meaningless one night stand. Something like that. So, since both you and I were drunk and out of our minds that night, we clearly drew the line that it was just one of too many nights that just happened."

Jumi thought this smart and knowledgeable man would have fully understood her intentions.

No matter what happened that day, it was just a mutual mistake. Let's treat it as a one-night stand. I came to say it in a noble way, but I ended up blushing profusely at his provocations. I didn't expect to have a normal conversation with him on a nice note.

"I-I'm sure the Director would say that anyway, that it didn't mean anything, so let's act as adults and not attach importance to it."

Jumi felt uncomfortable for no reason, so she subconsciously touched the nape of her neck where he left his brand. Even when she thought about it, she found it uneasy that she wore clothes with a high-cut turtleneck and did shallow embellishments to cover up the bite marks he left on her skin.

"It didn't seem meaningless," he murmured.

Perhaps thinking of leaving work, he extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, fumbled with his tie, and straightened his collar. A wristwatch, shining arrogantly like him, flashed on his left wrist.


"Why do you want to deny it so much?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you weren't thinking about another man the whole time we were having sex. You kept saying my name."

She was taken aback by the confident tone.

I had to ask myself what that meant, but my trembling fingertips had become cold, contrary to my heart. I suddenly felt bad at the good-natured tone of his mouth. I tried to choose a rebuttal between a harsh remark that I was speechless and a reasonable compromise, but my mind was a mess. There's no way that man knew that. It's not like he somehow got into her head and read her mind. No, she never thought of Jung hyun. No, she did think of him, but only for a split second, and it was never with such lewd intentions...

"But if you did, if the sizes are similar, you could be mistaken."

Same size?! I'm still sore down there. How dare you?!

The man leisurely crossed his arms in front of his chest and nodded. The soft tone flowing from the dry man was clearly mocking.

"Director, on what basis do you say something like that? I have never... I'm sure I called your name as I climax..."

Silence permeated the air in an instant. The more she conversed with this man, the more she makes a fool of herself. The more she tries to reason out, the deeper she digs her ankles into the abyss.

Why is it that among the fragments memories scattered, that is the only one so vivid to me?

After participating in silence for a moment, he finally bursts into a sarcastic laughter.

It felt like if she looked at that smirking face any longer, she would hear more mockery.

"Erm, what I'm saying is...."

"It's okay. Whether I or the asshole next door was in your head, it doesn't matter. Just like Choi Jumi said, it was just a meaningless one-night stand. Now, you can leave."

As she tried to suppress her mouth from cursing the man, her glaring eyes burned as if she wanted him to die on that spot while he, nonchalantly holds back his laughter. In the end, it was she who could not control her anger and kept her mouth shut. It was because the man ordered her to leave for the discussion was over.

"What are you doing still standing there? Get out!"

Jumi opened the office door and left the room in a huff, but she couldn't hide the feeling of being insulted for having been kicked out. She wanted to stomp her feet as she stared at the closed door. The eyes of the men guarding the front of his office were focusing on her, but Jumi didn't care. As she was walking to the elevator, biting her lower lip and swallowing the heated curses that wanted to burst out from her mouth, she got a phone call.

[PC: Yes, father. The news arrived very quickly to you... I came because I had to run a quick errand. No, I will see you at home. I'm about to visit you and mom in our house. Mom is with you there, right? I have something to say to both of you, so please tell her that I'll be visiting as well.]

I'm tired. I'm not a helpless person to begin with, but these days, unexpected things keep happening and things go in directions that have nothing to do with my intentions, so I feel incompetent. Even though things were difficult, I lived my whole life without ever talking back to my parents. This was partly thanks to the two people who regarded complaints and dissatisfaction as nothing more than childish whining, but also because they knew better than anyone else that nothing would change no matter what. I have learned that it is easier both physically and mentally to give up the fight rather than complain. That's why I went to two different date nights as suggested by my parents, without a second thought. Even if I rebelled, things would eventually go their way, so pointless resistance would only drain all of our energies.

The two people took pride in their only daughter, considering her as an obedient and good daughter.

Gyeong-ah painted Jumi's future as if it were her own, saying that she would proudly place her in the position of a wife to a good family someday. Choi Jumi's will was not important in that picture.

"Miss, I will take you home."

Perhaps because he had been waiting in front of the Director's office, the bodyguard who brought her to his office spoke to her again.

Normally, it would have been easier to take a taxi alone, but since he responded that it was too hard for her to even walk a single step, he prepared the car as if he had been waiting for her. Jumi was grateful to the man for offering her a free ride.

Even more thankfully, the elevator arrived.

"You're going home late tonight."

Startled by the familiar deep voice behind her, Jumi's couldn't hide the little jump his nearness brought upon her. Just then, Jeong Yun-kyo appeared beside her on her left, fully dressed without missing a single button not unbuttoned on his suit jacket. No matter how she looked at it, it was something he said to her. There's no way he's saying those words to his subordinates who always leave work with him. She was about to answer something when the elevator door opened. She was listening to the sound of his shoes as he entered the open elevator, and then she belatedly walked to the elevator, almost dragging her feet and stood facing the elevator door in front of him and his men. Not wanting to be in an enclosed space with his intimidating aura surrounding her again. The back of Jumi's head stung, but she pretended not to notice and just glared at the closed door.

"Well, thanks to this particular person, I have something else to do here. I'm forced to be in a place where I didn't want to visit ever in my entire life."

Jumi's anger flared due to the small burst of laughter that was so tempting to be slapped at, but she didn't look back. Looking back is enough, and if you let your anger get in your head, you'll lose.

"Are you always a brat?"

"Of course not, but lately I've been thinking irrationally unintentionally. You don't have to take me with you today. I have someone to drive me home, so I'll go first. Goodbye Director."

Let's not meet again.

As soon as they arrived at the lobby, she briskly walked ahead of him without looking behind her. She purposely stood up straighter and walked hurriedly.

Why did I let myself be in this predicament? Every time I see that man, everything goes wrong. I don't know why I feel so pathetic today. I hope never to see him again. I wish our paths would never cross... but as I was walking away from him, I suddenly got a bad feeling. The thought of meeting that arrogant and ruthless man once more would burn my heart with intense emotions. Growing so powerfully that it frightens me.

It was an intuition scarier than anything else I've felt before. Absolutely frightening.

The more she gets involved with him, Jumi's fear increases inevitably.


"Oh, yes, let's go please."

As she stepped into the backseat that the security guard opened, her cellphone beeped.

[TM: Miss Jumi, thank you for having lunch with me today. Go home safely. If you ever change your mind about the wine, please contact me. - Tae-ju]

If I try to solve one thing, another problem catches up. If I try to untie one knot, another one gets tangled up. I gave up thinking about what, how and where it went wrong in the first place. If I look back, it comes down to my family's affair and is right in front of my face.

Why is it so cold this winter? What should I do to stop from freezing in the middle of this season?

"By the way, I will be leaving early as soon as I arrive at my family home, so could you please wait a moment for me? I will be real quick."

"Yes Miss." The man agreed to her request without hesitation. The answer was as quick as her decision.

As Jumi turned her head past the car that had stopped at the red light for a moment, she saw a familiar car parked in the lane next to hers. The darkly tinted interior of the car was as black as his dark heart, and the owner was immediately recognizable. Not only was it not a common car model, but she had driven home in that car just two days and a week ago like it was natural for her to ride in it.

As soon as the traffic light changed, the car carrying him stopped and passed her. Anyway, he seemed like a heartless person, and when she remembered that face that was openly smiling sarcastically at her, her mood suddenly shifted. Under the suspicious gaze of the security guard, Jumi moved her eyes beyond the car window.

Slowly, her vision began to blur as her tears started.


Yun-kyo stared at the rapidly changing scenery from the car window and then laughed out loud. As the man who rarely smiles raises the corner of his mouth, Cheolju, who was driving, moves his gaze silently through the rear-view mirror. Then, when he made eye contact with him in the mirror, he got startled and take the steering wheel again.

Even when I looked at her pitiful sight, I couldn't stop laughing.

That night was clearly a mistake. The mistake of falling for Choi Jumi's clumsy, seductive charm, who was drunk and took out her hidden seductress trait.

I made the mistake of quickly unzipping my suit due to the soft feel of her tongue, the mistake of falling for the pleasant wagging of her rounded hips, the mistake of having a taste of that wet, shiny hole that tempted me to insanity... and the mistake of tasting her squirt, dripping cum and overwhelming feel of drooling over it.

The mistake of splitting the dripping tight and tiny vagina in half and burying my dick deeply. It was all a mistake... but none of it felt like a mistake. I admit it was impulsive. I was drunk, my judgment was impaired and I had lost my self-control. So that's the problem. You're losing your judgment because of that woman, Yun-kyo. No matter how drunk I was, I asked myself, "Have I ever lusted over a woman's body with just a simple drink?" To be so reckless and act like a dog in heat so helplessly. Actually, it wasn't something to laugh about.

The first time I saw her was at a dinner with Chairman Kwon Seung-ho and Executive Director Choi Woo-seok, a week before the 'dinner' meeting. Choi Jumi must have seen him there for the first time, too. Although it was our first time meeting each other, we didn't show any common interest to one another. I was just one of the many people passing by who came out to dine with Chairman Kwon. I assumed she would too. She had no interest in conversing or entertaining, and her eyes were just as dry. Although we ate facing each other, we did not make any eye contact.

She could have been out of breath in the presence of Chairman Kwon, but she quietly finished her meal and drank tea without making a single sound of her breathing. A woman who has become accustomed to be unaffected despite the numerous black-suited gangsters guarding outside of that Korean restaurant. I guessed briefly about the life she lived. Either way, my interest quickly faded away. She wasn't a woman worth particularly paying attention to.

The conversation was boring, and when the usual business talk faded away, we made meaningless eye contact. The woman, who didn't even raise her head once, looked like she was bored to death. Nevertheless, I could not blink even once and stared her down. I thought she looked a lot like her father, Executive Director Choi. An expressionless face and eyes that never smile. The first time she opened her mouth was to answer Chairman Kwon's question.

"Have a drink Chairman Choi. This one tastes so good."

"Yes, thank you so much for inviting us in this wonderful place. I'm so grateful the Chairman set-up this meeting by himself. We're honored to be here."

"Yun-kyo, do you find Chairman Choi's daughter pretty? Why don't you try settling down this time?", Chairman Kwon leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Getting married? No."

"'It is because Choi Jumi resembles Executive Director Choi that she's a rare beauty. I think it would be nice to become friends with the people in my inner circle especially my wife. It wouldn't be a bad idea that you two meet and hang out with each other. Isn't it? There was a reason why our Executive Director Choi cared so much and didn't show you around.'

"I don't have a very good personality, so I think I wouldn't get along well with your wife."

"It doesn't look like that at all, but it's so true you're sincere and beautiful, but you're telling there's something wrong with you. Who said that?"

"My father said it as a joke, saying I was rude and I'm too blunt but that's my true nature."

"This child what are you talking about..?"

"Hahaha..." Chairman Kwon laughed heartily. "So you're far more feisty than you appear, right?"

Whether she was joking or being serious, she just looked at Chairman Kwon, smiling but didn't laugh along. She quietly picked up her spoon and stirred her tea cup. As she brought the cup unto her lips, for a brief moment, my eyes were drawn to her mouth. The sight of Chairman Kwon, who could easily destroy such a small and fragile woman in an instant, made me confused by her expression of not being discouraged and frightened at all. It was when I made eye contact with her once again that I realized that she was either fearless or uninterested, or both.

The woman, who never leaves an empty space when it is not needed, lowered her teacup and quietly put her hands down. Although I hated to admit it, that strange quiet attitude remained in my mind even after several days had passed. I tried to convinced myself, it doesn't have any special meaning and isn't interesting enough to seek it out and contemplate about it, but it's something like an addictive delicious wine in a wine cellar that comes into mind for someone who wants to quench their thirst sometimes. That's it.

"Then, the three of you had a good time. I'll bid you farewell now."

The woman politely asked for understanding and left first. She did not forget manners even though she made a joke that crossed the line.


The more busy Chairman Kwon became, the closer Song Hayoung got to Yun-kyo. He was never interested with her but instead of confronting him, the Chairman prepared a spontaneous date to separate him from Song Hayoung. To quickly tie up Jeong Yun-kyo's feet with another woman and distance himself from Song Hayoung.

Since I don't like confrontations anyway and the outcome was obvious. I thought I would go on my own, ignoring the Chairman's wishes but I got a call from Cheolju. It was reported that Choi Jumi was at the restaurant. I was enjoying my shower even after receiving the phone call, but when I was informed that she was still there waiting for me for almost three hours, I became irritated. I lost my temper. I don't know if it was foolish or clever, but in the end, it was getting ridiculous for her to make me walk to see the end. Maybe I wouldn't have walked over to her if I hadn't seen that unusually calm woman at the dinner table. Of course, that doesn't meant that it was something special. I was just curious about what kind of expression she would make when I faced her in person. I just want to finished the deed, and walked towards her table as I bit down on a cigarette with an annoyed expression.

I sat down a little away from the table first where the woman was sitting and watched her. She was calm and quiet. As if it was only natural that she was alone, many women were staring at cups of coffee that they didn't even know when they had been brought out, with their hands clasped on their bags. Then she got a phone call. She took a deep breath when she realized who the sender was.

[PC: Hello Hye-seon, yes... I'm going to senior's engagement party. Why can't I go? I'm fine. They invited me to come, so shouldn't I go and show myself? Of course... Oh yes, he is much nicer and handsome than Jung hyun. He has good manners, too. I have totally forgotten about Jung hyun... Why are you bringing up what happened from the past then? It's going well. If you see us together all this time, you won't worry. He's polite, smart and kind. He's such a gentleman and our dinner date is going well. The atmosphere is good... I have to go back in, I'll hang up now."]

After hanging up the phone, the woman put her hands together again. Perhaps because she wasn't bored, she didn't look at the window even once and just stared at her coffee, which must have gone cold. I thought I came for no reason. I put aside my trivial curiosity and was just about to leave, but instead I walked over to Choi Jumi and sat down with her and had a minor conversation just because of that one ridiculous phone call.

So, looking back, that was my first mistake.

Instead of turning around and leaving, I returned to this woman.

Choi Jumi was reluctant to get involved with her father Executive Director Choi. As she sat there with them, she looked even more helpless, like that expressionless straw doll. I silently groped my chest like a person who couldn't even drink a glass of alcohol because it was stuck in my throat. Executive Director Choi and Executive Director Choi Woo-seok were strict people. One head is an extraordinary old man. He was a man who was like a ghost who can make money come in and stop money from coming out.

Jumi has wealth, born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She is a gorgeous woman but a depressed only daughter. That calmness is actually just a camouflage to hide her depression. It was not difficult to see that the source of the depression began with Executive Director Choi's power and authority. Choi Jumi wasn't strong enough to overcome it. So, she had no choice but to be devoured by her father who was like a sword as if measuring each piece. I found out why the woman who had been sitting in one place for three hours waiting for someone who didn't come to the meeting didn't leave.

The woman was not waiting, but was avoiding her family.

"Can you please just wait until I finish drinking this? It's not because I'm scared."

She, who had always been hiding her emotions like a wax doll without revealing them had opened her heart wide in front of me. Her vulnerability struck me.

A strange sense of curiosity and blossoming desire arose.

I want to see her pushed to the limit and completely broken down by fear. I wanted to tear the shell, which was packaged so well as if it had been made artificially, into pieces and place the kernels at my feet. As if she didn't realize that it would be more dangerous to stick with me than the guy who was planning to sneak into her home. She cried and called out my name with a very frightened face, saying, "Director Jeong Yun-kyo."

I thought it would be really fun. I wondered if it was the face sitting opposite me, like a person who had been liberated from everything in the world. It was hard to believe that she, who had maintained her composure and courtesy even in front of Chairman Kwon without wasting a breath, had suddenly crumbled.

She was completely white with fear, so I poured another drink into her empty glass because I couldn't bear to look at her bloodless face. Shaking and unable to concentrate properly, she brought the remaining drink to her mouth. Once again, I wasn't expecting to have sex with her. It was a fiery mistake that could not be controlled.

A blatant mistake, one that made me unable to control my dick.

An obvious mistake, a mistake that doesn't seem like a mistake. A mistake that unexpectedly broke down my defenses and made me lose my mind.

The crying eyes holding my face were unfocused. Maybe I wanted to see her immorality, her virginal pussy meat pierced all over by me, covered in my drenched cum, fucking her hard and made her squirt like a waterfall. I went on some low-level bullshit and added reasons for this and that, but the conclusion was that I wanted to see her disorganized and falling apart right before me.

That's it.

I wanted to tear away the artificial packaging that she had been wrapped in and see the core itself at my feet.

I also got drunk for the first time in a while. It was all about losing focus. Jumi became speechless as she drowned herself with two bottles of strong wine. Rather, she seemed like a person who wanted to get drunk. Like a person who must choose between drinking or dying. It made me wonder, what does she want to forget so badly?

Nevertheless, even though she was disheveled, her eyes were blurry and her tongue was drawn out to wet her lips. I immediately guessed who was in her head.

("Oh yes, he is much nicer and handsome than Jung hyun. He has good manners, too. I have totally forgotten about Jung hyun... Why are you bringing up what happened from the past then?")

Her confused thoughts piqued my interest.

Jumi, who was besotted in alcohol and was hot and mushy, was desperately caressing my lips, searching for an answer to her question that I never asked. My face, which is taking long, sighing breaths, is torn apart like a boiling pot. Her expression was like a heated hot air balloon with a mixture of sadness and desire, and she was standing there almost collapsing in front of me, as if she was letting me have my way with her.

The corners of her eyes were crying.

"I'm not senior Jung hyun, what will you do about it?"

She was licking her chapped lips, as she pressed them awkwardly against mine.

The tongue, which had become a concentrated form of alcohol, was pushed into my mouth and the alcohol immediately spread out in a rush. It seemed like a vector of contagion determined to infect even me. She quickly steals other people's reason and melts my carnal desires in its place. An agent with a malicious intent.

What made her so drunk? It made me think who was the person who took away reason from this beautiful woman who had closed herself off like a frozen winter. I suddenly became curious about who that man was.

The spores of carnality she spread gave birth to the seeds of dangerous thoughts in my head. If I think deeply, I will exhaust myself. I was thinking of losing my mind first before I got tired of her. I didn't think she was the kind of girl who would bother me just because I got into contact with her. I just didn't like women running after me or being touched in one way or another. With such a light thought, I gently pushed her away, but in that moment of loss of reason, the delicate woman seizes the opportunity to grab my face and pushed her tongue deeper into mouth, settling in. Jumi, who broke in, seemed to be wandering around in a daze as she were a drunkard, and the alcohol she consumed tied me up, making her all tangled up and clinging to me. Her tongue was rubbing itself indiscriminately on mine, sticking its head inside and pecking, like a hungry person trying to find a hot salvation. She was whimpering like a puppy as she explored the soft insides of my mouth, and she was grinding her tongue on mine as if she was complaining for me to suck her back harder.

My will was not weak enough to be controlled by her sloppy kisses. However, in response to this insignificant temptation that was struggling to take me, I felt my lust, which was as small as a rat's dick, becoming enlarged and trying to devour me. That vivid sensation traveled up to my erect, massive penis and caused multiple tingling sensations beneath the tightly muscled abdominal muscles and somewhere in my groin.

A damn feeling as if this solid body had become a robot. In short, I surrendered.

When I don't give her as much effort as she wanted, she slapped both of my cheeks while she was whining, unable to control her reactions. It was a harsh urging to respond quickly. There is everything like this. There was an ugly conflict for a moment about whether I should hit her.

"What do you want Jumi?"

Her circling tongue didn't seem to come from a body that knew how to be with a man. Jumi didn't seem like she has a body that knew the taste of a man's dick as well, and the reason I noticed at that moment was purely because of this clumsy fucking kiss she's giving me. It's absurd that the source of my dangerous lust for this woman came from her sloppy kissing.

"Fuck!" The spitting curse glides down her throat. She swallowed our saliva and said...

"Mmm... It's delicious..."

That made me laughed out loud.

As I held her down as she fell, I heard the sound of my cellular phone vibrating somewhere on my pocket. The urge to accept it was there to make it stop from blaring loudly.

The call came from one of his men. Gwangmi and Cheolju who carry out his orders immediately. To look after Chairman Kwon and Hayoung Song as they work together in the hotel business. Yun-kyo was sure that it was her with a high probability that pushed to be his working partner. The chairman's annoying third wife. Even though she knew that the chairman's mood towards her had become more serious these days, Yun-kyo was the one who was bothered by the recklessness of the annoying woman who uses the chairman's love as a weapon to show her lack of energy for her husband and enthusiastically tries to get Yun-kyo's attention instead. Fuck her anyway, that woman has reached the level of a God when it comes to annoying him. Trying to do the same damn thing a hundred times just to get on his nerves.

When I left Jumi's wet, kissable lips without giving her a proper kiss, she lifted her heavily closed eyelids and there was a faint protest of disapproval in her eyes. She frowned at me. It was like the rebellion of a childish brat.



"What's wrong, huh? Don't you know anything about kissing?"

I placed my hand on her cheek and she started sucking my thumb and moaned. It was the sexiest sound I have ever heard.


"What's with 'mmm...'?"

She shook her head, pouted, puffed out her lips, and did something quite cute.

"Well, what are you going to do when you see it? Pretty tricks won't work for me. I don't like to play around."

Even though I scolded her, I couldn't back down now. My body, which had become hot and bothered for the first time in a very long time was boiling full of spring emotions, stood at the edge of the cliff, tempted by this night of regret. It's been such a long time since I had a sexy woman that I'm actually embarrassed by my pleasurable reaction towards her. I can't believe I was aroused by her clumsy provocations.

Now that I think about it, it seems like she sprained her ankle while running away before. I

started massaging it and was gently touching her ankle but she was whining as if she was fussing.

"Ah, not that one. I-I don't like kneading... please hurry up!"

Jumi kept on rubbing her body against his, her arms wrapped around his neck. She was sitting astride his lap now that it made his member stood in attention.

"Okay, since you and I had both drink, let's say we did something crazy while drunk. Anyway, what mistakes you make while in a drunken state is no big deal."

Yun-kyo spoke to himself, pretending to warn her. All of his usual reason, which was like a roly-poly, had volatilized somewhere. He must have really lost his taste after getting drunk on this one drink, and his genitals were swelling up like a soldier. In other words, there was still a long way to go before the object standing between his legs regained its original form.

"Sweet... Little baby Jesus..."

Not knowing how tempting she was to him at that moment, Jumi presses on, squeezing out what little patience Yun-kyo has left.

I pulled down my tangled tie a little nervously. Then I slowly put my hand inside Jumi's skirt, which was scattered like seaweed, and grabbed on her two plump buttocks in a rather mischievous manner. Her wrists were very thin and had no flesh, and compared to her body size, her buttocks were quite ripe and full, making it pleasurable to touch by a man's hands. Who knew that there was so much mature flesh underneath a modest-looking skirt? Jumi, with half-closed eyes, lifted up her skirt on her own, perhaps intending to show off her private parts to me that will be revealed when she separates her own legs. Rather than saying that there was any will, it would be more correct to say that this was a mischievous attempt. Regardless of the true intention, it was a conclusion that did not make much difference from my perspective.

Thin fingers wrap around the hem of her skirt and slid under her smooth, stretched thighs. With a skirt in between that would tear if pulled apart, I gazed intently at her soft fingers, down to her perfectly curvaceous hips, and at the long silken thighs that looked like glazed porcelain.

This is a fortune telling battle. I felt dizzy. These sensual scenes before me are pulling me in, in an attempt to drag me into the swamp of temptation. My throat was tight and I couldn't breathe, but I could see everything clearly.

When I gave a big massage to the flesh of her buttocks that I was holding with a satisfying sensitivity, she flinched and the delicate skin immediately jumped in surprise. After kneading it so harshly that a chunk of flesh sticks out between my fingers, I open her anal passage by spreading the plump buttocks I've grabbed, but I can only internally welcome it with a snort. At this point, I wonder if I'm pretending to be drunk, or I'm really drunk. It couldn't have been a reasonable doubt.

After he had been heated at a low temperature and had already reached the boiling point for a long time, he tried to control myself with one exhalation. This woman's sexy body, which she could not hide by tricking his eyes, was already tormenting him as his vision cleared as she stood there before him until his cock ached. It felt like she was laughing at him for already falling for the trick.

In the end, it was Yun-kyo who placed his mouth on hers again. The wait was long, but the feeling of the tongue being drawn like a magnet showed that it was the same as before. Jumi, too, was not able to quell this heightened excitement in the slightest. She hungered for him.

When I hooked my fingers into the thin, pink panty straps and pulled them like peeling a fruit, her tongue trembled slightly as if her pussy flesh was being dragged and rubbed. At the same time, her tongue movements became more bold.

"It looks like you've been stimulated. I really liked the honest reaction, Jumi..."

The lower part of his body, which represented his state of mind, was enveloped in a vicious firestorm that could not have been more honest.

Even the moment she twisted her head and change the direction of her tongue, it feels like it's burning. I want to untie the frustrating knot of our tongues quickly. I wanted to burn her body, by tasting every inch of her. My heart was pounding my chest like a person struggling to find the end. Her body excites me.

Just as he wanted, she sucked and moistened her tongue, which was covered in saliva. It was his turn to step forward now.

"Ah, ah..."

The cute moan that spreads from her mouth ignites the last remaining spark of reason from his mind and pulls the trigger of passion. The match of the opposite sex, which had been worn out beautifully, soon left only ashes. It was time to take out each other's private parts, align them underneath, and put them on together willingly.

But I was sad to end the kiss like this, so I bit her tongue as she giggled and rubbed it with mine. I sucked the piece of flesh that was engaged with my tongue again and scratched the roof of her mouth with all my might.

The layers of saliva that they cannot swallow, she opens her throat to catch and gulps them down every time the turbulent kiss piles up. She was thirsty for his wet kisses and that turned him on. The tongue, tangled like a disorderly bastard, was like a sponge dipped in alcohol, and the sounds it passed around were music to his ears.

"Ugh, um!"

The waves of moaning grow louder and the dancing of their tongue becomes stronger. He tried to suppress his impatience by pressing her tongue deeper with his voracious tongue, which had been dipped in saliva.

Her legs were wrapped around his waist tightly, as if she were offering them toward the sky. He rubbed the love juice that was sticking out of the panties and stuck his finger into the hot piece of cloth. The area around the heated pit is filled with moisture, like an eruption crater. Just thinking about how hot the magma boiling under the earth's surface would make him get heated even in his head.

The moment I touched the tip of my finger against her flaming flesh, I knew that it was a hot spring that would warm my engorged prick and not dry up even if I pumped it randomly, a pool in the forest that would bring me pleasure even if I burned to death, and that it would not betray my expectations.

Her body heat trapped under the lacy soaked underwear blocking her tight cunt's entrance. It's so wet that even the tiny hairs around the vaginal opening are soaked with her love juice and trickling down her inner thighs. When I rub my finger around that hot and tiny hole, it shrinks to its fullest extent, and then the hole like a prison door that opens up widens, demanding insertion. My finger felt numb due to that warm skin as I slowly dipped it inside of her.

My damned brain still couldn't figure out whether I was drunk or what I was drunk on.

I found the hole right away, but it was a very narrow path. I lifted my finger a little bit and watched the entrance of her vulva a little and entered her again, that her moaning became louder. I tried to open her delicious pussy with that one long finger but it was too tight. Even when I pulled it out again, the sexy sound her pussy made me mad with desire.

Next I grabbed her pussy lips, stretching them to the sides and grinned as her sticky vaginal fluid suddenly dripped and covered my fingers.

"You look delicious enough to eat. If your pussy juice soaks my fingers like this, my cock will make your squirt explode."

Yun-kyo barely managed to calm down the excitement that wouldn't be surprising if a blood vessel somewhere in his brain burst as Jumi grabbed his forearms.

"Ah, yes."

"Choi Jumi..."

Between consent and coercion, she completely removed her skirt and pulled down her panties. Under the bright lights, she was like a deer with its head hanging down, waiting to be eaten. His little beast. The panties dangling from her ankles are light pink lace.

How does it not disappoint expectations? I can't tell if her eyes are closed or open, or if her happy expression is sincere. She was smiling all throughout. Alcohol can reveal one's true feelings, but it can also trick one into believing that a lie is the truth, so from now on, I was going to ask her everything whether it was true or not.

The picture she was showing was good enough to make me want to admire the chaste young woman taking off her panties, spreading her legs wide open before me, showing her tiny wet hole, and closing her eyes as she started rubbing herself. Opening her thighs far apart as if offering her pussy to me. When I grabbed the front of both sides of her blouse and opened it as if opening a lovely present, the buttons popped off and the light pink bra that matched her panties was revealed.

When the bra straps are lowered down while the ends are gathered together to support her hidden large breasts, her exposed titties fall down heavily and settled on my face. Her round, fleshy breasts were plump as expected. They were too big that my hands can hardly contain them. The pinkish areolas with the nipple peaks standing strong, too tempting that I started salivating. Her mature nipples in the middle of them were clearly visible. I stick out my tongue and touch the delicious nipple and areola at the same time. I couldn't bear it anymore and sucked on the protruding contact point like a baby. Only after I knew the every details about this beautiful woman, including the fact that her left nipple was sticking out a little more. I took the tip that was rubbing inside my mouth sucking voraciously. When I raise the tip of my tongue and flick the protrusion, she giggled happily and wrapped her outstretched legs around my waist. As I watched her giggling and radiating pleasure, the sight of her catching her breath as she was drowning in pleasure, it almost felt like everything Choi Jumi had shown me previously about her character was a lie.

Why did you usually hide yourself so much?

"They say you were quiet and gentle but I guess Executive Director Choi doesn't even know his own daughter."

"Ha... Mmm... Ugh!"

As her heated body moved, she spread her legs even more, as if she knew what state she was in. The light pink labia minora covering her wet entrance spread wide as if to seal him in that tiny hole, but soon closed, tantalizingly. Unable to hold it all in, the newly leaked love juice was busy wetting her entrance. Her wet pussy dripping clear vaginal fluids on its own without me having to scoop it out from inside, and she lit the fuse just as much.

As you can see, if he opens that cover and puts his mouth in it, the damp and sweet smell of water of her languid body will wash over him. The smell of hormones that will maximize a man's sexual feelings and promote sexual intercourse.

"Choi Jumi, I thought you were calm and quiet, but I guess you're far from it."

Normally, she would have opened her cat's eyes and glared at his sarcastic remarks, but she seemed to be in a good mood and just smiled while biting her lower lip.

"L-let's move..."

"I can't believe you're laughing right now."

"I want you. Let's do it... quickly!"

"You're making me mad with desire for you."

He was about to stick his nose into her sweet-smelling cunt, but instead he removed his suit, unzipped his pants and took out his dick.

I felt like I needed to get a taste of this woman first and drink her womanly water out of her. Otherwise, her delicate pussy would be tormented by my rugged, turgid cock with a special intention of fucking her all night long.

Today, I had a strong intuition that somehow that would be the case.

His intuition was never wrong.

I forcefully shook my veiny hard penis and lowered my head to savor her pussy hole. I didn't mean to do that, but as I sucked it, I started to savor it for it tasted so sweet, it was intoxicating. I stroke her tiny curly fur out of the way to remove the obstruction and placed my mouth on her moistened delta again.


She put both hands into my hair and grabbed it, moaning pleasantly and shaking her pelvis upward. Every time my moist tongue touches the wings of her labia minora, she unconsciously lifted her pelvis and rubbed her vulva against my lips.

"I know you're crazy, but if it hurts, at least tell me. I'm not an unscrupulous jerk who just wanted to get laid."

He rolled his tongue over her sticky labia minora, as if it was fluttering at the tip of his tongue, and inserted new saliva into the hole, or even thrusted in with his folded tongue.

Uncharacteristically, I put a lot of effort into opening up her tight vaginal opening. It was possible that I put my fingers in and open her narrow path, and when my mouth started watering again. I would fuck her with my mouth, drink as much of her vaginal water as I wanted, spit my saliva on her, and suck on her lubricated cunt.

The simple act of sexual intercourse, exchanging body fluids with each other, made me excited, and her clitoris, which had completely protruded from the clitoral foreskin, became plump and turned red, causing me to feel hot and hungry. I flicked the fleshy clitoris with the tip of my tongue vigorously and bit on it. She's intoxicating me.

"Yes, aaahhh..!"

It must have felt so good that she started crying and I felt like her lower abdomen was shaking. Then her pussy lips quivering and her legs started to convulsed, that she even squirted warm, watery cum.

I decided to finish masturbating without missing watching that moment. I admired her sexy quivering body as she continued squirming and squirting, groaning loudly as she was cumming strongly. I thought I was drinking a lot of wine, but the stream of her watery cum that drew a round orbit was quite long. Flooding the floor as she was bursting right in front of me. Seeing that unconcealable primordial sexually charged appearance, I immediately climaxed myself, growling harshly and spewed out semen that was struggling for a long time to come out from my swollen penis unto her belly.

"Aah... fuck!", drowning in my orgasmic interlude.

"Choi Jumi, come to your senses. I can see your pussy opening up to me right now."

I want to fuck that pussy so bad. I wiped the semen off from my hardened dick with one hand and ran the other through my hair.

"You keep on exposing yourself to me. I'm keeping myself in control but damn it! I'm losing my fucking mind."

As semen accumulated on the floor, his sexual agony deepened.

"If you're going to boot and refused me now, say it so. If you want to stop, now is the time. I definitely gave you a chance."

"Ah... N-no... Mmm..."

Her delicious cunt, which had squirted without hesitation, seemed to be finally feeling refreshed, and the vaginal opening was fluttering and shaking. The urethral opening was opening and closing, and the clitoris was shaking slightly as it squeezed out the last of her residual cum. Just as the liquid dripping down her pubic hair seemed to be coming to an end, she started whining as if she was fussing in frustration. Now, at the end of the road of her climactic excitement, it was time to fit each other's genitals together as desired.

Without even having time to collect the thick flowing semen that was still oozing from his dick, Yun-kyo rubbed his drenched glans against the tiny, wet vagina and placed his burgeoning member over that tightly soaked hole. The reddish glans slowly disappeared into the lighter coloured roof of Jumi's labia minora. It came out again several times as he slowly pumped his hips to and pro. Squeezing his large member into that small pussy with all his might. Stretching her anew.

Even in a semi-conscious state, the muscles at the entrance to the vagina were contracted with tension, as if she had an intuition that she would have to accept a huge pillar whose size was completely out of proportion to her dainty, narrow passage.

Yun-kyo was going insane. His mind was in a euphoric daze, as if it had lost its function due to being immersed in alcohol, and the sensual stimulation that made him impulsive also played a role.

No, actually, I didn't know that the order had been reversed. It may be that his mind is pickled by her clumsy but properly stimulating gestures. But now the order doesn't matter. The result of considering unrelated things was the same. No matter what happened earlier, aren't Jumi and him engaging in a promiscuous affair now? He pushed up the head of his stiffened cock, which was pressed against the entrance to her tightly guarded vagina, and crawled slowly into that cramped hole.


My swollen cock that pierced the entrance could not overcome the tight tearing of vaginal pressure coming from all directions that immediately spat out seminal fluid. As if I was being sucked into a deep hole, the suction force from inside made me cum hard again. For a moment, I felt a sense of futility, but without forgetting what I had to do, I once again found a gap in which the flaring penis could bind me and suppress me, and forced my body deep into hers. In that state, my genitals were maximized, so I felt like a giant imprisoned in a small room. My penis, which seemed to be trapped and compressed by the vaginal mucosa, could not overcome the extreme orgasm and developed a fever. Even when the vaginal opening is blocked, the orifice muscles flex, so the tightened penis becomes comfortable in it.

It chews my dick so well...

This strong orgasm I experienced comes just from insertion. It was fucking crazy. Everything is hazy and impulsive, even the slightest stimulation is overwhelming.

"Ah! Ah!"

The obscene sound of both our intimate parts rubbing each other grew louder as the driving force propelled its way through the narrow passage. We both trembled at the momentary tingle that our bodies were experiencing. My quivering member jutted deep inside her trembling pussy. Jumi opened her closed eyes. It was still out of focus, but it was clearly looking at me.

"Jumi, open your eyes or at least say something. Is this forced?"

"Huh... huh... Ah... mo-"

She mumbled something in his ear.


Still, I guess she's not crazy enough to call another guy's name during our love making.

As the rhythmic cadence of bliss restarted, the soft moans became louder that filled the living room and shook the space, and the nasal sounds that had been pleasantly grunted transformed into a plea for ecstasy mixed with demand for satiety. He took a moment to catch his breath after fixing his thickened shaft inside her fluttering orifice after pushing it up completely.

"Even if we're both out of our minds, we can't keep doing this on the floor. So hold on tight!"

Then, he drove her more deeply into his hardened penis that was tilted beyond the vaginal opening and lifted her up by the waist and hugged her tightly. He thrusted so deep that the glans head hit the deepest spot in her as if there was still room left.

"I won't take responsibility if you fall down", he groaned.

"Ahhh... this... is so deep... Mmm..."

"Stop squirming. Fuck you're gonna make me cum again!"

He wasn't the only one who tripped over a rock and fell. Her bouncing waist moves forward, expressing physiological pleasure. He held her by her waist, which was narrow compared to her pelvis, and headed toward her bedroom.

No matter how crazy both sides are, they can't just fuck on the floor. It was a waste of time. I sucked earnestly on those huge, jiggling breasts. I pushed the glistening nipple deep into my mouth and sucked it in, rolling the nipple in a circular motion with his tongue. The sound I was making as I suckled on her tits was loud, and I focused my attention on her delectable breast like a person with an intentional purpose of making her cum again.

"Ahh, ugh!"

Every time I chewed and bite on her nipple, the inside of her vagina tightened and pulled the pillar in the passageway into a circle of frenzy. The proper copulating hadn't even started yet, but their climax came several times and broke Jumi down. Even though the orgasm was only just beginning, the vaginal wall, which had been fucked, was trembling and clenching hard at my penis. A token for a perfect pleasure.

I wanted to apply saliva until both of her jutting nipples were lubricated, but that too reached its limit because her bossom were full of his kiss marks.

It was his turn to pour out his orgasm into her absolutely lewd pussy once more. He won't stop until there was no room for his semen to flow in, that even the space to insert his dick became absolutely filled up.

It felt like her bed sheets were made up of her body scent. He couldn't resist watching in awe the moment Jumi's head touched the sheet and resumed chasing after his warm embrace. It was no different from a signal to cut off the starting line again.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!"

With a very burdened expression, she shouts in sexual expression at the highest level. Her arched eyebrows twitching as if frowning, her reddened lips trembling, and even then, the moans that give in to the uncontrollable sexual feeling.

Furrowed brows with moans continuously flowing through her trembling lips, succumbing to uncontrollable pleasure. Amidst the contradicting actions of enjoying his quivering dick's manipulation, while expressing distaste, which one would I believe?

Which should I trust: the woman who grabs my penis and sucks it, saying it's delicious, or the woman who shakes her head and says she doesn't like it?

Her duplicity of hiding her lustful curvaceous body under a calm and indifferent face to everything continued even in the bedroom. In the meantime, the pleasure of the uterus, which was pushed up by the penis and raised, was rubbed in front of the glans and the place where it touched, trembled, penetrated her and shook him. The woman, who was crying and clutching his face with both hands, seemed to have gone to heavenly lengths as far as she could. Reaching a point of no return with tears streaming down her pretty face.

Fuck, I can't stop cursing.

"Ahhhh, f-fu... Mmm... Ah!"

"What? Fuck? Do you want to swear?"

"Hold my arm... Yes, ah!"

I grabbed the arm that had tried to caress my face and placed it on top of her head together with her other hand so that I could hold both of her wrists. Her large delicious breasts bounced before me like a sacrificial offering. I couldn't stop myself from biting one hard nipple and sucking it hard. It was a strange sensation that there was another joint connected, and I could no longer stop crossing the line. If you intertwine your body with a stranger, you should not feel any emotions. Whether it's compassion, bizarre illusion, or whatever, it's forbidden. Emotions themselves, no matter what their form, are dangerous. Therefore, it is right to have sex without any emotional connection especially if it's a one night stand.

That's right, there's nothing to it, but why does my heart pounding so fast and swell like this?

"Ah! This... Weird... Aah... This is... Too much you bastard, huh!"

"You're right, take it!"

"More... Harder!"

"Ahhh... fuck!"

"Le... lemme take it, Ugh!"

"Endure it Jumi..."

"Slow down. P-please, yes!"

If I wanted to listen to that request, I wouldn't have even started.

Even on her lush, pubic hair, both their love juices and semen were caked together. He stabbed the top of the vaginal wall with his cock, which was thick with their mixed sexual nectar, and at the same time grabbed her waist and lowered her down. Entering her deeply as before.

It's strange, this federal corruption. However, the more I thrusted, the more I spread the tiny pussy wide enough to feel that my hardened glans, whose diameter had expanded, was too much for her to bear. I patted the vaginal wall, which was shrinking as if it had been heated by a fire, and rubbed my penis, which had become elastic from the friction. Even as my mind relaxes, this intercourse seems to be too much for me, so I grab both her legs and spread them far apart but that doesn't mean her narrow hole will expand. She groped and touched her clit and rubbed it repeatedly, trying to help stretch her pussy to the brink, complaining in tears about the burdensome intercourse. Even though the line between pain and pleasure was ambiguous, the vaginal folds were in full bloom and twitching with excitement as if they were about to explode. She closed her eyes tightly and moaned. Quivering in ecstatic pleasure as she reached a perfect orgasm.

Every time the large and thick head of my cock hits her vaginal arch, the quivering waist rises upward. It was the same position as when she was squirting a little while ago, but it was a different kind of sultry spot. A slightly higher vocal range mixed with a heightened nasal voice. The orgasm poured out from her was music to my ears. It was a thrill to witness her being consumed by pleasure, unable to avoid it.

"Yes, ah! ah!"

Although she had opened her eyes at some point, it was hard to tell if she was looking at him because her face is tear-stricken, along the corners of her red eyes. Occasionally, he was called Director, but most of the time she called out his name Yun-kyo repeatedly, but it was not even clear whether she was unaware of it.

"It feels good, huh, so good, ah!"

"Stop clenching your pussy. You don't want to relax. Calm down and relax your pussy, Jumi."

"I don't want to... Ah!"

"You hate this until the end. Don't you think it will be easier for you to relax? Do you hate that, too?"

"More, more..."

"I don't like it when you're relax either."

I brought my pelvis closer to Jumi's groin and quickly shook my hips. I was about to reach the end. My balls were stuck to the sticky perineum as if I was sliding, and every time I retreated for another insertion, I re-examined the mess I made of her sweet vaginal opening. Floating, light-colored love juices stretching like gooey liquid from my balls to her ass. What a sexy and unique sight to behold.

I'm so dizzy with sexual tension that my whole head flies off. With this pleasant sexual encounter, I burned my intimate area as if I had suffered a laceration from the ignited fire hole. When new white-colored secretions began to come out of her soaked vagina, which was stretched out on both sides due to eating my dick, her moans changed again into pleasant mewls.

The chanting became staccato and the sound of the woman's voice of pleasure deepened.

"Ha, yes, aaah!"

As soon as I was able to pull out my long, big hardened cock, it felt so good every time I thrust it in again, her inexperienced tightness clapping down my dick repeatedly, her tongue sticking out through her gaped teeth, our mixed saliva that couldn't be controlled and flowing, I wanted to bite down on that sexy mouth covered in foam right there.

Jumi persevered. Even though I knew that if I spit down her throat and licked it, she would suck it up because it was delicious, I sighed because I was sad that I had to give up the spectacle. The nipples, whose entire areolas had been softened by my saliva, were numbing with firm protrusions again. Tsk, it wasn't soft, and her loud moans came out as a playful sound, but in fact, it was extremely satisfying. Nipples that move up and down every time I thrusted my penis deeper. Ah, for now, I decided to just enjoy the amazing scene of her large breasts swaying in front of me.

"If it makes you feel good, you should say thank you."

"No... ah..."

"One cannot deny it. If it's so delicious, you should express your gratitude."

"Hmmm... ahh..."

"Say thank you. You should say thank you for having my dick in you. That's how you encourage someone. That way, I'll fuck you even more."


"Do you want me to take it out?"

She shook her head again and expresses her displeasure. Her flushed cheeks and pouted lips expressed her annoyance. Her hips shaking upward, trying to get as much of his dick inside her.

"Argh! You're killing me, Jumi. Anyway death comes to us all and even if I die soon, it's because we both desired it."

"P-please put your dick... ah... in..."

"That's cute. Come on beg me."

"Ahh, shit, ah!"

"Are you thankful?"

"Y-yes... ahhh, ugh!"

"Like that?"

"Put it in... Deeper! ah! ah! ah!"

"And my thanks?"

"Thank... Yes! Fuck me. Hurry!"

"That's it!"

In fact, it wasn't even clear what was being said. My tongue was twisted like my head. It is unclear whether I was also in a blurry state. Our encounter was full of things I wasn't sure about, but I could clearly see the pleasure of being hit by an instant fire. An explosion of orgasmic energy that had been unleashed and captured my mind and soul. It was perfect without a doubt.

"I'm going to cum inside you, so since you asked me nicely I'm going to comply. Tighten your pussy up and make sure it doesn't leak. Don't let a single drop out, okay?"

"Hmm... Yes... Come inside me... Please!"

She nodded her head at the soft sound of his voice. Sobbing in pleasure and pain. I thrusted my hips harder and deeper. Burying my burgeoning cock as she recoiled during my repeated insertion, but since she had agreed anyway, I was ready to release my sticky semen without hesitation inside that awaiting pussy.

I spurred on.

"Ahh, Yun-kyo! Yun-kyo!"

Then transparent, creamy-filled water began to leak out from the narrow, deeply penetrating hole as his shaft that was busy fucking her spent its seed inside her. Like a piston machine whose control system had lost its braking power, the penis that had been thrusting stuck in the deepest part of her tight vagina. Rubbing into her g-spot. It was the beginning of a long climax that they allowed. The two people standing at the end of the orgasm sobbed at the same time.



In the end, the water that burst from her wetted the cock that was blocking the entrance to her vagina. When the stake blocking the entrance was pulled out, the trapped semen flowed out in multiple chunks.

Nevertheless, the end is still in a distant corner. His testicles, which were once again elastic and filled up, were eager to spurt out semen. He was out of breath, shaking his head in disbelief. Reaching that pinnacle of his desire rattled his senses.

"Choi Jumi..."


She was falling asleep from exhaustion.

He turned her over and lifted her buttocks, which were still quivering uncontrollably from their strong orgasm. Her body, which had been slowly depleted with signs of weakness, was actually showing its physical limitations. They only just started, but she's already exhausted.

"Even with no experience, you're quite brave for starting something you can't even finish. God woman, what did you do to me?"

"Mmm..." Jumi moan as he spread her pussy apart to watch her leaking out their mingled cum.

"You're not even answering?"

As he spreads her legs appetizingly and brings it like an appetizing food right in front of his nose, her pinkish gap suddenly opens up. That small, sexual hole that continuously spits out his flooded semen and sour pussy juice with the sound of air bubbles. He couldn't help but admire the fact that so much was contained in the narrow hole, and he was overcome with a desire to put his mouth into it. However, he couldn't bear it anymore because his cock was so busy pulsating, so he placed the tip of his regrown glans on the vaginal opening where secretions were being excreted.

"Brace yourself, I'm going to fuck you from behind this time Jumi."

"Haa... So big, ahh!"

"Hang in there."

"Huh!" Jumi gasped.

One climax seamed to another and was not an ending at all. This was not the only dangerous and ominous sign. The desire to see her come to her senses arose.

I wonder what's it like to have sex with her sober while looking into each other's eyes?

A dangerous premonition that feels like it will feel much better than this tingles my brain stem. Even now, I've already exploded again and again inside her continuously and out of control. I'm afraid to imagine how delicious sex would be if it felt any better than this. The funny thing is, I'm afraid of how much crazier I'll get from having sex with her. This intimacy with her unsettles me.

It unnerves me.

Yes, Jeong Yun-kyo's sturdy demeanor is all gone now.

He re-aimed and rubbed his hardened cock against the gunk-filled hole to prevent more dangerous thoughts from taking over his mind. It was easier to go in and out because it was oiled earlier, but it was still difficult to put it in because she's too tight!

"Ah! Ah!"

"You're scared too. Don't play hard to get."

It felt like I was being sucked into her cunt again, but then my shaft went all the way in till the end of that squeezing slide.

The delicate buttocks bounce up and down just from the languid pressure. As her satiety increased, her struggles became more intense.

"I'm just teasing you a bit. Open your eyes if you don't like it. Resist."

"Ah... it hurts..."

"You'll feel better soon."


We flail our hips around together again. I'm going crazy and I can't resist not biting her nape.

"If a man fucks you the way he wants, you should put him in his place."


"Come on, give me a piece of what's in your mind."

"Do me harder... Ah! So rough!"

"When you finally get to your senses, don't make a fuss about having your pussy eaten raw."

Despite giving her commands as usual, Jumi is the kind of a woman who doesn't comply to orders easily. It was like that from the very beginning. She was a spiteful creature who secretly refuted his words, complained, and eventually got what she wanted. Things that were unthinkable in his world became more and more common when she was with him. Feeling a little embarrassed by his sudden weakness because of her, he crushed the tip of his lust-filled body all the way to her inside. The vaginal folds that had been stretched out tightened. The aftereffects of the digging had reached her other tightened hole. A hole with baby wrinkles that are different from the hole where his penis sunk.

Her anus, which has a different shape and function from the soft mucous membrane of the vagina, squeezes itself and becomes sticky. The love juice that overflowed from the previous climax flows down the perineum, and every crevice in the small wrinkles is covered with their love juice and semen.

Does she even realizes how she's exposing her sexy self to me right now?

"Ah! Ah!"

Every time the posture is reversed and the direction of the vaginal wall is touched with my penis in her tight canal, the stimulated anus contracts tightly. If the buds are unfolding, it looks sexy due to the milky semen. The feeling of wanting to stick something in that opening and closing of her anal sphincter was a clash between the sadistic desire to torment Choi Jumi and the urge to see her squeezing his dick with her cunt.

As if she knows where I am looking at, Jumi tightens her pussy hole, spreads her own butt cheeks and dug her buttocks against his front to eat more of his cock including the root into her cunt. The sex was so intense that everything that had happened so far felt trivial. I pulled Jumi's hand, which was holding the sheet tightly to keep from being carried away by the rough storm, behind her. Then she suddenly hooked one of her index fingers into her bottom hole, which seemed to be in the right place, her buttocks lifted up and the angle of her back became steep. Thanks to this, their joined genitals tightened and engaged more deeply. The head of my penis entered the deep vaginal arch, hidden insidiously next to the uterus, and I shuddered in forceful orgasm.

"Wait! Argh, ah... This... Too much!

"Aaaah! Ah!"

At the signal from her body that she was about to pour out, her waist formed a deeper curve and her buttocks rose to the top of the core. Before I knew it, a small hand had come out from the bottom and was scratching the sheet. The raised buttocks fluttered like a flag being blown by the wind. In response, she said she would take his semen that was about to spurt out.

"Come in me, Yun-kyo!"

Whatever it was, he ended up dying first.

I moaned at the same time as her at the feeling of our climax. My throat throbbed to the point that it hurts.

"Fuck shit!"

Vulgar curses keep coming out of my throat.

The urethral opening containing the semen was completely opened up due to the overwhelming feeling of ejaculation. Unable to overcome her orgasm, she fell onto the sheets, shaking like a bird who had lost her warm nest.

"Really, stop now..."

"What's wrong?"

"No more..."

"What do you mean no more? Hmm... It's not over yet. We've only just begun. Now, I'm going to eat your pussy up!"

When he grabs her, who has completely fainted, and turns her around, he sees her pussy lips that have been ruined by his forceful fucking.

Even while she was unconscious, the vaginal opening that he had moved in and out of was wide open and he was taking in air breathlessly, and the urethral opening, which was clearly bruised and protruding, was shooting out clear liquids. He waited for that delectable cum to arrive as quickly as it flows, then lowered his head and buried his mouth in her vagina, drinking off the last drops.

Even with her eyelids completely closed, her moans continued. It seemed like her intimate swollen area needed to be healed in order for him to re-enter her pussy hole again.

"I warned you before not to light the fire."

I whispered against her skin right before I licked her pussy hungrily again. Not wasting another drop.

And true to his words, Yun-kyo was the only one who remembered tonight's affair.