<Damian POV>
--The Base, Docks, Brockton Bay--
A little while later, at approximately 10 o'clock, both me and Stinger were playing Charades (and I was losing badly) to pass the time.
And just as I was once again about to be defeated by the "Ultimate Charades Master", I got an urget ping from one of my spider minions a few blocks down...
Before I got too excited though... I needed to make sure that the little spider had found the right person (I could count atleast 10 times where they misidentified someone).
With pull on our connection, I was able to look through the eyes of the spider (which was weird as he had six eyes) and voila!
Shadow Stalker in all her glory...
I breathed out in anticipation. I had become seriously bored after waiting so long and was almost about to give up for tonight and go to sleep!
Good thing my minions had found her!
I would make sure that the little spider would be rewarded!
But then I winced as I saw her tailing a sketchy looking guy who was passing packets with white powder and taking rolls of cash...
... Yeah, that guy was most certainly a Merchant. Aside from the obvious, using the insects I could also smell the stench off of him.
The stench of drugs.
And from the looks of it... Things were going to get ugly real soon.
Wasting no time at all, I pulled on the connection to every insect of that area and ordered them all to get there as fast as possible.
Just to be sure though, I also sent most of tasers ahead of me by ordering a cloud full of my wasp minions to carry and fly them on their backs.
A huge swarm of them were easily able to carry them.
Then I ran, as fast as I was able to, while also multitasking and controlling all my minions to act out their roles perfectly.
The stage was set...
Now it was time for the play to begin!
<Random Merchant Grunt>
Everything was finally going good for Trevor.
Before he was just a useless drop-out who had joined the Merchants (voluntarily... You don't see that everyday) and was used for mostly grunt work.
But finally! Fucking finally, he had been appreciated for his loyalty to the gang! He had been promoted to the position of a dealer!
The old dealer had been caught between a shootout and had died. Well good on him for dying, in Trevor's opinion many higher up should die so people like Trevor could rise up.
Boss Skidmark had chosen him for this! And he wouldn't let his expectations down!
He knew that there was good money in being a dealer and the risks were minimum too as who'll be willing to mess with the Merchants in their own territory?
No one that is.
And as long as he kept to the Docks, he would get the money, the fame, and even pussy.
Everything was finally going good for Trevor.
And then... The Shadow Bitch attacked him.
*Bang!* *Bang!*
"Fuck!" He yelled as a bullet hit his kneecap. Kneeling, he fired some more to the place he thought she was but the alley wasn't well it so he didn't know where she was.
He was just doing some normal business. Nothing new. Nothing sinister.
So why the heck he was getting this type of treatment!?
He was afraid, afraid as he had never been before. And knowing that he had no chance, he crawled himself to the alley wall and fearfully called out. "He-Hey! I surrender!"
Silence. No sounds of bullets or anything.
*Tak. Tak. Tak.*
-footsteps! He looked to his right and fear in his heart skyrocketed when he saw her, the Shadow Bitch, walk out of the darkness.
She wore a jeavy dark cloak with a skintight black costume underneath. Her mask was made of a black painted metal and was in the shape of a woman with a stern expression, that put the fear of God in him.
She walked towards him with steady steps and stopped over his lying form, looking at him with her cold brown eyes full of disdain.
His heart thundered in his chest as he started to get a bad feeling from her silence.
"He-Hey there's no need to fight!" Putting his hands up he cried fearfully. "See! I surrender! I surrender!"
Rather than listening to his pleas, she seemed almost disappointed at his surrender.
-then suddenly she kicked him in the stomach. And kept kicking, and kicking and kicking.
"Please! Please stop! I surrendered!" He begged her as he vomits a mouthful of blood.
She stops and tilts her face as she looks at him. Crouching next to him he hears her whisper to him. "You're just a prey... And I am the hunter... Die you pathetic insect." She coldly passed the judgement as if she were only taking the life of cattle rather than a human.
His eyes widened in fear and horror-
-and then she forcefully puts her leg to his neck and start strangling him.
"Pl-please! Someone help me! Please!" He cries out with his last breaths and he feels his vision blur as air escapes his mouth.
He uselessly struggles against her to avail and just as he was about to black out, he starts hearing buzzing...
-from everywhere...
And he sees a sight that would horrify him (but also bring out a ton of joy in him) for the rest of his life.
"Aagh!" She yelled and thrashed around as hundreds, no! Thousands and thousands of wasps, spiders, centipedes and God knows what else poured into the alleyway... from everywhere...
They instantly targetted and struck the lean figure of Shadow Stalker and began crawling under her suit, biting every inch of her body with their teeths...
"AAAAAAGHHH!" She began screaming, thrashing intensely as they bit in and their burning poison started flowing into her bloodstream.
Now in immense pain, she activated her power driven by her survival instincts-
"Aaagh!" She hit the ground and convulsed in pain as she was hit by a taser from... five different directions?
The electric shocks had undone her transformation, and it wasn't long before she passed out.
Either due to the bugs or the constant electric shocks by the tasers, Trevor didn't know.
But he was still glad that he was still alive. He even felt some morbid and petty glee when he watched the Shadow Bitch's suffering.
But he quickly noticed something very odd...
It was silent.
The whole alleyway was fricking silent!
'Does that mean that all the bugs are gone?' He thought in hope that finally this horrible night could end.
Alas, it was not to be.
He could feel losing more and more blood by the second... It won't be long until he dies because of blood loss.
He couldn't even see right anymore and everything was blurry. But whatever happened... The image of a Cape, a person so above a normal person's existence, screaming and thrashing because of bug bites would always be imprinted in his mind.
"Heh... The person who was calling me a weak bug was now defeated by bugs. Ha! The irony!" He chuckled and spit out blood.
He was going to die anyways, atleast he could die laughing (even though this was not how he imagined his death).
Just as he was ready to accept his death, he heard the sound of... footsteps?
Hope rekindled in his heart, and with all the strength that he was able to muster, he shouted. "H-ey!! HELP! PLEASE HELP!"
Looking up he could only see a blurry shadow... He couldn't even make out it's gender!
But did he care? No, as long as he came out alive of this whole ordeal he wouldn't care even if it was Jack Slash himself that was rescuing him (though that chances of that ever happening were even lesser that someone spontaneously combusting).
Desperately Trevor yelled. "Hey! Hey please call the ambulance! I'm dying!"
The being (whoever he was) walked in a sedate pace but stopped and kneeled down at the prone and insect crawling figure of Shadow Stalker.
"Move over guys." It, no He said in cold voice.
'Who's he talking to?' Trevor silently asked himself but he was starting to get a bad feeling in his heart.
-and the answer made itself known promptly...
As the bugs once again started buzzing with life...and followed the commands of the man!
Trevor started shaking as his fear skyrocketed. He quickly put together that the man was a Cape... A Cape who had defeated a PRT Hero...
Using just bugs...
His fear was so overwhelming by this point that his vision started going dark and he quickly passed out.
The last thing be heard was the Cape cursing as he stood over him.
"Fuck! Guys quickly give me his phone-!"
He looked up at his savior and finally, seconds before passing out out, he saw a flash of his savior's face...
A black Hockey mask.
The next day, Trevor would wake up in the hospital and would be paid a visit by the Police, the PRT and many other people.
Not because they cared about him or anything. But because they needed information...
Information on the Cape who was able to steal other Cape's powers.
And Done!
Damian attacks! Quiet brutally might I add.
Things are going to quickly escalate out of control... Proving that Taylor's title might also have been passed on to Damian.
I also know that some of Shadow Stalker's dialogues... aren't the greatest and are quite cheesy.
But unfortunately, I can't do anything about it. I'm not really an expert at writing dialogues for other characters yet. And I also don't want the scene to be completely silent. So the end result was... that.
Maybe I'll edit it sometime in the future but for now... It works.
Anyways... Damian gets his second power! Hmm? It's different you say? I wonder how?
Till then, see ya later!
1687 Words.
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