

WELCOME to the exciting story of Alex, a boy who suddenly finds himself in a new world after being isekai'd. Upon arriving, he discovers that he has a powerful soul and an incredible talent, which allows him to increase his abilities to new heights. With the support of his loving parents in this world, Alex sets out on a journey through the multiverse, driven by his ambition to reach the pinnacle of power and attain immortality. Follow Alex's incredible journey as he faces numerous challenges and battles against powerful foes, all while striving to fulfill his ultimate goal. Join us on this captivating adventure and discover the incredible destiny that awaits Alex. ----------------------------------------------------------------

Bored_dude · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Training and TimeSkip-I

Cathy and Alex both knocked on Benjamin's office and after a few seconds, a stern voice replied, "Come in."

We entered the office and saw Alex's father, Benjamin, sitting with his butler, Steven, and an unfamiliar old man. They were engrossed in a discussion about recently discovered mines and the allocation of resources found there.

Noticing Alex's gaze, Benjamin lightly coughed and asked, "So, how was it, son? Did you show our home to your fiancée?"

"Yes, Dad," Alex casually replied before turning towards Catherina.

Benjamin sensed something amiss and looked at Catherine, asking, "Is that true, princess? Did you have fun with my son?"

"Yes, uncle! Alex and I are friends now," she replied with an innocent smile, which slightly unsettled Alex as he marvelled at Cathy's ability to deceive even his father and the old man with her perfectly controlled smile.

Both Benjamin and the old man burst into perverted laughter, and Benjamin said, "Alright then, princess. After discussing it with your guardian and family members, we have decided that you will stay here in our house for the next two years. Consider it your home. Your new room is beside Alex's, and your training and classes will start tomorrow along with his."

Initially startled, Alex gradually calmed down upon hearing the news. Cathy went momentarily blank before putting on her creepy innocent smile again and said, "I'm glad, uncle." After bidding farewell, I returned to my room, while Cathy went to the guest room since her allocated room beside mine was not ready yet.

The classes began the next day, and Alex and Cathy found themselves waiting together in the training ground. Soon, Benjamin arrived with a butler and a stranger. Alex sensed a strong aura from the stranger, although not comparable to the old man he had encountered in the library. This newcomer exuded the presence of a seasoned general who had been through numerous battles.

"This is Wilson, who previously served as an elder in the Skysword sect. He has been hired by our family as a combat teacher for both of you. Make the most of this opportunity," Benjamin introduced the stranger.

"And I have also arranged for literature and other subject teachers for both of you on different days. Utilize these two years to the fullest," he added, nodding at Wilson before returning to his office.


Two years later---

Alex and Catherina were now eight years old. Alex had grown considerably in height, reaching 140cm. With his scarlet-coloured hair and yellowish-golden eyes, he possessed a uniquely wild charm. Catherina, on the other hand, had also grown taller but showed no obvious changes in her appearance or charm. Perhaps she had yet to experience her growth spurt.

On this day, their classes were ending, and they were headed to meet Benjamin to plan their future. They knocked twice and entered the room.

"Come and sit, both of you. I have some news for you," Benjamin said as both Alex and Cathy took their seats across from him. Alex couldn't help but ask, "What is it, Dad?"

"Catherina will be returning to her home tomorrow. I have gathered feedback from all your teachers, and it seems both of you are literary geniuses. Catherina, you have scored full marks on every test, which is truly remarkable. Alex, your combat teacher appreciates your combat senses and talent, and he hopes to continue teaching you advanced classes for the next two years until your spiritual roots awaken."

Although Alex had an inkling of what Benjamin was going to say, he still felt a tinge of sadness seeing Cathy leave. Over the past two years, they had become close and were

on the verge of becoming best friends. Their conversations had evolved into casual banter between two close pals.

Leaving Benjamin's office, Alex asked, "Do you have to go, Cathy?"

She chuckled and replied, "Oh, Alex, are you sad that I'm leaving you? Don't worry, I will come back soon. I have a family waiting for me, remember?"

Sighing heavily, Alex pondered on the fact that Cathy hadn't met her parents in the past two years, and perhaps she felt lonely here. They walked to their respective rooms as night had already fallen.

The morning arrived, and although Alex wasn't particularly in the mood, he tried to cheer himself up. After freshening up, he headed to the training ground for a quick workout before having breakfast with his family, including Cathy.

Noontime approached, and Cathy's carriage, accompanied by bodyguards and the old man with perverted tendencies, arrived at the entrance, ready to depart.

"Take care, Cathy, and be wary of that old man. I have a feeling he's a pervert," Alex said, trying to lighten the mood with an awkward laugh, unsure of what else to say.

Suddenly, Cathy approached him and kissed him on the cheek. It was just a brief peck, but it made Alex happy since it was his first experience of such feelings.

"You take care too, Alex," she said, boarding the carriage. Soon, they left, and the gates were closed.


It had been a week since Cathy's departure, and while Alex initially felt a bit lonely, he focused his full attention on combat classes. His combat teacher, Wilson, had extensive experience from adventuring in various places. He shared stories about secret realms, different monsters, and knowledge of poisons, including how to identify them and exploit their weaknesses.

As usual, Alex finished his combat classes for the day and, after bathing and having dinner, he began practicing his demon fusion art. Over the past two years, he had cultivated this art, gradually feeling his perception and comprehension abilities improve each day. Today, he decided to experiment by creating an artificial entity, similar to a system, within his consciousness. Since he currently possessed ample soul power, he planned to develop an interface once he had refined his control over his soul power.

Controlling his soul power, he envisioned the interface that would display his physical and soul attributes in real-time and update with any strength advancements. With the right specifications in mind, he successfully created the interface. Now came the challenging part—separating a portion of his soul consciousness, which would undoubtedly be painful. This would give the interface its consciousness, allowing it to display its attributes and update accordingly.