

Traped in a dilemma situation, her own father were after her life, lost in her escape. She found out that her father's kingdom was suffering, because of his evil heart. Her father had sworn to kill her, just to make sure he accomplishes his plans. How will she conquer her father, and who will help her. Start reading to find out

Joan_maco · 都市
24 Chs

Stay Safe

King jasper walked around his chamber, boiling in anger, Richard that fool,All the possible gates he could have escape with was closed, How did he manage to leave the palace, one thing I know, I'll keep hunting for him, with him and I can get to Jessie.

Your majesty,A guard came panting heavily.

Your majesty, The little girl is no where to be found.

Tell me the duties of a guard, king jasper said with his fist boiling,

preventing situations like this,he shouted, first letting Richard escape and now this.

Your majesty I'm sorry,i forgot to inform you,on the night of his escape, the other guards saw him with a little girl ,

What , probably he ran away with her, king jasper replied.

We will go in search for her,he may have dropped the little girl with her family members.

Forget about the child and focus on Richard, After all she's of no use to me, king jasper said sternly.

Yes your majesty, the guard gave a bow and left.


The van finally got to Roland house .

Richard was still unconscious, Jessie it's fine, he's still asleep, don't worry about him, Roland assured her.

Seeing how Richard was injured severely,hurt her so bad, father must surely pay for hurting my Richard she thought .

A woman and her grandson found him last night at the forest, they picked him up and treated his wounds, Roland continued.

Thank goodness, she said.

 I'll be back,let me freshen up.

Alright, Jessie replied with a little nod.

Moving close to Richard lying on the bed , she touched his face,bending down, she gave him a kiss on the forehead,

Looking at his handsome features she couldn't help but stare at him intensely , Richard had a well defined cheekbones,hawkish nose,and a concrete jaw,his scythe eyebrows and well broad dignified muscular shoulders.

Richard possessed a black hair,a pair of gray eye , everything about him just looked too perfect.

Jessie couldn't help but licked her lips, holding his hands close to her face.Richard brow creased , he opened his eyes to see his hand on Jessie face.

Oh, sorry, Jessie said dropping his hands, how are you feeling Richard.

I'm fine,he replied with a low voice

Please relax, I'll go get something for you to eat, she got up from the bed she was sitting to leave.

Moving forward she felt a hard grip on her hand,

Richard got up from his bed , you need to rest Richard Jessie said

Richard moved closer to her and pulled her into his embrace.

Jessie was surprise, she felt happy and at the same time sad,why was he hugging her again, after implying she means nothing to him.

Richard, she said pulling from his embrace,

You're the reason I'm still alive, while I was dying,I thought of you only, Richard replied

Caressing his face, she touched his chest and uttered with a smile Then we need to struggle hard to live for each other , Jessie stretched forward giving him a peck on his cheek ,

Looking at his eyes, come on sit down,I know you must be very hungry.

She left in a hurry.

Jessie had a mixed feeling, she knew her father was definitely up to something, Richard had done so much for her, she thought.She walked towards the kitchen ,I have always wanted to cook for Richard.

Excuse me my lady, but we can't let you do the cooking.

It's okay,I chose to do this myself, she replied.

I'm sorry,my lady, but master Roland won't be happy with us 

I'll tell him personally I chose to do this myself, okay.

Alright, my lady,If any problem, please you can come to us.

Sure,Jessie replied giving the maid a smile.


Back in Richard room,he sat on his bed,why did I gave her a surprise hug, Get a grip hold Richard he thought, not until he perceived an aroma , that must be coming from downstairs he said

There was a knock on his door, Jessie open the door with a tray of food on her hands.

Where are the maids ,he asked

Well, I'm in charge,I prepared this without the help of the maids.

Really, I don't think I'm hungry, 

Why, what do you think of me, I've lived my whole life alone, must times I prefer doing the cooking.

Really,I don't want to die now, Richard replied chuckling.

Then give it a try, Jessie said pushing the spoon to his mouth.

Richard, leaned forward to have a bite.

Hmmm, this is really good Richard replied with a smile .

Watching at him enjoying the meal, she uttered

Please Richard stay safe for me,

Looking at her,he gave her a smile.

I know your father must be searching for me, and I forgot to tell you,on the night of my escape,I saved a little girl,I hope she's safe.

Jessie your father killed her parents,he intentionally made her an orphan.

Jessie I have a plan,I mean other kingdoms are pretty much aware that your father is a predator, how he has conquered other kingdoms,they wouldn't want him to do so to theirs.

Let's negotiate with them,

Richard,we just have to eliminate him,I mean we have nothing,no power, no fame to negotiate,

Your father told me the same Jessie, but I trusted that you'll support me,

Okay, Richard, but let's hope this goes as plan .


They both sat on the bed, exchanging a reassuring smile.

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