

Traped in a dilemma situation, her own father were after her life, lost in her escape. She found out that her father's kingdom was suffering, because of his evil heart. Her father had sworn to kill her, just to make sure he accomplishes his plans. How will she conquer her father, and who will help her. Start reading to find out

Joan_maco · 都市
24 Chs


Richard and Jessie sat together,there was some weird silence going on between them, for some reason Richard was trying to avoid staring into her eyes.

Moving close to Richard, what are your plans for the weekend.

Me,I guess I have non, just staying indoors.

There's something I really want to try.

And what's that he replied.

Swimming, I want to learn how to swim Richard .

Why are you telling me that, besides we have no pool here.

There's a large pool at the backyard,so we can start tomorrow

Jeez,a princess not knowing how to swim,he replied mockingly

Yeah, don't forget Richard, I've always stayed indoors back in Petro,I feel I've been living a caged life.

Jessie, I'm not really good at swimming, at the same time I think I'm also allergy to the water

Looking at Richard in disappointment in her eyes, okay, if you say so.

It's getting late, make sure you get enough rest. 

See ya tomorrow, turning off the lights she turned to leave.

Richard laid on his bed he stared at the ceiling, Richard what the hell is wrong with you,why did you lied to her he thought, Now I'm stuck with a guilty conscience, I'm trying hard not to get too attached to her,

What if something happens if I keep letting my feelings grow,No that can never happen, pinching his cheek so hard he winced in pain. 

Get a grip of yourself, stop thinking about her. 

 Rolling on the bed restlessly,he decided to close his eyes, hoping he would fall asleep quickly. 

Getting up from his bed frustratingly he switched on the lights. 

Why do I keep thinking of her, he said tugging his hair.

Just a little walk out will do the magic, putting on a robe , Richard stepped out from his room walking downstairs, sitting on a chair,he picked up a book , it's better to wallow my thoughts on this, rather than think about her.


It's been up to an hour, Richard just sat on the chair like a statue with his legs crossed, his eyes was shift from the book he was reading to the steps coming from up .

Raising his gaze,he saw Roland.

Hey Richard, what's up, Roland asked

I'm good he replied, what are you doing here at this time of the night Roland .

Giving him a scornful look Richard I should be the one asking that question,

I couldn't get some sleep,so I came down to read a book,

Hmmm,I see Roland said, but if you're really through this book,why is it turned the other way round,is that a new pattern for reading now.

Uhh,uhh, hey, would you like to have a couple of drink with me,he changed the topic.

Okay, that's sounds great.

Richard hurried to the kitchen, opening a cabinet,he brought out a red wine and rushed back to the lounge.

Richard passed a glass of wine to Roland,it contains alcohol, try not to get drunk, Roland said breaking the silence between them.

Roland, you think so low of me,a minor wine like this won't have any impact on me, Richard replied back proudly.

Richard what are plans for the weekend, Roland asked

Nothing much Richard replied .

Then let's go out tomorrow.

No need for that, I'm okay, Richard said sternly.

What are your next moves towards her father he continued.

Still don't have one,I'm seriously confused.I don't know if what I'm about to try will work out. 

Merging with the other kingdoms,

Yes , Richard affirm,I have nothing to accomplish this,how can I earn their trust .

That might not be a problem,I have a number of persons who are of high status and will be ready to help.

The only Problem i see is reaching out to them, Richard this is not some child's play,we are about to start a war against king jasper, he won't let his guard down easily. 

What If we don't make this, Richard said worriedly

You need to correct something straight Richard, what if you don't make it,count me out.

I thought you were willing to help,

Yes Richard, I'm aware I said that, but don't get me wrong, were you expecting me to join forces with you.

While they were still in the conversation Roland looked at the clock and exclaimed,

Looking at Richard, 

Feeling sleepy , let's talk more about this tomorrow, and thanks for the drink,he said with a smile.

Roland was climbing the stairs, when he stopped and looked at Richard.

Richard, he called out.

I think you should turn your book to the right way,stop deceiving yourself he said in a mocking way .

That little brat, Richard shouted,I better get back to my room he thought .

Getting into his room,he banged the door closed and jumped into the bed frustratingly,

Damn it, pulling the blanket up to his face,


The next morning, Jessie woke up feeling excited, she dashed into the bathroom to freshen up, and quickly came downstairs. 

Richard and Roland were already having their breakfast,

Good morning, Jessie greeted.

Morning Jessie, Roland only gave her a response, looking at Richard,he turned to face another direction, avoiding her gaze again.

I see you're very happy, Jessie, Roland said.

Yeah,I can't wait to swim, she said happily.

Come on Jessie,hurry up with your breakfast, let's get started.

Sure Jessie replied.

Listening to thier conversation, Richard eyes shined brightly, what swim, Roland are you teaching her, how to swim.

Yeah, Roland answered.

Roland, you should know better, the weather condition isn't too good for swimming, what if you catch a cold.

Really, since when did you start getting worried over me, Roland turned looking at him .

What are friends for, Richard replied.

Thanks Richard, but i don't need your advice, Roland got up from his chair , Jessie I'll be waiting for you outside, you can come join me at the pool.

Okay,see you soon,

Now it was Jessie and Richard , the only sound heard was the clinking of their fork against the dishes.

I decided to ask Roland to teach me, Jessie said breaking the silence.

Not bad, but Why are you in hurry Jessie ,

Swimming is not a good choice Jessie, are you aware that they are snakes in that pool outside,

What, Jessie shouted in fear,

Yeah, I'm only telling you this,so you can make a good decision by not getting into that pool and getting bit by a snake.

Wait, Richard, how did you know this, Jessie asked.

What do you mean I've seen them with my eyes severally.

Richard are you really sure of what you're saying,if there are snakes in the pool, Roland could have told me.

I know that, but he only agreed because he's not aware, I'm the only person who knows this, Jessie it's your choice, none of my business,do what ever you want to do he said getting up from his chair to leave.

Jessie just stared at his back in fear, getting up also she rushed outside to meet Roland.

Oh, you're ready, first change into your swimming shorts,

Roland dived into the water, come on, change quickly and join me,

 Roland, she called out to him 

Roland,all of a sudden I'm feeling dizzy,I want to get some rest, she pretended, I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to swim, I'm also having severe headache.

Really, Roland said coming out from the pool,then that's fine get some rest okay, and I'll ask the maids to bring some medicines

No need for that Roland, I'll just get some rest, please promise me something.

What is it Roland said, 

Don't swim in the pool, you might catch a cold,I don't want you to get sick .

Okay,if you say so, I'm not going to swim

Let's get back inside.

Meanwhile Richard stood watching from his room window,he smiled wickedly to himself, there's no way I'm going let Roland get close to her, plus she will be putting on a swimming pant in front of Roland, I'm sorry I lied Jessie,I don't want you close to Roland in that manner.The thought of you dressing seductively for him is giving me goosebumps.

Leaving his room,he came to Richard 

Woah, what happened Richard, aren't you swimming anymore he asked

No, Jessie is feeling a bit sick, she's getting some rest now.

Seriously, that's really bad, Richard said clicking his tongue, you should also get some rest he said patting his back.

We have a lot to talk about ,

Alright, Roland replied closing the door behind Richard,

Richard scoffed while turning to leave.


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