
Above All. Below One God's Man

In the celestial realm, a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a mysterious and noble place existed. It was a realm where ethereal beings resided, a realm where the heavens and the earth converged. Within this divine realm, a tragedy unfolded, one that would forever change the fate of a newborn baby. On a starry night, a radiant star shone brighter than all others. This star symbolized the birth of a special child, destined for greatness. As the star illuminated the heavens, a celestial ceremony commenced, celebrating the arrival of the long-awaited infant. However, fate can be both cruel and unpredictable. As the newborn boy took his first breath, a chilling wind swept through the heavens, heralding an ominous presence. The celestial beings watched in horror as the baby's life force gradually faded away, leaving his tiny body lifeless. Silence fell upon the heavens as grief and despair filled the hearts of the ethereal beings. How could such a promising life be extinguished before it had even begun? The heavens mourned the loss of this innocent soul, their sorrow echoing through the divine realm. In the midst of their mourning, a decision was made. Unable to bear witness to the tragedy any longer, the celestial beings decided to cast the baby's remains out of the heavens. They believed that by banishing his lifeless body to a distant and insignificant universe, they could shield themselves from the pain of their failure. With great sorrow, they wrapped the baby boy's body in a celestial shroud and gently placed him within a golden basket. The basket, adorned with intricate designs and ancient symbols, was imbued with a spell to guide it to its final destination. With a collective sigh, the celestial beings released the basket into the vast expanse of the heavens. Guided by an unseen force, the golden basket descended through the celestial layers. ....... .... but would such a special infant of two powerful bloodline die easily ?? find out...

Junior_Chagwesha · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Chapter 38: Controversy and Bets

**Chapter 38: Controversy and Bets**

The tension in the arena was palpable as the names of the remaining 29 Law Realm experts, including Gu Chang and Jiang Meijer, were announced as the qualifiers for the next stage of the competition. However, when Denny Cing's name was called, it was as if a thunderclap had struck the arena.

Gu Chang couldn't contain his fury any longer and shouted, "How can a mere War Realm expert advance to this stage? This is absurd!" His voice echoed with anger and disbelief, mirroring the sentiments of many in the audience.

The crowd erupted into a chorus of bewilderment and dissatisfaction. Spectators from various sects voiced their demands for an explanation. They had expected a fair and challenging competition, and Denny Cing's unexpected presence had thrown them into disarray.

The announcer, a representative of the imperial family overseeing the competition, turned to look in the direction of the Bull Fight Sects. "Why was he prevented from fighting in the previous round? If he's not qualified, simply admit defeat, and we can remove him from the list."

Sect Master Liu Cung of the Bull Fight Sects couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh. "Qualified? He is more than qualified," he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

The laughter of other sects followed, mocking the audacity of Liu Cung's claim. The Ghost Skull Sect's Sect Master seized the opportunity and chimed in, "How about this, Sect Master Liu Cung? Let's make things interesting. If your disciple wins against ours, the coveted business area we've been fighting over for years will be yours."

The proposal sent murmurs through the crowd. It was a high-stakes bet, one that would not only decide the fate of the business area but also provide an answer to the controversy surrounding Denny Cing's advancement.

Sect Master Liu Cung's eyes gleamed with determination. "Agreed," he declared, accepting the challenge. The wager was set, and the next battles promised to be more than just a test of strength; they would determine the fate of longstanding rivalries and perhaps answer the burning question of how Denny Cing, a War Realm expert, had come this far in the competition.