
Above all the infinity dimensions

26 Chs

Chapter 8 Battle,meeting for the first time

After the morning celebration, everyone returned to their work because they had a lot of tasks and they wanted to try the arts of energy cultivation, and they remembered what KE told them before they went.

(If you want to follow me, you have to become stronger and stronger because one day, you will only be able to be an ordinary person, even... with your strength)

Now it is 08:00 at night and it is time to meet Tamayo.

This is the first time to meet her, so KE must arrange himself from clothes to perfumes to shoes to watches.

This era is one of the purest eras. They do not have future technology that affects the entire planet, so KE intended to go on a tour and tempt, I mean, bring Tamayo to be his subordinate and make her fall in love with him, and the most important thing before making her fall in love with him is to help him in drug research and Alchemy to develop energy condensation pills and other pills that he didn't have time to waste on.

"Okay, mom, how am I doing in these clothes? Are they beautiful?"

KE looked at himself in the mirror and asked Miyako how he was doing since he made some adjustments to his clothes.

"Fofofo dear who is the lucky girl who made you arrange and adjust your clothes so you can meet her? Tell your mother because I can only think of a few girls in Tokyo."

She said it as if he was truly out there deserving of her child who is the embodiment of true perfection. Seriously, Miyako disdains all the women in Tokyo because they are so ordinary women that they cannot deserve KE.

"Haha, mother, you have returned to the state of contempt that prevents me from showing it, but I will not stop you, but please do not think about these women.

The one I meet today is the only demon woman who escaped from the clutches of the Demon Queen Mozan, and who was hiding from her right under her nose."

KE's tone was full of longing to meet her because she is one of the women he loves the most and wants to meet her.

She is not only a lover, but her beauty is pleasing to the eye and a good help for research, so he must get her.

She is a talent and KE has a weakness against talents. He is in dire need of talents to work for him for that.

All the people who work in his palace have children, which he sends to a private school that he built so that he can constantly collect talent.

"What KE this is a demon? Why do you meet a demon? Didn't you know yourself that demons are our enemies, we humans?"

Miyako quickly stood up and started speaking in a voice so loud it gave KE a headache.

"My mother, this demon is different from all other demons."

He tried to stop Miyako and wanted to explain to her, but she refused to remain silent.

"So what kind of demon is she? Are they blood-sucking demons or devouring human flesh? Do they eat human flesh raw or cooked? Or are they vegetarian? Tell me how you want me to believe this. If you don't give me a convincing reason, I will bring Ryota and even Kanae and Shinobu to force you to... Stay since you love this pair of beautiful sisters."

She kept talking to KE, trying to prevent him from going and fighting the demons. He's not ready. She doesn't dare make all the demons reveal her son's existence, so she even threatened him by telling everything to Kanae and Shinobu.

"Mom, calm down, please. You didn't hear me completely, but before that, how did you know that I love Kanae and Shinobu, and how do you know that?"

Miyako finally calmed down after he tried to explain this to her, but KE was shocked because his mother knew that he loved Kanae and Shinobu, and he had not said this to anyone, so how could his mother know that.

"Fofofo, boy, you don't know anything about our women. I, your mother, have the strongest instinct, which is the sixth instinct. In your opinion, who helped you meet many times by chance, or when eating with them, or getting lost in the forests, and helping them return, and as I remember, you "I accidentally entered Kanae and Shinobu's room and ran away without making them wake up, but I was a witness."

KE was shocked by his mother's confession, but he did not care much. He wanted to know who had helped him for a long time, and now he had revealed who his mother Miyako was, and he also knew that she was by his side in making the harem. Now this mother is the dream of many men in the world. KE felt comfortable because he... He is not alone in this war, but his mother supports him and then he tells her everything he knows about Tamayo.

After hearing KE's explanation, she understood why her son wanted to go to this demon because if she or Ryota knew about the existence of such a demon who does not devour humans and intends to help demons to turn them back into humans, this is a trustworthy personality and makes her a follower.

"Then tell me one thing. Is she beautiful?"

KE looked out the window at the moon and after a while he turned to his mother and smiled.

"She is so beautiful that I want to propose to her. She is no less beautiful than you, Kyomi, Kanae, Shinobu, and Kanao when she grows up."

Upon hearing his confession, Miyako was a little relieved. She knows her son's personality well. L

He is a terrifying genius who disdains all people other than his relatives and followers.

He is strong, beautiful, and rich, but he also thinks about women.

At first, she wanted to teach him not to think about women like that because she is afraid that he will become a womanizer and scum.

Because she had seen many people who were lost in the path of lust, but after a few days of observation, she noticed that KE is not a playboy who plays in women's hearts, but just wanted a harem.

In their time, it is allowed to marry a lot of women, but whether you are able to take care of them, whether it is with money and...Happiness, pampering, and also the bed, this is your problem.

The problem is that she is also the type of person who wants many grandchildren. That is why she wants to help KE marry many wives. Since he is from the Shinomori family and wants to conquer the world and is a genius, he has created so many energy cultivation books that the lifespan in the future will only be... Numbers, then why doesn't a person of his level deserve to do what he wants, only if it is within the scope of morality, of course, otherwise even if it is his mother's dear lover, she will hit him on the ass.

"Good, then go and have fun. I will tell them that you intend to go outside to breathe a little and think about plans and research. The only condition I want from you is that I want this woman Tamayo to live with us today and also tonight."

KE smiled because he knew his mother's answer, that's why he arranged himself for her.

"As you wish, my beloved mother."

In Tokyo at 09:00 at night.

The city is illuminated with all lights and full of people, families and loved ones, and many personalities, even from other continents, are present.

KE was walking on the densely populated public road. Every time he walked, people would give way. This is because KE was filled with a superior and powerful aura. He was like a sword waiting to cut down his enemies, but women everywhere looked at him with a different look. This was the first time they had seen KE. .

For them, the beauty of KE was outside the world of the mortal.

His family, his followers, and all the workers in the palace saw him almost every day.

For this reason, they became immune to the beauty of KE, but not completely, since you can notice his beauty outside the world of the mortal.

There is even perfection, a small word for it to describe it. With it.

What women admire about him is the confidence emanating from his silver eyes, their light stronger than the light of all the stars, captivating every woman who sees them.

He walked until he reached a wall, not a wall. It was an elaborate illusion that people could never see, even demons on Mozan's level, and this made KE wonder how Tamayo did it.

As for why he was not affected, this is because of his mental strength and the book of the true emperor.

This is the book that took time from both lives and he finished it in his second life, which indicates the depth of this book and the most important thing is that it develops everything as long as KE wants to become stronger. It cultivats for half an hour.

This half hour develops everything, including physical strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility. If you develop each one separately, it will take each one half an hour of cultivation time with special cultivation books.

The most important thing in cultivating is developing understanding, intelligence, and wisdom.

This is the horror of the True Emperor's Book. KE touched the imaginary wall and his hand entered. He took it out and saw his hand. Nothing happened to it.

This time he entered his entire body. As soon as he entered, what he saw changed completely. He saw a courtyard and the house where Tamayo lived.

Someone quickly walked out in front of KE, which made him excited.

He thought it was Tamayo, but to his disappointment, it was her servant, Yushiro, who she turned into a demon to save him, and he still wears the same clothes as in the anime.

"Who are you, intruder? How did you get here? Are you one of Mozan's followers?"

Yushiro began to speak rudely and arrogantly, as if he were a strong personality, and began to shift into a defensive position. He was looking at KE with great caution, expecting that he was also a demon, but he did not know that he was human, or specifically a higher existence that would ascend to divinity.

His tense appearance made KE reminiscent of a group of small dogs that were watching everyone with an unapproachable gaze, making him laugh.

"Hahahahaha okay stop being so nervous. I'm KE. It's my nickname. As for my full name, you don't deserve it.

Why did you come here? I came because of Tamayo. I want to talk to her about some business if she wants to. If she doesn't have time, I can come in another day for her"

Yoshiro didn't care about his laughter, but what made him angry was when KE announced his name in an arrogant manner and his intention to talk to Tamayo.

"You bastard, so you are an enemy, aren't you? Take this."

Yoshiro turned into an illusion due to speed and was directly in front of KE, intending to hit him in the face.

As soon as the punch came a few centimeters in front of KE, Yoshiro smiled. (It's over. I've succeeded. This enemy will die and Tamayo-sama will pat me on the head and thank me.)

When the punch approached KE, his appearance immediately turned into an illusion due to the speed. He didn't even go far. He turned his body to the right side of the punch and looked at Yoshiro with disdain. (How the hell is he a demon of the lower six ranks? He even has rubbish fighting talent, no instinct, no... I think his fight with Tanjiro was only due to the plot, otherwise he would have died a long time ago)

Yoshiro got very angry and started punching and kicking constantly, and KE kept watching his movements and avoiding them by just going right and left, jumping, and somersaulting. The fight was just a child's fight against an adult man, this is what KE laughed about.

Yoshiro noticed this, which made him very angry, and his punches and kicks began to lose their pace and focus on the locations of their strikes.

"You scoundrel, get hit. If you are so shameless, why don't you respond? Or do you want to be a coward who doesn't respond, just avoids?"

Yoshiro's words angered KE, but not because of his ridiculous words that only anger ordinary children, but because he wasted five minutes of his time. What KE hates most in his life is the thing that wastes his time for nothing.

"Okay, do you want to get hit then, come on, take this."

KE quickly changed his stance and delivered a punch to Yoshiro's face, causing him to spit out blood as he crashed into the wall.


The impact site was filled with dust and Yoshiro emerged from it, his left face turning red from the punch.

"Do you think this is the only punch you'll take? Then you know nothing about fighting, ants."

KE's voice appeared behind Yoshiro, making his eyes narrow, but he did not have time to turn around and gave him a kick on the back. The force of the blow he directed at him made Yoshiro feel a penetrating pain creeping through his body.

His eyes widened in shock before he felt the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth. At breakneck speed, he was thrown backwards as he hit the sturdy tree with amazing force.

The impact was so strong that the tree cracked and nearly broke. The impact echoed in the air.

"That's not enough, is it? So take this."

In the few moments that followed, KE moved with extraordinary dexterity and speed, even the demon's sharp eyes had difficulty tracking his movement.

He stood on top of the broken tree as if he was floating on the surface of the water, and before anyone knew what was happening, he carried the huge tree.

Where he showed off his amazing body and strength. The air around him began to shake from the force of the energy he was releasing. Then, with a quick and precise movement, he brought the tree down towards Yoshiro with tremendous force, like a stray projectile seeking to hit its target.

"No please stop hurting him."

KE noticed the person who spoke and it was Tamayo. True, he had never seen her before, but her beauty and the kimono she wore were always beautiful and sexy.

"Tsk, you're lucky she said that, ants."

KE moved quickly and moved in front of Yoshiro, who did not have any strength anymore because of every blow that KE struck, it destroyed his body and penetrated his entire defenses, and he needed hours to heal, even if the demon was recovering quickly, but because of his punches and the power of the Heaven and Earth energy that he inserted into Yoshiro's body, it made His body is healing very slowly.

When KE stood in front of him, he looked at him with a look as if he saw a lower presence, which made Yoshiro shy, afraid, and even angry.

"Consider it cheap if this beautiful woman doesn't speak, otherwise I will kill you."

The tree arrived in front of KE very quickly. He didn't do anything, just looked at Tamayo and raised his right hand to the tree.

With this simple movement, the rushing tree pounced towards him as if it was being absorbed by an invisible force.

The tree suddenly stood in mid-air, hanging there as if time had stopped for it.

Tamayo, whose heart was beating strongly with anxiety, could not hide her astonishment at the superhuman strength that KE had displayed.

He did not move or sweat, but he stopped a huge tree in the middle of the air with one hand that even she, the devil, could not do, and she knew that he was only an ordinary human and did not use the breathing arts.

Yoshiro, despite his weakness and pain, notices the way Tamayo looks at KE.

Her looks revealed deep respect and admiration, but in an unspoken way, which made him shocked that the Tamayo he knew was always mysterious and had not shown these expressions since he had known her, and this was the first time he had seen her this weak.

Then, KE simply closed his eyes and the tree fell to the ground gently, like a light leaf. He looked towards Tamayo and said, "You don't know how long it will be until I find you."

Then he turned to Yoshiro again, "I hope you don't repeat things again, the outcome might be different."

With those words, KE moved with amazing speed and arrived in front of Tamayo and looked at her closely.

"Hello Tamayo, this is the first time I've met you. I'm sorry I made you see this rude scene, and I think you already know who I am, don't you?"