
Chapter 8 Chapter8

If he went there, he could imagine what was waiting for him? With Mr. Ken's means, there are countless ways to kill him.

Calling the police seemed to be the only way, but since Mr. Ken dared to do so, Jimmy believed that he was not that stupid to wait for the police to take care of it. Jimmy lost confidence in the police here. Mr. Ken had been in this city for a long time and was safe and sound. It was impossible for him not to know the police.

With mixed feelings, Jimmy sat up.


Anna felt nervous. She had heard what he said on the phone and knew what he was going to do as soon as he stood up.

"Take care of yourself. Mr. Brian is in such a difficult situation because of me. I can't leave him alone..."

"No, you can't go."

Excited, Anna ran down and hugged Jimmy tightly against his back.

Jimmy slowly pulled Anna's hand away. Anna still wanted to stop her, but she was pushed back a few steps by Jimmy and sat on the bed.


But no matter how loudly she shouted, she could do nothing but watch Jimmy leave.

The door was locked from the outside.

Anna ran to the door and heard Jimmy's footsteps fade away. She seemed to have lost all her strength and sat down softly against the door.

A man she hadn't known for a long time had been deeply rooted in her heart.

When Jimmy went downstairs, he found a shadow standing not far away in the darkness.

The cigarette butt was on the ground, shining faintly on the old face of the Bob.

"You haven't left yet?"

The Bob didn't expect his son to come down all of a sudden. He was so surprised that he couldn't explain the reason.

After a while, he said, "I feel that you are hiding something from me, so I want to ask you clearly."

Jimmy frowned and walked past him.

The Bob threw the cigarette butt away and said, "son, what are you going to do at this late hour?"

"The girl in the room. Help me send her back," Jimmy urged and quickened her pace.

The Bob stepped forward and grabbed him. "Make it clear. I'm worried about you..."

Jimmy looked back at the Bob and said, "let go of me!"

Bob smiled bitterly, "I know you hate me, but you are my son after all. I just want to know what happened. Let's discuss it."

"Okay, I'll tell you!"

Jimmy agreed.

The Bob let go of Jimmy's hand and ran towards the end of the alley.


The Bob was flustered and hurried to chase after her.

But he was no longer the Bob he used to be. He couldn't catch up with his son who had grown up.

After a few steps, she could only watch her son turn and disappear in the street corner.


In the car, Mr. Ken's head was wrapped with the bandage just now, and his face was swollen.

The pain made his face ferocious.

Behind her, Brian was also black and blue, unable to move under the pressure of the two men.

"Mr. Ken, I've told Miss Laura about it. Don't do anything stupid!"

"Let me tell you, as long as he dares to come, I won't let him go out of here."

Brian shivered and said, "Mr. Ken, we have something to discuss with you. It's not worth it. Don't you just want money? How much do you want? I'll give it to you, and I'll give it to you on behalf of Jimmy!"

"I want both money and people!"


In the villa, Laura walked out of her room. She wasn't sleepy at all.

She received Brian's call and knew that it was caused by the waiter she had noticed before.

She was a little interested in Jimmy because he looked like her driver. Laura was willing to help him with some things, but Ken was involved. She would consider gain and loss.

There was a knock on the door, but Laura didn't let him in. "Speak!"

"Brian is safe for the time being!"

"Well, is there anything else?"

"He said he wanted miss Laura to help that troublemaker!"

Laura lit a cigarette and recalled what had happened that day.

Her delicate and flawless side face turned a little cold. She really appreciated Jimmy and deliberately cultivated him. But it was not worth it to let her pay several times more for a person with uncertain future.

"Miss Laura, are you too cold?"

"If he can be safe this time, I will make it up to him. If he suffers from this, I will also give his family a sum of money. This is what I can do."

Outside the door, the Brewer was silent and left quietly.

Mr. Ken would not make them feel scared, but the group behind him could not be ignored. The gang, known as V.

In recent years, although V seemed to be a formal group doing business, it still controlled the underground world of this street.

The rules of the V group were different from that of doing business. In order to achieve their goals, they did everything they could.

Jimmy is on his way to third street.

He called Brian's cell phone again, but he still couldn't get through.

The taxi stopped at the intersection of third street.

The night is a little cold and chilly.

He pulled off his coat and walked into third street.

His black clothes melted him into the night.

Sometimes fear is just the stupidest emotion. The more dangerous the place is, the more calm it needs. He can't be afraid.

Brian, he has to help. Mr. Ken, he has to face it, too.


Through the darkness, street lights appeared in the distance.

Jimmy saw a group of people and he approached slowly.

"I want to see Mr. Ken!"

Jimmy stopped three meters away from the crowd, looked at the direction of the car and spoke loudly. By feeling, he knew that Mr. Ken must be on one of the cars.

"Do you deserve it?"

A gangster said, "fight, fight to death!"

With that, a dozen people rushed directly at Jimmy.

Then, the crowd moved slowly like boiling water.

The suffocating pressure surged in an instant, almost crushing people's knees.

Jimmy gave up the idea of running away and stood where he was. His eyes were like ice, deep and hard to guess.

Until the first man rushed to him, he found that Jimmy's hand suddenly had more shiny objects, daggers.

The man couldn't think of Jimmy who dared to resist at such a moment. It was too late to hide.

Terrified, he seemed to jump at a dagger.


The dagger went straight into his thigh, rotating and screaming through the night.

This sudden change stopped everyone's movements in place, and only the man who covered his legs and rolled was still shouting.

Mr. Ken got up from his seat with only anger in his eyes.

Today, in case of meeting the police, he deliberately asked all his men not to bring equipment. When he wants to come, Jimmy is a sheep that falls into the wolf pack and will be torn directly.

Now it seems that things are serious.

In this way, it is not the result he wants.

"Mr. Ken, I know you are. You let Brian go and I surrender!"

Jimmy's voice rang again. Mr. Ken finally couldn't hide his body and was helped out of the car.

The gangsters spontaneously gave way and made room for Mr. Ken.

"Threaten me?"

Mr. Ken said.

Jimmy sneered: "I'm here to save people, not myself. As long as you let Brian go, I'll do whatever you want."

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"


Jimmy lifted the dagger in his hand. Under the light of the street lamp, the blood stained on the dagger was more strange. Several men immediately nervously protected Mr. Ken.

Many of these nominal gangsters have not been stained with blood for many years.

In particular, after a long time with Mr. Ken, he enjoyed all his glory and wealth. He had long lost his courage and became more worried.

"Mr Ken!"

Some of his men looked at Mr. Ken and waited for him to make up his mind.

Mr. Ken's eyes were full of doubt: "how do I know if what you said is true or false?"

"I don't want to kill. You don't want to kill either."

Mr. Ken: "Brian is in a safe area! Put down the dagger and I can contact my people now to let him go."

"You call first. I'll make sure Brian's safe myself!"

Mr. Ken waved and took a man's mobile phone: "let the man go!"

About two or three minutes later, Brian's voice also rang from the phone. Jimmy has got the answer from his relaxed voice line.

Instead of listening to Brian's words of letting him go and other caring words, he threw away his cell phone.

Saving Brian is only one purpose of his coming here. Another purpose is to solve the matter and try not to involve others.

Jimmy doesn't want to see them implicated by himself.

He did it and had to bear the consequences.

The dagger fell to the ground and sparked with the ground.

A tall man next to Mr. Ken kicked out first, and Jimmy stepped back.

There was the first, there was the second, and then the third, until Jimmy was submerged.

When he was about to start again, Mr. Ken noticed an unusually dazzling beam of light in the distance.

As they approached, they saw clearly that it was a tall and thin old man with only one skeleton supporting him.

"What are you doing? Get out!"

A man pointed to his nose and scolded.


The old man's bent body was pushed back a few steps. He smiled in fear: "I, I'm just passing by!"

His men looked at Mr. Ken. Mr. Ken swept around the old man's face and body. He just thought he was a scavenger and nodded impatiently.

"Get out!"

A man smiled and kicked him. The old man nodded and bent down as he walked, walking forward carefully.

No one noticed that the smile on the old man's face disappeared when passing Mr. Ken.

When Mr. Ken felt something was wrong, it was already late.

The old man's slow and clumsy movements suddenly became surprisingly flexible.


In the blink of an eye, Mr. Ken was controlled by the old man.

The old man's humble eyes suddenly became bright and firm, his curved waist became straight, and a fruit knife was firmly held in his hand across Mr. Ken's neck.

It's Bob. After Jimmy left, he asked Anna about the situation.

His hands were shaking and Mr. Ken was scratched with blood on his neck.

"You, do you know who I am?"

Mr. Ken's face changed and his voice trembled with fear. And dare not act rashly.


His voice trembled, and Bob feared that he would not get a response.

What is the meaning of his life? The only hope is to watch Jimmy grow up day by day, get married and have children, and then listen to the child call grandpa

However, everything in front of him plunged him into despair and madness.

He dragged Mr. Ken around and mechanically walked towards Jimmy.

"Hold on for a while. I'll call the police and call an ambulance now!"

Bob saw his son who was almost unconscious on the ground and began to call.

"Old man, you quickly let me go!"

Mr. Ken's neck was red with blood and shouted with fear.

Bob was attracted by him: "son, can I help you kill him?"

Jimmy shook his head instinctively.

Bob's eyes are wet. Jimmy said, "I don't want to bear the title of a murderer's son!"

Bob's whole body was stiff and Mr. Ken was almost suffocated: "if you dare to touch my son again, I'll kill your wholefamily!"

The last few words surprised Mr. Ken strangely.

He had no doubt that Jimmy, such a tough man, would not have a lying father.

He regretted provoking the father and son for the first time. At least at this time, he didn't have the courage to retaliate again. He just wanted all this to end quickly.

The alarm sounded half an hour later. First came the hospital ambulance, and then the police came late.


Amanda didn't expect this to happen at his meeting with Jimmy again.

Amazing coincidence, the first time I saw him was also in the hospital. At present, it seems that it will only be the hospital if they meet again. Because Jimmy had been taken away by the doctor when she came.

She took a transcript and waited for her colleagues to take a lot of photos before looking at Mr. Ken sitting on the ground.

Of course she knows Mr. Ken, the main member of gang v.

She asked, "do you want to go to the hospital?"

Mr. Ken suddenly bounced up from the ground: "he wants to kill me, the old man wants to kill me!"

Amanda sneered: "really? Come back to the police station with me and take notes first!"

Mr. Ken was not in the mood to care about the irony in Amanda's words. After a long time, his mood turned normal: "I know your police chief. If there is anything, just talk to him."

Amanda nodded perfunctorily. She hated the current working environment. Such bad guys came to tell her that I know your boss

"Officer, what about this?"

"There's nothing we can do. What are they going to do?"

"I mean, let's not offend Mr. Ken. The team leader respects him very much. It's not necessary."

He didn't notice that Amanda's slender fingers had fallen into the seat and joked: "the young man didn't know what he had done to offend Mr. Ken. It was so serious that no one died..."

Amanda was lost in thought.

Her understanding of Jimmy is very simple and intuitive. As long as he doesn't know how to bow his head, the trouble will never break.

"Find some people to watch Jimmy during this time!"


"I'm afraid Mr. Ken will use some small means."

"Do you know him?" the policeman asked carefully.

"It has something to do with whether I know him or not. Any policeman with conscience must stand on the position of the weak. Who do you think is the weak, Jimmy or Mr. Ken?"

The police officer sensed that she was in a bad mood and dared not say any more.

For a few days, Jimmy spent half asleep.

The injury was not serious, but what was serious was his extreme psychological state.

Bob was taken away by the police and he was banned. If Brian hadn't sent the medical expenses, he would be embarrassed to be stopped by the hospital.

Sitting up from the bed, Jimmy dragged his shoes down to the window.

With each step, his whole body seemed to scatter. When he reached the window, his face turned pale and covered with fine beads of sweat.

Gasping for breath, footsteps began to sound in the direction of the door.

It's Amanda in police uniform.

Jimmy didn't seem to see her. His eyes were fixed on the patient who was walking supported outside the window.

Although they were suffering from illness, they were accompanied by relatives and friends. And he, in this situation, didn't even have a person to call to complain, let alone he couldn't call.

"Are you better?"

Amanda stopped the two policemen from following in, closed the door and asked questions.

Jimmy said coldly, "it's all right. I can go back to the police station with you at any time."

Amanda didn't mind either. Naturally, she poured a glass of water and walked up to Jimmy: "I'm not a villain. Sometimes I just have to be a villain."

Jimmy laughed sarcastically, "do I have to thank you?"

Amanda lost interest in chatting: "I need to ask you a few questions if I can."

"Mr. Ken said you took the dagger to meet him with the intention of killing him. And you first moved the dagger and stabbed a person..."

Jimmy stood tired at the window and got up and went back to bed.

Amanda followed him: "you'd better tell me the truth about the day."

"I have nothing to say."

Amanda frowned: "now Mr. Ken's lawyer is negotiating with the police to sue you for intentional homicide. And all the evidence is against you..."

"What can I do?" Jimmy asked.

Amanda: "what's your attitude? Don't say you're sorry for yourself or your father. He tried his best to take all the responsibilities on himself in the Bureau in order to bear the crime for you..."

"Sin? Which eye of yours saw me commit a crime. Everything Mr. Ken did was enough for you to catch people, but instead of going, you came here to ask me."

Jimmy responded coldly.

Amanda was angry: "you are so unreasonable."

"Yes, if you have money, you can ask the best lawyer to defend yourself. If you are guilty, you are innocent, and if you are not guilty, you are guilty. In that case, I accept it. Maybe it is safer for me now. Who can guarantee that I won't be killed when I walk in the street after I get out of the hospital?"

Amanda can't find anything to say. Besides, he makes sense.

What's more, even if it can prove Jimmy's innocence, Jimmy will always bear the medical expenses of those who were injured by him. If you can't take it out, you'll go to jail.