
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · ファンタジー
110 Chs

Meet again

Fortunately, nightmares are not serialized dramas; there are no sequels. Lin Feng simply found himself in the same location where he had left the Dream Plane last time. However, the wolf pack that had attacked him before was nowhere to be seen. This unfortunate fellow did not have to endure the cliché of being reincarnated by a group of monsters as soon as he left the newbie village.

But the howls of wolves still echoed from all directions. Although they did not sound nearby, they were enough to make Lin Feng, a guy who had not seen much of the world, feel a chill in his heart. He realized deeply that this was a lawless place. The animal protection organization and forest rangers were in another world. Here, whether it was wolves or him, neither received any protection. And frankly speaking—this was the wolves' territory, and he was just a newcomer.

As the only outsider on the grassland where the wolf pack lurked, Lin Feng tightened his clothes to resist the cold that permeated from his body to his heart. He took steps forward, pondering whether his brain had degenerated from spending too much time with Muyun: why did he feel the need to put on pajamas before going to sleep in his room?

Based on his experience from the last time he entered the Dream Plane, a person's physical condition in the Dream Plane was completely consistent with their condition in the outside world, including the clothes they were wearing and their physical fitness. However, Lin Feng had forgotten about this. He and Vivian, as well as Izax, had messed around in the living room with a bunch of preparations. The result was that he almost couldn't sleep and, moreover, he was still wearing pajamas!

Walking on the vast grassland with measured steps, Lin Feng looked down at his feet and couldn't help but sigh, "Damn, and I didn't even put on shoes... If that crazy goddess finds out, I don't know how she'll ridicule me."

A voice suddenly sounded from beside him, "She will mock you thoroughly, then post it on the local universal channel's message board. But it's hard to say how many likes she'll get. She is a well-known spam queen in this universe, to the extent that she has to send her divine revelations to her followers several times—because no one reads them."

Lin Feng was startled by the sudden appearance of the voice. Upon closer inspection, he saw a small metal block floating silently beside him. He was shocked, "Terminal?! How did you also come in?"

"Why can't I come in?" the data terminal lazily replied. "Haven't you heard the commander say that this machine also needs to guide you when you cannot enter the Dream Plane? If even the guidance work can be done, why can't I come in?"

"But don't you need to dream to come in here..." Lin Feng looked at the seemingly intelligent little device in amazement. "Has artificial intelligence advanced to the point where it can dream?"

"Dreaming is an inefficient and boring way to maintain the system. I don't need such a thing." The data terminal's tone was arrogant. "Who told you that you have to dream to enter the Dream Plane? You just need to dream to enter, that's all. When your mental strength control reaches a certain level, you have the opportunity to contact the Dream Plane. But it's too early for you to think about this now."

Lin Feng knew that this data terminal would find a chance to argue with its owner whenever it spoke, so the smartest response was to ignore its nonsense. He took a glance at the vast grassland and felt that having a companion to talk to wasn't bad. Moreover, this terminal might have unexpected uses here. So, he tentatively asked, "Can you conjure up some clothes for me?"

The data terminal was silent for a moment. "What are you thinking?"

"Isn't this a virtual world? Aren't you a supercomputer? I've seen sci-fi movies that talk about organizing data to create..."

Before Lin Feng could finish, the data terminal rudely interrupted him, "Who told you this misinformation? The Dream Plane is a virtual world? Then why can you take things from here and why do people die in the Dream Plane?"

Lin Feng opened his mouth, admitting that he had once again imposed his assumptions on this unknown field. In fact, Raven12345 had told him about the "reality" of the Dream Plane before. However, at that time, Lin Feng's understanding was limited, and he didn't quite understand this issue. Now... well, now he still didn't quite understand, but he had learned to ignore this issue.

"Not even a pair of shoes..." Lin Feng sighed as he walked, "This is unbearable. Is there anything else that can be used instead?"

"There is," the data terminal said calmly. It only whispered the second half of the sentence when Lin Feng's spirits were lifted, "a tenacious spirit."


Walking in the night, Lin Feng did not want to stop casually, even though his condition was not good. He decided to keep going because entering the Dream Plane was about tempering himself. There was no point in waiting to wake up naturally; it would be meaningless. Besides, when faced with a life-threatening situation, he could forcibly leave this place (thanks to Raven12345's little pill). He was not worried about actually dying. Right now, he was just curious about what kind of place this was.

He looked into the distance. When he left last time, he had seen what looked like houses in the distance. Now, those things were still there, indicating that it was not an illusion. So, he set the distant "houses" as his goal.

The two of them (isn't this combination strange?) walked silently in the night. Just when Lin Feng was feeling a bit bored, the data terminal suddenly spoke up, "I need to remind you of three things."

Lin Feng casually replied, "Go ahead."

"First, firmly discard the idea that this is a 'virtual space.' Although the Dream Plane is not the real world, its impact on the real world is huge. If you die here, you will also die in the real world. And you can also bring things from here to the real world. You need to figure out the specific mechanism of 'bringing out' by yourself. Of course, you should already know this."

"Second, no matter what you see here, don't be surprised, just accept it directly. Analyze the cause and effect slowly after returning to the real world. If you are too confused here, it will quickly weaken your connection with the Dream Plane, and ending the journey prematurely is not a good thing."

"Third, don't you think it's very silly to have your data terminal floating next to you? I've seen people walking dogs and cats, but I've never seen anyone walking a PDA! Put the terminal in your pocket right now, understand!?"

Lin Feng: "..."

"Hey, wait, don't leave! I'm talking to you, can you hear me? Put the terminal in your pocket quickly. The terminal is a mobile device, but it's not a device that moves on its own. Do you understand what a mobile device is...? Hey, don't leave! At least tie a rope to the terminal and drag it along. The terminal's levitation function is for emergencies, not for traveling..."

Lin Feng

 completely ignored the data terminal, which was a bit neurotic like Raven12345, and just kept walking forward with his head down. Thus, the annoying noise of the data terminal continued in his ears for a full half hour. Lin Feng found that his physical strengthening was indeed effective. Without shoes, he could march so far in the wilderness without panting. Moreover, at least the soles of his feet were much stronger than usual. In this way, he walked for a long time, and the few small houses in the distance seemed much closer. But just before he could relax, something terrifying happened.

He distinctly heard a rustling sound coming from the nearby bushes, followed by a faint but distinct smell of blood flowing into his nostrils. It was the breath of a wild beast.

There were wolves, and they were the huge, incredible black wolves unique to the Dream Plane!

The wolves had not yet approached, but they had obviously noticed the scent of prey here. Now, these beasts were cautiously setting up an encirclement, preparing to feast on him using their usual ambush tactics. But this time, Lin Feng sensed the surrounding danger very early—last time, when the wolf pack appeared, he was already completely surrounded, and the bushes around him were all filled with eerie eyes. This time, as soon as the wolf pack began to act, he sensed it.

Lin Feng deeply sighed at the effectiveness of adjusting his warehouse, and then silently contemplated how useful his progress was: when he reacted, wouldn't he still be surrounded?

"The terminal suggests that you absolutely do not run," the voice of the data terminal sounded in his mind, indicating that it also knew the need for concealment at the moment, "You cannot outrun the wolf pack. Even with your current strengthening level, you can only shake off a part of them and cannot break out of the encirclement."

"Direct confrontation?" Lin Feng tried to calm his heartbeat. He knew that the wolves did not yet know that he knew they were approaching—interpret this sentence as you see fit, "I feel a bit nervous."

"Weren't you not nervous when you were chased by hundreds of undead knights in the dungeon?" The data terminal snorted, "Don't worry, I'll pull you out when you're about to die. Now... get ready!"