
Chapter 10: The Commission

Jin Mo's POV

After entering the meeting room, everyone's aura became more serious.

"What is the commission about this time, president?" - Senior Iris asked

"The mission is about examining an antique that seems to be plagued by yin energy causing several misfortune to befall the people around it"

"An antique? Why pick this commission then?" - Senior Sika inquired

"I chose this because it seems suitable as a baptismal mission for Jin and the pay is high as well~" - President said while gesturing a money sign

"I knew it!" - all three of them exclaimed knowingly

"Pardon for my rudeness, but what exactly is a commission?" - I asked.

"A commission is a duty given to us for a price. We typically take commissions around the community. Which reminds me Jin, this is your first mission with us, learn well!" - President Sunny said

I simply nodded and the discussion proceeded.

"Let me read the specifics. This antique vase was dug out from a mausoleum of a noble family who served the Empire in the 16th Century and was auctioned two months ago for a staggering price of 18 million dollars and was bought by the Morde Family as a gift for their grandparent's wedding anniversary. The tragedy befell after the vase came into the house. At first, it was just minor disturbances such as things getting disarranged, and things falling down. Then things gradually escalated, the son suffered from a car accident, the grand daughter fell down the stairs and then the grandson went into a delirious state saying that the spirit of the vase is angry at their family. The whole family became aware of the fact that maybe the vase was the cause of their family's misfortunes so they hired us." - President Sunny further explained

Everyone's shock became apparent as they digest the information and the ambiance became more solemn.