
A Yakuza's Dream.

Now Known As,Masaru Takao,The Son of A Yakuza Boss,Has Been sent to Train,At The Age of 5, Under A Mercenary Haired by His father.His name? Giichi Abe,But Unbeknownst to him, is now In Tokyo Revengers.

Linking_Vibes · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Summertime BeatDown -4


My stories contains Violence, strong language that may not be suitable for children under the age of 15.

If you're Under the Age of 15,(the Limit is 15, because that's when teenagers are more exposed to violence. My opinion.) Piss off.

'Taiga's division of 50 men,were surrounding both,Taiga,and Daisuke,The latter was taking more damage than the former,who had insignificant bruises on his exposed skin.'


"C'mon,man. We're only just getting started. I've heard about you from Aijirou kamiyama. I know you're strong enough to take down one of the '𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘴',so quit hiding your strength,you bastard!"

'Taiga yelled, Slamming his closed fist, into his palm.'

"Stop fucking yapping and come at me already...

...You Big-mouthed Fuck."

"Shit is just getting started. Don't be so quick to celebrate, bastards!"

'Daisuke, already up on his Feet, Rushed,at full speed towards Taiga,A Big Smile painting on the latter's Face.'

'Daisuke released a series of punches upon Taiga's stomach, backsteping seconds later to avoid a punch from the giant,The giant was throwing punching combinations,Daisuke barely being able to dodge them.'

'Daisuke lost his footing for a split second,but that was enough for the giant to strike,Taiga swung his fist into Daisuke's stomach launching him into the underpass wall, leaving a crater.'

'Daisuke quickly got up, coughing as he did,he quickly had to jump out of the way,as Taiga's fist was just a second away from his face,Taiga's fist slammed into the wall, leaving a fist mark on the wall.'

"Hehe. You sure are fast on your feet."

'Daisuke superman punched Taiga straight in the face, drawing blood from the Giant's nose.'

"Wow. All that, just for a drop of blood?"

'Taiga wiped the blood off. with his thumb.'

'Daisuke having an idea to attack the giant's thighs to make him fall out of balance, ran towards him,in a low position.'

'He's low. So... I'll kick him!'

'Taiga throws a low roundhouse kick.'

'Get in there!'

'daisuke slipped through the ground, making it to the other side,and behind Taiga,as soon as he was on the other side,he quickly stood up,and kicked him behind his knee,making Taiga's balance start collapsing,Taiga managed to catch himself, by placing his left hand on the ground, keeling down,Once Daisuke saw him falling,he advantage of this,and charged right in, Putting all of his strength into his fist,to try and knock the Giant out cold.'

'Once he was in range,Daisuke launched his fist towards the Giant's face,but Taiga was quick to response,and caught the Fist, Grinning when he saw Daisuke's surprised facial expression.'

"Ouchie. That punch sure stung. But i got you now."

'Taiga effortlessly lifted Daisuke,and slammed him onto the ground,Daisuke coughing up blood on impact.'

"You did it!"

"That's our Great Captain,For you!"

"Kill him!"

'Multiple of Taiga's men cheered.'

"It's not over, just yet!"

'Taiga dragged Daisuke along the ground,and lifted him up just slightly, only to then slam him against the Underpass Wall.'

'Taiga Continued on slamming Daisuke onto the ground, multiple times.'

'On the many times he was slammed onto the ground, Daisuke managed to grab a rather large piece of broken glass, that he held onto,to use on the right moment.

'After several minutes,Taiga stopped slamming him,and held him up by his throat, thinking he was unconscious.'

"What? Is he dead?"

"I was just starting to have some fun. He really tried everything he could do,to try and defeat me."

'Daisuke then Slashed the broken glass, downward diagonally,From his left eye,to his nose.'

'Taiga didn't even react,he Merely asked one of his men to give him a towel,and after cleaning the blood off his face,he got back Infront of Daisuke, with his usual smile.'

"Damn,i didn't even notice you having that glass,when did you even get it?"

"Around the 10th time you slammed me,but why does it even matter?"

"It doesn't. I was just curious. Now, let's get back to the good stuff. Entertain me some more,Daisuke Bushida."

"...I don't even know how you know my damn name,but sure. I'll entertain you."

'Daisuke said,as he wiped blood off his face.'

"But it's going to be hard holding back enough to make sure you don't die."

'It took around 5 seconds,for Taiga's men to start laughing at Daisuke.'

"Do you even know what you're saying,man?"

"Fuck,my stomach hurts!"

"Holding back on the captain,You?"

"Go easy on us!"

"Idiot, idiot, you're an Idiot!"

'Said one of the Gangsters, while pointing at Daisuke,who was quickly silenced by Taiga's fist hammering down onto his head, bringing him down crashing down onto the ground, which got all his men to quiet down.'

"Was that funny?"

"I consider Daisuke to be a warrior. Don't laugh!"

"Let's go! Bushida!"

'Taiga shouted,as he charged towards him.'


'Kyoya shoe's skidded backwards, Bringing up a bit of dirt.'

"That was a crazy strong punch,man!"

'He said, grinning.'

"You know, there's usually not this much talking in fights."

'Reiji said,neutrally.'

"Hehe, alright sorry my bad."

'Both Kyoya and Reiji ran towards each other other, their fists clashing.'

'Reiji's punches were starting to hurt Kyoya, while the latter's punches, were doing less damage.'

'His fists look to have been extremely disciplined. It's like the bones in his right hand have been replaced with steel. Kyoya thought to himself as he dodged a punch,the fist slightly brushing his cheek.'

'I can't let one of those land a direct hit-!'

'Kyoya threw a combination of punches,Reiji withstanding them. Kyoya jumped,and in midair slammed his foot forward, making Reiji skid backwards.'

"I know what you're doing. Buying time for your Leader."

'Reiji said,as he brought up his fists back up.'

"Think you got what it takes to win this?"

"I don't know man, won't know until i try."

'Reiji remained silent,and charged in to strike,Kyoya did the same.'


'Akumo uppercuted a rushing benkei,who countered with a punch to the arm, Lifting Akumo a bit in the air, Benkei took advantage of this and slammed his other fist onto Akumo's face, slamming him all the way to ground.'

"Man, what are you,a machine or a beast? No matter what I do,you just keep getting right back up."

'Benkei said, with his fists up,as Akumo slowly got up.'

"I can't disappoint Big Boss..

..i have to do everything i can,to stop you from helping the rest of your Gang. Including leaving you half-dead."

'Akumo, after saying that, Dashed at full speed towards Benkei, jumping at the last second,and slamming his knee into Benkei's arms, Pushing him backwards,Akumo, continued his assault when both his feet landed, unleashing a series of punches, without stopping,Benkei counterattacked,by right hooking him,Akumo returning the punch fivefold.'

'Benkei body-shot Akumo,in his upper ribs,Akumo swung his elbowed upwards, colliding against Benkei's jaw.'

'Akumo unleashed a series of punches,the last one punch,launching Benkei 5 meters away.'

'Akumo rushed towards him, jumped at the last second,and stomped directly where Benkei was supposed to be,The latter however,managed to get out of the way in time.'

'Benkei rushed towards Akumo, akumo had a punch ready to be launched,And when benkei got closer,Akumo threw it,Benkei dodged it by lowering himself,and tackling Akumo.'

'Benkei still holding onto Akumo, rolls over him,& stood up, and with all his strength,Starts squeezing him.'

'Benkei smiled cockily, thinking he had the winning ticket.'

'Benkei front suplexed Akumo.'

'Akumo didn't move,And remained without movements.'

'Benkei smiled,as he looked down at Akumo,and was getting ready to leave,but made the mistake of turning his back to him.'

'Akumo, silently got up,Benkei, hearing noises behind him, turned around, only to be poked in both eyes, temporary blinding him.'

'If I don't get him now...

'Akumo swung his fist all the way back,and smashed it against Benkei's face.'

... I'll end up getting eaten.'

'I'm ending this. Finishing move. Once more.'

'Akumo lowered his body, Clenching his fist,he threw his strongest Punch he could muster. Launching Benkei 10 meters away.'

"... It's....

'Benkei struggled to stand upright, wobbling as he tried to get up.'

...Not Over..."

"... Just Yet... I can keep going."


'Benkei slowly started losing unconsciousness,and he eventually did go unconscious.'

'Akumo sighed,as he saw that Benkei was down for the count.'

'There are really strong fuckers in Setagaya City. And I didn't even realize that. Yamada and his brothers,Daisuke,Big boss,Masaru,And this guy,Big Ben,as they call him,are the strongest persons I have ever met.'

'I even resorted to gouging his eyes... But I had no choice. I had to stop him.'

'I can't say for sure that I'd win if I ever fight him again.'

'Akumo noticed Eli and Masamune having problems on taking down their opponent.'

"...Guess I'll go and give them a hand."


'Tora and Shu were trading,Blocking,and counteracting kicks.'

'Tora backed off for a few seconds, smiling cockily.'

'Shu raised his eyebrows in a confused matter.'

'What is this fucker planning on doing? Shu thought to himself.'

"You sure are a slippery one. I just can't land a hit on you."

'Shu stays silent, deciding not to speak to him.'

"Ah,a quiet one,huh?"

"You wouldn't mind if I... brought out a toy, right?"

'Tora takes out his baton,a wicked smile painting his lips.'

"Wow. Bringing out a weapon isn't fair, don't you think? If you call yourself a man, fight me with your bare hands."

"That makes no sense. We're fighting in a war. There is no such thing as dirty. Making use of all the strengths you have is the proper courtesy to show your opponent."

"Don't give me that bullshit. You're just doubting your own abilities!"

"You are making less and less sense."

"..Heh. just kidding. Sorry about that. I just hoped that you'd ditch that thing, that's all."

"Well, I'm all warmed up now."

"So I guess it's time to get serious!"

"Imma take you on in serious mode now. Try to show me a good time, would ya?"

"Bring it on."

'Tora said,his lips still painted with a wicked smile.'

'Shu rushed towards Tora,the latter barely managing to block a punch from him, Which left a bruise on his forearm.'

'Shu was unleashing series of punches and kicks,Tora was having a hard time trying to land a hit on the boy.'

"Where are you looking at? I'm right here."

'He whispered, standing behind him.'

"The hell?!"

'Shu's Sidekick launched Tora 3 meters away, The latter skidding along the ground,'

"I'll admit. That hurt."

'Shu just smirked,and dashed Towards Tora,The latter slamming his baton downwards towards Shu's face, trying to land a hit on him,the latter swiftly dodging it,And uppercuting tora's chin,Shu High kicked Tora's hand that held the weapon, disarming him.'

'Tora seeing that he no longer had access to his weapon, slowly started smiling diabolically.'

"Hey.Let's werewolf and go wild."

'Tora said,as he head-butted Shu.'

'Tora Miura, he's a born animal.'

'Shu backed off, recovering from the headbutt,he slowly opened his right eye.'

'Tools don't fit him.'

'Animals need a leash to be controlled.'

'The tool was Tora's leash.'

'To Tora Miura...

...his tools became a leash that contained his true nature to kill.'

'Tora Slammed his hand onto Shu's mouth,and slammed him into the underpass wall.'


This is the real deal.'

'Tora grabbed onto Shu's hair,and continually slammed his skull against the wall,Tora lend his head back,Shu thought he was going for a headbutt,But Tora bit his nose instead,Shu instantly let out howl of pain, Tora grabbed Him by his hair,and threw Shu Meters away from him,Tora followed Suit,and dashed towards Him.'

'As Shu was getting up,Tora latched onto him, wrapping his legs around his torso,and bit him on the shoulder.'

'Tora clapped both his hands against Shu's ears,Shu sense of balance quickly started fading.'

'Tora took full advantage of this, and crashed Shu's body into the ground, with him still latched on.'

'Tora grabbed the back of shu's shirt, griping it tightly,& proceeded to do the same with his other hand, crossing his arms, holding him down tightly.'

'Tora continually head-butted Shu's face.'

'I ...I can't win against him. This son of a bitch, can fight all night long. He's...

...an animal... I cannot not win. I can't win against this man.'

'Instead of fighting him...

...I should've been begging for my life.'

'Shu started falling into unconsciousness.'

"Heh. Did he honestly think he was going to pull that off? Well whatever. Now that that's over..."

'In the distance he could see Masamune and Eli struggling against their Opponent.'

"...I think I'll give the wonder twins a hand or two!"

'Tora glanced over to a Big Deal member who had just knocked out a sanctuary member,who was gasping for air.'


'Tora's voice caught the attention of the gangster.'


"Hold onto that for me."

'He said, pointing at the baton.'

"...yes s-sir."

'Tora noticed a glass bottle and picked it up. And ran towards Eli and Masamune.'


'Jin had to block a flying roundhouse kick from Eli, While Masamune leg swooped him.'

'Both Teens followed up with a punch and a kick at the same time,Jin Dodging both,But he didn't have enough time to dodge a spinning side kick from both of them,Jin managing to block it at the very last second, Pushing him,and Skidding along the ground backwards.'

'Tora appeared behind Jin,the latter noticed him on time,which helped him block his spinning Back kick,Akumo dashed right in,And Smashed his fist into the forearms of Jin, Launching him meters away from him,Jin skidded along the ground,his expression changed to that of doubtfulness,not sure if he was able to last long with powerful opponents at the same time.'

'Jin could take on a whole group,but their were always on henchmen level,not Head Level. Jin noticed earlier, both Akumo and Tora were fighting both of his comrades,who were not jokes at all. Jin wouldn't be defeated instantly,but in the long run,he would be ultimately defeated by these four,so he knew he had to put everything he had to keep them occupied.'

"What're you gonna do now?"

'all four of them surrounded Jin.'

"Bring it on, Sons of Bitches."


'Aia was having a hard time Blocking Hits from Yoko,who obviously had the upper hand in the fight.'

"Why do you keep getting up? You're only going to keep hitting the ground. And each time it's going to be harder to get up."

'Yoko said,as she smashed her knee into Aia.'

"Cause that way, you'll stay right where we want you to stay."

'She said, smiling with an eye closed.'

'Aia kicked Yoko's calf,the latter not giving it any mind.'

"You keep using the same damn move. You're like a character that only has one move. In the long run, you'll become a laughing stock in the multi-game series."

'Aia only smirked at this.'

"I sure hope you can walk this off just fine at the end of the day."


'Aia threw another kick to Yoko's Calf, which started to sting her.'

"I've practiced this kick 20,000 times for two whole months,to prepare just in case y'all waged a war against Masaru."

"Hard work...

... will never let you down."

"That's what he told me."

"So I can't let him down. He entrusted me with handing you."

"So I have no choice but to suck it up and ignore the pain."

"You're strong willed. I'll give you that. But there's nothing you can do to take me down."

"...Are you stupid or is that just you being you?"

'Yoko raised her eyebrow, confused at what she just said.'

"The goal here isn't to defeat you guys. The goal was to open up a path for Masaru to get to your leader."

"I'm so going to break you."

"Go ahead and try."

'Both teens slowly walked towards each other,but then at the same time, Dashed towards Each other.'


'Osamu and his crew all had bloody faces. Gasping for air as they all surrounded Ryo,who had his fists ready to be shot.'

"You ready for round Two, Bastard?"

'Osamu said, smiling with an eye closed.'

"Did you think I'll fall for an obvious taunt?"

"Aw, mission failed,hehe."

'"...Yūta. Hiroshi. Tōru. Kazuhiro. Shōichi."

'Osamu called all five of his gang,who all hummed in response.'

"Let's not think about the consequences,and just dive right into it."

"Yes Sir!"

'All five of them shouted,as They simultaneously ran behind Osamu.'

'Osamu, with two of his henchmen, Raised their fist,to try,even if it seemed impossible,and punch him.'

'But before they could even take another step forward,they were lunched backwards,the other three caught their bodies,and helped them stand upright.'

'Ryo slowly lowered his leg,and stomped it onto the ground.'

"Like I said before. You don't stand a chance,not even with my arms gone.'

'Ryo,in a flash, appeared behind the other three, Before they could even try and put up their defense up,they were met with a series of punches, which impacted all of their upper body.'

'Osamu tried to intervene,but was stopped with a punch to the face, which made him bleed from his nose and mouth.'

-Ryo wasn't using his extreme speed for his punches,so Osamu could react to his assault.'

"... Whatever you throw towards us,we won't be backing down. You'll have to kill us in order to get rid of us. If you tear off our arms, we will kick you to death . if you tear off our legs, we will bite you to death . if you tear off our head , we will stare you to dead . if you gauge our eyes , we will curse you from our graves. It doesn't matter if we're tore to shreds. We. Will. Not. Let you get to Big Boss!!"

"All six of them were shouting as they all ran towards Ryo.'

'Ryo sighed,as he Watched all six closing in.'

"This is going to be a long day."

-End of Chapter.-