
A World Where Women Are the Rulers

Chase Norris was just your normal troublemaker in life given that he acted nothing more than a delinquent throughout his high school life up to the very end it was coming. No one ever believed he would do anything good with his life after finishing high school given Chase was going to have a long criminal record in his adult life. There were a few who believed him to do much more in life than others think given that Chase has a chance to be something else to the world than that. Yet it does not matter about the future for this person when our friend gets struck by lightning and mysteriously gets brought into another world unharmed. A world completely different from his own on earth starting with how it is like a fantasy book or game filled with monsters that are dangerous and can kill a person if attacked by creatures. Yet that is not the only thing that was shocking to Chase where it turns out the women of this world are like the top rulers and the man are treated as lowly slaves. Had no clue how coming to this world came to work. Chase has to think first is to stay alive in it given being a male is like having a target on his back meaning journaling in this world is going to be very tough for him. Patreon link - https://www.patreon.com/Mattfuncool Books: Awoken in a world of monsters & Reincarnation: Road to rebuild a lost home Discord link: https://discord.gg/xa5jQF37B it has 30 days

mattfuncool · ファンタジー
205 Chs

Ch 14: Why didn't you do it

Chase didn't expect this from the girl asking if that was his name.

"Yeah, that's right Chase is my name."

"Then, I shall call you by it from now on."

"Great to hear, now how about me do I call you female or can I use your name."

"Call me by my name only no more than that."

After that moment gone to pass Chase began to start lighting the wood finding two small rocks to smack against each other.

After a few tries and success comes one of them starts the smoke until a small fire begins to rise, growing bigger by the second.

"Alright look at that, I created fire just like the caveman back then when they first did."

"Caveman? What is that?"

Allyson brought pieces of the deer meat that was impaled by sticks placing them by the fire to cook.

"Oh right they were the first humans of our species, I guess, I mean there was another story to how we came to be."

Chase sits down beside the fire looking at Allyson who sits down in front of it.

"I think it's time you tell me about your world, I would like to know about this earth."

"I'll do my best to tell you as much as I know and hope it meets your satisfaction."

Chase began to talk about earth giving as many details as possible to Allyson as she listened deeply to whatever he told her.

Surprisingly he was enjoying talking about the earth in a way didn't think would happen.

Even more so to someone who has never been to the planet, it is weird to be in this position.

Allyson came to enjoy the things she was hearing about buildings that go tall like they can reach the sky, cars able to drive you from one place to another in quick time, planes to fly you over to another country, and so on.

This talking goes on for a long while as the two eat the deer meat that was done being cooked by the fire.

Allyson was right, eating deer was good and Chase loved it after taking the first bite of it.

So Chase kept on talking about the earth to the point he brought up about man and woman walking among each other.

"Wait a minute man and woman live together in peace in your world."

"Well yeah after hard difficult times between the genders over the years changing into more equal roles between each other."

"So they have never been at war with each other."

"Not like your world, women on earth fought for their rights differently and won it, but there have been wars with other races in mine world."

As Chase took another bite into his share of the cooked deer meat.

Allyson on the other hand took the time looking up at the sky to think about all that was told to her by Chase.

"Anyways, I still want to learn about the earth, I am sure I can still talk about more things if you like."

"No it's fine for now, another time I would ask you to tell me more, but there is something I do want to ask."

"Shoot that question, Allyson."

"At the time you had the chance to kill that female yet choose to let her live after the disarming."

This question wasn't something Chase thought to be asked.

"Why ask me as if it is important to know?"

"I am curious about that is all."

"Well, there's nothing much to say. She was beaten. There wasn't a point in killing that person as well in the end."

"For you, there wasn't, but for me, there was since we are at war with each other and so she had to die. If allowed to live she informed the others of our location and any other information that can be given to help her side. Tell me, are you afraid to kill?"

Allyson stared straight into Chase's eyes waiting to hear his answer to the second question she asked him.

"I am not afraid to kill, I have done it before in my world and I just didn't want to do it again to get used to it as someone that."

"You're not going to last long because showing that to someone who was aiming to kill from the start you will take that opportunity when your back is turned to them to strike."

"Hey you don't know what you are talking about in my world and this world is completely different. Killing isn't something that can be done just like that and not have come back to bite you later."

"I do know!."

That yell was unexpected to come out of Allyson Chase immediately went quiet watching her turn her head to the side.

"I knew someone who showed mercy to an enemy who didn't hesitate to take that weakness and use it to their advantage."

"Was it someone close to you that had such a thing happen?"

"Yes, she was a good friend of mine who grew up pretty much together since we were kids like sisters. What about the reason you kill in your world?"

He wasn't sure if that was something to talk about digging into that dark time only just wanting to forget about it.

Yet Chase thinks it to be fair at least to share after she did.

"It was because of someone close to me….."


The sound of a creature howling breaks off their conversation as the two jump up, alerted by it.

"That's not good, we have trouble coming our way."

"Shit and I thought we were safe from any trouble."

"Never always have to expect such things; a guard has to stay up all the time."

"Good to know, but what the hell are we going to be dealing with now."

An answer to that question was shown as a creature with fur covering all over the body being different colors, sharp teeth in the mouth, and claws on its four-legged feet.

Their number added up to six outnumber these two.

"It wolfs a pack to what it looks like."

"So what do you think is the reason for a pack of wolves to be here?"

"My guess is the deer meat we cook and the leftovers yet to be used are drawn to us."

"Oh that's just great, this world of yours is a pain in the ass, you know."

Chase and Allyson armed themselves with him ready his spear stick and her having the sword out to be used.

"I know you just have to get used to it."