

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · ファンタジー
21 Chs

chapter 3

Ariel cowell pov

I don't know how long I have been sleeping but I don't feel too good, I sluggishly pull myself from the bed I have to get something to eat I feel so hungry but no appetite to eat, I head towards the kitchen and am surprised because there is nobody at home that's strange, but I don't mind for am not in the mood to handle any issues right now so it's more of a release that they are not home, I warm the little food I found in the pot but ones I took it into my mouth I found out it is bad no doubt what was I thinking that they will leave food for me?

impossible I walk upstairs as I put on a pullover and walk out I better get something to eat, walking through the busy street on a hot afternoon I found out through my phone I have been sleeping for almost a day which is not something that normally happens to me I guess it because I'm not feeling so good, I headed down to my favorite restaurant I order for taking out while I sit down waiting for my order to be made, I could feel my body giving up on me I needed to calm down and suddenly I felt the urge to throw so I hurriedly ran to the restroom and when I was done with my business they the worst happened I suddenly blanked out.

Gabrielle Adsence pov

Since my little talk with Solange, I have not had time to meet her again, and as expected she rated me out to my mother which ended in never stopping calls urging me to present her a proper apology well not that I care but with or without the apology ones this charade in the name of the wedding is over she will have to bend for my rules for I won't listen to anything anyone says at that moment my mother will only have to successfully kill herself as she has been threatening all this while.

I promised to meet up with Solange and in a way of pissing her off I choose a cheap restaurant cheap in terms of cash but very elegant and their food is one of the best I have ever tasted I once visited this place when I was in college and it left a lasting impression but for someone like Solange this is going to be an insult and as expected she throws the wine all over me in range when she realized it was not a 5-star restaurant and stormed out not forgetting to remind me of the fact that whatever I do I will have to end up marrying her she determines my life as of now which is something am aware of but not for long,

with my ruined dress I decided to head to the washroom to clean it up a bit while waiting for my driver to book me a room in a nearby hotel so I can get changed, as I concentrate on cleaning the door burst open and a young lady rushes in while l contemplating on telling her she is in the wrong room I decided against it and let her do her business and after she was done she suddenly blanks out and that was it not good at all,

I can't leave her here so I decided to help her and call for an ambulance but once my head touched hers she was burning … like real burning up her face looked so paled her petite lips so dry I had no other option but to inform my driver to get my doctor as I carry her out and head for the hotel room when we arrived the doctor was waiting for us he quickly examined her and prescribed a bunch of drugs which my driver heads out to buy while I change and stay with her.

The doctor says she suffering from a cold and she is stressed out she needs enough rest I couldn't bring myself to abandon her there so I stayed the night watching over and by the next morning her fever was all gone I left her with a note informing her of how she takes her medication and also the bill of the hotel has been cleared,

I don't want her to feel embarrassed thus the reason I left when she was still sleeping and as luck has it today is my bachelor party, mom decided the girls should have their party in my villa so I could not object to it I know she is only trying to calm my nerves that the bride won't run off like the last time.

with the party at its pique, Solange leaves with my driver to go bring her maid of honor and two hours later she comes in with a girl don't see her well for her back was facing me as she greets the other girl but who cares head up to my room won't be surprised if I end up with a drunk bride tomorrow Ii laugh at my thoughts as lay on my bed waiting for the night to pass while getting this wedding over with.

A smile plays on my lips as think of the things have inset for Solange but little does she know she is in for her worst nightmare haha what a bad boy.

Arielle Cowell pov

I woke up in a well-furnished bedroom no doubt this is not my room, reality hits me and that's when I start searching around, I see a note telling me how to take my drugs and also informing me the bills have been paid wow what a kind person I thought to myself, I can't believe we still have kind soul out there am so grateful to who so ever took care of me.

I hurriedly had my bath a pair of clothes were nicely displayed for me it looked so beautiful I got dressed and left the hotel when I arrived home no one had even noticed my absence, well I was not expecting them to mom was even more surprised when she noticed the drug bag but she showed no emotion so I just went straight to my room, I took out my phone knowing fully well I must have lost all my jobs but still decided on checking my mails and as expected I have been fired from the last two remaining jobs and my salary sent, am not sad I deserve it and my health is more important so TOMORROW JOB HUNTING HERE I COME.

I think taking the day off to fully recover won't be a bad idea I smile as I think of things I could do to pass time aside from sleeping, going through my stuff I pick up a business book and start reading it aside studying mathematics am very good at marketing I took extra classes when I had time and I know it will someday come in handy….

I have been in my room since morning no call from anyone and no disturbance which couldn't make me any less happy, the time was already 9:00 pm I think I better head out to get something to eat and take my drugs I go downstairs and the entire family is having a feast I wonder where the got so much money oops I forgot it should be from one of Divna's boyfriends I sigh as I head towards my direction bounding the door behind me, I went to a closer restaurant this time around since it was already late and after having my dinner I head home on my arrival I see someone I couldn't believe I would ever see again in my life


I scream as I hug my best friend, it's been so long I can't remember the last time we spoke, it's been years she suddenly disappeared after graduation, and all means to get to her was negative so I gave up, but I least expected her to show up at my doorstep this is a wonderful day

" ARIE !!

can you let go now you're choking me I can't breathe, and I don't think you want to strangle me for not contacting you all these years right" of course not I'm just happy to see you, so tell me when did you come back? How have you been? Hope you're doing great?

" Hello little missy can you give me time to answer the questions and one at a time, okay, well I got back 1 month ago but before you scold me please listen

" okay go ahead am all ears "I got back for my wedding so I have been extremely busy am sorry but I have your dress ready and everything your my maid of honor and the wedding is tomorrow and my reason for coming is to pick you up personally and invite your entire family as well hope that's okay by you please don't say no" how can I say no to her she has come all the way hear and making me her maid of honor is an honor so my answer is yes, my family also agreed to me going and passing the night with her, I hurried upstairs and grab a few things and off we go.

The villa of her husband to be is more like heaven on earth I wish I will get something like this, we dance or sorry they danced she introduced me to the other girls and they had so much fun I was told her fiancee was already sleeping what a lucky girl she is to marry a man who doesn't mind all her bad conducts and practices well some people are just blessed. It was finally time to sleep and I had a sound sleep.

I slept more like a baby the bed was welcoming comfy, and very soft we took turns in the morning having our baths then breakfast was served we all ate while doing all this her fiance stayed in his room for they say he hurts noise and the girls were more like chatterboxes so I don't blame him for avoiding us after breakfast was over we took turns in doing our makeup while the bride had a single makeup artist for her it's her day she deserves the best. when it turned there was a commotion outside so I rushed out with the others to find out what was going on

" Gab am sorry but I have to go" I heard Solange tell her fiancee

"you're kidding right you can't be fucking serious how can you leave on the wedding day because your presence is needed in the new yoke? Are you speaking sense SOLANGE I gave you the benefit of doubt am boom you tell me you have gotten a big contract and you need to head over and sign it, tell me how much is it I will pay you but you can't fucking now hmmm have you had this all in mind from the beginning who the hell sent you? I could feel his pain

But SOLANGE was bent on leaving and when I tried reasoning with her she gave me the option of marrying him if I wanted too I mean who does this all I could do was feel bad for the groom the wedding is in a few hours and his bride has left, but shockingly none of her so-called friends tried talking to her instead they helped her pack up and left what a world, I watch as the joyous scene turned to sadness in a matter of seconds, I walked in changed my clothes and was set to go when the groom said something which made me stop

" marry me"

I had no words to tell him so all I could do was continue like I haven't heard but the next voice made me aware I am in for it

" We have spoken already and he has paid 10million to marry you so if I were you I will go back in there and dress like the bride you are'' no-no that's mom's voice when the hell did they even get here ?"

mom, he is heartbroken he will regret this by tomorrow trust me you guys can't sell me you just can't I don't know when the tears started falling but I was crying already why will they sell me for 10 million how unfair did I meant nothing to them

" quite crying and go get dress it's your wedding day big sister," Divna said with a trace of mockery " you should be happy we did not give you out for free at least your worth 10 million now


I heard my so-called fiance tell my family I mean who wants to marry him he should stop acting the good guy when he is the reason am I in this fix

"don't worry we won't be coming back for expired things you have our words'' Divna said and she heads outside with mom and the rest. No one looked back so I was a burden to them? I could not hold my tears anymore as I let them fall freely.

Gabrielle Adsence pov

I walked out of my bedroom only to find my soon-to-be bride packing up her stuff, it made no difference but out of curiosity, I had to ask. I just hope this bitch is not running away from her wedding, what's happening here? I hope you're not running away from your wedding right? I asked with a bit of mockery in my tone

" Yes, I am so?"



now tell me what the problem is

"a leaving Gab I just got a called from my agent so I need to fly back to new york as soon as possible, I know you never wanted this marriage in the first place so this is your perfect opportunity just call it off"

Are you insane?

how can I call off a wedding at the last minute, why are some women so unreliable you wanted a wedding I agreed and now you choosing some fucking deal over me huh what's all this about telling me the truth I know it's not all about the deal there is someone go ahead spit it out goddammit

"I have been working on this deal for more than 6 months now and now my chance is where you want me to throw it away because of your selfish reasons.

No way am letting go of it, if you like to marry my maid of honor that's your problem it's not like I loved you that much, you just a fucking bet and with this deal, I can get the porche without my parents knowing so why should I go ahead and marry you?" no no no tell me you're joking right. This marriage was a bet to you.

How could your mother treat you more like a daughter? She even neglected my pleas to please you and you do this to her. Have you thought of how this will affect her?

Have you thought about your parents? They are hoping this marriage is a success so the board of directors will accept their project and their daughter is here screwing up everything

" well we all have other reasons why we want to get into this marriage so don't act like the saint here its a 50 % lose and gain for everyone"

hahaha is that what you think, you make me laugh with the way you think, I am not into these shit because I have something to win from it okay with or without your family the group already has a lot of investors ready to do our bidding but we

decided on choosing your fathers company but looks like his daughter is so ungrateful and unfilial that he is ready to throw away all her parents have labored for all over the years to chase after a Porsche, a fucking porche when I can afford so many with my money, you're a disgrace to your name but rest assured after the wedding I will certainly reveal to the public the real reason for this break up you can leave I don't want to see you again.

Gab doesn't act the victim okay, it does not suit you and if you are so interested in getting married there are so many ladies out there waiting for you to ask so go ahead I hate men who feel like they own me"

with that she leaves I can't believe she does not care about her family how ungrateful, the tequila's not this way, why did GOD decide to curse them with a witch in the name of I child I can certainly feel their pain, I had to get myself I bride I can't cancel this wedding not again and an idea struck me hard she did mention her maid of honor so why not marry her.

I walk towards the dressing room and I realize all the other girls have left with Solange and the only person left is the maid of honor which I think is just perfect but before I could reach out to her my driver comes in and informs me a family is here to speak with their daughter so I decided to attend to them first.


Mom wanted me to come be the maid of honor so I could get more men, my sister does not deserve such a wonderful position so we set out as early as e could, and after what took like forever we finally found the location while the security ushered us in and this handsome man was sitting in the living room waiting for us am very positive it's either the groom or his best man he looks just perfect I don't know how bIt I realized I have been drooling over him which I don't mind he is a demiGod so it's not bad drooling over him


I greeted as beautifully as I could not forget to send out winks which were replied with nothing but a cold stare which sent shivers down my spine

" What do you want? And young lady, can you keep your eyes to yourself?

" The gentleman asked and his voice was just like music to my ears so sweet and manly

"I am here to talk to daughter her name is Arielle she is the maid of honor" mom replied while my father and brother were busy staring at the house like there is no tomorrow

"OKAY since your here I might as well strike the deal with you now, I want to get married to your daughter and am willing to pay any amount is that okay with you name your price"

mom was hesitating so I decided to hit it .. hmmm 7 million dependent and mom with everyone seems satisfied with my amount

" well that's good I will give you 10 million"

With that we heard the room Ariele was in. I can't wait to tell her how much she is worth. Finally, she is out of our lives as much as her husband looks good. I believe his attitude is not the best so I am very happy because she is in for some torment. I laugh like the witch I am.