

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · ファンタジー
21 Chs

chapter 2

Gabriel Adsence pov

"Sir you have a meeting with the Shagangs corporation later today at 2:30 pm today, and a board meeting with the shareholders by 11:00 am, and Mrs. Sharon has booked you whole evening starting from 6:00 pm," I listen attentively as my secretary brief me about my schedule as we both head towards my office

" Gladys, are there any important documents that need urgent signing? I asked as I take my sea

"yes sir the contract termination letter from R&C has not been signed yet and also your father sent over your wedding guest list and asked for you to review it and add some if need be and not to forget your signature"

what's this all man up to is getting married for solely business not enough now he wants my damn signature on any document he is the tyrant in the business world but is very impressed he lives up to his title, well am Gabriel Adsence the only heir to the Adsence nice group and a bachelor

"soon to be married" not forgetting it's for purely business gains but I don't mind since I don't feel love for someone like me.

" It's okay Gladys, you can leave now. I will just take the documents home. I want to have some rest. I barely slept last night" okay sir. As Gladys exits my office I could finally breathe the air of freedom.

I am not the brutal or strong-headed type but I think I have to become one for the sake of my heart because I have been hurt right down to my core and I don't think I can handle another heartbreak. Letting myself flow through the memories of the past

" my worst nightmare"


"Sheril hurry up we are to meet mom and the other family heads today we can't keep them waiting" I urge my fiance to get ready quickly she is a fashion designer and we met in high school and have been dating since then, our marriage is set for the end of this month which is in a rush because there is a fashion show my fiance has to attend by next and it will last almost six months so we have to hurry up our marriage, aside from her workaholic nature there is nothing bad about her she is down to earth, very caring, loves me from heaven and back and has always stood by me. I for one appreciate her efforts that's why I want to make this wedding her dream wedding

Despite the rush

" am ready Gab lets go" are you okay Sheril you sound nervous

" No, I am not Gab, ..GAB can we have a chat when we are back? There is something we have to talk about and it's urgent. Okay, I just hope you won't blame me." What's wrong? But never mind I won't blame you for anything I have got you covered okay let's go.

The family gathering ended well but Sheril ended up been drunk so there was no way we could have the chat she wanted I had to drop her at her place then head back to mine, so far so good things have been moving smoothly, and am very excited about my upcoming wedding it's just a few days away but Sheril has been avoiding me lately maybe am thinking too much, buried myself in my workload for I don't want my dad to be working too much while I'm on honeymoon, the wedding is this Saturday and we will have just 2days to spend alone as Sheril has to travel to France on Tuesday am blessed

" sir Mr. Collins Machold is here to see you" Gladys informs me

" Let him in Glad" oh yeah Collins is my best friend and my best man too he is more like a brother to me, just like Sheril we've known each other since college and it has been one of the greatest journeys of my life.

"Hey, man excited about your wedding" I don't think I have to answer that right for it's written all over me.

I can see that, well have you had a chat with Sheril there is something important she needs to tell you, the last time we spoke she did mention she was to tell you on the day you guys had to go see the elders but judging from your mood guess she has not told you yet"

yea she did mention something like that but after the visit was she was drunk so took her home and we haven't had to chat since then, but by the way, man you seem to be aware of whatsoever Sheril wants to tell me so why not spell it out, you have always been the one to understand her best without her saying a single word so tell me what is it all about, and why the hell is it going to spoil my mood?

I was more amused than worried, well we've been friends for a long time and Sheril with Collins are best buddies so it's not strange to me if he is aware of what my fiance wants to tell me. I appreciate him for being our friend for he has always been the intermediary between the two of us. He knows what's best for Sheril and it's no doubt she likes all the things I get for her because I always get help from Collins while choosing her gifts

. " ah...no I don't think it's in my place to tell you, I can't tip you on this one she should do self" self thenI will try to see if we can have a chat before Saturday so we can talk about it

" Yeah that's good, sounds great, well I will be heading to France on Tuesday''


No, it's not possible how can the both of you be planning to leave me alone at the same time that's not just good

" well work calls and you know we go where the cash flows'' Collins chuckles, of course, I know you best you one money minaic but I love it for I know even if I go bankrupt today I will still be rich for you always on my case

" yeah, right says the bad guy" and who is the bad guy between the two of us I think it's you

" oh no you have started picking on me I better leave now before it turns bad and I lose face" yeah yeah hurry up and leave, I laugh as Collins exits my office it has always been like this whenever we meet.

My mind has been bordering me ever since Collins left two days ago and today is my bachelor party but I decided not to hold on for I needed to work after I was done with my workload day I noticed it was half-past 11 pm already but I need to see Sheril so I head towards the hotel she was staying with her girls,

on arriving at her room the girls told me she left to see me in room 101 I hurriedly took the elevator this should be Collins's doing I inform him about me making out time to come see her am sure he booked the hotel room for me that's so thoughtful of him.

As I approached the door there was a lady from the room service department seeking entrance with a bottle of champagne and it's Sheril's favorite. I took it from her while waiting for Sheril to open the door….

As the door flew open my heart dropped the bottle of champaign I was holding had left and was shattered into thousands of pieces on the floor just like the state my heart was in Collins was in a towel while Sheril was completely naked on the bed I needed no south sayer or god to tell me what was happening between this two, Collins ushered me in but I couldn't bear to sit my world was crumbling and all I could do was watch

" Gab I have always wanted to tell you am so sorry I did not intend for it to come out like this'' Sheril tried explaining as she cries and Collins had the nerves to walk up to her and comfort her in my presence I mean was I invincible to him he should have so shame and a little bit of respect for my feelings

"I know I am wrong I don't love you I accepted your proposal back then because you're from a family of the fae, if the world should know, am dating you it would have been a boost to my career so that's why I did it but after all these years I still did not fall in love with you Collins has been the one my heart yearns for am sorry I know I've treated you badly but can you please find a place in your heart to forgive us for the past time sake

" Please" Sheril continued her charade. Well, it's a charade for me, for they have played with my feelings for years for financial gains. I will help her if all she could do was ask me to recommend her to clients but no, she chose to ruin me .. Sheril I thought you loved me, I practically gave my all to this relationship and enabled it to work but in the end, am still the one to cry, you had all the time in the world to let me know but you rejected the offer and now you're telling me all this bullshit! What wrong did I ever do to you guys for you to treat me like a nobody I gave you my heart my everything but you

betrayed me with my best friend


"Gab we've been dating since college I asked her out two days after you asked her out and since then we have been dating we are going to France for our wedding not a business I hope you can attend it"


with that, stormed out of the room I headed straight for the parking after boarding the car I made an official post as I canceled my wedding for reasons best known to me but hidden to the public and my family, from then on I buried myself in advancing the group and as planned Collins and Sheril got married and the media got the answers they were looking for but not the entire truth for they only know my bride eloped with my best friend. My mother has taken it upon herself to find me a wife which I don't give a damn too for I don't care.


I could feel my blood boil as I thought about my past and what a cruel world we leave in.

..Gabriel Cowel pov

The day is almost over which means it's time I meet be wife, my mom has put in too much effort just to make sure I accept marrying Solange not that she is a bad girl actually we grew up together and Solange has been with me all along but the nature of her job won't let her be in the country for more than 4months she is a model and her career is at the moment it's almost at the pick so she can't afford to make mistakes my aim of meeting her today is to enable us to reason out some terms concerning this so-called marriage for am not ready for it is just doing all this so my mother does not threaten me with her life … women! My dad is really in for it. Gladys walks into my office

" sir the meeting with miss Solange will soon start and judging from her personality she is always 30 minutes early so I suggest you don't keep her waiting for too long, the papers you intend to work on from home today will be sent to your villa before 7:00 pm"

Who will drop the documents? I asked

" I will personally do that sir since some are confidential. It will be bad if it falls into the wrong hands." That's very thoughtful of you GLad you may take your leave.

" Can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked Hmmm I hum why not come on have a seat

" Are you happy? she asked, well it's not something new for Gladys has always been the type to cater for me more like a sibling and I do appreciate it. Am fine but to tell you the truth I am not happy all I want is to get this over with but am scared the closer the wedding approaches the more terrible I feel, it's like my heart will stop beating at some point

" are you scared the incident from 4 years ago will repeat itself? She asked and all I could do was nod my head for that's my greatest fear.

Glad you know me best and to be frank with you this arrangement is not simply the best. I don't see the need of holding an elaborate wedding when the bride might not turn up, I suggested a simple signing but no! Mom wants it to be the talk of the town so I am just granting this last wish of hers for after this is done with I won't listen to anyone on what I plan to do.

" I trust you on that, okay let's not keep the bride waiting with our chit-chat. Come on go meet her '' Gladys runs out of my office. Hmmm, she hasn't changed one bit.

The reservation was already taken care of by Gladys so it made things easier for me, as I walk into the 5star hotel I quickly glance my eye through the scenario uhh I let out a breath I did not know I was holding, I walk towards the table and from a distance, I spotted elegantly dressed Solange

" hello "I greeted as it took my seat

" Hi Gab, long time no see, how are you?" Am I great and you?

" Well, I'm glad to see you. It's been so long since I last saw you, so tell me what has been up with you?" I did not like the place this question was leading to so I decided to change the topic. Have you ordered? I asked

" No, I was waiting for you. I don't know if your eating habits have changed all this while.

." well it has not much been it has I will go with vegetables what about you? "Hmmm I will take an Italian cuisine" okay that's a good one.

I watch as the waiter writes down our orders but not forgetting to notice the glances Solange keeps stealing now and then, if you want to stay with me let me know I have never been the shy type so why are you acting like one today?

" I am not acting. I just find it amusing that I am to marry the man of my dreams in a few days, but I am not happy about it"


" Gab let's talk like the adults we are. I know you are not in support of this marriage and your mother is doing everything about but please and you give me some face, I came back from new york for this marriage I mean I sacrificed a lot but you did not come to pick me up not to mention visite me, and when I call you, your always busy I deserve some respect don't you think?"

Well as rightly said by you I am not in support of this marriage so I will appreciate it if you don't expect me to play husband duties towards you, for, we are purely business partners we play along when we are in public and when we are alone we are back to normal hope you understand.

" But Gab, don't you think that's a bit too vicious? I am going to be your wife" but I don't want a wife who is not ready and who knows you might just run off on the eve of the wedding with a lover so why should I pay attention to a woman? I asked her sounding annoyed this lady is already getting on my nerves

I am willing to leave my career for you Gab and this is how you treat me? I know it's because of the incident which happened 4 years back but you don't have to think everyone's the same '

' oh...no oh...no just hold on don't tell me that's the line you convinced my mom with? We all know your career it's at its pique right now and there is no way you will be giving that up for me, let's be realistic I hope those drama's you watch hasn't gotten way into your head,

"Gab trusts me on this one"

shhh, hush baby, …I don't trust you okay I have given you my terms and conditions so if you're okay with it we move if you're not we cancel the wedding I have done it once and I can still do it.

With that said I pick up my car keys and head home, I think I will just have to order take for dinner,

Solange Tequila pov

I can't believe my eyes Gab left me here, I have heard some rumors that after his last wedding was called off he became cold and indifferent but I had no idea it was t this extend I believe he will warm up to me for old time sake but no he is just too cold, for my liking, I have always gotten what I wanted and Gabriel will be no exception I do love him but I made a bet with a friend of mine who is a friend to his ex Sheril.

I promised I was going to marry him and if I win I get my dream car yes my dream car a Porsche it's not like I can't afford it I can buy as many as I want but my bank account is been controlled by my parents with the excuse that I have been spending a lot on useless things they have plans for me to inherit the business but all I want is to live a comfortable life with a man a rich man,

so hence my decision to marry Gab for he into business and will help me run the company while I enjoy the money. And for my plan B I met this girl back in school she is the icon for business but the silly thing decided to study mathematics I have done my investigations and she is from a very poor background I won't mind having her run the company I treat her like a best friend

" that what she thinks" but I know what I want she will be my maid of honor on my wedding day, I intend to surprise her with the news so she will have no reason to say no to me and then bag her after the wedding to help me hold the company while being on honeymoon and that's it the deal will be done, my parents will officially sign the documents on my wedding day so I am very positive all the money, all the wealth hmmm I smile money I can't wait to buy the latest bag Gucci just launched not to mention the body spray limited edition of victoria am so blessed to be poor what a perfect life.

Am passionate about anything which makes me famous. I like being the center of attraction and modeling is just the best career for someone like me.