

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · ファンタジー
21 Chs

chapter 12

Gabrielle Adsense pov

While eating with Gladys I had a call which I stepped aside to answer, I was informed by a grandfather to hurry to go pick up some documents in his office as it's important and needed to be revised and signed before money as the investors will be in France by the first flight so I needed to get everything ready.

I left in a hurry not forgetting to tell the guard on standby to inform Gladys I will be back in a bit as I rush out.

but due to the weather which rained almost all night I had to pass the night in his office lucky enough there was a couch and blankets there.

I could not sleep so I woke up a couple of times. Finally, I decided on reviewing the documents I came to collect and as a result, I dozed off in the early hours of the morning.

I miss Arie so much I wonder what she is doing right now, the thought of her lying in my arms makes me blush… I will spoil her a lot when I get back. I can't contact the agency to check on her

Even though I have agreed with grandfather, he still watches my moves in the dark so I can't afford my secret leaking out now, but am positive she will take good care of herself.

I have plans for us, I am looking forward to my prayers coming through but if it does not happen I will still not divorce her. I think it will be time I bring forth my power and connection. I don't mind taking control of the group, that is what grandfather wants but he feels am not ready… a surprise will be good

Gladys pov

I wake up and I find myself lying naked on the bed., I smile as the memories of last night came flowing I turn around and I hear the shower running but something is off being in my bedroom not Gab's suite but who cares as long

As he is responsible for me, I am okay...my dream has finally come to reality. I blush as I cover myself getting ready to play my next move like a professional…

I hear the door of the bathroom open but I don't move, I feel gab come close to me as he gives me a peg on my forehead

'So he loved me too' i thought to myself as I continue to pretend, but I still won't give up myself I need to make him feel I did not want whatsoever which happened between us last night and I need to make him know he has to be responsible for me as no man will marry me if the news of our little secret steps out.

I fake a yawn as I open my eyes…. Behold, the person in front of me turned my acting into reality… I jumped up forgetting am naked and when reality suddenly hit me I quickly grabbed the duvet and covered up myself

Could feel my tears stain my cheeks as I began to sob… these can't be the reality. I am sure I am dreaming this can't be true. How could I have slept with his guard instead of the boss…. I could not hold it anymore so I asked

'Why is it you I mean where is gab what happened last night

I could not help it, I just released all the questions at the same time all I want at this time is to know how my perfectly made plan suddenly failed without my knowledge and the most painful part is I am a victim of it... how cruel

'Miss Gladys sir Gabrielle left yesterday, he had something important to take care of so he rushed off and told me to let you know…

'So how did that bring us here' i asked sounding frustrated

'Well when I came you were acting strangely and offered me a drink which I took but it seems the wine was drugged… am sorry ma'am I will be responsible for you if you will allow me

'Get out' I scream at him as he hurries out, I can't believe I fucked up so bad it's time I take things to the next level I need to call peal so we work out things together

I get dressed and take the elevator to the gab suite. When I get there I see him signing some documents… I may not get him to personally sign the divorce papers because he is the type to always read a document before signing so all I have to do is

Take one of the signed documents, go forge his signature in the divorce papers and send it to Arielle, I just need to distract him while I pick it up.

' hello gabby good morning how was your night' i asked as I take my seat close to him

'Good morning glad my night was awesome and yours

Well I don't think it's just me but you sound so cheerful, 10 for your thoughts

He smiles as he looks up at me … my god those eyes

' well I was just thinking of my wife the father the days her go by the closer I get to my deadline of staying and thus my days of seeing her are fast approaching, I miss her' he bends down and continue what he was doing but not before I notice the silly smile playing on his face

I can't believe he has fallen for her, I have been by his side for so long and he has not for one looked at me with such loving eyes but he dares talk about that bitch in such a loving way, no way I will let this happen

I have gone too far to turn down now. I have given up everything for him, I have sacrificed my future for him and I won't mind giving up my life for him. But here he is thinking and dreaming of another woman .. no way I will let them be happy happy, as long as I am alive I won't let them be together I promise you Arielle before returning to. Beijing I will make sure gab is mine

And there will be nothing you will be able to do about it, I carry my cup of coffee and mistakenly spill the content on the table which led to us having to clear all the papers making sure it's in good shape. So I took one and placed it in my bag.

I step out for a while and put a call through to peal

'Hello miss peal it's Gladys sir Gabrielle secretary talking, I have a proposal which I know you will be interested in

Spark am listening' she sounded ruth but never mind I am doing this for my good

'I know you don't want Arielle as sir's wife, and I don't like her as well… I know you will ask my reasons well it's these simple I hate poor people who try to claim to the top using shaded means, so tell me if you're interested in working with me then I will help you achieve your goals

I will make sure sir divorce her before he comes back I need you to do a little assignment and leave the rest to me

' okay am in as long as it gets that bitch off the way am will do all it takes so tell me what needs to be done'

'I need you to call Gabrielle through a video call now, I will make a video of it and we will edit it then I will send it to Arielle alongside a divorce paper from there you can deal with her any way you want.

'Okay see you later

With that said and done I walked back inside and planned to talk with Gabrielle surprisingly she has her ways, I knew she could always get to Gabrielle whenever she wanted she just needed to make a phone call and she would get access to him.

I recorded their conversation, and the peal was so incredible as she mostly talked about their childhood memories which made Gabrielle smile occasionally...and that's just all I needed.

When I had recorded to my satisfaction I told gab I had some personal issues to take care of so I left. We needed to act fast as it was almost the end of the third week, and we can't afford to waste more time.

I successfully got the signature of Gabrielle forged on the fake divorce papers and the edited video was just perfect, it fully displayed peal and Gabrielle talking about their wedding, and how happy he looked in the video made everything worth believing,

After that was done I sent the video directly to Arielle with the divorce papers, and as expected it took her by surprise … Now I have to play my cards well this time around.