
A Wish-Granter in the Multiverse

Ever wonder what it would be like on the other side of the wish-granting spectrum? What would a story about a ROB look like? Well, today's your lucky day! Cause this is NOT it. Yeah, I wasn't actually supposed to upload stuff here. This would just be by drafts where I can practice my writing. But - ! Me being the absolute idiot that I am, accidentally hit publish instead of save, so. I didn't like how my thing only had a single chapter on it, so I may or may not have gotten invested and started writing more. And by more, I meant, like, 2-3 paragraphs. As you can see, I'm not good at commitment. P.S. Don't tell my girlfriend. Anyways, since I've already uploaded this I might as well get something right? So! With that being said, I would appreciate some comments on my writing level as I am (possibly) go through with this. I'll probably be able to dish out around 2 chaps every week on weekends. That, and also a final reminder that this WHOLE thing was supposed to be a draft. Pacing is waaay off from where I want it to be. That's all, ciao. If you enjoy this then good on you.

OZMargrave · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

An Introduction


So, what do you do when you find out that the afterlife is real and that the multiverse exist? Do you experience an existential crisis right then and there? Begin questioning anything and everything you know? Wonder if there's some higher power up there that's been playing puppet with your life starting from the day you were born, maybe even before that?

All valid responses. Hence the reason my job exists.

See, I'm not some introvert that spends his day and night doing what he loves regardless of the opinion of other people that I was a miserable shut-in — and just so happen to get hit by a truck while crossing the road despite there literally being no vehicles a moment before. Nor am I some unlucky guy that's chosen by an omnipotent being to be a pawn in his game against the world itself.

No. Rather, I am a spirit. A wandering spirit in fact. A wandering spirit under employment of said omnipotent beings. Yes, employment. I'm actually a freelancer spirit that's in-charge of giving the basic introduction to the poor sods who get mixed up into the board of self-entitled higher beings. Not that they actually pay me.

But, I digress. Looking at this guy in front of me, I can see that he's just some random teenager — maybe European? Blonde hair, pale skin, some pants and a jacket over a plain shirt. And a combination of confusion, fear, wonder, and amazement on his face. Yep, he's my customer for the day.

I address him, ignoring the constantly shifting iridescent rainbow that surrounds us. I was used to it by this point. And considering how long I've spent in this place, how couldn't I be?

"Hello there", I speak to him. No, I was not trying to quote a space priest that has power over reality and a glowstick that can slice through literally anything.

He jumped and abruptly turned to me. Surprised he didn't get whiplash. 

"U-uh", he stammered, giving me a dumbfounded look. Maybe his brain did get whiplash. Or perhaps it rattled in his skull like the stones in a maraca?

I gave him a couple seconds to get his bearings before I resumed talking. "As you can probably guess, you're dead. I am giving you the chance to reincarnate in another world of your choosing with three boons. No, you cannot decide what, only the world and the timeline of said world. The gifts you will gain is completely randomized and will fit into your backstory once you transmigrate." 

To be completely honest, the reason it was randomized was because I have way too much stuff and that I was feeling lazy trying to find whatever it is he'll wish for. Seriously, I've got a couple millennia worth of stuff with me. Remember how I said I don't actually get paid? I give powers to the people who the 'Gods' choose instead of them spending their own energy to grant wishes. In exchange I have free reign to explore and pillage the world they govern as long as I don't disturb the fate and destinies of a couple people — and of course, the world itself.

So I've been collecting and learning skills and abilities across the multiverse for a long, long time now. I've even learned how to create my own powers to give away and created multiple power systems. In some instances, I've actually been named a 'God' because of it. Not that I ever see myself as such, but since I am older that good chunk of the current 'Gods' and that I've spent most of my life in the same environment as them, I could actually develop the same powers as them. Divinity, Authority, Incarnation, whatever it is it's called in their realm.

Ah, it seems my client has decided. Three guesses as to what world he chose? Let's see, based on his lewd expression and the popular franchises in his world... Marvel, Naruto, or perhaps The Eminence in Shadow? 

I feel like I'm forgetting something really obvious.

"High School DxD, a year older than Hyoudou Issei," he declared with a decidedly perverted smile on his face.

Of course.

I nod to show my acknowledgement of his choice and motioned my hand to the side as space rippled around it, swallowing it. I grabbed the first few things I could in my hammerspace and pull back. What I got was a scroll, a glowing sword, and another sword with a golden hilt and green highlights on the base of the blade .

I throw all of it at the blonde.

Understandably surprised and panicked at having two swords thrown at him, he flinches back. Only for all of the items to slow down and float right in front of him. I check what they are then. I do still need to create a background for him after all. 

Skill Scroll - Swift Release: Shadowless Flight[1], Excalibur Blessing, and Solar Sword[2].

Ah, good. I can use one of those. 

I ignore the imbecile who started ranting about safety and inform said imbecile where I'm putting him. Seriously, is he stupid? I'm literally the one with the power to revive him and transport him to a fictional world and he tries to scold me?

It's like he's one of those mindless fanfic protagonists that drags down the intelligence level of the whole world with them just so they can screw a couple of girls and slap the faces some originally intelligent people.

With an imperious gaze I said, "You will be reincarnated as the third exorcist sent by the church to retrieve the Excalibur Fragments stolen by the fallen angels. You have studied under the church to fully utilize Excalibur Blessing's ability to strengthen holy spells and rituals and as such, have the knowledge and experience over a vast amount of light magic.

"You will gain consciousness exactly as your fellow exorcists inform Rias Gremory and her peerage of your presence within her territory to hunt down the Excaliburs. Goodbye."

I waved and the suddenly pale guy vanishes as he gets swallowed by invisible ripples, off to his new — and possibly short life. Good riddance. Where are the young men with good heads on their shoulders? 

I sigh. I suppose I should visit Draconic Deus now that I've fulfilled my end of the bargain. A few more Sacred Gears wouldn't hurt, and if I'm lucky I might even get the chance to gain the Kankara Formula. 

Yeah, no. Fat chance of that happening.

I have a higher chance of recreating it using Grammatica[3] as a base than being able to strike a deal with Ajuka to give it to me. Well, maybe if I used my Authority to could get it... but I'd really rather not use that.

With just a thought I appear above a dark room with a small table and a lit ornate candle on it. On either side of the table are two couches. On one side sits a breathtakingly enchanting young woman with beautiful, deep red hair and mesmerizing ocean-green eyes. 

Behind her are four people wearing the same uniform as her. A female blonde with a gentle aura, a male brunette, small girl with white hair, and another stupidly gorgeous young woman with long black hair set in a ponytail and bewitching violet eyes.

On the other side are two girls wearing white cloaks that blanket their whole body — barring their heads, and a black bodysuit visible on their necks. One has short blue hair with a few strands on the front being green alongside golden eyes, while the other has light brown hair set in a pigtail with violet eyes.

Although they're not the only individuals there, just the ones sitting. Behind them is another cloaked person, unlike the first two however — his whole body is covered. Not that it hides his identity that well. Well, to me at least. I know exactly who he is, I was the one who sent him here after all. 

"-ave here! The Holy Sword of Mimicry! Excalibur Mimic!" The one with the pigtails — Irina Shidou, jubilantly expressed while gesturing towards the ribbon tied around her right bicep.

Almost as one, the redhead's group looked towards him, waiting for him to reveal his Excalibur.

Which he promptly didn't do. 

Even the exorcists got confused and looked back towards him. Curious, although having a guess as to what's going on in the reincarnator's head I took a peek under his hood. And found him staring straight at Rias Gremory, wide-eyed and almost salivating.

He took a step towards said Devil, a hand on his hood, midway taking it off —

— And I booked it out of there.

Well, not exactly booked as in run the hell away from there. More like booked as my normal speed is already beyond human comprehension so I looked like I was running away. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I definitely didn't flee because I've seen a massively cringe event about to unfold. Nope. Non. Nada. Don't know what you're talking about.

I did look back at the brunette however, the Boosted Gear is an interesting item that I wouldn't mind taking ahold of. Although seeing the idiot transmigrator on his knees in front of the astonished redhead while holding her hand as his companions look on in horror — well, suffice it to say that being fast enough to see darkness itself has some perks.

The darkness might just be due to where I'm going though. The Underworld. Home of the Devils.

Why am I going there you wonder? Two reasons. First, is that a lot of reincarnated Devils have Sacred Gears in their arsenal. Including one of the future Longinus, Nereid Kyrie. Currently owned by the Half-Devil afflicted with the Devil Sleeping Disease, Ingvild Leviathan.

It's a shame I can't take bloodline abilities without taking the bloodline itself. Looking at the sleeping beauty in front of me, you could mistake her for only taking a nap. Only the said nap taking a hundred years before she wakes up. I reached down towards her to take away her dormant Sacred Gear, and with it — her only chance of waking up. 

What? I'm being cruel? Please, with the way the original version of this world works she'll probably get collateral-ed by a deus ex machina from and and still wake up from her slumber.

With a hop, skip, and a jump, I'm out of the Underworld and into Britain. That's the second reason. You see, the Underworld kind of works like the Nether from Minecraft — where one block inside it is equal to eight blocks on the Overworld. Meaning I take less time and waste less energy traveling using it.

Another question? Why do I use shortcuts if I'm in all technicality a ROB myself? Here's my answer: Why not? It's like taking the scenic route but it's still actually faster than normal. Granted it saves like, a few milliseconds and I can just warp around — but that gets boring real quick.

 Ah, there she is, Meredith Ordinton. Braided auburn hair, a figure fit for a devil, and a holy aura rivaling Excalibur Destruction, Mimicry, and Blessing put together. And she's currently... sleeping? Time difference, right, forgot about that. Although the dark setting should've clued me in that it was night time.

In my defense, I live in a place where every shade of every color appear and disappear every single moment. It's not that I'm completely colorblind, just a bit numb to it is all. 

A moment later and I've added another future Longinus to my collection, Alphecca Tyrant. That does remind me that Rias' bishop, Gasper, has another Sacred Gear that would evolve into another Longinus, Aeon Balor.

Oh well. I'll just take another scenic route — the rest of the world, and take anything and everything that interests me along the way. I did nab some Sacred Gears in the Underworld, but more certainly wouldn't hurt.

Let's see, there's a Blade Blacksmith, a Twice Critical, a dying Fallen Angel I can take the essence of — don't mind if I do, another Twice Critical, a broken replica of Caledfwlch, Staring Red, another Twice Critical — ooh! A replica of Tyrfing and Nothung integrated into a Sword Birth? Nice! And that one's a — seriously? Another Twice Critical? What the hell? Hm, should I try to steal from Odin's treasury? Nah, too much work for something I already have. I think. I should have Primordial Runes somewhere... Let's ignore that Twice Critical in that German athlete, not.

Lookie here! A wild cross-dressing dhampir NEET in it's natural environment! And it has a super strong Sacred Gear too! I'll take that. Oops, forgot to numb the pain. Ah, he's screaming.

Yup, those are tears. And that's Rias' peerage running with the exorcists. Wait, where's the cloaked bastard I sent here? Huh? He's not back at the clubroom? Where'd he go?

And are those wisps of Destruction flowing around Rias' fingers?


[1] A kekkei genkai jutsu used by Hiruko in Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Will of Fire.

[2] An item in the game Skul: The Hero Slayer.

[3] An Unrestricted Spell used by Yūji Sakai in Shakugan no Shana.