
A real life, not a fractured one.

..Place:Nameless forest(???) Time:Night Status:tbd..

As my looming death approached closer, time seemed to slow down, and the pain began to numb. My mind became clearer, as if I had taken a pound of advil. I had already fucked up my second chance at life already huh? This realization made me understand something. I always talk big game, acting like I'm hot shit, but in reality I'm just a fucking coward. Everything I do always ends up in failure. After all Xavier Mobus was never a successful person in the first place. His life was a tale of mediocrity. Sure, he was an orphan, tragic right? Not to him, in fact he didn't really care. In fact, he began to think of the people at the orphanage like family. The people at the orphanage took care of him well enough, and so a few years passed by. He was in high school a senior, when he realised that his life was going to get boring. He had applied to college, gotten rejected, and then started work as a lifeguard. After a while, he had started to care less and less about what happened around him. Life had slowly lost its color, and days around him became monotone and repetitive, no matter how much fiction he drowned himself in, after a while, it all faded into the gray and monotone life he had grown accustomed too, hiding behind a tough demeanor and inner comedian to fill his emptiness.. Eventually, he stopped caring completely, leading to that fateful day, where he died.

That is why, given the chance at a new life I was excited, ecstatic even. I wanted a "Real life" where I wouldn't have to start hiding, feeling empty. However, from the start it had been shit. I was placed in the middle of the forest, no fucking idea where I am, hungry, alone, and with no feasible way of making it to civilization before I starved. I am not a hunter, after all, nor a survival expert, just a fucking coward with little to no skills or talents and then, a fucking HELL HOUND appeared, hungry for my godamn flesh, worst of all, I got one tapped, didn't even damage that thing, and here I am about to die once again. Well shit Arthur Crowley, what a fucking failure you turned out to be huh? 

With those closing scornful remarks, I am ready to die again, time resumed as I saw the hellhound finish its charge towards me before closing my eyes, and then nothing happened. 

.......................Place:Unknown Time:Unknown Status:Unknown.....................

[Hey you fucking coward wake up]

I "opened" my eyes to see "me". Not the new me, but the olde me Xavier Mobus. He had long blonde hair, brown eyes, a muscular physique that could be seen through his grey sweatshirt, blacks sandals, and black pants.

"Who the hell are you?" I blurted out, my confusion evident. 

[I'm you dipshit, who else would I be?] His face contorted into a mocking smile. 

"Um, excuse me, but with all do respect go fuck yourself, I'm me, your not." I stated confidently flipping him the bird.

[..................Nuh uh.] Said Xavier, old me? Whatever, he seems like an asshole anyway I'll call him bitch instead.

"The fuck you mean Nuh uh???" His faced formed into a shit eating grin before he started to spout more bullshit. 

[I am you, just like you are me, got it? Even if you don't, it's the truth, and if you die I die, so lock the fuck in and kick some hellhound ass for me!] 

"Alright smartass, if your me you would now that if that was an option I already would have, but obviously in my current state I can't do shit!" I yelled at him feeling that it was little unfair he thought I was able to combat that fucking monster of a dog. 

He deadpanned at me before speaking once more.

[Do I have to spell this shit out for you dumbass?]

"Apparent fucking ly, cuz I have no idea at what your getting at, also if I'm a dumbass than your a dumbass to!" I once again yelled at him, getting a little bit worked up, I had already resigned myself to death after all, yet this asshole interrupts me and tells me I can beat the hellhound? Fuck him. 

[First of all, I am very offended by being called a dumbass by the literal king of dipshits sitting in front of me, second, YOU ARE LITERALLY A WILD CARD DUMBASS! YELL THE WORD P>E>R>S>O>N>A and get to fuckin work, now that I have spelled this out for you here is a fun little riddle, what am I?]

The gears in my head start turning, as I realized what had happened. In my ahem, overwhelming adrenaline rush, I had forgotten the most basic rule of shonen anime, POWER UPS ON THE VERGE OF DEATH! Starting to regain my hope for my second life I gave my answer to his riddle. 

"Your my persona aren't you?"

He smirked for a second before replying. 

[Yeah, and I have been trying to reach you for quite some time you know.]

He frowned for second before continuing.

[You lost a part of yourself, a part of your soul I mean, during your time as Xavier Mobus, a type of fracture that does not heal easily. I don't exactly know how or why, but what I do know, is that it made you slowly give up on living life, hiding behind a tough demeanor, using comedy to ease your emptiness.] 

During this absolute fucking bombshell piece of lore about my life he just dropped his face morphed into a somber expression before he dropped quite possibly the most important part of his little speech. 

[After our trip through the KaLiD3Sc0p3, your soul itself mended, allowing you to finally start living your life again, after all those years.]

His face slowly regained it's shit eating grin before he finished off his statement with some final supporting? words. leaving me with more questions than answers. 

[NOW! It's time for you to return to your new life, and live for not only yourself, but the people who supported you all throughout your time as Xavier Mobus, the ones your soul fracture robbed you of forming bonds with, use the faint power of those connections, to keep moving forward! This time, live the "Real" life you were robbed of! Face yourself, your past self, and take responsibility for the choices you make along the way, live without regrets this time! NOW, SAY MY NAME AND BE REBORN IN THE RIVER STYX!]

As he finished his speech his form shifted, I caught a glimpse of an humanoid outline filled in with shadow, before I was back in that fucking forest staring death in the eyes once more, and this time, I wouldn't hide like I had before, this time I would stare right into its eyes, and not back down like a bitch, this time DEATH IS CATHING THESE HANDS!


end of chapter

How did you like it? Good bad? Leave a comment or reiview, I acept most criiyticisms, as long as it isn't THIS FUCKING SUCKS >:( with no explanation. That would just make me sad.