
A Whole Different Life [DISCONTINUED]

"What would you rather? Floating in eternal darkness or...serving me? As my champion?" "Honestly? Neither, why in the world would I choose to be a servant in my next life?!" "Hm, then I suppose-" "Now hold on, I wasn't finished thinking this out." She let out a sigh, this life sounded like a 50/50 deal in all honesty. Her old life wasn't the best but it wasn't the total worst. School was rough but she had companions to get her through it. Home life was great and all but it was dull. She called herself decent-looking but...there were days when she felt like she was at the bottom of the barrel. Another life meant a second chance right? A sense of renewal and to be better and greater than the person she originally was. To finally put all her teachings to the ultimate test? It was the chance of a lifetime! "Ah, what the hell? Beats staying in eternal darkness with embarrassing memories, I'll say that much."

TheBluester · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 1: Another Chance [Part 1]

"Christ...I'm bored," I complained as I relaxed on my living room couch, my Mom's favorite show: The Watch playing on the TV.

"Go read a book then Eos." My Mom said from the kitchen in her emotionless tone as always, a sigh escaping me as I then stood on the couch to look over the counter and into the kitchen, the smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes making my mouth flood.

"Reading is so borin' though Ma! Even you gotta admit that!" I grinned, my Mom setting down her spatula as she then turned to look at me with the same expressionless face.

"Reading is good for you Eos, it's the natural way of learning new vocabulary." She said with a sigh as she placed her hand on her hip, her mouth in a straight line while her eyes showed signs of amusement.

"Oh, come on! A new superhero movie just came out though and since it's Christmas break...we should go see it!" I grinned, my Mom going back to cooking as I heard a small laugh escape from her.

"I really wish we could Eos.�� My Mom sighed.

"It's been too long since we've all been out together as a family but...today isn't the day-"

Suddenly, the sound of a door closing and familiar laughter that reminded me of Santa throughout the house.

"Morning family!" My Dad laughed heartily, his arms suddenly closing around me as he spun me around.

"Don't spin her around! What if you knock over something!?" My Mom shouted, my Dad, whining a little as he set me down, ruffled my hair and walked into the kitchen where he kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Now, what were y'all talking about?" I resumed my position on the couch.

"Eos wants to go see a movie today."

"A movie? What movie? From what I hear, it's gonna be stormin' like nothin' else later today." My Dad said before I had let out a sigh of annoyance.

God...it's just a bit of rain, how in the world are we lettin' rain stop us from a nice outing?

"Oh, come on now Eos, don't give me that, we can watch World War X together like we always do." My Dad grinned at me, another sigh escaping me.

"We've seen that movie a thousand times, I can practically recite the entire movie myself!" I complained.

"Can't we just see the new movie? The rain has never stopped us before..." I said as I got off the couch and went into the kitchen, looking up at my Dad with the same puppy eyes I've done a million times before he smiled lightly and looked towards my Mom.

"What's the weather and time, Diana?" He asked.

"It's ten o' clock and it's sunny but I really don't think-"

"Ah! You worry too much my sweet!" My Dad laughed as he once again gave my Mom a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm the best driver out there! You remember how I dodged that deer on our honeymoon? I'll keep our kiddo safe and before ya even know it, we'll be back home to your delicious cookin'!" He laughed, his bright blue eyes looking into my Mom's soft ash-grey ones as she let out a small sigh before she smiled lightly.

"Fine...but if it starts to look dangerous out there then please come straight home. I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you or my baby." My Mom said, butterflies starting to erupt in my stomach as I watched my Mom pour eggs onto some plates with pancakes and bacon already on them.

"Now enough of this talk and sit down, I'm not letting this food go to waste." She said, my Dad and I quickly sitting down at the table with eager grins on our faces.

After I had finished my breakfast, it wasn't long before I had quickly run upstairs to my room.

"Hi, Oreo." I greeted my Great Dane as her head immediately rose to look up at me, her eyes following me as I opened my closet and tried to decide on what I would wear.

'Where's my dress?" I thought to myself as I sifted through my clothes, a grin immediately rushing to my face as I spotted my sleeveless navy-blue dress in the far back.

To be honest, I've never really been a fan of wearing anything else but a dress, not only did they make me feel prettier, but it also helped me cope with the fact that my school was (unfortunately) like a classic high school from the movies. The Populars ruled while the Normal people and Loners didn't, and me? I was just another Normal trying to get by and avoid the eyes of the raging Press that had always seemed to get a sick kick out of bullying me.

"Maybe I really should let my hair grow..." I said as I looked myself in the mirror after putting on my dress, tying a large white bow in the front.

I wouldn't say that I was ugly but at the same time, I wouldn't say that I was a model either. I was actually pretty average looking, I had brunette hair that reached my shoulders, a petite figure as well as ash-grey eyes, all the looks that I had inherited from my Mom but unlike her? I had managed to catch my Dad's perky personality, something my Mom had always been grateful for. The rest of my family had always told me that I was pretty, that my giggly personality always enhanced my looks but I usually felt that was because they didn't want to make me feel bad. After all, why else would I get bullied for my looks at school? Once I was fully dressed, it wasn't too long before my Dad had opened the door and announced that he was ready.

"Let me get my phone first!" I called out to him before my Dad had closed the door, quickly grabbing my headphones and phone before I had rushed out of my room, Oreo not too far behind me.

"No, you don't Oreo- Be safe and once again! Come back if it's-"

"Storming like nothin' else, don't worry Diana. I'll take care of our daughter." My Dad grinned, patting Oreo's head before he went out towards his truck with my close behind him.

'Hm...I wonder if those owlets ever left their home?' I thought, looking towards a tree near a farm that had a small hollow in it.

As my Dad drove, it felt like only a few minutes had passed before we were on the highway, the sight of the darkening sky above us and the seemingly endless traffic making my stomach go queasy.

"Maybe I really should've listened to Mom..." I said regretfully, my Dad chuckling a little as he shook his head.

"Never regret decisions kiddo, go through with it until the end no matter where it takes ya." My Dad said that same quote he had always said to me when I felt nervous about something making me perk up a little.

"Besides! I already told you and ya Mom, I'm a great driver! I'll keep you and me safe." He said, the words of the radio saying 'Storm' making him narrow his eyes slightly before he muted it.

"Let's talk about something while we wait out the traffic, shall we? Best not to think about the wait time."

"Hmm...oh! How about fantasy?" I said with a squeal, my Dad looking towards me with a huge grin as he nodded his head.

"You sure do love your fantasy don't ya Eos? I'm startin' to get a bit jealous!"

"Don't, you and Mom will always be number one in my book!" I smiled as I put up one finger before we started our conversation.

From Fairies to Elves (my favorite), to even Dragons! We discussed them all like we've done so many times before without ever getting bored but...there was a new topic that I couldn't help myself to bring up, the thought of being Reincarnated.

"Reincarnation? That's a mighty big word right there Eos, what's got you thinking about it eh?" My Dad said as his voice turned a little bit serious, shrugging my shoulders as I looked ahead at the road once more.

"Just a random thought to be completely honest, I heard of this new show where this dude gets reincarnated and lives a completely different life," I said.

"So, you're over here wondering about whether or not I think it's a good thing?"

"...Kinda, yeah."

"Well...I ain't too fond of the idea of being reincarnated." My Dad sighed.

"When I die, I'll accept that I died but, to focus my attention on your for a moment, I'd like for you to be reincarnated." He said, my brow raising a little.

"Me? Why? Wouldn't it be better for-"

���I'm your Dad kiddo, I love you like nothin' else in this world and the thought of you dying? It breaks my heart. It would bring me some peace of mind to know you're still smilin' and getting into trouble somewhere else." He said with a small smile, the sound of a sudden horn blaring behind us making my Dad look forward and step on the gas.

I chuckled, his words were touching but...I don't think I could live without my parents despite me almost being 17.

"I don't think I could live without you or Mom though, without y'all to tell me if something's stupid or not then I'll definitely die the second I arrive in a new world." I sighed, my Dad suddenly laughing heartily.

"Ha! You would live, wanna know why?"

"Why?" "You have an amazing appreciation for adventure and life...if we're still talking about fantasy then you wouldn't dare let yourself die without getting to experience it all." He sighed.

"Besides! Didn't you say when you were little that you wanted to seek your fame and fortune or something-"

"T-That was when I was younger darn it!" I blushed in embarrassment, my Dad laughing once more before the car slowly fell into a comfortable silence, allowing me to put in my headphones and watch my show.

With the words of my show going through my head and my eyes captivated by the beauty and creativeness of the world before me, I couldn't help but let my brain wander back to the words my Dad said to me.

I'll admit, I was a tad bit sad when my Dad said I would be able to live without him or Mom just fine when the time eventually came, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride from it as well. My Dad trusted me and knew me better than anyone else, he knew that I would be fine no matter what world I was in. Be it somewhere where dragons ruled the skies, where zombies roamed the streets and bit everything that had a pulse or even a world where adults dared not to tread! His words combined with my Mom's, their teachings mixed along with my own and the fact that I wasn't one to let my slight nervousness of things shackle my sense of adventure and usual happy mood for long. I eventually fully agreed with him, I would be ready no matter when that day came, no matter if it was now or-

"Eos...!" I heard my Dad's muffled voice say as one word managed to reach me, confusion clear on my face as I turned towards him, trying to get my headphones out of my ears.

"What is it-"

Suddenly it was silent, no more sounds of the pouring rain, thunder or even the sounds of angry people honking their horns. It was simply a deafening silence mixed with the type of blackness that was indescribable.