
A Weebs Tale(Dropped)

I just write about shit that pisses me off in anime,movies,and novels. Basically guy dies gets isekai'd meets god god sick of Weebs and gamers and such so fuck it let the wierdos have what they want. Basically what if magic and super martial arts and such came to our world.

1seka1_trash · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Other World-New Kingdom(2)

"...Any class huh..."

"Yup but then again you could just train like us and end up with a double class."

If my class is good can I kill him? Can I fully revive anyone?...Maybe I don't have to die.

"Choose Class...God?"

-Requirements Not Met-

"Yeah thats not going to work. Lots of you people have tried it..."

"Can I take the scroll with me?"

"No, but if you want I can call up one of your most knowledgeable people."


-Afew Minutes Later-

"Let me guess another idiot."


"Look man first off if anything god wouldn't be a class it'd be a title."


"Look man it's been a few days and right now I know the most about the system."



"Allright first off your status doesn't show you every single stat. Basically you can put points into anything you want. Accuracy, Magic resistance, Stability, Constitution, Cast speed, Attack speed. As long as it exist it can be increased."


"We have a scroll explaining all this stuff just take it and run."

He tossed me a scroll which I grabbed as I attempted to run right out.

"No you have to listen to me."

The fucker suddenly appeared in front of me.

"So did you put all your points into your looks?"

"...Well fuck you two."

The guild master suddenly grabbed that dick, walked to the staircase to the main floor, and tossed him through the door. No matter how much he struggled he couldn't escape.

"...Listen just cause your protected by the king doesn't mean I can't kick your ass or punish you if you break the law after all there's a reason I became the guild representative of this region!"

.....weirdos everywhere

"And that goes for you two."

"Yes sir..."

"So you going to choose a class?"

"That can wait a bit now come on time for those magic lessons."

I'll get this over with then Ill head back to that place.

"...Fine...Sorry kid but your people they have been nothing but a pain in the ass so far."

...Kid again...Fine

"Come on."

Ahh first.

"Sixty stat points go to Mana and the rest to Mana Manipulation."

-Mana Manipulation requires skill points-








Vitality 7









"Where are all my Skill points?"

-You have 9 Skill points-

"Why aren't they listed?"


...Wierd system you made asshole.

-Stat points are listed as points-

.....Guess my levels to low

"Allright Fifty points to Mana, Fifteen points to stamina, and Fifteen to defence. Put all skill points to Mana Manipulation."

"...Not bad kid."

"Hey you said you guys can get classes by training. What about skills?"

".....You people are so stupid...Okay so if you train something a lot what happens?"


"You get better at it."

"Okay what about classes."

"You start off as A villager and it changes as you train towards a certain path. Of course the are exceptions but even then skills and such can still be learned."


"....So I'm guessing you want to be a mage?"


"Allright well we got other classes for beginners so feel free to try them out."

"...Is there a class on necromancy or body strenghthining magic?"

"...Kid...Don't mention necromancy around here okay. As for the other one yes there are but you'll have to go to the knights training hall and apply. No other way than to become a knight."

...Wierd...Oh well.

"Allright well Id like to go back to my...The place I'm staying at and rest."

"Allright kid but make sure you take whatever Adventurer class you can."

"I thought you were mercenary's?"

"Which one sounds nicer adventurer or mercenary."

"...Allright well I'll be back tommorow."

"You don't have to tell me."

I went ahead and walked out the guild with asen following close behind me.

"So how did it go?"

Dude sounds like he's right from earth.

"Why are you talking like that."

"...Again...You have a pretty good translator attached to you."


We continued to walk.

"Sorry I have an errand to do are you fine with helping me?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I need to stop by the orphanage. Its my turn to cook tonight."

Yup definitely that cliche.

"...Alright...I just hope the kids are fine with my face."

"...You'll be good those idiots arent scared of anything."


And so we walked making our way through the market and going through many alleys until eventually we found a giant old looking stone house.

"These are some rich kids huh."

"...Kid...it's just most of us got tired of seeing corpse's of homeless children and adults lying around every winter day."


"It's fine now are you fine with meat. We don't have many veggies growing around here."


We entered the...church? And before we could even speak we saw a bunch of children running at us.


All of them jumped onto asen except for a few who just stood still and stared at me...These kids.

"Hey there today your uncle brought you a friend."

Suddenly all the kids looked at me...Wonder how they'll react.

"Hey asen is he a demon two?"

"No dani he's one of the other worlders."


"...Kids uncle's friend is from a place very very far away. He decided to come with uncle so he could play with you while uncle cooks food."


"Old man you don't have to tell."

I looked for the voice and found an old man in...a...wooden wheelchair?

"Thanks for always helping out asen...anyways is he really one of them..."

"...Yes...are they still annoying the children."


People are messing with the orphanage?

"...It's fine he's a good kid..."

"...Allright...Kid these children are children and nothing more. Not tiny demons, Animal boys and girls, and they Are Not Strong. O K A Y."

...some of these kids...

"Yes sir."

"Allright kids well I'll have a big fire soon so feel free to start a snowball fight."

"...Thanks you asen."

"Hey I'm just helping out like the rest."

"...Yes but your one of the few that cares."

Yup definitely that cliche.

"Now come on kids go ahead and play with the new uncle. And remember be carefull...Hey Brandon right can you take of then for a bit. The old man will help you at and seriously be carefull some of these kids didn't make it out of the streets safely."

"Allright but I don't think I told you my name."

"I overheard your conversation with the guild master."


"Hey I was right outside the door so of course I'd hear SOME things."

"Uncle badon Let's play."

A kid with...one eye...and long hair tugged at my clothes.

"...Kid it's bad To play out in the cold how about we play one of uncle's favorite games."

"It's fine I'm a fine doctor and an even better healer."

"...Just in case let's give uncle's game a try."


Maybe I'll die of exhaustion...Yeah let's go for that game.

...I MESSED UP AGAIN...I wrote twenty instead of fifteen...I gotta stop writing when I'm tired...no I'll just start double checking

1seka1_trashcreators' thoughts