
What i can remember

From what I remember I wasn't always an asshole or other judging words for being cold and rude I use to care an not be like I am now I remember one night when i was maybe 4 or 5 It was late at night maybe 10 or 11 and my grandpa went outside because of a coyote terrorising the sheep he killed it that night I was scared at that point of my life I became really interested in guns and chess skip ahead like 4 months my parents went to the Casino me and my brother woke and started crying that is the last memory I have of me being a good brother when we moved I was scared but we didn't live alone my mom side of the family lived with us and me being a shitty and disgraceful kid always said shit like we own this so we can kick you out yes I know what I said was not right I regret a lot but it was great to have company an not being alone when one of my moms sisters moved in with three of her kids lets call them Moe, Larry, and Curly they did bad things mainly smoke but they looked after me and my brother Larry and Curly did a lot Larry being the youngest who of which I looked up to looked did a lot to take care of us one point taking a beating by a bully who I made mad they were the ones who I liked living with the most but people don't stay in the same spot for long everyone came an went.

i create this because i have no one to talk and i feel like doing this will help me be a better person

Tgod_down2playcreators' thoughts