
A way to your heart

"This is the only thing you will ever get from me." Those were the words Jin had told Tinashe when he gave her a large blue diamond ring when they had gotten into their arranged marriage. On their honeymoon he brings his best friend Ash and they planned an outing without Tinashe where they had a plane crush and are stuck in the jungle along with Tinashe, Amy, Jin's friend who is now like a mistress plus Ash's wife, Kylie. No one is there to save Tinashe when the pilot escapes and leaves her stuck in the pilot compartment. She watched Jin carry Amy out and she has to fend for herself. Her bitterness grows and she wonders if it's worth it to suffer so much for the man who treats her violently and ignores her. Will Jin change and find a way to Tinashe or will Tinashe have to let go in the end?

Milicent_Chimunda · 都市
10 Chs

Chapter 8

The last thing Tinashe remembered was when she passed out in the jungle after being stabbed by Amy. When she opened her eyes it was bright inside. She looked at the white ceiling and a smell of disinfectant assaulted her nose. She looked around the room and on the couch was Jin who seemed have fallen asleep with a laptop on his lap and a few documents lying around on the small coffee table in front of him. He was wearing his usual slim fit black shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned, a black formal trousers and high cut formal black shoe. He seemed ready to go to the office and she suspected that he had been to a meeting.

Tinashe slowly sat up and was about to get off the bed when she heard Jin's tired hoarse voice, "You're awake." She watched the man get up from the couch and walk to the bed after pouring a glass of water, "How are you feeling?" he pressed the emergency button on the bed then sat on the bed and handed her the water, "You haven't healed yet, stay put ok?"

The woman frowned slightly not knowing how to react to his care when they weren't even in the jungle anymore so she didn't say anything and drank the warm water quietly. The doctor in charge of her condition seemed to be the best surgeon in the country. He smiled friendly to the two and checked on Tinashe as he asked her a few questions. After he was done he turned to Jin, "She will be fine. All that's left is for the wounds to heal otherwise everything else is normal."

"Are you sure?" Jin didn't even seem apologetic when he asked and the man didn't seem bothered either.

"I'm sure." He turned to Tinashe, "You are lucky to have such a husband, young lady. He refused to leave you in the past four days when you were in a comma and lives here these days. He was just in a meeting downstairs." He nodded at Jin before he walked out.

When the door closed Jin took a look at Tinashe again, "You sure that you're feeling fine?"

"I'm sure." She moved further from him looking a bit uncomfortable, "Han, you look so much hotter when you're being mean. Right now you look really weird and making me feel uncomfortable.".

The man smiled faintly when he heard her words then sat closer to her. She tried to moved further from him again but he immediately wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, careful not to hurt her wounds. "I guess you're really ok then." He lowered his head and kissed her lips. When he pulled away she cleared her throat and looked away. He chuckled teasingly, "Are you blushing? Wow, that's cute."

Tinashe smirked, "The little bitch whom your family blackmailed you into marrying... is cute? Please don't use that word on me." she scoffed, "Let's annul our marriage when I get discharged. You don't have to live here, I'll be fine alone."

"What?" his eyes narrowed, "That again?"

The woman ignored him and coldly asked, "What happened with Amelia?"

He frowned slightly, "She is where she belongs?"


"In prison for attempted murder." He said coldly.

"You let her go to prison." She sniggered, "Wow, I feel like I'm in the opposite universe."

Jin was silent for a long while trying to find the right words to say to her but he couldn't. He was no longer sure if she still remembered the big fight in the jungle so he said, "There was never a romantic relationship between me and her."

"I heard, that's what I figured in the jungle." She said.

"Can you stop talking about the annulment then?"

"Your relationship with her changes nothing in our marriage." She said, "When the plane crushed you left me there and left with her, you went back but..."

"I thought we talked about this."

She rolled her eyes, "We talked about a lot of things. Did we talk about how you called me bad luck and told me to listen to Gavriel? Or how many times you pushed me to the ground without even hearing me out?"

Jin didn't even know what to say. All he could do was sincerely say, "I'm sorry." And the woman chuckled briefly then held her head suddenly feeling unwell. Jin helped her lie down and tucked her in, "Get some rest. I'll order some food." He whispered and walked away taking his phone from the coffee table and made a call.


When the food arrived Jin gently helped her up to sitting position. He laid different kinds of soups and most of them with chicken then asked which one she liked. "They are all soups." She said, "You could have ordered actual chicken." She complained and looked away without any intention of eating.

Seeing her stubbornness Jin chuckled shaking his head. He knew she loved chicken more than anything followed by fish. "You haven't eaten for days. Your stomach needs something light." He turned her face back to face him, "You should taste them all then." He scooped the soup with a spoon and placed it near her mouth. "Eat up before it gets cold."

Tinashe had never seen the man being so patient and gentle and she didn't want to behave like she was throwing a tantrum so she let him feed her the soups. After she was done tasting all of them she pointed at her three most favourites and he smiled then fed her those until she said she was full.

"Do you want to lie back down?" he asked and she shook her head, "Ok," with the same spoon he used to feed her he scooped the soup she had left unfinished and ate it.

"I ate that using that spoon." She said.

"I'll get you more if you are hungry again. You won't like it if it gets cold."

"You're using the spoon I ate with to eat my left overs." She said looking at him as if he was strange.

"So? We shouldn't waste food plus I'm really hungry right now. I haven't eaten either."

"Didn't you say I was disgusting?"

The man was stunned with her words then looked up at her, "You really know how to hold a grudge for a long time, my love." He smiled shaking his head, "Hopefully our babies don't take after you." His voice sounded like he was complaining.

Tinashe scoffed and rolled her eyes, "You're crazy if you think I will have children with you."

Jin choked on his soup and had a coughing spell for a while the poured himself some water. All the while Tinashe was looking at him strangely. When he looked up again after the coughing spell she rolled her eyes, "You are really becoming soft. Since when do you choke on soup?"

Jin just cleared his throat and stared at her stomach before he continued eating his soup quietly smiling secretly. He finished up all the soup dishes then took his laptop and continued his work sitting next to the bed. Soon after Tinashe fell asleep again.


Thanks ✌❤One love, one heart