
A Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother

True author is Kin I accidentally possessed someone from a R19 harem novel! The problem is that the person I possessed is Roxana Agriche, the older sister of the secondary villain! Now my damned father has kidnapped the heroine’s older brother! The way things are going all that’s left for he is to meet a terrible end at the heroine’s vengeance! But what if I save the brother?

AngieJbug · ファンタジー
25 Chs

I don't want to die

Lant Agriche considers various conditions when choosing a woman.

This means that a being beautiful alone is not enough to satisfy him. In fact, my mothers have very little in common. There are women as beautiful as my mother, women with ordinary looks, and so on. There are also women who are as generous and forthright as a lioness, and there are also women who are as quiet as the flowers and plants in the greenhouse. It can be said that he likes all kinds of women.

Until now, people simply thought "Lant's taste is unpredictable." 

But that is not the truth.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that Lant Agriche married a woman who was talented in every way. Just like conducting various genetic experiments.

But I think the reason why my mother caught his eye must be "beauty". These are not words that a daughter should say, but it is the only advantage my mother has.

Of course I like that she's kind and gentle, but in this family that isn't a plus.

Maybe Lant Agriche wouldn't find this attractive either, and I'd bet on Jeremy's hair. The reason Argerich didn't kill me was because I also had my mother's "beauty". In a sense, I took advantage of my mother.

It may be obviously unfilial for me to avoid my mother in this way, but I had no intention of immediately returning to the room where she was waiting because of my renewed awareness of this fact.

Bang -

After I sent Jeremy to his room, I went to where Cassis was.

In the past I would have coaxed Jeremy into leaving again, but not today. This time I didn't go directly to my mother, but chose him, which was enough.

I need to keep some distance from him.

"Really only the most basic treatment was done." I frowned after looking at Cassis's state.

As seen earlier, Cassis was gagged. Despite this, the treatment of his large wound went smoothly, but his clothes remained unchanged. I walked closer and looked at Cassis' wrists and ankles.

The skin was severely torn after being tied up, and one would frown just looking at it.

As soon as I raised his wrist slightly, the iron chain connected to the pillar made an unpleasant clanking sound. The same type of chains are on his ankles.

The condition of this room was not suitable for humans at all. Perhaps because of this, Cassis, who was lying alone in the room, looked even more miserable.

I first removed the gag from Cassis's mouth. Since I couldn't unchain him, I applied the medicine I brought to his wrists and ankles and wrapped them in bandages. I also carefully observed any other wounds on the body, and I personally dealt with the untreated ones.

Although I have known for a long time, the way this family treats their "toys" is too much.

Unreasonable! When it comes to their "toys" Agriche take everything too seriously!

After the treatment, I don't leave Cassis immediately, but quietly looked at him. The unconscious Cassis had a very meek expression. It is really a hateful existence to turn such a kind and cheerful boy into this.

Argerich is a villain who should disappear.

I sighed, slumping to the ground and leaning against the wall.

Maybe it's because I've been using my brain too much lately, so I'm a little tired. Somehow, having been worried and nervous about Cassis's affairs, maybe it was the belated fatigue that set in. I glance at Cassis next to me. Because he was lying on the ground injured, he looked particularly pitiful today.

I stared at that expression for a while, then I approach Cassis again. I put his head on my lap. Unexpectedly, his head was quite heavy. Even so, it should be more comfortable to rest on my lap than lying directly on the floor.

Although this is a helpless thing, it's just that while Lant had tortured Cassis, I watched with indifference and felt really sorry...

Looking at Cassis being tortured, my conscience felt pricked. In addition, seeing Cassis like this makes me feel a little pathetic.

In Pedalian, he should be loved and respected by everyone. They believe that he will have a bright future. But in the novel, Cassis dies in a very tragic way.

Not until three years after the face does Sylvia disclosed the truth about her brother's disappearance , still, no one knew about his death.

Although Jeremy is a villain in the novel, he will fall in love with the heroine. So he told Sylvia, whom he kidnapped, about Cassis who died in Argriche. Cassis became a so-called "toy" in Argriche and was eventually tortured to death.

Agriche tortured him mentally and physically.

The brutality of Cassis's time at Argriche is not recounted in detail in the book, and I cannot remember it clearly. However, I clearly remember that there was no glory or mourning in Cassis' death. Facing such a person, my mood becomes a little subtle.

Yes, the future is dark, and so am I.

If you look in the mirror now, you can still see a person who is about to die.

"I don't want to die..."

To do this, Cassis must first be saved. But if sending him away from Argerich fails...

Well, should we convince Jeremy then? Ask him not to kidnap Sylvia in the future? No, it might be better not to let Jeremy and Sylvia meet at all. Of course, this is a matter of reworking your plans later when things don't go your way.

I was thinking a lot again and my hands moved involuntarily. Before I knew it, I was stroking Cassis's hair as gently as I'd stroked Jeremy's. As long as I stay like this, I think something must be wrong in my heart, because it is very peaceful.

Once Cassis entered my space, I felt lighter.

Only now do I feel that Cassis is truly mine.

Although there are cases where siblings share toys, Charlotte and Jeremy, who are extremely controlling, don't want to share. So I can make excuses appropriately in this way. This way, Cassis can be kept by my side more safely than when he was in the dungeon. Of course, Lant certainly didn't want Cassis to live so comfortably under my command, so it was necessary to do these superficial things.

Then I suddenly felt something was strange and shifted my gaze.

Cassis, who I was gently touching, still had his eyes closed. Maybe because I touched him, I saw the messy hair covering his forehead.

"Strange." I mutter unknowingly because the touch on my fingers suddenly felt strange. "Did anyone wash his hair after all this time? Why is his hair so soft?" Cassis's hair is as soft as Jeremy's, and even as dry as someone who has just come out of the shower.

Very elegant.

But Cassis is different from Jeremy, who was treated as a young master in Argerich and lived a comfortable life. People who were tortured for days and nights in jail don't have such hair. In such a harsh environment, let alone washing, he couldn't even eat or sleep well, and he was tortured all the time. I also knew this for a fact.

As evidence, Cassis' body is still soaked in blood.

There was also blood on the hair I was touching. Seeing this, it must not have been washed by someone...

Just like the reason why I felt resistance from Cassis who was pulled away covered in blood just now.

"There's no smell either."

From this point of view, it is not just now, but has always been like this since the dungeon.

While I was talking to myself, Cassis' head moved slightly.m It was an extremely small micro-movement. If he wasn't physically connected to me, I wouldn't have noticed that he moved.

The thought flashed through me at that moment, and I frowned.

...Perhaps this person is already awake?