
A Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother

True author is Kin I accidentally possessed someone from a R19 harem novel! The problem is that the person I possessed is Roxana Agriche, the older sister of the secondary villain! Now my damned father has kidnapped the heroine’s older brother! The way things are going all that’s left for he is to meet a terrible end at the heroine’s vengeance! But what if I save the brother?

AngieJbug · ファンタジー
25 Chs

I am a great Agriche


It was a night filled with darkness, not even the moon's light could penetrate.

"...Yes, there was no one?"

A small whispering voice slithered over the silence in the room. The curtains that drape over the windows were slowly swaying in the wind. Moonlight poured generously over the girl sitting by the window.

"Then go to the western border this time."

The one speaking was a girl that was so unrealisticly beautiful as if made by god personaly. Her hair came down to her waist in gental waves, the color combined the starlight of the night sky and the first light of dawn. It sparkled brilliantly even in the dark. Her eyes, the deepest color of bood red and sparkled like rubies, always looked slightly amused, and everyone could feel a thrill the moment they would meet her gaze. Her flawless skin seemed to absorb the moonlight and give off a soft glow like white jade. The girl's appearance, which exudes the feeling of nobility, was extremely enchanting and beautiful, making one shocked upon looking at her.

"If you find the ones looking for him, look for someone who is the strongest and not that smart."

Roxana gave a new order to her faithful servant. Then a dark red butterfly that was sitting on her finger flaps it's wings as if answering. After leaving her hand, the butterfly flew into the air and out the window. Roxana's gaze chased the little butterfly as it was consumed by the darkness.


So looking to the east and south was all in vain. I thought it would be nice if there were people looking for Cassis Pedalian on the western border. It will be difficult to get the timing right if they get lost. Roxana let out a low sigh, thinking of the boy in the dungeon. This shallow selfserving mask was making me feel pathetic. Her mind kept racing.

When Roxana was in a dungeon earlier, the noise outside the door was because one of her half-sisters, Charlotte, was trying to get in. Charlotte said she wanted to see a new toy and was arguing with the guard. The guard was more bold than I thought, so Charlotte couldn't get through the door even though she was throwing a tantrum. But I couldn't be sure of how long would last.

"How am I going to do this..."

Roxana's eyes sank low. Earlier, Cassis quietly willingly ate the medicine she gave. Does it mean that I've gotten a little closer to him? Of course, we have a long way to go, but at least now I don't have to beat him up to get him to take the medicine. Well, maybe he realized that if he don't eat now he'd just faint again, and relented knowing that I would just force feed it to him.

-Tuk tuk-

Roxana's finger tapped the window frame lightly.

This monthly evaluation took place before Cassis Pedalian came to Agriche. Soon it would be time for the Grand Banquet to be held again. Having placed Second, Roxana was given the right to attend the Grand Banquet. My father, Lant Agriche, will also be there. It would have been nice to come in first this time. How does he...


Suddenly, I frowned at the feeling of thick liquid spilling from my throat. I look down to my hand after coughing a few more times, and see that my pale skin was stained with blood. It was a side effect of the poison I've had to take today. Still, I'm glad it was before I dressed up for the Grand Banquet, otherwise I would have had to change. I looked down calmly at the blood that was in leaking threw my hands and onto my clothes.

Sighing I raise my head and see a beautiful girl in the mirror with an expressionless face as if he had not just coughed up blood. Though her lips were died a deeper shad, and her face looked a little paleer than usual. I reached out my hand and Emily, who was standing near, handed me a handkerchief. I first wiped the blood off my mouth with it. Neither I nor Emily was upset because this wasn't the first time I had experienced the side effects of poison.


Just then, someone knockes outside the door and called to me. It was the voice of my mother.

I glance to Emily, who moved to opened the door. In the meantime, a beautiful woman with a face resembling me appeared. Sierra Colonis, my mother, still boasted a shining beauty, as if the years had not passed. No matter where I looked, she didn't look like a mother with a 16-year-old daughter. If Asil had been alive, it would mean that she had a son who was 20 years old.

"Roxie, it's been a long time."

"Yeah. It has Mother." Since a few years ago, we haven't even lived in the same building, so we haven't even been able to meet by chance. My mother, who was approaching me, suddenly stopped with wide eyes. "Why are you bleeding?! Where did you get hurt?"

The blood on my lips was wiped off, but the red stains on my chest were quiet obvious.

"It's nothing. What are you doing here?" I turned to her without explaination. It was because I didn't feel the need to worry her with an explination. When I didn't answer, my mother let it go.

"Today is the Grand Banquet. I came because I was wondering if you were nervous."

"This isn't my first banquet so why would I be nervous?" At my words, my mother looked at me with eyes that I couldn't read. Perhaps she came to me because she was worried that I would go and cause trouble, and gain fathers ire. Now that I have grown up enough to take care of myself, she still worries about me.

At some point, Mother and I grew distant, and with each year that gap only grows wider. Still, when she lookes at me it's as if she's over come with sorrow, just like now. I felt like she just does whatever she wants.

I slowly touched my lips and say, "It's okay. There will be nothing for you to worry about." Mother seemes reassured at the moment. After a while she let's out a fierce sigh. "Yeah, now you're also a great Agriche."

For a moment I don't know what expresion to make. Thanks to that, I found out that the intangible mask I'd been wearing for so long had slipped. As our eyes met, my delicate mother trembled.

I smiled gently again, before the feelings I didn't want to see on her face emerged. "Yes, as you had hoped, I am now a great Agriche." As if she would break right away, a fragile beauty that's pitiful and lovely. A person who couldn't do anything other than cry when Asil died unfairly. Even if I was killed right in front of her eyes today, she was someone who would just watch quietly, trembling in fear as I die.

"Would you like go and rest? I have to prepare for the banquet, so I don't think I can spend time with Mother."

"No, I don't think I will cause much trouble," she spoke softly and I turned back tword the mirror. Mother shook her head as if she knew that I had no intention of continuing the conversation.

"Alright, then watch."

I didn't look at her. Mother hesitated for a moment and then left the room silently. After she left, Emily helped me ready for the banquet.

This isn't a normal family dinner, so I have to dress rather ostentatiously, like a person armed to go to a battlefield, but instead of guns and swords its beautiful dresses and jewls. In the mirror, a gorgeous girl was reflected, but her face was blank as if she were blind. I slowly drew a smile on my terribly expressionless face, this beautiful face that still sometimes doesn't feel like mine, came to life once more.

"Lady Roxana. It's time."

I leave the room, to head to the dinning hall. The hallway was quiet. I looked at the corridor where my mother would have walked down for a moment, and then I turned in the opposite direction. I do not blame Asil or Mother for not protecting me. I could never hate her. However, I can no longer be as close to her as before.

That's just how things have to be.