
A Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother

True author is Kin I accidentally possessed someone from a R19 harem novel! The problem is that the person I possessed is Roxana Agriche, the older sister of the secondary villain! Now my damned father has kidnapped the heroine’s older brother! The way things are going all that’s left for he is to meet a terrible end at the heroine’s vengeance! But what if I save the brother?

AngieJbug · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Dog and Owner

I wondered if he would thrash about like when we first met, but Cassis didn't. He just quietly looked through me with a terrifyingly cold eyes. From this reaction, it was clear that Cassis had known my identity even before I visited here today.

Did Charlotte say something?

It was very likely that she was running her mouth when she entered the dungeon to attacked Cassis. Well, what she could have said is obvious. I wounldn't deign to repeat it, but it was probably something like, "I would rather break you than have Roxana take you away from me!"

Um, it may be an exageration, but maybe she didn't stop there and spit out the word toy.

I already knew Cassis didn't trust me yet.

With this, I don't know why I was allowed to approach and admisnister treatment. Was it to get a closer look at my identity? This time Cassis confirmed that I am an Agriche.

"What is your relationship with Lant Agriche?"

"He's my biological father."

So what he said earlier was in the same context?

Maybe he wanted to check my identity quickly, but I didn't visit, so he said that it felt like a long time without me. Still, I expected Cassis to look for my help a little and be upset at my absence, but it seems like it's still to early for that. Well, if he had believed in me from the start, instead of being cautiouse, the ancestors of the Pedalian name would cry.

But from the start, I had no intention of hiding my identity from Cassis. If I had, I wouldn't have given him my name, and I wouldn't have allowed Cassis to return his sight after the spell was released. Cassis had to be keenly aware that he had been helped by Roxana Agriche.

I'm not a philanthropist, and I don't do anything for free.

"What is the reason you approached me while hiding your identity?"

"The reason I didn't reveal my identity is because you are more likely to be more on guard around me like now, and the reason I approached you...well I told you. I don't want you to die here." At my expenation Cassis lets out a cold chuckle.

"So instead of killing you, you're going to make me a toy?" Oh, obviously Charlotte fucked everything up.

But this is all for the end goal...

Anyway, from now on, Cassis' handling is going to have to change, and there is now a need to inform him about it. That's fine, it's just a bit embarrassing to explain it right now.

"Isn't that better than being tortured and dying?"

Isn't this too straightforward now? "This is only way you can get out of this basement. If you want to get out of Agriche safely, it's wise to just accept my help."

"Are you telling me to trust Lant Agriche's daughter?"

Cassis seemed to think something over silently for a moment.

I wanted to read his thoughts, but his face wouldn't give anything away.

"I don't believe you."

After a while, Cassis spoke, looking at me with cold and steadfast eyes.

"But it's weird because I don't think you're lying." he said, his face still unreadable.

"Cassis Pedalian." I say as he and I were staring at each other. "I will protect you."

At that moment, Cassis' expression became very strange. As I spoke, Cassis was looking at me as if I were some terrifying creature.

"Until you get out of this place, I'll protect you."

If I can do that, then you're terrible fate will be changed.

Cassis Pedalian and Roxana Agriche.

The names of two people who should have never met, have just been written down on the same page. This is just the first chapter of our story.


Not surprisingly, my esteemed father, Lant Agriche, didn't just let Cassis out of the dungeon as nicely. Cassis was taken by Lant's men, and humiliatingly, made to kneel on the floor. Lant Agriche made to stand in front of him.

I quietly watched as those two's eyes collide, making the air tense.

Like the first day Cassis came here, he had his limbs bound and even a gag in his mouth. This time, Cassis's body was black and blue all over. Moreover, he even took a posture that seemed to be painful, and was forced to obey. However, the defiant look in eyes, even when facing this person, has not faded at all.

Who will see Cassis now and think that he is a prisoner?

Cassis' eyes, looking at Lant Agriche from his position on the floor, overflowed an intense hatred. Even in a kneeling position like that, one could create a sence of being forced. I think that's a great ability too. Lant Agriche was looking down at Cassis with an astonished look.

I saw the illusion of sparks flying between the two.

Then, at one point, a oily smile appeared on Lant Agriche's face. Without any notice he struck, kicking Cassis' chest and stuck. When I saw it, I sighed in my heart.

Yes, even today my father is accumulating dead flags one after another.

The beating continued, and I noticed that Lant was now hitting the that's the side that Charlotte ravaged and made look like a torn rag. After bringing Cassis in, he hadn't touched him yet, to let him heal, but he deliberately hit him where his injuries are. I should say that is just like him to do. 


This time Cassis' face is kicked by Lant.

I remembered what happened in the dungeon a while ago and turned my head away from them. I can't watch Cassis anymore. This happens as soon as I said that I would protect him until I got out of here safely, I'm somewhat embarrassed for some reason.

But I know there's no other way.

Cassis is not completely my "toy", not to mention that the person who is now exercising violence against him is Lant Agriche.

"I don't know if it's the Richel in him, but his eyes and arrogant look are exactly the same!" Lant Agriche stopped kicking Cassis when he saw fresh blood.

Cassis lowered his head, and blood was flowing from his ribs, forehead, and gagged mouth. It's amazing for Rant Agriche, who's eyes still have murderous intent, to stop.

"Knowing that damn bitch has two kids, I was pondering which one to choose at first." When saying this Lant Agriche had a vicious smile on his face. "I thought you would last longer than that brat, so I chose you specifically." My dear father seemes content only to step on landmines. Cassis cherishes his family and sister so much that it's his weakness. Looking into the eyes of the heroine's brother, his gaze could already kill two people.

Don't you think that killing people is something he can do easily now?


"Yes, Father."

Of course, there was no way Lant Agriche could hear me. He called me while stepping on Cassis's hair. Until just now, I stood quietly behind him and responded to him quietly. At the sound of my voice, Cassis's eyes turned to me.

Well, the heroine's brother, do you think of me as your enemy? Even though my position seemes that way, I'm not really on my father's side. This sinister look is just a bit....

Didn't we have a good conversation just now?

But...well...under the current circumstances, this situation is understandable. If I were Cassis Pedalian I would also think that Lant Agriche and his daughter were vicious people.

I don't know why, but I wanted to sigh. Now I can only endure.

"It just so happens that your birthday just passed."

"Yes, I'm glad you remembered."

"This son of a bitch is given to you as a gift. Play with it until you grow tiered."

This guy is real peace of work! Just give it directly! What are you pretending to be? Pretending my birthday had just passed... 

Wow, I have never seen anyone celebrating their children's birthdays so hypocritically.

"Thank you father."

I concealed my cynicism and smile sweetly to Lant Agriche.

"I will train him well and I won't dissapoint you."

In this way, I recived my very own "dog" for the first time.