
Chapter 216. End Of Holy War.

Kenpachi released his Zanpakuto and stood facing the three Commandments with an arrogant face. Zeldoris and the other Demons again felt the urge to submit, just that it was towards Kenpachi this time.

Without any hesitation Kenpachi swung Nozarashi at Monspeet and the others. Unlike Law Kenpachi didn't dodge, he used his brute strength and hacked at the three Commandments. Deririe punched several times at Kenpachi. Law had removed the poison he placed on them when he retreated otherwise Kenpachi is gonna pester him non stop about it.

Her punches got stronger with each successive one. Kenpachi had a wild look on his face.

" That's not how you throw a punch missy, this is how ya do it! "

He swatted Greyroad away and clenched his fist, Black Demonic Qi revolved around his fist. Deririe was in motion of another punch when Kenpachi punched out

Monspeet yelled " Get back Deririe!! "

He swapped bodies with Deririe, Kenpachi's fist sunk inside his chest tearing hole in it. Luckily his last heart wasn't in that location otherwise he would have died.

Deririe panicked " Monspeet!! "

She rushed and caught Monspeet, black demonic qi swirmed around his wound and made his regeneration invalid. Blood kept pouring out of his wound, Deririe didn't know why but her heart seemed like it was pierced by thousands of needles seeing Monspeet in this condition. Unknowingly a tear trickled down her face

" You idiot, I didn't ask you to save me! "

Monspeet didn't say a word. He wiped away her tears and stayed in her embrace.

Deririe looked at Kenpachi with hatred, her demonic energy flared. She was about to attack when Monspeet held her back.

" Don't. You can't match him, he is too powerful and don't worry I won't die."

Kenpachi lost interest seeing Deririe and Monspeet. His sight turned to Greyroad, demonic qi gathered around his blade as he attacked. Greyroad was a mass of demonic energy, Kenpachi is a Slaughter Demon his standing is the highest among their race so the outcome is obvious.

In less than two minutes Greyroad was reduced to ashes. Kenpachi looked around, he was disappointed seeing noone else to fight.

Hisoka ignored his opponents for some time to watch Kenpachi's fight. As soon as he was finished Hisoka turned and said

" Sorry for that. I got side tracked, now where was I? ah, yes."

He took out another card and this one was King card. He took the card...

" Judgement."

A sword materialised Infront of him, Hisoka pointed his finger at Melascula. The sword disappeared, before Melascula could register what happened the sword had pierced her several times. She couldn't understand how she died, it was over in an instant.

Hisoka looked at the other two, both of them didn't have the panicky expression he anticipated instead they had relieved expression on their faces.

It was like a burden was lifted from their shoulders, they seemed to expect death. This somehow irritated Hisoka, he recalled Ryu's words, before Ryu recruited him he said one thing

" Hisoka never kill an innocent. That is the one iron clad rule we have."

Hisoka pondered for some time and loosened their restraints. He kept his cards and retreated, now Zoro was the only one fighting. Zeldoris and Estarossa was in a sorry state, their body was fully covered in wounds. Blood dripped off their wounds into the ground.

Zoro was holding two of his Swords and calmly fighting both Zeldoris and Estarossa. Even with thousands of years of experience they weren't able to gain any advantage over Zoro moreover the damn energy swirming around their wounds prevented them from healing.

Zoro yawned " Is that it? Then it's time to finish this."

He held two of his sword.

" Two Sword style... Twin Sparrow!! "

Two extremely fast attack flashed past Estarossa and Zeldoris. Both of them couldn't react in time, Zoro's attack pierced through their hearts leaving a gaping hole on their body.

Zoro sealed his Sword. He knew his strike didn't kill the other party, his observation picked up several vibrations within them. It's likely they possess several hearts.

Law undid ' Room '.

Kenpachi growled " What kind of world is this? I didn't even find a single worthy opponent."

A voice rebuked him " Obviously! All of us can dominate any Mortal Realm warriors, even Immortal realm warriors aren't a match for few of us. Just what did you expect to find here? "

Stark heaved a sigh seeing Ryu, his eyes showed bitterness " Why did I make the mistake of pairing up with him? And why the heck didn't you warn me!? "

Ryu shrugged " Hey, you grouped with him. Why the heck are you blaming me? "

Stark " I knew he loved to fight but I didn't know he was a cockoo bird when it comes to it."

Ryu laughed " Haha. Now you know. Anyway, I have business with few of them."

Ryu looked at Zeldoris and the rest. His gaze focused on Estarossa

' Huh? Holy and Demonic? Holy being his own power whereas demonic is external. Now who would be bored enough to do that? Moreover I kept seeing that strange law around all Commandments as well. I will look into it later.'

He imprisoned Estarossa inside his pocket dimension and walked towards Zeldoris.

" Zeldoris the Demon King is dead. I killed him, what will you do from now? "

Zeldoris was the other Demons were shocked. Gloxinia and Drole was the most shocked ones, their expression turned from shock to excitement. If what this man said was then they are freed.

Zeldoris " No! That's impossible! Noone can kill him!"

" It's true Zeldoris, he was killed."

Meliodas stepped out from a portal. Merlin and the others followed.

" Meliodas! "

Meliodas " Zeldoris, I know you hate me but it's true the Demon king, our father is dead. We are free now."

Zeldoris shouted " Free!? You have some nerve to say that? You didn't lose anything! That woman is still beside you!! You have everything while I lost the one I cared for!! Free!!? Why does it matter!!? "

Meliodas " Zeldoris..... She is alive."

Zeldoris staggered " Wh..... what? "

Meliodas " She is alive. Once we break the seal you can reunite with her."

Zeldoris flared up " Are you fooling me!? "

Meliodas " Zeldoris, I know I wasn't there for you when you needed me but this time please trust me."

Zeldoris calmed down. He stared at his brother and decided to trust him for the last time.

Meliodas turned to Gloxinia and Drole " Yo! It's been tough on you guys! Sorry! "

Gloxinia lamented " No. Atleast everything's over now. We were prepared to die to make sure that the next generation of giants and fairies could take our place as kings but seems like fate allowed us to see it through to the end."

Drole shook his head " We had no choice back then. Our sins are unforgivable, all we can do now is to make sure our successors never walk our path."

Meliodas " Nah. With the Demon king gone and the soon to be deceased Supreme Deity, this holy war has now come to a close."