
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · ファンタジー
96 Chs


Tension and suspicion pervade the atmosphere as they navigate the hazardous terrain with cautious steps.

Chase cast a quick glance at the others, his gaze like a sentry scanning the horizon for signs of danger. "Stay vigilant. This cave gives me an uneasy feeling," he advised, his words a lantern illuminating the darkness of uncertainty.

"Your instincts can be deceiving, One arm. We're proceeding just fine," the leader replied, their reassurance a shroud concealing their true intentions.

The swordsman nodded in agreement, his nod a stone placed in the river of doubt, attempting to divert its course towards unity.

"We must remain together as a group," the mage chimed in, her brow furrowed in concern.

With each stride into the cave's depths, Chase couldn't help but notice furtive glances and cryptic gestures exchanged between his supposed allies. A growing unease settled in his gut as they confronted an unexpected and dangerous ambush by a swarm of spiders.

Chase swiftly brandished his spear, its glint like a flash of lightning illuminating the stormy sea of their surroundings. "Prepare for combat! They're attacking!" he warned,

"Rest assured, One Arm, we've got your back," the leader's assurance was a mask hiding their deceit, their smile a dagger sheathed behind honeyed words.

The swordsman slashed at the spiders, his blade's arc a silver streak cutting through the shadows. "Let's keep our positions," he advised, his words a compass guiding their formation through the labyrinth of deception.

"Be cautious, One Arm, don't allow yourself to be surrounded," the archer advised, his arrows like whispered promises of protection against the unknown.

Chase's suspicions became tendrils of smoke, curling around his thoughts and obscuring his trust. 'There's something amiss, a web of betrayal being spun,' he thought, his gaze shifting between his companions like a detective piecing together a puzzle.

"Are you deliberately acting strangely?" Chase's question was a blade unsheathed, its edge honed with suspicion and accusation, cutting through the façade of camaraderie.

"What do you mean, One Arm?" the leader's response was a mask slipping, a veneer of innocence cracking under the weight of truth.

"Your imagination is running wild," the swordsman's smirk was a cloak hiding the wolf beneath, his words a song sung out of tune.

"We're still united with you, One Arm. No need for concern," the archer's words were a siren's call, luring Chase into treacherous waters.

As they reached further into the caves, The leader's mask fell away completely, revealing the puppeteer behind the façade. "Now's our chance! Attack!" he said, a dagger unsheathed, its blade gleaming with malice.

Chase's brows furrowed in disbelief, his emotions a storm brewing in his eyes. "You planned this all along?!" he exclaimed, his anger a tempest breaking free from its shackles.

"Sorry, One arm, but we can't risk your unpredictability anymore," the swordsman's revelation was a thunderclap, a storm breaking over Chase's understanding.

The archer aimed an arrow at Chase. "Indeed, it's best for us to proceed without you," he declared coldly.

The support shook her head. "This isn't personal. We're seeking more profits, and yours are part of the package," she disclosed.

Chase's lips curled into a smirk, though frustration simmered beneath. "Betraying me for some extra coin, huh?" he mused, his voice a storm waiting to be unleashed.

The leader's smirk grew, their smile a wolf's grin in the presence of prey. "Nothing personal, just business. Now, meet your end!" they proclaimed, their words a declaration of war in the shadows.

The group suddenly attacks Chase relentlessly, catching him off guard with their sudden betrayal.

The leader lunged at Chase, but Chase countered with a swift jab and retreat, maintaining distance.

Chase's heart raced like a wild stallion, his veins pulsating with fury and adrenalin,"Fools! I can't believe you'd do this!" he spat, his words like flames licking the air as he kept thrusting his spear to ward off the leader's strikes.

Swordman, smirking approached to the side, taunting, "You're too weak, One-Arm. Your fate is sealed here." he said mockingly, A swing of his weapon caused Chase to roll away.

As Chase staggered to his feet, an arrow found its mark in his chest," You thought you were better than us because you got more kills"The arrows said notching another arrow.

Chase pulled the arrows out his chest, his regenerative abilities slowly healing the small wound.' Fuck I need to defeat one then it will be easy...let's start with the supporter.' he thought.

Swordman continued his onslaught, mocking Chase's abilities. "You've been holding us back. We're better without you."

Chase dashed forward swiftly dodging between the swordsman and the Leader, jumping into the Air' I got you' he thought as he was about to thrust his spear at the calm supporter a blue circle appeared around her, Chase's spear bounced off the circle sending him flying back.

Landed on the ground Chase looked up at the support in anger'Damit! protection shield.' he thought, suddenly multiple arrows with deadly precision came at him, and a fireball was behind them.

Chase quickly thought of a plan to defend against the attack 'because of his vampire bloodline his thinking became faster than any human, some knights and mages 'I just Hope this work' he thought infusing his spear with warpower energy Chase strikes the ground with the butt-end of the spear, creating a shockwave of crimson red war power energy that sent the arrows and fireball flying back

"Move!" the leader shouted seeing the fireball coming toward them, as the fireball explode the cave shook as it illuminated the cave.

"Since you want to use war power energy we will too," The swordman said as he, archer, and the leader infused their weapon with different colors warpower energy.

The archer started shooting arrows with deadly precision "The is the end of you one arm."

Chase, outnumbered and betrayed, fights with all his might, but the odds are against him. He struggles to keep up with the attacks, but during the fight, as he kept getting her his healing slowed down he was wondering why his Vampire form isn't being activated.

Chase's bloodied body, gritting his teeth "You'll regret this betrayal!" he shouted.

With one more infused spear shockwave attack Chase manage to escape the group encirclement "I won't die here. Not like this!"He said tired and bleeding like a waterfall.

With newfound determination, the Chase makes a daring escape from the Spider Cave, vowing to seek revenge against the group.

Arriving outside the cave, Chase spotted an old man outside, aged gracefully, with long, flowing silver hair that cascades down his back, a reflection of their decades of wisdom and experience. his eyes, bright and expressive, hold the serenity of tranquil waters wearing traditional robes, adorned with a combination of water and fire-themed patterns.

'Who is that old man and why is he standing in my way' Chase thought getting more annoyed by the situation of the group.

"Move out my way old man" Chase shouted holding his stomach, trying to slow down his bleeding.

But the old man just stood there with calm eyes looking at Chase every time he tried to move past him but the old man quickly block his path.

'What's his problem' Chase thought.

Chase suddenly lunged forward, spear poised, as he executed a series of calculated strikes, hoping to catch the old man off guard. the old man, however, anticipated the attack effortlessly, smoothly evading each thrust with graceful footwork. As the Chase pressed on, he could sense the serenity and wisdom emanating from the old man's every move.

Suddenly the man easily slapped his spear out his hand before he could reach 'this old man is good' Chase thought seeing that his spear got stuck in a tree from the old man's simple hit. ,

Chase started closing in on the old man with his bare hands. With precision and agility, he unleashed a flurry of strikes, his determination fueling their every move wanting to quickly end the fight as his bleeding got worst.

The old man, eyes held a mix of admiration and concern as he defended himself, matching each blow with a gentle yet unyielding force. He sensed the raw power emanating from Chase's spirit and could not help but feel impressed by their resilience.

"You have great potential," The old man said calmly, parrying another strike with a soft yet firm touch of his palm. "But remember, true strength lies not just in force, but in finding inner peace even amidst the chaos of battle." his gaze like a gentle hand reaching out to steady Chase's faltering spirit

Chase's heart raced, absorbing the old man's words, Summoning one last burst of energy, Chase executed a powerful spinning kick, hoping to catch the old man's balance. To his surprise, the old man allowed the strike to connect, sending Chase tumbling backward.

'Fuck this' Chase thought feeling anger building up inside of him after experiencing betrayal now the old man, his eyes glowed crimson red, his nail grew into claws his canines grew into fangs.

Suddenly, the old man materialized behind Chase like a phantom, his strike swift and precise, a surgeon's scalpel cutting through the chaos. Chase's world darkened like a sky shrouded by clouds, his consciousness slipping away like sand through the fingers of time.