
A Vampire's Tale

The world of Norvak isn't for the weak. A land where might makes right isn't for the faint of heart. A land where different species battle for supremacy and the defeated either enslaved or exterminated. The continent of Revix has witnessed the rise and fall of many species. With a relatively peaceful period being established a little over ten thousand years ago. The result of this peace is the separation of different species. The land of humans, Cyntros, covered most of the central part of the continent. The lands in the north, Aterix, gave shelter to the elves and other creatures of light. The south held the creatures of darkness and it's original name, Rimul, long forgotten. A land that the humans had long dubbed, The Darklands. To the east was an endless desert where the banished and hated lay their bones. A place where nature threatens both predator and prey. Yet most feared of all was the west, a land of giants and titans. Where mountains vanish and valleys form from the movements of it's inhabitants. On the edges of The Darklands, the greed of men sends a group of hunters to their demise. The lone survivor, Milas, is turned into one of the ruling species of The Darklands, a vampire. With a past clouded in mystery and an uncertain future, Milas does all he can to survive. With the potential to become more than he could have ever imagined, Milas faces all threats that come his way. "The right to live is a privilege that only the powerful have access to. I don't appreciate others having that privilege over my life. And I'll do what I must to earn my right!"

chaoswalker_7 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

45 Teach Me!

There were different expressions on the faces of the students. Most felt a hint of fear while others were plain jealous. It was different for the two girls who knew the devil wreathed in mist. Aileen felt fear and doubt but there was an underlying spark of excitement. She was naturally competitive and seeing Milas doing something she couldn't just strengthened her urge to surpass him.

Step, on the other hand, was in awe. She was shaking with barely contained exhilaration. The pride she felt in seeing someone she had recently idolized become better than before was immeasurable. She wanted to hug him but resisted the temptation.

Milas was caught up in the moment of power. He felt like an existence above everyone. Like they were tainting him with their unworthy gazes. They didn't deserve to look upon him. They could only stare at his feet. That was how it should be. They should stare at his feet as they bow down to him. The insane and narcissistic thoughts filled Milas' mind till he finally spoke.


The word was said with an authoritative voice that boomed through the hall like thunder. What followed was even more shocking as the students fell on there knees one at a time. They didn't know why they were driven to kneel but the fear they felt convinced them that it was the smart thing to do. Step was also kneeling but her decision wasn't ruled by fear, instead it was adoration.

Milas looked at the each of the faces of fearful students. Some would flinch when his gaze fell upon them while others looked at him with hatred. The most hate filled out of everyone was Aileen's gaze whose eyes were glowing red. She was also among the few who were only on one knee. Milas ignored as didn't want to corrupt his vision by looking at a lesser being for too long. He was reveling in the feeling of superiority when he had someone clapping. Milas finally noticed Miss Priscilla standing there and staring at him like he was a toddler trying to act tough.

"I don't know who taught you how to use blood mist but they forgot to tell you of the side effects." Miss Priscilla said in her usual tone which irked Milas to no end. Just where did this woman get the confidence to lecture him.

"I don't have time for your meaningless chatter, woman. I advise you to bow before I make you bow." Milas was just going with the flow and he wouldn't let someone ruin it, teacher or not.

"Ugh, why did it have to be pride? I'm done with this little game." Miss Priscilla mumbled to herself before looking Milas straight in the eyes. Milas was disgusted by the fact that this woman stared into his eyes till he noticed a hint of crimson in her brown pupils. The color became more defined and bright till her pupils turned ruby red. Miss Priscilla was actively using her charm skill for the first time in a while for her.

The suppression from Milas' blood mist wavered and eased up by a lot. He was like a an unstoppable devil who had unknowingly fallen into the trap of an enchantress. He was combating the impulse to serve her. Miss Priscilla smiled at him and all of Milas' defenses crumbled. The mist that once looked like a raging inferno had turned weak and calm like a candle flame. Miss Priscilla looked at a male student who had just recovered from Milas' pressure.

"Will you be a dear and get me a cloth large enough to cover my body?" The words were simple but the student ran out of the hall like he was possessed. A minute barely passed before he returned with a large cloth that had the academy emblem on it. He had a silly grin when he presented it to Miss Priscilla and it became worse when she smiled at him.

"That blood mist is amazing. Could you get on your knees so that I can see it better?" Miss Priscilla chose her words carefully to avoid any resistance from Milas. She took the cloth from the student and approached Milas who was slowly kneeling. He was starting to look confused by the situation so Miss Priscilla decided to finish it quickly.

"Do you even have control over the blood mist? It almost feels like it's the master and you're the slave. Could you make it stop?" Miss Priscilla was now standing above Milas with the cloth held like a net. The dense mist became lighter and the glow in Milas' eyes became dimmer. Miss Priscilla wrapped the cloth around his body as the mist became fainter. Milas blinked a few times before he finally remembered where he was.

"What happened? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Milas was very confused and the fury filled looks from everyone were not helping. "And why am I naked?"

"The lesson is almost over so I want you to come with me." Miss Priscilla's eyes were still glowing, though faintly, when she spoke. Milas felt obliged to obey her. He completely ignored everything as he followed behind her with the cloth around his nude figure. "The rest of you should prepare for the next lesson."

The charm skill from Miss Priscilla was still in effect as Milas mindlessly followed behind her. He would start to slow down at times but one look from Miss Priscilla's red eyes brought him on track. They left the classroom block and walked to the administration building. There were a few strange looks from the other school staff but Milas couldn't even notice them. The charm skill was stopped when they were inside Miss Priscilla's office.

Milas blinked and noticed that the surroundings had changed. The place he was in was the same size as his room and had a smaller version of the desk in Deogratius' study. There was a bookshelf behind the desk and the dark colors of the office were eased by a few pictures of flowers. Milas didn't remember walking here so the only explanation was that he had been charmed by Miss Priscilla.

"You are in my office so you don't have to worry. I brought you here because of the little stunt you pulled in my class with the blood mist." Miss Priscilla got right down to business. Milas was cursing Van for getting him into trouble.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know that it was wrong to use it. It was honestly my first time doing it and I lost control of myself." Milas didn't mind apologizing for something he doesn't even remember since he often hurt people when it happens.

"I don't know who taught you and I don't care. I just want you to teach me how you did it." Miss Priscilla said as her eyes glowed slightly. She wasn't proud of using her charm skill to take advantage of the kid but the prospect of learning blood mist was too alluring.

"I will teach you to the best of my abilities." Milas said as he went into a slight trance. Miss Priscilla felt bad about it and decided to turn into a sort of trade.

"I'll teach you how to use the basic blood abilities in exchange for teaching me." Milas knew that he had been forced into agreeing to teach her so he was pleased with the offer. He knew that Miss Priscilla could have charmed him into teaching whether he wanted to or not.

"I'll be honest with you, other than how to start and stop using the blood mist everything else is a mystery to me." Milas told Miss Priscilla in advance so as to avoid any future blame.

"I studied everything about it but I just couldn't activate the skill myself. I know that it doesn't have a lower limit so anyone who knows blood control can cast blood mist regardless of level." Miss Priscilla wanted to make Milas feel more at ease with the situation.

"Can you tell me why I'm naked?" Milas was feeling uncomfortable walking around with nothing but what he assumed to be a flag covering his body.

"I'll just tell you everything about blood mist to make this easier. It is considered to be one of the most versatile skills a vampire can have. It enhances a certain character of the person that uses it. It enhanced your pride that's why you acted all high and mighty forcing your classmates to bow to you. Blood Mist also disintegrates materials that don't have an active source of energy. This includes clothes and weapons that don't have magical properties. So your weapons are gone for good." The explanation Miss Priscilla gave helped Milas understand a lot about what happened.

"This skill will come in handy during the first year competition." Milas could already see the faces of everyone when he wins by forcing his opponent to stop fighting back.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that. The first years don't really know how useful blood mist is so they'll soon forget what you did. There are other people who don't want any competition and will dispose of potential rivals. The fact that you learned blood mist at a young age will make you an eyesore to these people so don't show it to anyone." Miss Priscilla warned Milas not just for his sake but her's as well. Where else would she find someone to teach her blood mist for such a simple exchange.

"I have an awesome skill and I can't even use it." Milas wasn't happy about it but he didn't really have a choice since he already had enough problems.

"I will meet you in the forest behind the classroom block after your resistance training at noon. We will discuss more when we meet. You should go get some clothes from your room and a rest since using blood mist would be draining for a half born like you." Miss Priscilla said to Milas who didn't really get her point since he was as full of energy as he usually was.

"I don't exactly have another pair of uniform since people keep attacking me and destroying them." Milas said to Miss Priscilla as he stood up to leave.

"What's your room number?"

"Fifty seven"

"I'll have a pair brought to you just don't ruin this one and don't keep me waiting." Miss Priscilla said with a final tone. Milas left the office and had to suffer the embarrassment of walking around with a flag hiding his nudity.