
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Forbidden Grimoire.

The dilapidated mansion became Wǎn Qīng's sanctuary, a place where she could immerse herself in the secrets of her lineage. Yī Shǎ, her enigmatic guide, introduced her to a hidden library within the mansion's depths, a treasure trove of ancient tomes and grimoires filled with arcane knowledge.

As they stepped into the library, Yī Shǎ's eyes sparkled with anticipation. The air was heavy with the scent of aged parchment and the faint whisper of forgotten incantations. Bookshelves towered towards the ceiling, their contents spanning centuries of supernatural wisdom.

Wǎn Qīng's gaze widened in awe as she took in the sight before her. "This place is incredible," she breathed, her voice filled with reverence. "How did you even discover it?"

Yī Shǎ smiled, her eyes reflecting a lifetime of accumulated wisdom. "Being a vampire comes with its advantages," she replied cryptically. "This library holds the collective knowledge of our kind, passed down through generations. Since you work at the library in the human world, I thought it would be great to show you this, to give you a glimpse into the true depths of our heritage."

Wǎn Qīng nodded, her curiosity piqued. "I've always felt a deep connection to books and stories," she confessed. "They've been my escape, my solace. But I never imagined that there was a world beyond the pages, a world that I belonged to."

Yī Shǎ placed a hand on Wǎn Qīng's shoulder, her touch comforting and reassuring. "You are part of something extraordinary, Wǎn Qīng," she said softly. "And within these walls, you will find the answers you seek."

Within the hallowed halls of the library, Wǎn Qīng delved into the history of her vampire ancestors, studying their triumphs and failures, their battles and alliances. She learned about the intricacies of vampire society, the delicate balance between different bloodlines, and the unbreakable laws that governed their existence.

As Wǎn Qīng pored over the dusty pages of an ancient manuscript, she came across a mention of the Forbidden Grimoire—a tome rumored to hold forbidden knowledge and unimaginable power. Legends whispered that the grimoire had been locked away by the vampire council, hidden from those who sought to abuse its dark magic.

Intrigued by the tantalizing possibilities, Wǎn Qīng's curiosity ignited. She was drawn to the Forbidden Grimoire like a moth to a flame, yearning to uncover the truths it held within its forbidden pages. But she knew the risks involved; the vampire council had declared its possession a crime punishable by death.

Conflicted by the desire for forbidden knowledge and the fear of the consequences, Wǎn Qīng sought guidance from Yī Shǎ, hoping for wisdom to guide her path. Yī Shǎ's eyes bore into her with a mix of concern and caution.

"Wǎn Qīng, the Forbidden Grimoire holds ancient secrets that can sway the balance of power among vampires. Its magic is as dangerous as it is alluring," Yī Shǎ warned, her voice tinged with an undertone of worry. "You must tread carefully, for those who seek its power are never the same."

Wǎn Qīng hesitated, her gaze fixed on the closed door of the library, behind which the Forbidden Grimoire awaited her. She knew that uncovering its secrets would come at a great cost, yet the pull of knowledge was relentless. She had always felt a thirst for understanding, a longing to explore the depths of her own potential.

Unable to resist the allure any longer, Wǎn Qīng made her decision. She would seek out the Forbidden Grimoire, regardless of the risks. She knew that her journey would take her to forbidden places, testing her strength and resolve at every turn.

With Yī Shǎ as her guide, Wǎn Qīng delved into the hidden underbelly of vampire society, seeking clues and contacts that could lead her to the grimoire's whereabouts. They ventured into vampire gatherings, where alliances were forged and betrayals were whispered in the shadows.

Their search led them to a crumbling mausoleum in the heart of a forgotten cemetery. Its moss-covered walls concealed a hidden passage, winding deep underground. The air grew heavy with ancient magic as they descended into the bowels of the earth, guided by a faint trail left by those who had come before.

Finally, they reached a chamber bathed in an eerie, blue glow. Wǎn Qīng's breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon the object of their quest—the Forbidden Grimoire.

Resting atop a stone pedestal at the heart of the chamber, the Grimoire commanded attention, emanating an almost palpable aura of power. Its leather-bound cover was adorned with intricate symbols and sigils, whispering promises of untold knowledge to those who dared to unlock its secrets.

Wǎn Qīng's heart raced with anticipation and trepidation as she reached out to touch the grimoire. Her fingers grazed its surface, and a surge of energy coursed through her veins. In that moment, the ancient book seemed to respond to her presence, its pages shimmering with a forbidden allure.

But just as Wǎn Qīng was about to grasp the grimoire, the chamber rumbled, and the walls began to shake. Dust cascaded from the crumbling ceiling, and the ground trembled beneath Wǎn Qīng's feet. The once serene chamber turned into a chaotic symphony of destruction.

Yī Shǎ's eyes widened in alarm. "We have awakened something far more sinister than we anticipated," she shouted over the deafening noise. "We must leave, now!"

Wǎn Qīng hesitated, torn between her desire to possess the Forbidden Grimoire and the mounting danger that surrounded them. Reluctantly, she tore her gaze away from the tantalizing book and followed Yī Shǎ's lead as they sprinted toward the entrance of the chamber.

The crumbling passageways seemed to conspire against them, shifting and collapsing with each step. Dust filled the air, making it difficult to see, and the distant sound of unearthly howls echoed through the tunnels. Whatever they had disturbed in their pursuit of knowledge was now awake and wrathful.

As they neared the exit, a massive stone slab crashed down, blocking their path. Panic surged within Wǎn Qīng as she realized they were trapped, the fate of the Forbidden Grimoire and their very lives hanging in the balance.

Yī Shǎ's eyes blazed with determination. "There is only one way out," she declared, her voice firm. "We must harness the power within ourselves and break through this barrier."

Wǎn Qīng's mind raced, contemplating the immense risk they were about to take. Yet, she knew there was no other choice. She had awakened forces beyond her control, and now she had to face the consequences head-on.

Closing her eyes, Wǎn Qīng delved deep within herself, drawing upon the dormant power that lay within her vampire bloodline. She could feel it, pulsating through her veins, a surge of raw energy waiting to be unleashed. With a surge of determination, she channeled that power into her outstretched hand.

A beam of shimmering, ethereal light shot forth from her fingertips, colliding with the stone barrier. The ancient rock cracked and splintered under the force of her newfound power. With a final burst of energy, the barrier shattered, and daylight flooded the passageway.

Wǎn Qīng and Yī Shǎ burst through the opening, gasping for breath as they emerged into the cemetery above. The mausoleum collapsed behind them, swallowed by the earth, sealing away the Forbidden Grimoire once more.

As Wǎn Qīng caught her breath, she surveyed the destruction left in their wake. The cemetery lay in ruins, tombstones toppled and cracked, the once serene resting place transformed into a battleground of chaos.

"You...you were so cool back there," Yī Shǎ stammered, her voice tinged with awe. "Have you been practicing?"

Wǎn Qīng's gaze remained fixed on her trembling hands, her eyes wide with astonishment and a hint of fear. She was unable to form a coherent response, still processing the sudden surge of power that had erupted from within her.

Yī Shǎ stepped closer, concern etched on her face. She gently touched Wǎn Qīng's arm, trying to ground her in the present. "Wǎn Qīng, are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Wǎn Qīng finally tore her gaze away from her hands, meeting Yī Shǎ's eyes with a mixture of confusion and uncertainty. "I...I didn't mean to do that," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't even know what happened. I can't control it."

Yī Shǎ turned to Wǎn Qīng, her eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You possess a power unlike anything I have seen before," she said, her voice tinged with a touch of awe. "But this is just the beginning. The awakened forces will seek you out, drawn to your extraordinary potential. We must be prepared."

Wǎn Qīng's heart sank, as she looked upon the ruins of the cemetery, a realization dawned on her—the forces she had awakened were far more dangerous than she had anticipated. And now, she would have to navigate a treacherous path, caught between her thirst for knowledge, the wrath of those she had disrupted, and the hidden powers within her that craved to be unleashed.

With a heavy heart, Wǎn Qīng and Yī Shǎ turned their backs on the shattered cemetery and embarked on a journey that would test their resolve, challenge their loyalties, and unravel the secrets that lurked within the darkness. Little did they know, that their actions had not gone unnoticed. Deep within the shadows, a figure watched their every move, eyes gleaming with malevolence.

The figure, known only as Malachi, was a powerful vampire elder and a guardian of the Forbidden Grimoire. The disruption caused by Wǎn Qīng and Yī Shǎ had stirred his attention, and he had been tracking their every step since they first embarked on their quest.

A wicked smile curled on Malachi's lips as he watched the two women retreat. The chaos they had unleashed played perfectly into his hands, a stepping stone in his own insidious plans. The awakening of the Forbidden Grimoire had provided an opportunity for him to seize power like never before, to rewrite the laws of vampire society to suit his twisted desires.

"Let them believe they have escaped," Malachi murmured to himself, his voice a venomous whisper. "Their awakening will only lead them deeper into my web."

With a flick of his hand, Malachi vanished into the night, leaving behind a trail of malevolence and dark magic that lingered in the air. He knew that Wǎn Qīng's newfound powers and the forbidden knowledge within her grasp would make her a valuable pawn in his schemes.

Unknown to Wǎn Qīng and Yī Shǎ, their every move would be manipulated, their paths crossed with others who held their own dark secrets. The lines between friend and foe would blur, alliances shattered, and loyalties tested as they delved further into the mysteries of their vampire heritage.

Wǎn Qīng's thirst for knowledge would lead her down a treacherous path, where she would encounter ancient covens, bloodthirsty adversaries, and a shadowy underworld that had thrived in secrecy for centuries. As she struggled to navigate this new world, the fate of not only herself but also the delicate balance of power among vampires hung in the balance.

The journey ahead would challenge Wǎn Qīng's very identity, forcing her to question her loyalties, her desires, and the darkness that dwelled within her own soul. With each step, she would inch closer to unraveling the secrets of the Forbidden Grimoire, but the cost of that knowledge would be higher than she ever imagined.

Little did Wǎn Qīng know, she was about to uncover a truth that would shake the foundations of the vampire world, a truth that would test her limits and push her to the brink of her own humanity. And at the heart of it all stood Malachi, a malevolent force, ready to exploit her awakening for his own nefarious purposes.

The stage was set, the players assembled, and the dark symphony of power, desire, and treachery was about to reach its crescendo. Wǎn Qīng's destiny was intertwined with the fate of all vampires, and the consequences of her awakening would be felt far beyond the city of wutong.