
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · ファンタジー
23 Chs

17: Decisions in the dark.

Countess Vespera marched towards the dungeon, her crimson cloak billowing behind her like a dark omen. Anger seethed within her as she approached the two guards standing watch over Sebastian's now-empty cell. Her eyes blazed with fury, and her voice dripped with venom as she spoke.

"How could you let him escape?" she demanded, her voice sharp as a blade. "He was our prisoner, under my personal watch. This is an unforgivable failure."

The guards, trembling under the weight of her wrath, exchanged nervous glances before one of them stammered a response. "We didn't want to, Countess, but Master Viktor ordered it so we had to."

The Countess's eyes narrowed, her anger momentarily redirected towards Viktor. "Viktor? What does he have to do with this? Explain yourselves."

The other guard spoke up, his voice quivering with fear. "Viktor and the rebels attacked us. They overwhelmed us with their numbers and strength. There was nothing we could do to stop them."

Countess Vespera's grip tightened on her staff, her frustration boiling over. "Weaklings! You let them walk all over you. This is an embarrassment to our clan."

"We tried our best, Countess," the first guard pleaded, "but they were well-prepared, and their determination was unmatched."

"I should have never trusted you to guard our prince," Countess Vespera hissed, her disappointment palpable. "Your incompetence has endangered everything we've worked for."

Before the guards could respond, the Countess turned away, unable to bear the sight of their trembling forms any longer. She needed to assess the situation and plan her next move carefully.

In the aftermath of the escape, chaos erupted within the vampire clan. The Countess convened an emergency meeting of the nobles and allies, all of whom were fuming with anger and confusion. The dissenting faction, led by Countess Vespera, used this opportunity to further challenge Sebastian's claim to the throne, blaming him for the growing unrest.

Countess Vespera, her anger barely contained, addressed the gathering. "Our so-called prince has proven himself to be a weak and incapable leader. He has not only failed to escape captivity, but he has also allowed himself to be released. .This is a disgrace to our clan."

The other nobles exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to proceed. Some were sympathetic to the Countess's cause, while others remained loyal to Sebastian and the vision of unity he represented.

Amidst the heated discussions, one noble spoke up with a sense of reason. "Countess Vespera, it is clear that the situation is complex. Blaming Sebastian entirely would be unfair. We must investigate what led to his escape and address the underlying issues that have caused this unrest."

Countess Vespera, unwilling to back down, snapped, "There is nothing to investigate. Our prince is a failure, and I propose a new vote of confidence. Let the nobles decide if Sebastian is truly fit to lead."

The room erupted with heated debates and arguments, the tension thick and suffocating. The voices of dissent grew louder, and it seemed as though the vampire clan was on the brink of splintering into factions, each vying for power and dominance.

Sebastian, standing amidst the turmoil, felt the weight of the ultimatum and the escape attempt crashing down on him. He knew that Countess Vespera's influence and cunning manipulation had swayed some of the nobles against him. However, he also recognized that there were those who still believed in his vision of unity and coexistence.

As the chaos raged on, Amelia stepped forward with a calm authority, her presence demanding attention and respect. "I understand your concerns, but let us not forget that we are facing a grave threat—the unknown infection that has gripped our town. Blaming and dividing amongst ourselves will only play into the hands of our true enemy."

Her words resonated with some of the nobles, and a momentary hush fell over the room. But Countess Vespera was not one to back down easily. "You speak of unity, yet you stand with a human by your side! How can we trust someone with human blood running through their veins to lead us?"

Amelia's gaze remained steady, unwavering. "The world is changing, and we must change with it. The infection threatens both humans and vampires alike. If we don't come together and find a solution, it will consume us all."

The nobles were torn between the Countess's call for a new vote of confidence and Amelia's plea for unity. The room was in disarray, and it seemed like the vampire clan was on the verge of collapse.

In the midst of the chaos, a powerful and authoritative voice broke through the tension. It was Viktor, the respected and wise elder of the clan. His presence commanded attention, and the nobles fell silent, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Enough!" Viktor's voice boomed, cutting through the cacophony. "We are all concerned for the well-being of our clan and the town. We cannot let our differences tear us apart. Instead of fighting amongst ourselves, let us focus on finding a cure for this infection and securing the future of our kind."

His words struck a chord with the nobles, and slowly, the room fell into silence. Viktor's wisdom and experience resonated with them, reminding them of the bigger picture.

Sebastian seized the opportunity to address the assembly, his voice strong despite the fatigue and turmoil he had endured. "I know that my escape has caused uncertainty and doubt. But I am committed to finding a solution to the infection that threatens us all. I will prove my worth and leadership, not through words, but through actions."

Amelia stepped forward, standing by her son's side, her unwavering support evident to all. "Sebastian may have human blood, but he possesses the compassion and determination needed to lead us in these troubled times. He has seen the suffering of both humans and vampires, and he believes in a future where we can coexist."

Countess Vespera's expression darkened with frustration, but she could not deny the truth in Viktor's and Amelia's words. The decision was left to the nobles, and after much deliberation, they voted to give Sebastian one more chance to prove himself.

However, the road ahead would be arduous and uncertain. Sebastian knew that he had to act quickly and decisively to find a cure for the infection and rally the support of the vampire clan. The fate of their world hung in the balance, and he would stop at nothing to secure a future of unity and coexistence.

But as the days passed, it became clear that the infection was spreading rapidly, and the pressure on Sebastian intensified. Despite his best efforts, a cure remained elusive, and tensions within the clan continued to rise.

In a moment of despair and frustration, the Countess seized the opportunity to exploit the growing unrest. She rallied her followers and, once again, demanded a vote of confidence. This time, the outcome was different. The nobles, worn down by uncertainty and fear, voted in favor of the Countess, and Sebastian was stripped of his title as prince and exiled from the vampire clan.

As the sun set on the day of the decision, Sebastian stood outside the castle gates, his heart heavy with sorrow and disappointment. Amelia and Viktor stood by his side, their support unwavering, but the pain of betrayal was still fresh.

"I will not give up," Sebastian vowed, his voice filled with determination. "Even without the title, I will continue the fight for unity and a future where vampires and humans can coexist."