

what will happens when a ruthless tycoon finds two boys who look exactly like him, same eye, hair and behavior will he make his way to accept them or leave them to find their own life????

fancyruby · アクション
2 Chs


He ran fast that the people who were chasing him were lagging far behind him... but he did not stop running afraid that he might get caught, he knew he will be in great trouble if he was caught in this act


A car came in front of him, before he could turn back another one was there, two more came, he was now in a circle and there was no way for him now 'gosh what this' the boy thought

" hey, boy give up and return the gold bar you took" one of the guard shouted as he came down from the car,

" give back the gold bar, our boss would not take it easy on you " another shouted

" give it back, there no way out of here" the first guard shouted again

"he's not giving it back!" A lady shouted and jumped into the circle then throw a smoke bomb and grabbed the boy's hand and left there, when the smoke got cleared both the boy and the lady were gone, the guards were shocked and scared at the same time, if their boss get to know that they lost a bar then they are done for

"Gosh, we are in great danger.... what are we going to tell boss now, that we let a child get away with a gold bar worth two million huh" Anthony the first guard who spoke before said

"this is your fault Anthony, you were suppose to guard the car what were you doing and you let a child get away with that" Philip the second guard that spoke before said

"that's not what the boss would want to hear, let's just find that kid and that's it"

"then let's ask around he must be from here , he knew the place too well so, maybe he lives' here or I don't know.... we need to find that kid no matter what"

"let just go and tell the boss what happened he might spare us after all, this is the first time we lost a thing right " Luke couldn't help but say, Anthony turned to Luke " jesss.. you are still new on this job so don't give any suggestion, he will get all of us killed because of that gold bar"

"why would a child at that age be into this kind of stuff, huh what do mothers do this days "

"right ,I thought the same and who was that wo...." before Anthony could finish his words, his phone rang checking the ID it was from their boss and his hand began to shake " fuck the boss is calling me, what do I tell him now"

"Answer the call and tell him we got stuck on the road " Philip told Anthony

"that would be insane, adding to the problem we should just tell him the truth" Luke pointed out

"His right you know, we can't risk that now " Anthony picked up the phone and stayed clam

" Anthony where are the bars huh, why are you taking your whole time on it huh why is the bars not here yet Anthony" the voice of his boss were cold on him, even making Anthony lose his balance a bit " sir we ran into a bit of a problem here, but we are working on it , we will soon be back"

" Anthony what kind of trouble did you run into huh, make sure that all my bars are complete, do you understand that"

" sir....sir... the bars were.... they were.... sorry.."

" Anthony speck up already, what the hell happened to my bars" his boss shouted

"Sir they... a bar was stolen "

" what!! , a bar was what..., do you know how much a gold bar cost and get one thing clear you and the others should not come back here without my complete bars , is that clear or should I repeat that again "

" no sir, i understand " the phone when black as soon as Anthony answered him, he knew his boss by now and what he can do so no matter what , they have to get that gold bar even if it means killing someone

"What now Anthony what did he say" Philip asked

"We should get the whole complete bars or we will see the worst of him, he also said that we should not get back without the bars..... complete" Anthony replied

"That almost sound good but we will get killed, we have to find that child"

"And we need to be fast about it" Luke said "And I think we should go into town maybe we can find them there"

 Let's wait until evening..... they would come out thinking we are gone"


he has been shouted at... and now his twin brother is looking at him "What is it, why are you looking at me like that, I did what I did for mom"

 "Be careful.... Mr. Fox and was that the car mum told you about? why did you take it"

"It was on that spot and how are my supposed to know it wasn't the car she talked about huh"

"Fine, i would have made the same mistake if it was to be me, come on let's go take a walk outside"

" let's go in the evening....., I have a feeling that those guys are still out there"

" Mum, would not return that gold bar, would she ??"

" if she does than am going to get a DNA test done, to be sure she our mother"

"me too, she wouldn't...this is our chance to be rich ,this is God's plan"

" yeah you are right, is grandpa or anyone home??"

" nope and is better like that, that their not home"

"true,.... the house is peaceful that's why I asked"

" Grandpa went to a business event.... I don't get grandpa is rich but he doesn't want to help out his own daughter just because of the little thing she did, that's not fair in any way"

" right, it been nine years and he can't let go and forget that shit"

"right, nine good years and that man can't let go, he got a problem both him, his wife and those foolish things he calls children"

" well, mum is trying all her best for us but this time I fucked up big time"

" we stole this time instead of picking up a package"

" I couldn't resist the gold, and it was for the best you know"

" yeah you are right, hope mum wouldn't give the fucking gold back to them"

" that being foolish"

" you know she would give it back"

" really, is that how less you talk about your mother" a female voice ran the boys off their legs

"mum" the both said and looked at each other 

" hey boys, if I ever return that gold bar then is for the better, i didn't teach you how to steal okay"

" but mum, this is our..."

" But nothing Fred... I wouldn't return it though, this is a chance to leave this hell your grandpa had given us, so pack your things we will be leaving"

"phew" the boys let out a sigh of relief

" come on... pack your thing is for the best if we leave as soon as possible "

" sure mum"

their mum left the room and headed for the kitchen, as she closed the door of her kids room, a woman came in front of her causing her to roll her eye

" Isabella, you wench now you want to leave with your bastard children huh??"

" get out of my way, Anna Fox and don't you call my children bastards in your life" Isabella shouted

she pushed the lady in front of her down and made her way to the kitchen, not caring about the woman

" You smart witch, I will tell this to your father" Anna shouted at Isabella, who was already half way from where she was. Anna felt anger arouse inside her, her husband hasn't kicked out his mistress daughter just because she gave birth to two kids who no one knew their father but those kids sure look like one ruthless tycoon and that's what is getting her husband off point, he didn't want trouble all his knows was that .. if those kids were ran homeless and later on they turn out to be the children of that tycoon then he will be homeless himself, so he didn't do a thing

" mum what happened, why are you on the floor" Ally ran to help her mother get up

" your father is so tight on keeping his mistress daughter and her bastard children of hers" Anna snapped

" cool down mum, she's leaving right all we have to do.... is make sure she never come back" Ally helped her mother up, her eyes was burning frame in them, she so much hates Isabella and her sons , they were making things hell for them and her father has made up his mind not to throw them out "don't worry mum you just watch and see what I do to her and those creeping kids of hers, they would see the next morning as soon as they leave this house"

"Don't do anything foolish Ally"

"Is already too far mum, I tried to ruin her life ten years ago but look what happened, a blessing came through that"

"What if another blessing come through your next plan, just let them leave on their own then we will never let them in again"

"But mum..."

"But nothing Ally, don't do anything foolish"

"Gosh" Ally got angry and stormed into her room