
A twist of fate - Darknorth collage

A glimpse of the dark: It al started with a dream, a vague whisper. 'No more..' It sounded so painful the voice croocked as if the person who said it has been without water for days. In my mind I saw a bony figure in the shadows restrained in shackles. Golden eyes staring, long white hair falling over her face. A scream chilling to the bone that had me jolting upright. I was covered in sweat my hair sticking to my face. Always the same person, different messages. She told me the day was coming before, it felt as if i could feel her pain everytime I woke up my body ached. - A temptation of the dark: I ran. He thought he had me, but he didn't know my powers. I covered myself in flames and shifted my feet to jump. This gave him the leverage he needed, he grabbed my waist and tackled me to the ground. The flames were touching his skin but he didn't seem bothered in the slightest. He grinned down at me. " You thought you could escape me?" He sniffed the air and his silver pupils turned into sliths. "Who are you." He growled puffing out steam. I cocked my head, why isn't he bothered by the flames. My tattoo's still didn't move which means I'm still possessing the flames for now. Crap. "Your worst nightmare." I threw my head back and hit him in the chin, fuck that hurts. His hand moved to grasp his chin which gave me an opening. I flipped my around grabbed my dagger and held it to his throat. He had the audacity to smirk. "I don't have what you want feisty woman. However, you do have something I want."

Michelle_Semple · ファンタジー
1 Chs

1. Raven

I looked into the dark grasping the wet stone and trying not to slip on the moss covered path, the air smelled damp, my ink swirled on my arms. "A flame would be nice about now." My powers didn't come they seemed cancelled, nullified as if they didn't exist. Normally I feel a fulfilling heat inside me but it feels as if it's gone and never was there to begin with.  "No more.." The hairs in my neck stood upright while a chill went through my body. It sounded so painful, the voice crooked as if the person who said it has been without water for days. I saw a bony figure in the shadows restrained in shackles. Golden eyes staring, long white hair falling over her face. A strange clicking sound came from behind me, her eyes started bleeding. She screamed so hard it felt as if my bones itched. 

I jolted upright, covered in sweat my hair sticking to my face. Always the same person, but different messages. It felt as if i could feel her pain, Every time I woke up my body ached and felt sore. I rubbed my arms and felt wetness under my eyes. I wiped it away and saw a smudge of blood on my hand. "This shit is getting out of hand." I rumbled as I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were bloodshot and dried up blood was all over my cheeks. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. 

An echo of a voice boomed through my room. "Eat breakfast, hurry you are going to be late once again." My mom projected her voice. I sighed, put on my clothes and went down. "Could you stop that?" I grunted sitting down. "Oh stop whining, you never eat since you're always late." She gave me a side eye. I picked up a piece of toast with scrambled eggs. "thanks mom." She gave me an appreciated nod. "You received a letter.." She said hesitantly. I looked up and saw a grimace on her face. "Darknorth Academy.. You got accepted." I just stared at the letter she tossed before me on the counter. 

My mom didn't want me to go to a school for Fae, however I want to explore my powers since I know I can do more with the flames in me. It probably has something to do with my father, she never speaks of him and it is forbidden territory to bring him up. I stood up gave her a quick side hug, grabbed my bag and coat and went out on my motorcycle. My baby, my bike. It was raining but that never stopped me. I revved the engine much to my mothers despair, I saw her rolling her eyes through the kitchen window and drove off. I parked my bike, took my helmet off and my hair came loose. I heard a whistle and David walked up to me, "Looking good, sunshine." He eyed me up and down, I blowed him off walked to class. 

I'm a loner in this school, I don't like humans. They always think they are better than others and I simply choose not to speak when I don't have to. Some I do tolerate but that's about it. In class I didn't really speak either however my grades were always good. 

Jenna the popular girl looked at me with an attitude started whispering to Holly and Jane and laughed. When I walked passed her she made a comment "Freak." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. We have a rule among Fae, the humans can't know we exist. If somehow it happens that the humans know they will die and our powers get stripped, we can claim a human for our self however they will be spell bound so they won't be able to speak of Fae. 

I sat down while waiting for professor Arkins to arrive, a man with a lump, greasy grey hair, and small round glasses who doesn't seem to enjoy his life, but who would teaching these pests that are currently in my class. He came in dropped his laptop on the desk and started writing multiple things regarding history on the board. "You will have an exam as for this moment.. if you fail you will be staying for the end of the semester. If you pass you are free until graduation from this class." He scoffed. "I don't want to spoil the fun for my colleagues, but I might have heard the rest of the classes have the same requirements. Tomorrow and Friday will be the last two days if you pass all your exams." He gave us all sheets. "You all have 30 minutes for this, good luck." He sat down and started to read his newspaper. 

We flipped our sheet and I heard a few people groan. I studied the text but it wasn't that hard at all. Easy peasy if you ask me. 

Around 20 minutes passed and I was done, I gave the professor my work and left the class. "Just one more to go." I only had another Math exam and then the period would finally be over. I crossed the halls on my way to the smoking area outside. I didn't smoke but only the silent kids smoked so I felt comfort in that instead of the gossiping girls that always seem to seek attention the so called; 'pick me girls'. I sat down on the bench and started to read my book. 15 more minutes until the next class and after that the day would be over and I can find out some information about DarkNorth. 

About 40 minutes later my day was over and I could go home tomorrow we would receive a call if we could spend our remaining time at home or have to go back for another three weeks to re-do all the failed exams. I got on my bike and went on my way home.