

Little Dave experiences the harsh nature of life at such a tender age as his parents were murdered. He so made a vow to his parents at their graves that he must revenge for their deaths as the murderers must pay with every drop of their blood and every pound of their flesh. And so,he began his hunt,a man hunt! Find out if and how he fulfills his vows and what follows. Good luck reading and hope you like it.

Chibuzo_Nwaneho · ホラー
4 Chs


Dave was still trying his possible best to communicate with his dead parents by any means possible.

He needed a sign from them,a clue he could use to track down the killers and make them pay. No matter what,he was not going to back out of his vows.

He meant it all. He meant it when he said that they must pay with all they have. He wanted to make their lives miserable and at the end, avenge for his parents' deaths.

For a time,he thought of himself as a god of vengeance,who is going to avenge for them and more helpless people the same killers might have made their lives miserable. He wanted to make them pay dearly!

He was determined to fight. Even if it might cost him his life, it would be his pleasure; as that is all he wanted: to be with his family!

He was still trying to articulate how he could come about with his plans.

He suddenly began to hear some faint footsteps behind; which at that time startled him

He thought everybody had gone and he was the only person left there. He thought he was alone and that gave him the opportunity to have a private time with his parents,as he was to give them his respect which he knew was not his last.

Dave did not care less to turn around because,as for the time being, fear was the last word to be found in his dictionary. He still remained the way he had been as those steps got loud and louder.

He knew that the person was coming towards his direction; towards him. He was boldly waiting and anticipating who the person could be.

As the sound got louder, it reached a time when he could not hear it anymore, and so,he sensed that the person had come to a halt.

He Could feel the presence of the person and could hear the person's fragrance. Indeed, the person smells familiar.

Given the circumstances surrounding him, he could not fathom who the person was; as his mind was unsettled. His mind was wandering far and near.

Thinking it was fear,it was not!

The person stood behind him, but he did not care about every other thing in the world.

" Hey". After some time, he could hear the trembling voice of the person as she said something. He could sense that the person might be afraid,or just tensed.

He chose not to say anything, but to remain silent. He didn't mind standing there forever.

And to his surprise, it was Aunt Rose!




Aunt Rose had been a very close relative despite the long distance between their homes.

She visited frequently and never for once forgot to come along with chocolate bars as chocolates were Dave's favorite snack.

Dave had been her favorite right from the day he was born although there were unusual circumstances surrounding his birth.

Who wouldn't love and adore Dave?

He was handsome, with a fair but toned skin, smart, intelligent and kind. These and many more were the qualities that made him to be loved by all. Indeed, he was everybody's favorite.

Dave had known Aunt Rose for so many years and he too loved her.

This is because she is kind and buys him chocolate too!

But then, that was not the time for formalities as his world was crumbling before him. So he didn't need to respond at all to what she said.

And then again, she said something which pierced his heart and he didn't know how he felt a deep anger and felt a strange energy captivating him.

As soon as he turned around to look at Aunt Rose, he could see the surprise and fear all written on her face.

All of a sudden, she collapsed and fainted.