
met after

Day after day, Kiaky and Stéphy met in the line, first they just greeted each other but nothing happened, secondly they added a nice smile, thirdly Kiaky didn't feel any pain anymore but then Kiaky took his hand. Something flashed in Kiaky's heart, so Kiaky suddenly found an idea to get his information (Kiaky was praying in his heart, please understand that I love you). It should be noted that Kiaky and Stéphy are not friends yet, but Kiaky said that he took his profile: K=Kiaky S=Stéphy

K: hello, how are you?

S: I'm fine, thank you, and you?

K: I'm fine too, but thank you for asking, I really need it. so what is your news?

S: nothing but now let's go to school, and where are you from?

K: After work, let's go to bed, but we will go back to work in the evening. and did you change your name in Facobook? and I can't find it anymore? then Stéphy answered and was surprised, "Why are we friends on Facebook?" but that's not what she answered me, she said.

S: I didn't change my name, but it's still the "Facebook name he told me without hesitation, because the pride is not in her" still hasn't changed. K: Yes, Kiaky replied because he had already mentioned the first thing. so we said goodbye because Kiaky was in a hurry to look up the name in case he didn't remember it.

During that conversation, however, there was a smile that Kiaky will not forget Stéphy gave her even though she still had no hope that the little prayer would be born? but said Kiaky, Stéphy was not proud of me during that conversation.

So I start hanging it close.

It was midnight, so I went to work. when the facebook invitation was sent, she answered without any pride, for which I thanked her the most because that's where our conversation started.

I don't know if I'm different from all men but I never had the courage to tell her what was in my heart, I doubted, I was afraid, there was a time I almost gave up but I saw that she was not proud of me even though he couldn't talk we're always together, because I'm working and she's studying. Then I saw that she showed me her arrogance towards people. I have decided that I will proceed to the second step of removing her heart, while all this time has lasted for 2 months.

So she said it was hard to pay for all the time I had to convince him in that, but I told him that I don't make a vow for nothing, I don't have a lot of wealth to convince you, but I do have Heart that is invisible, but I saw you and became visible, which made me cling to you, made me tell you now that "I love you"Stéphy.