
A trip into Xenoverse[Dropped]

Edward found himself reincarnated in a seemingly ordinary world with 'unhealthy?' passion for martial arts. Going with the flow, Edward train in martial arts as well, under the tutelage of his foster father, John Krum. It didn't take long for him to found out, the fact that this ordinary looking world, is anything but ordinary. Having won the rite of passage battle, he was given a headstart to the Xenoverse along with a few others outstanding peers. Who would have thought that the Xenoverse.... is that fragile?! Certainly not Edward. A/N : My first uploaded work. English is my third language, so pardon my lack of ability to properly 'visualize' the perfect context to fit the situations. MC will be the very definition of OP from the start and do not read if OP MC isn't your cup of tea. I repeat, this is a fan fiction, and every other characters aside from those I build myself, belongs to their respective maker and series. Enjoy! Yours sincerely, Author and Editor, EvitorEvitor I'm in the process of remastering this book so there will not be an update in the near future. If I do post, I'll be posting it under other book. Sorry for any inconveniences though. I mean it.

Evitor · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Woah! That's a Twist!

If everything went well, I'll be able to meet with Jean Grey in the near future. Judging from Charles's behaviour in the movie, I'm quite sure he would go and ask Jean about me. Then, use the fact that I spare his life because of her to send someone to search for me. Jean would be the one to come. I'm quite sure Scott would come as well, since Jean is his girlfriend.

Anyway, that quo is about to change. Should I kill Scott? No that would be detrimental to my influence on Jean. She'd take me as a ruthless, and cold blooded man. But if I didn't eliminate Scott, Jean won't consider leaving with me.

What if I create a reason for Jean to willingly leave with me? And without her following me, it would cause a disaster to the whole world? Damn, am I a saviour or a destructor?

Too much power could really make a person go crazy. Haizz~ forget it. It's not worth it just to obtain Jean Grey alone. She wasn't that valuable anyway. At most, I'll have her for a night.

As I sips my hot Latté, a loud explosion boomed nearby, startling me. Now that's what I'm talking about.

Yes I can't die in XenoVerse, but I can seal my power and still experience what the herd experience. I can be omniscient but what's the fun having it? I can be invulnerable, but where's the fun with such life?

Excitement is welling up in my heart, and I rush out of the Cafe to see what's the cause of the loud explosion.

I saw the normal citizen of New York fleeing away in horror and panic, desperate to save themself. Amindst the 'current' of the sea of people, I stood like a rock. My eyes were fixed on the massive Rhinobot.

Things start to get better when a human in red, full body suit arrive and confronted the Rhinobot. As the two are locked in a heated battle, I watch on with interest on a high rise building.

The battle were heated as both side proves to be a tough opponent for each other. The Rhinobot boast amazing defensive and power, while the Spiderman is unnaturally agile. Coupled with the ability to sense danger, Spiderman is very annoying to deal with.

It's clear for all to see that Spiderman is losing the battle as the battle dragged on. All of a sudden, a bright laser beam flashed from a direction and impacted the side of Rhinobot. Sending it staggering to the opposite side before crashing down.

"Iron Man? No. That power suit were built using different technology and the outlook design also appear to be vastly different." I muttered. The appearance of the red and blue power suit is unexpected. Now that I think of it, things surely won't exactly follow the plot of movies I've watched. This is real world after all and there's bound to be some difference on fundamental level.

Spiderman and that newcomer teamed up against Rhinobot and manage to take it down not long afterward. The Rhinobot pilot were caught and surrendered to the police.

After the battle ended, I followed the power suit to investigate his identity and see if I can found something about him.


That fight with Spiderman against Rhinobot gave me a considerable amount of EXP and I leveled up several times.

I flew back to my base after the battle, ideas popping up in my mind after that short confrontation.

That Rhinobot has given me some inspiration to upgrade my power suit, but I'm also thinking if I should make a mecha suit while I'm on it. In term of practicality, power suit is way above mecha suit. However, mecha suit is a man's romance. I'll surely make one when I get back!

Beep! Beep!

The suit is flying on autopilot mode because I'm busy reviewing the formula to create a mecha suit, and upgrade parts of my power suit. The beeping sound distract my thoughts and I shift my gaze to the radar.

"I'm being followed? Who's that?" I'm not sure why that person is following me, but he's fast. But he seems to deliberately follow me from a distance.

I'm currently flying at half the speed of sound, but to lose this tail, I put my suit on manual control mode and increase my speed directly to mach 2.

I manage to lose him for a moment, but then he appeared on the radar again. The cycle continued until I realize that the power suit is running out of energy.

"Already?!" I exclaimed as I got distracted in escaping the pursuit of this unknown tracker. Whoever it is, they're good at doing their job.

Two chaps in one morning? Want more? Convince me why I should post more chapter XD

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