
A trip into Xenoverse[Dropped]

Edward found himself reincarnated in a seemingly ordinary world with 'unhealthy?' passion for martial arts. Going with the flow, Edward train in martial arts as well, under the tutelage of his foster father, John Krum. It didn't take long for him to found out, the fact that this ordinary looking world, is anything but ordinary. Having won the rite of passage battle, he was given a headstart to the Xenoverse along with a few others outstanding peers. Who would have thought that the Xenoverse.... is that fragile?! Certainly not Edward. A/N : My first uploaded work. English is my third language, so pardon my lack of ability to properly 'visualize' the perfect context to fit the situations. MC will be the very definition of OP from the start and do not read if OP MC isn't your cup of tea. I repeat, this is a fan fiction, and every other characters aside from those I build myself, belongs to their respective maker and series. Enjoy! Yours sincerely, Author and Editor, EvitorEvitor I'm in the process of remastering this book so there will not be an update in the near future. If I do post, I'll be posting it under other book. Sorry for any inconveniences though. I mean it.

Evitor · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Vremya the Will of Universe

  Emperor Edward would go to another world soon, and after all preparation were made, it's the perfect time for him to spend some quality time with his Harem. As strong as he is, there will never be a guarantee that he would always be safe and out of harm's way. Spending time with his Harem before his dangerous advent is one of his way to calm himself.

"Are you sure you've made enough preparation for this trip, Edward?" A beautiful woman of Edward's Harem voiced her concern.

"I'll be fine, sweet Hermione. I am Emperor Edward Kraus, your strong and reliable husband." Edward laughed loudly as he state his readiness for another dangerous advent.

Hearing Edward's answer, Hermione expression softened and she rest her head on Edward's bare chest again. However, she couldn't help but feel that Edward, her husband, would met with an unavoidable disaster this time around.


In New York city near Continental Hotel, an ordinary looking young man wearing a trench coat could be seen standing in front of the hotel's front door, craning his neck to see the top of the hotel.

"Continental Hotel. Assassin's hub." Edward said with a devious grin on his face.

Several days ago, Edward arrived in this universe, appearing close to Andromeda Galaxy. Scanning the universe map within his mind, Edward pinpointed his location before determining the path he should take to go to Planet Earth.

Without the use of supernatural means, it is impossible for anyone to travel such distance without dying of old age halfway through.

The technological requirements needed to perform space travel are harsh, and not many race could actually achieve such a feat. It is one of the main reason that many race such as humans, to only be limited on the planet. Born and die under the same sky, unable to witness the wonders of the vast universe with their own two eyes.

Alongside the wonder of the universe, is the dread, hidden within the grandness. Dread and wonder are the two side of the same coin. Each has its role, and wonders are meaningless without knowing dread and danger.

"Forget it. It's better if I start moving." Edward shook his head, clearing it from the urge to ponder on philosophy and contradiction.

After determining the direction to planet Earth, Edward tore open the space and travel through wormhole. A feat easy enough to accomplish even with his current level of power. Most of his power are already sealed before he leave the Void. And Edward were relieved that he did what he did, because the moment he step out of the Void, the very space he was on trembled from the "weight" of his power.

After continuously jumping from wormholes for more than 7 times, the moment he step out from another wormhole, he was greeted with the sight of a beautiful, blue and green sphere.

"Planet Earth. I've arrived." Edward couldn't help but smile as he saw the planet in front of his eyes.

He didn't immediately dive toward the planet but chose to burn the image of planet Earth into his mind. He stood still in space for several moments before he's ready to descend.


Before Edward made his first step to descend on planet Earth, the very universe quaked in his eyes. Edward raised his eyebrow witnessing such phenomenon. Whatever it is, this phenomenon isn't natural.

"I see. The Will of Universe." Edward nodded in understanding. As if conforming with his word, a shining humanoid figure emerge from nowhere.

The Will of Universe didn't have a fixed form and it's appearance would change depending on the type and nature of meeting it attends to. In this meeting with Edward, it took on the form of a brightly shining humanoid resembling a woman.

"We, Vremya, the Will of this Universe, are honored, to be graced with the presence of a Being from Beyond" The shining humanoid words sounds like the amalgamation of thousands of voices speaking at once.

Though Edward knew about the Will of Universe from the knowledge he got from [Akashic Record], the fact that this is his first interaction with it couldn't be ruled out. And this is also his first confrontation with supernatural being, as the [Akashic Record] didn't reveal it's existence in front of his eyes.

"Rest assured. My presence here is not to cause disorder and chaos, or the opposite. I'm just having a stroll." Edward calmly states his intention. However, the voice of Vremya creeps him out a little.

"Vremya are forever grateful for your Benevolence, the great Being from Beyond." With that, the shining humanoid bow his head and disappear as fast as it appear.

The Will of Universe's sole reason for it's sudden appearance is to determine Edward's stance. However, that's the extent of it's ability. It couldn't resist even if Edward said that his intention is the opposite from what he stated.

Another one!

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