
I won't make Mistakes

The me who had crossed over, and the me who was already here. Honestly, it all makes sense to me, but I can't at all explain it. In this world, I live as Eluvia Claudius. A Duke's daughter, and the stories' villainess. I'll act it all out, I won't make any mistakes and accept my punishment. I won't fight it, I won't regret it.

Why would I feel sad about receiving punishment? Why would I live out my life as I want in this world? I don't particularly wish for the protagonist of the story to get her happiness. This is only for the author; who I make miserable, who I make happy, I don't give a damn.

I took a look in the mirror. Truly as described in the book. Snow white skin, crimson red eyes and wavy, bright blond hair. My looks are seducing and honestly, I feel like a vixen, but it's already a whole lot better than before. I hear my servant, Alfred, call me. "Young Miss, it's time to leave for school!"

I walked to the carriage with poise, being the Duke daughter, I was created to be. Just before the carriage I turn around and ask my servants, "You haven't forgotten any of my beauty products or my dresses, have you? If so, I'll give you a minute to grab them, or I'll tell Mother and Father."

I smiled dangerously. I would actually punish them, because I have long merged with Eluvia Claudius. I am honestly glad that I merged with her, it makes my act a whole lot more authentic.

I saw my maids running around frantically, every one of them had eyes filled with fear. I looked at my butler Alfred, he had slight disdain in his eyes when looking at me. "Who are those eyes aimed at, Alfred? Surely not me, is it? Otherwise… Nothing, never mind. I'll just dismiss you right here."

His eyes filled with distress and anger. He bowed down. "Please forgive this servant, Young Miss. I shouldn't have looked at you with whatever eyes you saw."

I could feel him sneering. The maids around me chuckled, but this is only right. After all, Eluvia is someone pampered and loved only by her parents. For the rest, she was born as an angel but grew up to be a demon. I aimed my eyes at all the women around me and then my butler. "I see, my dear butler Alfred, praise do tell, what eyes did I see? With what eyes did you see me, Alfred?"

"I only looked at Young Miss with admiration. Your appreciation of beauty never ceases to amaze me."

In other words, he thinks I'm too caught up with beauty and discard ugly things. Well, that is who Eluvia is, so he isn't wrong, but…. "Tell me honestly, Alfred. Otherwise, I won't just discard you, I'll send you to the torture room."

That torture room, it's about as bad as the one in my last life, so I don't like it all too much. Though, I'll push away anyone who tries and stop me.

He gasped. This was a trap, he knew. But he had no choice but step into it, if it activated or not, that would be decided by the badly tempered Young Miss in front of him. "I… I was only looking at Young Miss with admiration! Such is the truth, please don't send me to the torture room!"

"Stop being so frantic. It is shameful. Don't be a disgrace to the Claudius House. As for what you said, I won't send you away for now, but don't let me see it again."

I looked on my pocket watch and glared at Alfred with disdain. "Don't make me lose time to something as useless as this. Now hurry up the carriage, I don't want to be late on my first day of school."

I entered the carriage and we departed. If you were to wonder where my parents were, they are currently living in our capital mansion. The capital is also where my school is, but my school is a boarding school so I probably won't see them all too often.

I looked at the changing view. My butler was sitting in front of me in silence, afraid of attracting my attention.

I was thinking of the role I was made to act out. I was supposed to be first prince's fiancée, I am very attracted to him because of his good looks. I'm very clingy. He won't outright reject me, but he doesn't enjoy me being beside him, so he'll always find a reason to run away.

While running away, he meets the protagonist, a commoner girl. He disdains her at first, but feels at peace when around her. He starts hanging around her, he teases her. Eluvia sees this and starts harassing Lila Aurea. This is found out by the prince and he confronts Eluvia.

He says she is a virus to Upper Society. She is exiled. How cliché… why did I start crying over such a stupid story.

That said, I already felt the tears flowing over my cheeks, not of sadness. I am just too happy that I'm able to give something to the author who gave my life meaning.

Alfred, who was in front of me saw this and didn't know what to do. He didn't feel empathetic to me, he was only afraid that he would be dismissed if he were to make a mistake. "Y-young Miss? Are you alright?"

I smiled happily, and said, "Don't look at me like that! Just get me a handkerchief. Don't worry, I won't dismiss you. Not yet at least…."

This bright smile from his Young Miss, through her tears, somehow, made him feel his ever-so-disgusting Young Miss, seem extremely pure.