
Mission Assignment: B13.

"Commander! We lost communications with mission B13 on planet Guidon." A general from the command center called via hologram, Enzo's eyebrows furrowed as he stopped in the middle of doing research on a project he was working on with another alliance, and colony. Without turning around, he interrupted the uncomfortable silence "Anything regarding what caused us to lose communications?" before continuing to type onto the holographic keyboard in front of him "I'm not sure sir, but we'll look into it. I'll send you the coordinates to where the location was last updated. Shall I communicate with a rescue team? --" The general replied finally, Enzo turned around "Thank you, General Jairgia. But that won't be necessary, I may already have a team in mind. I am glad you and I discussed this." Enzo chuckled giving him a small smile, which was rare to see him smile "Could you send in Mocarr, and the others for me? I need to talk to him, it will be greatly appreciated." He turned back to the keyboard and holographic screen and began typing once again.

"Yes, of course sir." General Jairgia ended the call, from afar Mocarr was leaning against the ship's column nearby. "Well I guess I better get going..." sighing he started to make his way out, the doors automatically opened for him as he exited and went to the meeting room his father was in waiting for them. Marcina and Tanya were there anticipating at the door "Well, look who finally decided to show up." Marcina said arms crossed against her chest as she furrowed her brows, searching a response from him. "Don't accuse me for coming late. There were important matters I had to attend." Mocarr said in response both him and Marcina gave each other deathly stares. "Important matters? More important than this? Oh, what could be more necessary to be here than what you were doing?! Let me guess, slacking off?" Marcina was scolding him, "Marci! Just let him be... it's not that bad." Tanya interrupted her mid-sentence, the doors automatically opened as Commander Enzo exited the room "I was expecting you three...? Where's the other friend of yours Mocarr?" he furrowed his brows as there was a frown across his face "Reese. She'll be coming, she had something to take care of although," Mocarr replied nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Ahh. yes, being the daughter of a botanist isn't easy." Enzo nodded his head, scratching his beard. "Sorry I'm late! There were small issues in the greenhouse." Reese ran up to them. "It's no problem at all. I'm afraid we have to skip through details, but everyone please sit."

A Traveling Mission

Enzo guided the four teenagers into the meeting room, and his office. "A month ago, we sent out a team of four trained soldiers and four researchers to Guidon, mission B13 to be exact." There was a pause in his voice "Guidon is said to be the most dangerously coldest places in the galaxy. I know what you're going to say father. But we can handle it." Mocarr crossed his arms leaning back in his seat, "That's not what I was going to say, but close enough. It's filled with dangerous creatures as well, meaning you four need to be prepared for this rescue mission." Enzo walked around the room, "Which is why you guys need weapons." A voice interrupted, Mocarr's brother, Leo stepped forward. "Sorry to intrude father..." he averted his gaze, giving out a nervous laugh "It is quite alright, my son. We have much to discuss after this rescue mission, but in the meantime... Mocarr you will be leading this mission with you and your friends, alone." Enzo said with a more serious tone in his voice, Mocarr stood up a stern look on his face "We won't let you down father. I promise you, this mission will be successful, and we will safely bring back the team from mission B13." He stated, nodding his head with a smile forming across his face. "Good. I know you won't let me down Mocarr, I trust you and your brother enough." Enzo folded his arms, leaning back in his chair "My son, you are old enough to pilot and lead your own team by now." He said. Mocarr was standing up half the time during the meeting, leaning against the wall time-to-time. Giving them enough information about the mission and the dangers of this planet, called 'Guidon'. "I am pleased to say that, you are most likely accountable for leading this mission on your own. Of course, with some help from your friends Mocarr." Standing up from his seat. He placed both his hands on Mocarr's and Leo's shoulders, "I have my full trust in you both." He paused, "Leo. I'm counting on you to find them weapons suitable enough for this mission…as much as I don't want any weapons involved, it's for the best." he whispered to him, while Mocarr and his friends were chattering about. "Of course, father. I'll collect the safest and effective weapons on board." Leo said with a nod, "You have my full trust then Leo." Enzo went silent for a moment before speaking up "You all may be dismissed now. One of the generals shall send you the coordinates in the ship. Now does anyone have questions? " as he said that, Reese was the first to ask a question "I'm sorry sir. But may I ask. What ship will we be flying? So, we don't go onto the wrong ship that is." Everyone in the room nodded their heads as if they were going to ask the same question. "That is a great question. You'll be flying the Atlas IX. It was updated recently, and I made sure our engineers made it safe for flying." Enzo responded, no one yet had anymore questions.

"T-The...Atlas IX? We're finally ready to fly it?!" Mocarr perked up as he was standing, "Yes my son. You and your friends are ready. I've had Leo watching you in your flight training just in case any mission is coming your way. And I know for a fact, you are indeed ready to fly. I even asked the commander in charge of the program to see everyone's progress. And I am quite impressed. Especially with you my son.." Enzo smiled warmly, Mocarr immediately hugged him (ignoring the professionalism) "Thank you.. dad. We won't let you down, I promise you!" Mocarr stepped back, saluting to him "U... Uh, sorry..I forgot. That was unprofessional. —" Mocarr was interrupted by Enzo's hearty-laugh. "Unprofessional for a son to hug his father? That's ridiculous. Come here you two." Enzo brought both of his sons into a hug, "Welll.. we'll see you at the deck!!" Marcina said with a laugh, running out with Tanya and Reese following behind her. "They better not speak of this…" Mocarr said under his breath, pulling away from the hug, along with his brother. "Oh, knowing them. The news will fly around fast brother." Leo snickered with a big grin across his face. "Not until I stop one of them first." Mocarr said confidently with a smile on his face, "Don't get too cocky Mocarr. Someday, you'll be proven wrong little brother." Leo snickered with a smirk forming "Oh shut up. I'll smack that smirk off your face someday Leo." Mocarr glared up at his brother "Ohh? If you're still growing that is." Leo grinned widely, earning a death glare from his brother Mocarr. "I hate you even more, just for saying that." Mocarr said through gritted teeth. "Boys. Don't make me bring in you-know-who.." Their argument was interrupted by their father, with a stern look. Both Leo and Mocarr fell silent, "Did dad just threaten us with calling mom on us?" Mocarr whispered to Leo, laughing nervously as he and his older brother sweatdropped. They weren't aware that their father pressed a button on his hologram, whom had a grin on their face this time. "I swear, what is it this time Enzo?" A feminine raspy voice echoed through the hologram, sounding a bit unamused "Britt, your children won't stop bickering." Enzo simply stated with a straight face, as he turned around looking at the different screen scrolling through ancient scribes found on planets. "Are. You. Being serious? This was what you called me for? I'm in the middle of organizing medications for Mocarr's and his friends' mission as well for everyone else here, and I had to stop just to answer your call. Due to the fact they were bickering?" Britt, Leo and Mocarr's mother said, obviously trying to remain calm, Enzo slowly nodded at her words. there was another voice in the background "Look, boys. I get that everyone is uneasy about the mission, but we all argue over dumb things. Now if you excuse me.. I have a patient to tend to." Britt declared, before the holographic call was put to an end. There was a speaker that started going off, "Leo and Mocarr Jaenke to the boarding deck. I repeat Leo and Mocarr Jaenke, to the boarding deck please.--Thank you." the voice was from one of the generals. "That's our cue to go—come on Leo!" Mocarr grabbed him by the arm as they made their way out of the meeting room quickly. "I'll meet you both there--and they're gone."