
A Trap in a Lewd Dungeon

Have you ever wondered what would become of you once you died. When the last vestiges of your existence is wiped from the universe. Well if you have then you've thought more than I did. As I was what one would see and say that he only lived in the moment, chasing the most recent highs and wasting a life away in silence. Yet when it all ended I found myself in a black void, a voice telling me of wondrous things. Of people turned heroes by a mysterious system, of a place where all could happen. I was excited, to be able to become one of those but my luck it would seem had not turned as I was not to be one of those heroes but the opposite really. A villain, one whose only purpose was to be the stepping stones of a burgeoning hero. NO... NO I say to that fate I would not be just another common mob, waiting for my inevitable death. I had dreams beyond that, beyond anything that this damned system had made for me. I had died alone, with no one to mourn me, but most importantly I had died without ever knowing the touch of a woman. And it may have been for that very reason that I had overcome my limits, taking the power the system gave to me and jailbreaking it. Taking it upon me to be the lewdest dungeon. Instead of being the whetstone for a hero I would be the bad end. The final villain that none could overcome. Yes, that was to be my purpose. But why... why was I given such a body. I had become so cute, a body that would topple countries with its cuteness, I didn't want to be that, I wanted to be the muscular demon lord at the end of the road. SO WHY!

SpacesSnips · ファンタジー
233 Chs


"Come on you wuss, just go in there. It's not like anything is going to happen." A young man said, his spiky hair glistening in the sun, as if to say that he was a delinquent.

He pushed his foot over another man, or more accurately a teen. Throwing the boy into the random cave that they had found.

It was all in good fun, that was what they thought at least.

As upon entering themselves they found themselves stranded.

The exit was nowhere in sight and all that lead ahead of them was a dark cavern.

Nothing lit it up. There was no torch, no fire or light.

"Shit man. Wha- what the fuck is this?" Another said, his head as bald as could be, except for a little gift in the back of his head.

Should you shine a light upon him he would shine like the sun, yet a dark tuft would block that out.

His two jokers in the front seems to denote his cowardice as he backed away.

The bullied kid that they had thrown into the cave before them reappeared.

Yet he was haunted. His clothes were torn. Scratch marks upon them.

If one were to look closer as the leader of the group did, they would have seen acid marks.

"You fucker!" He yelled, "what is this, what did you do" snarling the lead found himself nervous.

"I- I-"

"Stop stuttering and talk you bastard!"

"I don't know!"

A slap echoed through the cavern, it seemed that the coward had grown a spine and slapped the delinquent.

"You dare…" the delinquent snarled.

But before he could do anything a rumbling echoed through th e cave.

A stumbling bald man using his phone for light saw where he had stepped.

A trigger.

He gulped before being consumed by arrows.

They pierced his body and left him looking like a porcupine.

"What- WHAT THE FUCK!" The lead delinquent yelled. The noise drawing in the slimes that had been watching them.

They were giant and approached menacingly.

"Fuck! Ok dude, let's put aside our differences for now to survive"

The delinquent said, trying to salvage the situation at least a bit.

"Oh- Ok" the coward said, grabbing the phone in the ground and pointing it towards the cave.

They started to run, the slimes slow in their bouncing.

They shot globs of acid but most were not accurate and the one at hat would hit were dodged easily.

"Help…" a weak voice croaked and the delinquent immediately turned.

Only to see a pretty girl torn up and hurt.

His chivalry warred with his survival instincts.

But eventually his chivalry won out and he picked up the girl.

She had white hair and was half his size, she had a pretty face. One that could topple nations with how pitiful and cute she looked.

"Over there, then that way…" she croaked out again.

And the delinquent and coward followed her instructions.

They turned the corner and fell down.

A roar echoed out of their lips as the pain consumed them.

Spikes had torn their limbs asunder and rendered them useless.

I waited and waited, almost getting bored. That was until I heard the screams. The sound of flesh being torn asunder.

'Good work you slimy boys' I thanked as I practiced my expression. They were doing gods work, terrifying the visitors that had come into my little cave.

I smiled as I found myself having only to wait. There was little to do. I had already memorized the path that I needed to direct them to and how I was going to attract them.

[Your |trap| has killed an ordinary human.]

[Gain |50xp| ]

I grinned as I felt a warmth wash over me. It felt like it would be able to strengthen me. Yet it was just not enough.

I found myself salivating over the people here. From what the slimes had said there was three of them meaning that I would have enough to level up once and more.

'Hm~" Is that them, it was the pounding of footsteps that drew my attention. They were running with abandon.

And soon I could see the flashlight in their hands shine over the cave.

"Help…" I croaked out, trying to sound as pitiful as possible.

And it had worked. The delinquent looking one picked me up and started to run.

I was a bit worried when he had looked over me with hesitation but was satisfied once I had been picked up.

Slimes caught up to us. They were on our tail but I knew too well that they weren't going to do anything.

I wanted to try out my traps and my will shall be done.

"Over there, then that way…" I directed.

A moment later and a latch was flicked. The floor falling out from under us.

I wormed my way from the boys grip and turned my trajectory to the side where a slime had caught me.

It bounced to the ground and I found myself looking at them. The blood that ran down their bodies.

I couldn't say if they were lucky or not as the spike trap had only pierced their legs and arms, nothing fatal right now.

But judging by the looks the slimes were giving, I think that death would have been preferable for them at least.

I just nodded watching that they were taken from the trap and deposited in the stomach of the slimes.

It belched a weird sound before sighing and going back to its friends.

"Make sure to kill one at least"

The slime did a little nod and bounced off. It was cute in its own way. Even if it was going to do something traumatic to them.

Instincts, I could tell.

Let's just hope those slimes aren't gay or something.

I shivered in horror at what could be coming for them. I mean I was a lewd dungeon master and they could have taken after me and… and…

I couldn't even finish the sentence. I really was starting to pity them. Maybe I should have just killed them.