
Chapter 2: An Old Man's Sight

The sun pierces through the cracks of the old building stinging Kid in the eye thus waking him up like every other morning. he rolls out of the makeshift cot filled with bruised and batter hay and worn cotton. He makes his way to the shoreline to breath in the morning ocean breeze only to be interrupted by Marsen's heavy panting.

"Ki....huh huff Kid, the old man... he wants ya right now. He made me run all night long whilst carrying bottom rocks...." Marsen barely able to get the words out from breathing so heavy, Kid gives a pat on the back with the look of you'll survive on his face.

The Old Man, as the name implies is nearing the rough age of 78 and with any body's guess nearing death soon, The old man has been taking care of Kid for the majority of his whole life, just like Dogbite, Kid never was given a name only because he didn't have parents around that could name him.

Kid make my way past the farm fields and wave at the farmers, everybody in the lower class knew who Kid was manly because he was the helping hand in a lot of subjects. Farming, smithing, or even monster subjection. About 15 minutes of walking from the shoreline and into a lite forest you'll find a cabin, not in the best condition but it keeps the rain out. Inside is where The Old Man lives who pretty much only reads or sleeps.

Before Kid can even knock on the door The Old Man yells "Come in."

"What's this about Old Man." Kid asks in a annoyed voice.

The old man with a book in his hand and a shawl wrapped around him to stay warm. "I hear you and Marsen are up too no good nowadays. Have my teachings been fading your mind?"

"I think you've mistaken your teachings with cruel training." Kid replies in a snappy voice.

The Old Man closes the book and lightly sets it down, he grabs his walking stick and struggles to stand up, Kid feeling bad for his attitude towards him comes and gives a helping hand.

Kid tilts his head down "I'm sorry lately I've been on edge."

"Worry not my son, I know you all too well, you want to leave and see the world for what it offers, unfortunately I forbid it, you're not ready for what's out there." The Old Man pats Kid on the head "Now I really don't care about 7 silver pieces, what I care about is how you let someone like Grimco a drunk to be able to cut you, that's why I had you called here."

Knowing what happens next Kid immediately jumps back from The Old Man and prepares a defensive stance, while etching slowly backwards towards the door he hears a slight crack of a old dry leaf and kicks the door open just barely grazing Dogbite.

Dogbite and Kid were both trained under The Old Man's teachings, neither one of them were given favor teachings both on the same level as each other. However Kid was always lazy in his ways and Dogbite was always earnest and hard-working.

"You're still lacking Kid, I can see how Grimco managed to cut you." Dogbite tuants Kid into trying to anger him

"Dogbite, as loyal as always that's one of your many attractive features, let's say we fought you won and I walk away without blood on the only cleans clothes I got left?" Kid retorts trying to bait Dogbite.

Dogbite walks next to a tree and pushes her self off it at with amazing strength at an almost impossible speed to dodge, Kid quickly braces for impact as she hits Kid in the left shoulder he is sent flying back almost 15 feet slamming into a young and thin tree snapping it in half

Kid collects himself and grabs a part of the tree branch that was broken "I'm sorry for having to use you." Kid chucks the tree branch at a significant speed towards Dogbite, she punches the tree branch with ease only too see Kid was below her, the branch was a distraction for a barrage set up, she tries to cover her face but instead is hit with a cheapshot to the base of her tail.

"We've fought too many times now you should know I could never hurt that pretty face, us humans are no where able to match your beastkin strength, so we have to resort to our physical durability and cunning tactics." Kid explains to Dogbite.

"How can someone as lazy as you be able to beat--" She notices Kids broken arm "YOU FUCKING FOOL!" She shouts at him "sacrificing your arm for a simple task of sparring?!?"

Kid notices a tear in her eye and looks away "It's fine, Liliana can just heal it up, I'll visit her, however I think I better face the wrath of The Old Man first." Kid walks over towards The Old Man with no words left to be said Kid is immediately hit with a jolt of magic to the chest by The Old Man.

Without even a sound of pain or groan Kid faints, Dogbite sees Kid carried away to presumably to the Orphanage where Liliana a healer resides. Dogbite stands up and walks over to The Old Man "Why must you always hurt him that way, what even was that jolt?"

The Old Man with one eye glazed over and the other barely able to see, stares at Dogbite only to say "You did well." He grabs his book and goes back to reading. That was the first time she's ever heard those words or even looked into the eyes of The Old Man only to see a fading light of hope or maybe.. a chance of redemption.

End Chapter.