
A tragic fabula

Her realities have switched. In both worlds, she has to work hard to survive. To which world does she really belong to?

yuihisa · ファンタジー
15 Chs


What was that?

I took a deep breath. My vision was still blurry. It took me a long time to be able to wake up.

As my vision became clearer, I noticed that I was laying in a bed.

The ceiling is...


As soon as I remembered what happened, I straightened.

The bed sheets were far different, than the ones at home. It was neon green? Who has neon green bed sheets? Like, come on.

I looked around, just to see that the whole room was with neon colours. But it had still the old, noble style.

I noticed, that the room was huge. The ceiling was really high. There was not much. A bed against the wall, which faced the door.

In front of the huge window, which was a few steps away right next to the bed, there was a desk. The left side of the bed was empty.

There was another huge window right next to the first. There was a table, with three chairs.

Where is this place?

I immediately remembered what happened, before I got here.

That man seemed like a knight. His uniform was pretty obvious. I also saw a crest right above his chest.

It feels like I know him from some where.

Did I travel through time?

Apparently my name is Zephyra.

Where else did I hear this name ?

Calm down. Think straight. What could have happened?

Either this is a very long dream.. But I already did the reality check! It is too real to be just a dream.

Or... Did I die? Beginning another life? Reincarnation?

But I woke up in this almost outgrown body.

What happened to the book?

I looked under the bed sheets to check if it was there. But I couldn't find it. Sun rays shone through the huge windows. I assumed, it was now in the afternoon.

I heard steps. Just outside the door, the floor squeaked. Someone was in front of the door. The person knocked two times.

I hesitated but before I could answer at all, the door flew open and a girl, with a short hair cut, one or two years older than me rushed in. The other person who I assumed was the one who knocked, also came in.

It was a woman, with a high ponytail in her twenties.

The girl raced towards me and gave me a tight hug.

"Lady Zephyra!", she let out a cry. I almost couldn't breathe.

"Mina, let go of the Lady, she just came to her senses!", the woman behind her warned Mina.

She let go and looked at me, as if she was checking me out. She was worried.

The girl now had tears on her cheeks.

"My Lady, you don't know how worried we were! Just what happened to you?", Mina said, while wiping away her tears.

The other woman also looked at me worried and questioning where I was.

Where was I?

What am I supposed to tell them?

"I guess I got lost, while I was strolling", I said.

Good. This sounds plausible.

"I'm just so happy, that you're here again my Lady", Mina said. The woman behind had a smile on her face, probably because she was also happy about me being here again.

I should ask them about the book.

"Yeah I'm also happy to be here. But did you perhaps see the book I was carrying while taking a stroll?"

"Now that you are mentioning it, the knight brought a book with a red cover", the woman behind Mina said.

"Could you bring it to me?", I asked, hoping she would go and bring it to me now.

"Of course", she said, walked towards the door and smiled again before closing it.

Somehow I have to get information about this world. Although this will be risky, I have to try it.


"Yes, Lady Zephyra?"

Zephyra. That name again.

"The following things may sound as if I've gone crazy but can you tell me who I am, and tell me about this world?", I asked.

Hopefully this will work. Who asks something stupid like this? Ugh. Anyway, I have to try it.

"My Lady, did you injure yourself?"

"I'm suspecting, that I might have quiet of a memory loss. I ask you not to tell anybody about it. Can you do that for me?"



Did I get overboard?

Will she believe me?

"I get it. I'll give my best in do everything my Lady asks me for!", she said motivated.

Phew. Hopefully she will answer all of my questions.

"Now tell me, what kind of person am I?"

"My Lady is... She is quiet different."

"What do you mean with that?", I asked.

"U-Uhm... Well to put it into nice words...No uhm... I know! I will begin with your status! You are the daughter of the grand duke Barrey Wilhemson Newburgh. You have one older brother, Penin Newburgh and one younger brother, Zack Newburgh. And now you're in the West Mansion."

So the so-called Lady Zephyra is a duke's daughter?

"There are more mansions?"

"two more, to be exact."

No wonder this room seems so big.

"Then tell me about my personality", I demanded.

"I mean, I assume I'm more than a wild person", I added, while looking at the walls, which looked like they were marked with a yellow highlighter.

"Yes, you have a unique taste. That's why..."

"Yes? Say it."

"... That's why most of the noble ladies find you quiet disturbing", she said, looking at me nervously.

Hmm, for now that's not the biggest problem.

I got to know, who Mina is. Mina is my so-called personal maid.

And the other woman is Marriel, the head maid.

I demanded Mina to start the preparations of changing my room.

Of course it was suspicious, since the first thing I want to change is my room.

I'm going to do these things slowly, so they won't ask anything about my sudden change.

I also have to ask about my relatives and the people I hang out with, so if they're going to come to me, they won't think I'm someone else.

I also have to get to know myself. Ugh! This sounds so weird.

While I was waiting for Mina to return, Marriel came back to give me the book.

"Lady Zephyra, here your book."

"Thank you Marriel. Well, do you know where the grand du-I mean my father is?"

"He is as usual with His Highness."

"His Higness?", I asked suprised and thereupon she nodded.

So we live in a monarchy. I have to ask Mina more about this later.

"May I excuse myself my Lady?"

"Yes, of course." I said.

"Oh one last thing, could you bring a notebook or something like a diary?"

"Of course my Lady", she said and soon she was gone.

In order not to get crazy, I have to note all the things I know down.

The fantasy novel was now in my hands and I was about to turn to the first page when someone knocked on the door. I immediately closed the book. I didn't know why I reacted like that. It was only a novel. Or I couldn't trust anyone in this world. Yet hopefully.

"Come in", I said.

30 Minutes passed. During this time, Marriel came, gave me a brand new notebook. After that she excused herself and Mina came in.

The sun was almost gone. There was a balcony, but I couldn't bring myself to go there.

I was scared.

Terrified of these unknown people.

Of this yet unknown place and this world.

"So, let's continue with our conversation Mina", I said, trying to smile.

"Yes, Lady Zephyra", she said.

My stomach growled. I got a little embarassed.

"My Lady, I will bring your dinner, do you want to eat here or with your brothers?"


According to them, I have two brothers.

But I'm not ready to face them yet.

What if I'm too obvious in 'not being Lady Zephyra'?

"I'd rather dine here alone today. Meanwhile we could talk", I said.

A couple of minutes later, Mina returns with a tray full of food.

My mouth watered as I saw it.

There was rice with minced meatballs and curry. Additionally there was salad. Also a glass water was on the tray.

Soon, I started to eat.

It was so delicious. I could feel how the meat melted in my mouth.

"So, Mina. I want you to show me around in this mansion tomorrow.", I started, hoping she'll believe my lie.

"Lady Zephyra. Did you lost that much of your memories?", she saddened.

"Unfortunately, yes. That's why for now, I'm going to trust you. There will be consequences, if you somehow manage to break my trust", I said, giving her a light death glare.

I'm sorry Mina.

I'm doing this just to make sure that I can believe you.

I want to trust you.

So please, try to keep up.

"Y-Yes, my Lady, how dare I, a merely maid come against you?", she said nervous.

She was scared that I might do something to her. Hurt her. Did the previous Lady Zephyra hurt her?

"So back to the topic. Do I have any close friends, or even a fiancé?", I asked.

As far as I know, it was pretty normal back then to marry at a young age. But because I don't know how old 'Lady Zephyra' is and in what for a world I'm in, I have no choice but to ask.

"My Lady, you did not even have your coming of age ceremony. The grand duke decided, it would be best for you, to not marry before the ceremony.", She said.

So that means, I'm seventeen years old. Like in my original body, back home...

Will I be able to return?

"Recently , you've been good friends with the second princess and the duke's daughter of the Bellen family.", she said.

"Tell me their names.", I said.

"Nieva Bellen is the daughter of Duke Moran Bellen and the second princess Aelia", she said.




This can't be true.

"Tell me, what is this place, this country, this continent or whatever it is, called?", I demanded, not ready for what has yet to come.


"Mina, just tell me already!", I shouted.

I could feel how my blood pressure increased.

"The great Kalindi Empire", she said.


"M-My Lady, what is wrong? Your face became suddenly so pale! Should I get you something?", she asked, not knowing what I was thinking.

"Mina. Thank you. You may leave", I said, turning my face towards the glass door of the balcony, trying not to show any emotions.

"As you wish", she said before leaving.

After I heard the door klick, I could finally be myself again.


"This can't be true. This has to be a joke. Haha, where is the damn camera", I muttered.


What in the blazing hells.

I'm about to get insane.

How is this possible.

How did I not notice?

How could I be so dumb, to ignore all of these signs?


She is the second princess of the Kalindi Empire.

She is the protagonist of the red covered fantasy book I got from the book store.